Papers by Muhadzib Rezki Hilmy

TEMATICS Technology ManagemenT and Informatics Research Journals, Oct 31, 2023
English) The problem of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) abroad still cannot be resolved optimall... more English) The problem of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) abroad still cannot be resolved optimally. This is because there are still many PMIs who do not go through the prescribed procedures. This problem requires a solution in the form of innovation to improve the non-procedural PMI prevention and monitoring system. This research uses qualitative methods through literature study to collect relevant data and information between theories and concepts, then analyzed and correlated by describing the description, technological design and working mechanism of the Smart Profiling System (MARS). The results of this research show that integration The Smart Profiling System (Mars) based on Artificial Intelligence with Smart Camera Immigration can be a visionary solution for preventing non-procedural PMI. The integration of the MARS system needs to receive support from various stakeholders so that its implementation can run optimally

Politeknik imigrasi, 2024
Ramainya jalur perlintasan berupa kenaikan intensitas migrasi baik oleh orang asing maupun WNI me... more Ramainya jalur perlintasan berupa kenaikan intensitas migrasi baik oleh orang asing maupun WNI menyebabkan kejahatan transnasional makin marak terjadi, salah satunya adalah penyelundupan dan pengedaran narkotika dan obat-obatan illegal. Masifnya penggunaan narkoba dan obat-obatan illegal di Indonesia memberikan banyak kerugian terutama kepada kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengoptimalkan pemberantasan narkoba melalui pemanfaatan ruang sistem kendali yang mengintegrasikan stakeholder dengan memanfaatkan kehadiran teknologi serta aplikasi yaitu C.I.Q Control Room. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui studi pustaka untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi yang relevan antara teori dan konsep, kemudian dianalisis dan dikorelasi dengan mendeskripsikan gambaran, rancangan teknologi dan mekanisme kerja sistem dari C.I.Q Control Room sebagai teknologi tepat guna dalam mengoptimalkan pemberantasan narkoba. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa upaya dalam memberantas penyelundupan dan pengedaran narkoba belum maksimal dan C.I.Q Control Room melalui integrasi sistemnya dapat membantu dalam mengoptimalkan pemberantasan narkotika dan obat-obatan terlarang.

Politeknik Imigrasi, 2024
The study explores the complexities of attracting foreign investment for Indonesia's new capital,... more The study explores the complexities of attracting foreign investment for Indonesia's new capital, IKN Nusantara, emphasizing the substantial resources required. The government proposes diverse financing schemes involving collaboration with private entities, state-owned enterprises, and international funding. Foreign investor participation in IKN projects spans various models, from technology providers to risk-taking business managers. However, the highrisk nature of IKN investments, attributed to massive infrastructure demands, necessitates government-led core infrastructure development to signal commitment to the Forest, Smart, Green, and Modern City concept. Proactive efforts, such as collaborating with the Chamber of Commerce and Real Estate Indonesia, aim to attract foreign investments. Despite potential benefits, challenges arise due to unclear business prospects in IKN, leaving foreign investors hesitant. Extensive financial requirements demand early-stage funding, with the government emphasizing private sector involvement and careful planning for project success. The policy analysis section evaluates immigration regulations, specifically the Second Home Visa, highlighting the crucial role of ease and speed in visa issuance for potential investors. Proof of Fund requirements ensures foreign individuals' financial capacity to contribute positively to the Indonesian economy. For IKN Nusantara, the Golden Visa policy's implementation should align with long-term investment programs and adhere to relevant regulations. Benchmarking the Golden Visa policy in various countries reveals diverse requirements but a shared goal of attracting foreign investments. Recommendations for Indonesia include adapting stay durations, setting minimum investment amounts, assessing investor capabilities, and
Politeknik Imigrasi, 2024
The government is making diligent efforts to boost the Indonesian economy by attracting foreign i... more The government is making diligent efforts to boost the Indonesian economy by attracting foreign investors to invest their capital in the country. One of the sectors that has been instrumental in driving economic growth is the immigration sector. In

Politeknik Imigrasi, 2024
Kejahatan transnasional melibatkan beberapa negara dalam aksinya, dan faktor geografis turut men... more Kejahatan transnasional melibatkan beberapa negara dalam aksinya, dan faktor geografis turut menjadi faktor terjadinya kejahatan transnasional. Wilayah perbatasan Entikong, yang memisahkan Indonesia dan Malaysia, merupakan titik masuk dan keluar yang penting antara kedua negara.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitafi yang bersifat deskriptif yakni memberikan gambaran terkait permasalahan yang terjadi di wilayah perbatasan Entikong yang terjadi akibat belum efektifnya pelaksanaan intelijen keimigrasian. Adapun data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder antara lain seperti buku-buku, peraturan perundang-undangan, artikel, maupun jurnal ilmiah.keterbatasan pengawasan dan penegakan hukum di wilayah perbatasan, berbagai kegiatan kriminal seperti perdagangan narkoba, perdagangan orang, penyulundupan manusia, perdagangan satwa liar, terorisme dan kejahatan lintas batas lainnya dapat dengan relatif mudah dilakukan. Upaya Optimalisasi Intelijen Keimigrasian penting untuk dilakukan antara lain yakni dengan penguatan fungsi mealalui Tim Pengawasan Orang Asing (TIMPORA), investasi dalam teknologi canggih, seperti sistem pemantauan dan teknologi analisis data mutakhir, untuk mendukung operasi intelijen keimigrasian, Petugas imigrasi dapat meningkatkan jumlah personel dalam hal pelaksanaan intelijen keimigrasian sehingga proses intelijen keimigrasian yang kompleks dapat berjalan secara lebih efektif., negara-negara yang berbagi perbatasan harus bekerja sama dalam pertukaran informasi intelijen, Dalam hal ini proses intelijen juga dapat mencakup tahapan kerja sama keimigrasian, dan Kampanye sosialisasi tentang bahaya kejahatan transnasional dan pentingnya mematuhi peraturan keimigrasian dapat meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat.
Politeknik Imigrasi, 2024
The government is making diligent efforts to=

Politeknik Imigrasi, 2024
Permasalahan keimigrasian di Indonesia menjadi semakin kompleks seiring globalisasi dan mobilitas... more Permasalahan keimigrasian di Indonesia menjadi semakin kompleks seiring globalisasi dan mobilitas manusia yang terus meningkat. Dalam menghadapi permasalahan tersebut, imigrasi harus menegakkan hukum keimigrasian melalui penindakan keimigrasian secara optimal. Evaluasi implementasi penindakan keimigrasian perlu dilakukan sehingga kedaulatan dan keamanan nasional dapat terjaga. Pembahasan mengenai evaluasi penindakan keimigrasian ini menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan yang sifatnya kualitatif. Adapun yang dimaksud penelitian kepustakaan yang sifatnya kualititaf merupakan penelitian yang menjelaskan, menelaah, memaparkan serta mengevaluasi penerapan penindakan keimigrasian dengan berlandaskan teori efektifitas hukum oleh Soerjono Soekanto. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa baik dari faktor hukum, penegak hukum, sarana dan prasarana, dan budaya menggambarkan belum efektifnya pelaksanaan penindakan keimigrasian di Indonesia dalam menegakkan hukum keimigrasian. Imigrasi perlu melakukan evaluasi dengan memperhatikan segala faktor yang mempengaruhi efektifitas dari penindakan keimigrasian sebagai implementasi dari penegakkan hukum keimigrasian.

Indonesian and regional cross-border crime trends have changed after the Covid-19 pandemic. The r... more Indonesian and regional cross-border crime trends have changed after the Covid-19 pandemic. The rapidly increasing mobility of people to restore the economy is a challenge to maintain national security. Immigration must work optimally, and this can be achieved if immigration has a good organizational culture. This discussion of organizational culture and cross-border crime uses qualitative library research. The results of this research show that the Directorate General of Immigration has implemented the dimensions of organizational culture according to Wilderom and Van den Berg, namely external orientation, department orientation and good development orientation. However, there needs to be an evaluation of the dimensions of job autonomy and orientation to human resources. It is hoped that this research can be a reference for the importance of good organizational culture so that an organization can optimally handle Indonesian and regional cross-border crime problems.
Immigration is closely related to the movement of people from one country to another. As a result... more Immigration is closely related to the movement of people from one country to another. As a result of the sovereign authority of a country, immigrants have the obligation to comply with certain rules, including having travel documents or passports. Reflecting on studies in the field, it was found that there was a lot of misuse of travel documents. This research uses qualitative methods through literature studies and normative rules to collect relevant data and information between theories and concepts, then analyzed and correlated by describing the complete picture regarding the misuse of human travel documents.

Indonesia, as a country with a strategic geographical location, is affected by the refugee proble... more Indonesia, as a country with a strategic geographical location, is affected by the refugee problem which is currently the focus of world attention. This research is a type of descriptive qualitative normative juridical research which aims to provide criticism of quantitative research (positivism), the Presidential Decree on Refugees which is a solution for handling refugees requires recognition from the international community. The Indonesian government is trying to gain recognition from UNHCR, IOM, international NGOs and other countries through statements regarding the progress in handling international refugees in Indonesia related to the formulation of the Presidential Decree on Refugees which was carried out on various occasions. International pressure that can trigger the phenomenon of misrecognition can damage Indonesia's identity as a "country that defends human rights" and can be maintained.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Keimigrasian
This study focuses on literature review to analyze the benefits and consequences of implementing ... more This study focuses on literature review to analyze the benefits and consequences of implementing a second home visa policy in serving foreign investors. This study aims to socialize the urgency of implementing a second house policy as a strategy for Indonesia's economic recovery after the pandemic. The research method used is a qualitative normative juridical approach by identifying literature (writings & scientific works), and other sources of material that are relevant to the topics discussed in this study. The results of this study indicate that the second home visa policy has great potential in restoring the post-pandemic Indonesian economy through the use of foreign investment. The second home visa policy has many positive impacts, but monitoring and evaluation still need to be carried out so that this policy is implemented optimally.

Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang perbandingan keefektifan fungsi keimigrasian antara Kantor Imigra... more Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang perbandingan keefektifan fungsi keimigrasian antara Kantor Imigrasi Palembang sebelum masa pandemi degan Kantor Imigrasi Palembang pasca pandemi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas dari aktualisasi fungsi keimigrasian pasca Pandemi Covid-19 di kantor Imigrasi Palembang. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah yuridis normatif, yaitu dengan meneliti bahan kepustakaan atau data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data, yaitu dengan mengklasifikasikan poin-poin penting yang ada pada data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan adanya peran Pandemi Covid-19 dalam mengembangkan implementasi dari fungsi keimigrasian di Kantor Imigrasi Palembang. Perkembangan tersebut dapat dilihat dengan dikeluarkannya beberapa kebijakan untuk memperbaiki birokrasi serta adanya inovasi di bidang teknologi digital dalam rangka meningkatkan pelayanan di Kantor Imigrasi Palembang. Penulis berharap melalui penelitian ini dapat membantu pembaca dalam memahami dampak dari Pandemi Covid-19 terhadap aktualisasi fungsi Keimigrasian pada Kantor Imigrasi Palembang.
Papers by Muhadzib Rezki Hilmy