Books by Mercedes García Plata - Gómez, 2023
Est e libro recoge parte de las comunicaciones que se presentaron en el congreso internacional or... more Est e libro recoge parte de las comunicaciones que se presentaron en el congreso internacional organizado por el grupo de investigación CREC de la Universidad Sorbonne Nouvelle en abril de 2021. De la ciudad a la nación: una aproximación a la canción española profundiza en la relación entre canción y territorio. Sus capítulos, que barajan distintos géneros canoros (canción de autor, canción popular, copla, rock, sevillanas, etc.), estudian la canción como
Depuis quelques années, historiens et autres spécialistes de l’Espagne interrogent le discours tr... more Depuis quelques années, historiens et autres spécialistes de l’Espagne interrogent le discours très souvent binaire qui a été porté sur l’histoire de la Péninsule et qui a participé à la construction d’un imaginaire manichéen. Les séminaires organisés par le CREC de 2013 à 2018 ainsi que les articles réunis ici s’inscrivent dans cette démarche et proposent d’analyser des champs relevant du politique et de l’esthétique à travers le prisme des antagonismes.
Cet ouvrage est ainsi l’occasion de revenir sur les systèmes et discours fondés sur le versus afin d’en comprendre les enjeux et les modalités. Il s’attache également à étudier les groupes ou phénomènes considérés comme mineurs et qui contredisent ou nuancent, la prétendue hétérogénéité des blocs érigés par des lectures binaires.
Au-delà de la dualité : repenser les antagonismes de l’Espagne contemporaine (XIX e – XXI e siècles) , 2019
Capítulo de libro publicado en la obra colectiva: Au-delà de la dualité : REPENSER LES ANTAGONISM... more Capítulo de libro publicado en la obra colectiva: Au-delà de la dualité : REPENSER LES ANTAGONISMES DE L'ESPAGNE CONTEMPORAINE (XIXE-XXIE SIÈCLES

In 1881, Antonio Machado y Álvarez (1846-1893) was inspired by European models, in particular the... more In 1881, Antonio Machado y Álvarez (1846-1893) was inspired by European models, in particular the theoretical assumptions and institutional organisation of the Folk-Lore Society, to promote the institutionalisation of folklore as a discipline in Spain. However, his family heritage, marked by liberal patriotism, progressive and scientific commitment – his father was Darwin's introducer in Spain - determines his conception and approach to folklore. His federalist republicanism led him not to choose the British model of a centralized society, but to create a federal network of regional folkloric societies, more adapted, in his opinion, to the cultural and territorial reality of Spain. His sympathy for the people — his pseudonym was Demófilo — also impregnates his methodological approach: his emblematic tool is the creation of traditional topographical maps which, according to him, have the double advantage of searching in traditional memory for the sources of a more democratic history, connecting territory and history, and of highlighting territorial cultural diversity, understood as a source of cohesion and regeneration. His unifying ambition is also reflected in the project he proposes Giuseppe Pitrè, Teófilo Braga and Paul Sébillot to found a confederation of Latin folklore societies, conceived as a progressive and democratic counterweight to the British concept of discipline.
This book thus places man, his intellectual trajectory and his popular and idealistic model both in the spanish cultural history of 19th century and in the history of ethnographic knowledge in Europe.
This book is on free download :
Study session by Mercedes García Plata - Gómez

This project focuses on ethnographic accounts from the Long Nineteenth Century, either based on f... more This project focuses on ethnographic accounts from the Long Nineteenth Century, either based on fieldwork or borrowing descriptive and comparative data on "peoples and nations" from first-hand reports by travelers and other in situ observers. Adopting a widely inclusive transnational perspective, this project explores European and extra-European intellectual traditions. It envisages early ethnographic studies as a fundamental part of the history of anthropology and ethnography». The Boasian school and the "Malinowskian revolution" (Jarvie 1964) have equated ethnography with fieldwork. Since then, with Anglo-American anthropology emerging as a major research tradition, ethnography worldwide has been considered valid only when based on fieldwork. This assumption has led to a marginalization of earlier (or different) conceptions of ethnography, which have been mostly ignored or sidelined. As demonstrated in Before Boas (Vermeulen 2015), ethnography emancipated during the eighteenth century out of moral history, or historia civilis, and mostly consisted of a research program for describing and comparing cultural and social aspects of ethnic groups and nationalities. In 1740, the German historian Gerhard Friedrich Müller urged colleagues to carry out a "Völker-Beschreibung" in Northern Asia, with Völker in the plural: "a description of peoples". In 1767 and 1771, German historians coined the terms ethnographia and Ethnographie. The Austrian historian of Slovak origin Adam František Kollár defined ethnologia in 1783 as "notitia gentium populorumque": a study of peoples and nations. When the subject was introduced in England in 1834, George Long translated ethnography as "nation-description". In 1871 Edward Burnett Tylor used the expression "rational ethnography" to denote the scientific study of culture, envisaging this field of enquiry as a "branch" of ethnology.
Colloque international (CREC EA 2292 - Sorbonne Nouvelle
Papers by Mercedes García Plata - Gómez
De la ciudad a la nación: un acercamiento a la canción española contemporánea, Madrid, Sílex, 2023

Les réseaux : (d)écrire les liens, (dé)construire des relations, textes réunis par Hélène Frison et Marie Salgues, Publication du CREC, Collection « Les travaux du CREC en ligne », ISSN 1773-0023, n° 14,, 2023
- Known as Folk-Lore, thanks to the neologism coined in 1845 by W. J. Thoms, the field of study o... more - Known as Folk-Lore, thanks to the neologism coined in 1845 by W. J. Thoms, the field of study of ethnographic knowledge was organised around a network of individuals who gradually formed an embryonic scientific community working towards the institutional recognition and empowerment of the discipline. Antonio Machado y Álvarez, an active member of this European folklorist movement between 1879 and 1889, was also a central figure in the network he set up to institutionalize the discipline in Spain between 1881 and 1888. The analysis of his relational cartography, from the period of his initial formation to his intellectual maturity, is thus a tool to explore the functionality of the network in the structuring of an emerging scientific community and in the institutionalization of the folkloric discipline, a historical stage at the origin of the modern human sciences.
- Key words: Antonio Machado y Álvarez – Folklore – Relational Cartography – Folklorist Network – Scientific Community

beric@l, n°21, 2022
The drastic reduction in tourist flows due to the Covid-19 pandemic during the year 2020 caused a... more The drastic reduction in tourist flows due to the Covid-19 pandemic during the year 2020 caused an unprecedented collapse of the flamenco economy in all its sectors of activity. The fact shows the extent to which the cultural industry of flamenco, registered in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2010, depended to a large extent on that “other” foreigner who came in search of what was promised by stereotypes since the 19th century. By focusing on a contemporary chronology from 1950 to 2020, a period that corresponds both to the artistic and institutional recognition of flamenco at the regional, national and international levels and to the growing development of Spain as a tourist destination, this article aims to show how flamenco crystallises the solidly anchored stereotypes inherited from the 19th century, identity claims and the economic issues linked to the tourist windfall.
Key words: flamenco – Andalusia – Spanish image – identities - tourism
FLAMME n°2, 2022
This article presents the study and translation of the alboreás recorded by Rafael Romero for the... more This article presents the study and translation of the alboreás recorded by Rafael Romero for the Antología del cante flamenco directed by Perico el del Lunar (Hispavox, [1954] 1958). The translation of this song, the inventory of the variants of the coplas that make it up and their systematic classification have brought to light various thematic motifs that the so-called "three roses" copla (the most widely recorded and broadcast) had not immediately revealed. The commentary of this anthology song — it was the first time that alboreás, usually reserved for gypsy weddings, had appeared on a sound recording — thus provides the necessary contextual elements to understand it, particularly on how the wedding ritual is carried out.

L’Âge d’or , 2019
A. Machado y Álvarez, son of naturalist A. Machado y Núñez and grand-nephew of A. Durán, the com... more A. Machado y Álvarez, son of naturalist A. Machado y Núñez and grand-nephew of A. Durán, the compiler of the Romancero general, intends to institutionalise scientific folklore in Spain according to the paradigm of the British anthropological school. His intellectual and family heritage, together with his federalist republican convictions and his concern to regenerate Spanish intellectual life, led him to adapt this exogenous model to Spanish social reality and to conceive of folklore as a scientific tool capable of influencing the construction of the national imaginary. However, his failure to carry out this institutionalisation at the end of the first decade of the Monarchic Restoration is indicative of the tensions and balances of power at play at that time in the construction of the national imaginary in Spain, torn between different antagonistic styles.
Keywords: Folklore - national imaginary - traditional topographic maps - territory - history

La chanson dans l'Espagne contemporaine (XIXe-XXIe siècles). Variations, appropriations, métamorphoses, 2020
Looking for a creative way of insurrection, some activist collectives connected to the Andalusian... more Looking for a creative way of insurrection, some activist collectives connected to the Andalusian assemblies of the Indignant (known as 15-M) made flamenco part of their fight, using it to promote a playful protest. These new protesting practives are a sign of the resurgence of associating flamenco to politics, as did the « flamenco protesta » in the last decade of franquism. With the analysis of a corpus of Youtube videos made by 3 different collectives of the Indignant, this article studies the notions of « appropriation » and « variation » of flamenco, integrated to their anti-establishment actions. The analysis of the variations of language and gesture that they introduce to flamenco shows how this collectives elaborate, actualising tradition, a new protestive language to figure the antagonism (the « we » representing the indignant citizens opposed to the discredited institutions) at heart of their fighting strategy.
Flamenco — Indignant ¬— 15-M ¬— Artivism ¬— Creative way of insurrection
Books by Mercedes García Plata - Gómez
Cet ouvrage est ainsi l’occasion de revenir sur les systèmes et discours fondés sur le versus afin d’en comprendre les enjeux et les modalités. Il s’attache également à étudier les groupes ou phénomènes considérés comme mineurs et qui contredisent ou nuancent, la prétendue hétérogénéité des blocs érigés par des lectures binaires.
This book thus places man, his intellectual trajectory and his popular and idealistic model both in the spanish cultural history of 19th century and in the history of ethnographic knowledge in Europe.
Study session by Mercedes García Plata - Gómez
Papers by Mercedes García Plata - Gómez
- Key words: Antonio Machado y Álvarez – Folklore – Relational Cartography – Folklorist Network – Scientific Community
Key words: flamenco – Andalusia – Spanish image – identities - tourism
Keywords: Folklore - national imaginary - traditional topographic maps - territory - history
Flamenco — Indignant ¬— 15-M ¬— Artivism ¬— Creative way of insurrection
Cet ouvrage est ainsi l’occasion de revenir sur les systèmes et discours fondés sur le versus afin d’en comprendre les enjeux et les modalités. Il s’attache également à étudier les groupes ou phénomènes considérés comme mineurs et qui contredisent ou nuancent, la prétendue hétérogénéité des blocs érigés par des lectures binaires.
This book thus places man, his intellectual trajectory and his popular and idealistic model both in the spanish cultural history of 19th century and in the history of ethnographic knowledge in Europe.
- Key words: Antonio Machado y Álvarez – Folklore – Relational Cartography – Folklorist Network – Scientific Community
Key words: flamenco – Andalusia – Spanish image – identities - tourism
Keywords: Folklore - national imaginary - traditional topographic maps - territory - history
Flamenco — Indignant ¬— 15-M ¬— Artivism ¬— Creative way of insurrection
Bandolero – literary bandit – incrimination – criminal figure – Andalusian banditry
The second and third part of the thesis apply this analytical progression to Camarón de la Isla’s artistic career and recordings, between 1969 and 1992 so as to study the evolution of contemporary flamenco. The analysis shows that, thanks to a new compact between the artist and this audience, both in terms of listening and culture, Camarón de la Isla has enjoyed success among a public from a wider range of culture, social and ethnic backgrounds. The artist has then become the star of contemporary flamenco, a genre half-way between the tradition it stems from and show-business, owing to the commercializing system it leads to.
Comité organisateur :
Marion Billard, Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3
Alicia Fernández García, Université Paris 8
Ivanne Galant, Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3
Vinciane Garmy-Trancart, Université de Limoges
Mercedes Gómez-García Plata, Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3
José Rafael Ramos Barranco, Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3