Book Reviews by Gamze Senyurek
Yeni Tıp Tarihi Araştırmaları (The New History of Medicine Studies),
İstanbul 2016,
Sayı 22, ss... more Yeni Tıp Tarihi Araştırmaları (The New History of Medicine Studies),
İstanbul 2016,
Sayı 22, ss. 169-171
Papers by Gamze Senyurek
AMA Journal of Ethics, 2022
Traumatic imagination includes creative processes in which traumatic memories are transformed int... more Traumatic imagination includes creative processes in which traumatic memories are transformed into narratives of suffering. This article emphasizes the importance of storytelling in victims' mental health and offers a literary perspective on how some women's experiences of suffering can be expressed in the telling of traditional stories, which confer some protection from stigma to individual women in Turkish and Afghan societies.

BMC Medical Education , 2021
Background: Integration of clinical skills, ethical decision-making, and reflection skills have e... more Background: Integration of clinical skills, ethical decision-making, and reflection skills have emerged as cornerstones of clinical teaching in medical schools. This study aimed to detect whether a multimodal learning environment approach consisting of lectures, a drill, post-drill video debriefing, and written reflection in an emergency medicine rotation boot camp improves interns' patient management skills, ethical decision-making, and reflection skills. Methods: A multimodal learning environment was created by the collaboration of emergency medicine, ethics, and medical education specialists. Multiple educational techniques involving lectures, case discussions, and role-playing a crisis scenario were applied. Pre-test and post-test, debriefing on performances on video records, video-recorded performance assessment, and reflective essays about their own and group's performances were used to assess various aspects of the student performances. Additionally, a meeting was organized with the presence of the authors to create qualitative data obtained through the program evaluation meeting conducted on three themes: influences of teaching methods, students' performances, and common achievements and mistakes of students. Results: 133 students participated. Post-test multiple-choice question (MCQ) test scores were slightly higher than pre-test. A low and medium correlation was detected among pre-test and post-test patient management problem (PMP) and reflection scores, which was more prominent for female students. Multiple linear regression showed that pre-test and post-test PMP scores significantly contributed to reflection scores. These results might support that better patient management predicts more robust reflective practice. Teachers observed that students appreciated being inspired by well-performing peers, particularly noting the empathic needs of patients, companions, and other health professionals. However, students overlooked summoning forensic or social services and were inhibited by the pressure of the contextual traits of the drill. Conclusion: The multimodal learning environment created by multidisciplinary collaboration contributed to the improvement of components of situational awareness of the interns: patient management skills, ethical decisionmaking, and reflective practice. During this research, we created a toolbox better to capture the richness and diversity of student interactions. Considering the scarcity of context-specific assessment methods and widespread use of MCQs or generic scales for higher-order thinking skills in medicine, this study might be regarded as a step forward in that context.

Global Health Action, 2021
Background: Telling personal stories of violence has been central to recent advocacy efforts to p... more Background: Telling personal stories of violence has been central to recent advocacy efforts to prevent violence against women around the world. In this paper, we explore the use of personal storytelling as a form of activism to prevent femicide in Turkey. This study is part of a broader storytelling initiative called SHAER (Storytelling for Health: Acknowledgement, Expression and Recovery) to alleviate the psychological and emotional suffering of women who have experienced gender-based violence in high-prevalence settings. Objectives: We conceptually explore personal stories of violence as a form of both distributed agency and activism. This conceptual framework is used to answer the following research question in the Turkish context: How do women use their personal stories of interpersonal violence for their own benefit (support) and that of others (activism)? Methods: Our study is based on 20 in-depth semi-structured interviews with women who have experienced violence and were purposefully recruited by the 'We Will End Femicide' Platform in Istanbul. Interviews were conducted between March and August 2019. We used inductive and deductive thematic analysis to identify instances of personal storytelling at three levels: intrapersonal, relational and collective. Results: Our results show how the use of personal storytelling can provide a means of healing from experiences of violence. However, this process is not linear and is often influenced by the surrounding context including: the listener of the story, their reaction, and what social networks the woman has to support her. In supportive social contexts, personal storytelling can be an effective support for activism against violence: personal stories can provide opportunities for individuals to shape broader discourses about violence against women and the right of women to share their stories. Conclusions: Telling one's personal story of violence can both support women's agency and contribute to the collective struggle against violence against women more broadly.

BMC Public Health, 2021
Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection rates have been gradually increasing in ... more Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection rates have been gradually increasing in Istanbul, Turkey. Many people living with HIV (PLWH) here encounter difficulties, for example, in adapting to the chronic disease and obtaining continuous access to healthcare services. In this study, we aimed to explore the challenges PLWH face in their daily lives and understand their perceptions of themselves, healthcare professionals and services, and their social spheres via their expressed lived experiences in the healthcare setting. Method: Individual semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted face-to-face with 20 PLWH in Istanbul. All the interviews were voice-recorded and transcribed verbatim except one, upon participant request, for which the interviewer took notes. These logs and the interviewer's notes were analyzed thematically using the inductive content analysis method. Results: The themes concerned experiences in three distinct contexts: 1) Interactions with healthcare providers; 2) Participants' responses to their HIV diagnosis; and 3) Interactions with their social networks. Firstly, the results highlighted that the participants perceived that healthcare professionals did not inform them about the diagnosis properly, failed to protect patients' confidentiality and exhibited discriminative behaviors towards them. Secondly, after the diagnosis the participants had difficulty in coping with their unsettled emotional state. While many ceased sexual activities and isolated themselves, some sought support. Lastly, living with HIV affected their relationships with their families and friends either positively or negatively. Moreover, they had to face the difficulties concerning spouse/partner notification issues about which many needed professional support.

BMC Medical Education, 2020
Ethics teaching is globally considered an essential part of medical education fosteri... more Background:
Ethics teaching is globally considered an essential part of medical education fostering professionalism. It does not only provide knowledge for good clinical conduct, but also trains medical students as virtuous practitioners. Although Turkey has had a considerable experience in ethics education of healthcare professionals, the general state of ethics curricula at medical schools in Turkey is unknown.
The purpose of this study was to collect comprehensive data about the ethics education programs at medical schools in Turkey. To this aim, we designed a cross-sectional descriptive questionnaire survey which focuses on the content, teaching years, teaching, assessment and evaluation methodologies, workforce and infrastructure. We delivered the questionnaire to all medical schools in Turkey. Seventy-nine medical schools participated in this study (response rate: 78%).
Although most institutions had an undergraduate ethics curriculum (91.1%), the findings suggest deficiency of teaching personnel (34.2% had no instructors). Furthermore, the distribution and composition of the workforce was imbalanced. The content varies largely among institutions. Medical schools with an ethics department were more likely to diversify teaching topics. However, ethics education was largely based on the four-principle approach. The content was usually conveyed to students theoretically. Around 90% of schools had classroom lectures. It is the only method used at one-third of them. Clinical ethics education was mostly lacking. Multiple-choice tests were widely used to assess and evaluate student attainments (86.1%).
Staff qualified to teach ethics and ethics education integrated into the six-year medical curriculum given by a multidisciplinary team are urgent necessities. Considering teaching, assessment and evaluation methodologies used, most medical schools seem to fall short of fostering students to develop ethical attitudes. Endeavors aiming for modern topics should be encouraged. As the organization of ethics education change continuously, we think that a platform for monitoring ethics education at medical schools in Turkey should be established. Such a body would help ethics instructors to network and find solutions to current problems and build shared wisdom.
Conference Presentations by Gamze Senyurek
Innovations in Global Health Professions Education, 2019
AIDS is a spectrum of conditions caused by infection with HIV. 1 The virus induces the weakening ... more AIDS is a spectrum of conditions caused by infection with HIV. 1 The virus induces the weakening of human immunity, and, if untreated, eventually results in the clinical manifestation of AIDS
Talks by Gamze Senyurek
Kişilere erişim zorlukları, dışarıdan olma problemi, empati.
Book Chapter by Gamze Senyurek
elesağlık Temel Başvuru Kitabı, İlker Küçükparlak,Hakan Karaş, Editör, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, ss.03-29, 2021
Telesağlığın yaklaşık 50 yıllık yakın dönem tarihine kısaca bakmak bile, her bir klinik daldaki t... more Telesağlığın yaklaşık 50 yıllık yakın dönem tarihine kısaca bakmak bile, her bir klinik daldaki telesağlık uygulamalarının ayrı birer tarihinin yazılmasını mümkün kılacak ölçüde karmaşık, zengin ve çok etkileşimli bir geçmişi gözler önüne serecektir. Biz bu bölümde, Türkiye’de göreceli olarak yeni bir alan sayılan telesağlığın tarihini genel hatlarıyla özetlemeye, önemli kırılma noktalarına işaret etmeye, konuyla ilgili belli başlı tarih literatürüne olabildiğince yer vermeye, özetle telesağlık tarihini Türkçe yazmaya, aktarmaya çalışacağız.
Book Reviews by Gamze Senyurek
İstanbul 2016,
Sayı 22, ss. 169-171
Papers by Gamze Senyurek
Ethics teaching is globally considered an essential part of medical education fostering professionalism. It does not only provide knowledge for good clinical conduct, but also trains medical students as virtuous practitioners. Although Turkey has had a considerable experience in ethics education of healthcare professionals, the general state of ethics curricula at medical schools in Turkey is unknown.
The purpose of this study was to collect comprehensive data about the ethics education programs at medical schools in Turkey. To this aim, we designed a cross-sectional descriptive questionnaire survey which focuses on the content, teaching years, teaching, assessment and evaluation methodologies, workforce and infrastructure. We delivered the questionnaire to all medical schools in Turkey. Seventy-nine medical schools participated in this study (response rate: 78%).
Although most institutions had an undergraduate ethics curriculum (91.1%), the findings suggest deficiency of teaching personnel (34.2% had no instructors). Furthermore, the distribution and composition of the workforce was imbalanced. The content varies largely among institutions. Medical schools with an ethics department were more likely to diversify teaching topics. However, ethics education was largely based on the four-principle approach. The content was usually conveyed to students theoretically. Around 90% of schools had classroom lectures. It is the only method used at one-third of them. Clinical ethics education was mostly lacking. Multiple-choice tests were widely used to assess and evaluate student attainments (86.1%).
Staff qualified to teach ethics and ethics education integrated into the six-year medical curriculum given by a multidisciplinary team are urgent necessities. Considering teaching, assessment and evaluation methodologies used, most medical schools seem to fall short of fostering students to develop ethical attitudes. Endeavors aiming for modern topics should be encouraged. As the organization of ethics education change continuously, we think that a platform for monitoring ethics education at medical schools in Turkey should be established. Such a body would help ethics instructors to network and find solutions to current problems and build shared wisdom.
Conference Presentations by Gamze Senyurek
Talks by Gamze Senyurek
Book Chapter by Gamze Senyurek
İstanbul 2016,
Sayı 22, ss. 169-171
Ethics teaching is globally considered an essential part of medical education fostering professionalism. It does not only provide knowledge for good clinical conduct, but also trains medical students as virtuous practitioners. Although Turkey has had a considerable experience in ethics education of healthcare professionals, the general state of ethics curricula at medical schools in Turkey is unknown.
The purpose of this study was to collect comprehensive data about the ethics education programs at medical schools in Turkey. To this aim, we designed a cross-sectional descriptive questionnaire survey which focuses on the content, teaching years, teaching, assessment and evaluation methodologies, workforce and infrastructure. We delivered the questionnaire to all medical schools in Turkey. Seventy-nine medical schools participated in this study (response rate: 78%).
Although most institutions had an undergraduate ethics curriculum (91.1%), the findings suggest deficiency of teaching personnel (34.2% had no instructors). Furthermore, the distribution and composition of the workforce was imbalanced. The content varies largely among institutions. Medical schools with an ethics department were more likely to diversify teaching topics. However, ethics education was largely based on the four-principle approach. The content was usually conveyed to students theoretically. Around 90% of schools had classroom lectures. It is the only method used at one-third of them. Clinical ethics education was mostly lacking. Multiple-choice tests were widely used to assess and evaluate student attainments (86.1%).
Staff qualified to teach ethics and ethics education integrated into the six-year medical curriculum given by a multidisciplinary team are urgent necessities. Considering teaching, assessment and evaluation methodologies used, most medical schools seem to fall short of fostering students to develop ethical attitudes. Endeavors aiming for modern topics should be encouraged. As the organization of ethics education change continuously, we think that a platform for monitoring ethics education at medical schools in Turkey should be established. Such a body would help ethics instructors to network and find solutions to current problems and build shared wisdom.