Université de Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3
Nuclear Structure
In-beam gamma-ray and conversion electron spectroscopic studies have been performed on the 253 No nucleus. A strongly coupled rotational band has been identified and the improved statistics allows an assignment of the band structure as... more
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New high-statistics data have been obtained on the decay properties of 253 No and its daughters using the reaction 207 Pb(48 Ca, 2n) 253 No. This was made possible thanks to an improved transmission of fusion-evaporation residues through... more
An in-beam study has been performed to further investigate the known isomeric decays and to identify T = 1 excited states in the medium-heavy N = Z = 33 nucleus 66 As. The fusion-evaporation reaction 40 Ca(28 Si,pn) 66 As was employed at... more
Neutron-induced reactions on 196 Pt were studied over the neutron energy range from 1 to 250 MeV. A ''white'' neutron beam was provided by the spallation neutron source of the Weapons Neutron Research facility at the Los Alamos Neutron... more
Lifetime measurements have been made in the ground-state band of the transitional nucleus 138 Gd from coincidence recoil-distance Doppler-shift data. 138 Gd nuclei were produced using the 106 Cd (36 Ar, 2p2n) reaction with a beam energy... more
The quasicontinuous spectra associated with the decay of the superdeformed bands in 192,194 Pb have been extracted. The rapid rise in the ␥-ray intensity in these spectra for E ␥ Շ1.8 MeV is interpreted to arise from the dramatic increase... more
An IN2P3-JINR collaboration has launched a project called GABRIELA at the Flerov Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions (FLNR) at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna (Russia). The goal of the project is to perform gamma-ray... more
The results of the first experimental tests of the modernized VASSILISSA separator with the use of accelerated 22 Ne ions are presented. Data has been obtained on the transmission coefficients of recoil nuclei synthesized in asymmetric... more
The Kr isotopes are considered to be among the best cases for shape coexistence studies in the mass A ∼ 70 region. Our campaign to investigate in detail the development of the shape coexistence in the neutron deficient Kr isotopes was... more
An experiment aiming to study the shape coexistence in 193 Bi has been performed at the Accelerator laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland (JYFL). Many new states have been found, hugely extending the previously known level... more
Excited states in 197 Pb and 198 Pb, produced in the 186 W (18 O,xn) reaction, were studied using the EUROGAM phase 2 γ ray spectrometer array. Two new superdeformed bands have been observed in 197 Pb, and the existence of a superdeformed... more
An experiment aiming to study shape coexistence in 193 Bi has been performed. Due to its transitional character, it has an exceptionally large number of structures identified close to the yrast line. Many new states have been found,... more
An in-beam study of excited states in the transfermium nucleus 252 No has been performed using the recoil separator RITU together with the JUROSPHERE II array at the University of Jyväskylä. This is the second transfermium nucleus studied... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Isomeric states in 253 No have been investigated by conversion-electron and γ-ray spectroscopy with the GABRIELA detection system. The 31 µs isomer reported more than 30 years ago is found to decay to the ground state of 253 No by the... more
Using state-of-the-art γ-ray spectroscopic techniques, the first rotational band of a superheavy element, extending up to a spin of 20h, was discovered in the nucleus 256 Rf. To perform such an experiment at the limits of the present... more
␥ rays following the 160 Dy(36 Ar,4n͒ 192 Po reaction have been identified by employing a high-transmission gas-filled separator in recoil decay tagging measurements. The deduced level scheme reveals a flattening of the energy... more