Papers by Marina Sodnompilova

This article delves into the examination of “wish texts,” specifically Buryat conspiracies center... more This article delves into the examination of “wish texts,” specifically Buryat conspiracies centered around the topics of love, wealth, and power. One of the earliest forms of oral poetry, conspiracies hold great significance within the traditional ritual folklore of the Buryats and were widely utilized in their magical practices. There are special Buryat conspiracies aiming to possess magical abilities, achieve material advantage, or possess a beloved person. These conspiracies are of particular interest since they reflect the ideas of the Buryats about sin, the traditional values of Buryat society. The sinful nature of conspiracies was not so much determined by their goals but rather by the methods employed to achieve them. The depiction of sinfulness is particularly evident in the text of the love plot origins, which explicitly portrays the fundamental spiritual values of the Buryats that the petitioner is willing to forsake in pursuit of their desires. The analysis indicates the existence of a unique category of social conspiracies within the Buryat, Yakut, and Tuvinian texts, primarily involving male individuals as perpetrators. The majority of these individuals were considered outsiders, who, for unclear reasons, were willing to defy societal norms and regulations, including both the impoverished and solitary individuals, as well as the wealthy and those who had fallen out of favor with authorities.
Вестник БНЦ СО РАН, 2024
The article examines the traditional ideas of the Turkic and Mongolic peoples about a number of d... more The article examines the traditional ideas of the Turkic and Mongolic peoples about a number of diseases that led to limited mobility of the body. Descriptions of the signs of diseases,
from the name, views of nomads on the causes of diseases and the possibilities of healing are

Oriental Studies, 2024
The sacral map of ethnic spatial development is a complicated mosaic of multifunctional zones tha... more The sacral map of ethnic spatial development is a complicated mosaic of multifunctional zones that includes places of residence, territories for economic activity, and sacral areas
proper. Ethnic Buryatia’s sacral map comprises a variety of spatial elements, such as border markers
of settlements, places for economic pursuits, burial grounds, and those of hierophanies. ‘Healing’
localities, including healing springs, are somewhat distinguished in this sacral space. Goals. The
study attempts a review of images of healing springs, their functions and significance for society
— through the prism of spatial, social ‘narratives’ of culture. Materials and methods. The Buryat development space is a compound information environment comprising elements that remain relevant
to date. Healing springs are considered from the perspective of the information theory of culture,
which makes it possible to identify a few layers of somewhat contradictory messages articulated by
representatives of different generations. Results. The paper traces certain chains of changes in statuses of such springs: from ‘water of immortality’ once granted by deities — to symbols of holiness of
Buddhist hierarchs whose efforts gave birth to a number of such arshans. Special attention is given
to images of supernatural patrons of springs, their healing properties and prescribed practices, beautification endeavors across adjacent territories. Conclusions. The insight into the arshan cult and water-related practices reveals some most socially relevant details inherent thereto. Information layers
characterizing the image of a spring reflect certain changes in perceptions of its significance — from
clan-level status to public one. Furthermore, Buddhism has yielded significant transformations both in
ritual arrangements, patterns of healing practices, and design of such treatment places.

Nations and religions of Eurasia, 2024
The study of traditional societies continues to generate significant interest in social
phenomena... more The study of traditional societies continues to generate significant interest in social
phenomena such as “taboos.” Within the framework of prohibitions and restrictions that
govern daily life, food taboos emerge as a prominent aspect. Some of these taboos are
grounded in rationality, reflecting an understanding of the intimate link between dietary
practices and human health, while others appear more arbitrary, serving to ward off negative
occurrences in individuals' lives and within society. This research delves into the extensive
network of food taboos prevalent in the traditional culture of the Turko-Mongolic peoples
of Inner Asia. These taboos governed various facets of people's lives, with their justification
rooted in the preservation of physical well-being, particularly among children, the promotion
of societal harmony, and the prevention of conflicts. Additionally, these prohibitions and
restrictions reveal a concern for individuals' appearances. Many of the prohibitions related
to meat consumption exhibit clear discrimination, restricting women and children's access
to valuable meat types while relegating them to consuming entrails and other inedible parts
of the animal carcass.

Etnografia, 2023
This article continues the studies of human anatomy in the traditional views of the Turkic and Mo... more This article continues the studies of human anatomy in the traditional views of the Turkic and Mongolic peoples of Inner Asia. From the standpoint of mythological anatomy, typical of the traditional worldview of the Turkic and Mongolic people of the region under study, hair is an essential part of the human body as the center of the human soul. The traditional studies of the structure of the human body and how to maintain the body’s health by the Turkic Mongols contain the views on the connection of hair with a person’s vitality. In the vast range of meanings and functions of hair in the culture of the Turkic — Mongolic peoples, the connection between hair and human life is most prominent: various rituals and restrictions associated with intrauterine hair attest to this. The tradition of decorative hairstyles, various prohibitions, and rituals convey the connection between the life force of brothers and sisters, spouses, a girl, and a woman enclosed in hair. The ideas about hair, hairstyles, etc., reflect more general ideas about the relationship between members of society: mothers and children, nephews and maternal uncles. The notion of the soul and the life force is predominant here. In the afterlife after death, hair was also significant: its preservation during earthly life guaranteed the possibility of continuing human existence in the other world.

Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series, 2023
One of the reflections of the anthropomorphic model is the understanding of kinship in the contex... more One of the reflections of the anthropomorphic model is the understanding of kinship in the context of the anatomical organs of the human body. The anthropomorphic model was of great importance in understanding the world order, the structure of society and its functioning in the culture of the Turkic and Mongolian peoples of Inner Asia. This paper aims to study the meaning and functions, mainly of the internal organs and biological fluids of the human body in the system of the social structure of a nomadic society and in the interaction of its members. The sources of the research were historical and ethnographic data published in the works of ethnographers, historians, linguists, as well as folklore and original field research materials. The social structure of the nomadic society was represented, first of all, through the “bone” version of the anthropomorphic model. Also, of importance in understanding the social structure of a nomadic community are blood, breast milk, liver. In the traditional worldview of the Turkic and Mongolic peoples, the liver was given the status of the main internal organ of the human body. Its size and color led the nomads to believe that the liver was a hematopoietic organ. In this regard, the liver was seen as the receptacle of the vital substance (kut) or soul. The liver was associated with manifestations of mental states (anger, grief, joy) and moral qualities (kindness and anger). Symbolic images of the liver and blood perform important functions of a marker of a related group on the maternal side, including mythical relatives in the form of animals. In the situation of ritual meals, which are part of the wedding ritual, the liver acted as a symbol of the twinning of the spouses. It should also be noted that the animal skeleton model was taken as a basis in the organization of the social hierarchy of the nomad society. In legends about the origins of individual communities (clans, tribes), the carcass of a sacrificial animal is often mentioned. This research made it possible to establish the functions and significance of symbolic images of the skeleton, internal organs and biological fluids of the human body as markers that determine the place of members of society in the structure of the social hierarchy. In addition, these images are an important tool in the social communication of nomads

The human body, its structure, appears as a universal model of the structure of the world around ... more The human body, its structure, appears as a universal model of the structure of the world around us and the society. Through the anatomical code, the Universal chaos is set in order, structures arise, hierarchies are estab-lished. The most illustrative example of a structure is the human skeleton. The purpose of this article is to identify the entire known corpus of information about this anthropomorphic model and to reconstruct the meaning and functions of the “bone” system in the worldview and life of the Turko-Mongols of Inner Asia. Historical, ethno-graphic and folklore materials represented the sources of the research. The methods used were comparative historical analysis which helps to identify common features in understanding and interpretation of natural phe-nomena and cultural objects in the Turko-Mongolian world, and the method of cultural and historical reconstruc-tion, which allows to determine the logic of the archaic conceptions. In the culture of the Turko–Mongolian p...

Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University Geoarchaeology Ethnology and Anthropology Series, 2020
Институт монголоведения, буддологии и тибетологии СО РАН, г. Улан-Удэ, Россия Аннотация. Исследую... more Институт монголоведения, буддологии и тибетологии СО РАН, г. Улан-Удэ, Россия Аннотация. Исследуются традиционные представления тюрко-монголов Внутренней Азии об устройстве человеческого организма. Рассмотрена проблема восприятия и осмысления состава биологических жидкостей и внутренних органов, которая представляет особый интерес в изучении мифологической анатомии человека. Систематизированы взгляды на природу крови, источник ее формирования, большое количество запретов и примет, связанных с кровью, которые обнаруживаются в этнографических и фольклорных материалах. Установлены версии традиционного видения состава крови, основанные на этнографических материалах XVIII-XIX вв. (солнце), и более ранние воззрения кочевников на природу крови, выявленные посредством реконструкции терминологии, связанной с кровью (дыхание, ветер).
Facing Challenges of Identification: Investigating Identities of Buryats and Their Neighbor Peoples, 2020
The presented volume comprises a follow-up endeavor to the conference "Facing the Challenge of Id... more The presented volume comprises a follow-up endeavor to the conference "Facing the Challenge of Identifi cation: New Approaches to Buryat Identities and Their Cross-Border Dynamics" that took place at the Faculty of "Artes Liberales," University of Warsaw, in June 2016. The conference was a joint venture of a few institutions and a number of people. Firstly, it resulted from two projects that were ongoing at the Faculty of "Artes Liberales" at that time: the international PhD Program "Searching for Identity: Global Challenges, Local Traditions," headed by Jan Kieniewicz, and the so-called East European School in the Humanities-a long-lasting program directed by Robert Sucharski, intended to foster cooperation between many academic institutions across Central and Eastern Europe.

Jewelry occupied a special place in the life of the nomads of Central Asia, acting as one of the ... more Jewelry occupied a special place in the life of the nomads of Central Asia, acting as one of the key markers of cultural identity. A wide range of meanings and functions associated with decorations provided this element of the nomad costume complex with the preservation and immutability of its structure over many centuries. The high symbolic and social significance of the jewelry determined the required presence, if not of the complete set, then at least part of it in the women's costume complex. There were many reasons to demonstrate their jewelry worth in the nomadic way of life. Clothes and jewelry worth of women, along with large herds of animals, the best racehorses in a smart harness, were one of the brightest visual signs of the family’s financial well-being. The presence of unique fine work ornaments, reflecting the ethnic features of various Mongolian peoples, testifies to the widespread occurrence of this craft among the nomads of Central Asia and the high skill of bla...

The Oriental studies, 2019
Introduction. Since early times, traditions of different nations gave rise to ideas about purity ... more Introduction. Since early times, traditions of different nations gave rise to ideas about purity of the body, clothing, and household items; so, certain rules have been developed to observe hygiene and behavioral norms during natural physiological processes inherent to the human body. The Turko-Mongolic nomads to have inhabited the dry and arid regions of Inner Asia developed a peculiar culture of personal and public hygiene. Objectives. The paper seeks to investigate the traditional culture of personal and social hygiene of Mongols – and more widely Turko-Mongolic nomads of Inner Asia. Materials and Methods. The main corpus of sources used in the research consists of archaeological, ethnographic, and historical materials that demonstrate some daily routine and culture of Inner Asian nomads — from the Xiongnu to later Turkic and Mongolic peoples connected with the region. The harsh natural conditions of the territory and the nomadic lifestyle created certain difficulties for practi...

Nations and religions of the Eurasia, 2021
International council: Sh. Mustafayev, doctor of historical sciences, аcademician of the Academy ... more International council: Sh. Mustafayev, doctor of historical sciences, аcademician of the Academy of ыciences of Azerbaijan, (Azerbaijan, Baku), A. S. Zhanbosinova, doctor of historical sciences (Kazakhstan, Nursultan) S. D. Atdaev, candidate of historical sciences (Turkmenistan, Ashgabat) N. I. Osmonova, doctor of philosophical sciences (Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek) Ts. Stepanov, doctor of historical sciences (Bulgariy, Sofiy) Z. S. Samashev, doctor of historical sciences (Kazakhstan, Nursultan) A. M. Dossymbaeva, doctor of historical sciences (Kazakhstan, Nursultan) M. Gantuya, Ph.D. (Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar) Y. Ikeda, doctor of humanities (Tokyo, Japan) I. V. Sablin, doctor of historical sciences (Germany, Heidelberg) E. Smolarts, PhD (Germany, Bon) Kh. Omarkhali, doctor of philosophy (Germany, Berlin) Editorial team: S. A. Vasyutin, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Kemerovo) N. L. Zhukovskaya, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Moscow) A. P. Zabiyako, doctor of philosophical sciences (Russia, Blagoveshchensk) A. A. Tishkin, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Barnaul) N. A. Tomilov, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Omsk) T. D. Skrynnikova, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, St. Petersburg) O. M. Khomushku, doctor of philosophical sciences (Russia, Kyzyl) M. M. Shakhnovich, doctor of philosophical sciences (Russia, St. Petersburg) E. S. Elbakyan, doctor of philosophical sciences (Russia, Moscow) L. I. Sherstova, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Tomsk) A. G. Sitdikov, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Kazan) M. M. Sodnompilova, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Ulan-Ude) K. A. Kolobova, doctor of historical sciences (Russia, Novosibirsk) E. A. Shershneva (executive secretary), candidate of historical sciences (Russia, Barnaul)
Bulletin of the Buryat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021
На территории Внутренней Азии грозовые явления возникают наиболее часто и стали важной частью пов... more На территории Внутренней Азии грозовые явления возникают наиболее часто и стали важной частью повседневной жизни ее населения, причиной огромного числа представлений, верований и запретов, легли в основу защищающих обрядов. Центральным в них является образ дракона, менее известные образы громовержцев распространены на периферии Внутренней Азии. Возникновение молнии обосновывается разными причинами (мытье, просушка одежды, пролитие на землю молока, проявление гнева тэнгри по отношению к ряду животных и к злым духам, знак особого расположения Неба к человеку или животному), которые обусловили и разное отношение к поражению молнией человека или животного. Ключевые слова: Внутренняя Азия, тюрко-монгольские народы, грозовые явления, мифологические образы, шаманизм.

Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Geoarchaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology Series, 2021
This article continues the series of the works devoted to the study of ethnic composition of the ... more This article continues the series of the works devoted to the study of ethnic composition of the Buryat and Khamnigan departments in 19th century. One of the self-government bodies of indigenous of the Transbaikalia in the 19th century was the Urulginskaya Steppe Duma, the main population of which was the “Tungus of Manchu tribe”, as the Russian administration called them. The Ongotson indigenous council was the southwestern outskirts of the Urulga Steppe duma. In the 19th century, in the literature, the population of this council, like most of the population of Urulga Steppe Duma, was called “Horse Tungus”. The basis of the ethnic composition of the Ongotson Khamnigans was represented by Sartuls, Sarduls, Bakhashils, Lunikers and Chimchagits. The largest unit was the Sartuls – immigrants from Central Asia, who settled in Mongolia, mainly in the west of Khalkha. A part of the Sartuls in the east (in the Setsen-khan aimag, on the borderlands of Mongolia and Manchuria, in Jarut, Yekhe...

The New Research of Tuva, 2021
В число распространенных заболеваний, описываемых у народов Сибири (якутов, тувинцев, хакасов, бу... more В число распространенных заболеваний, описываемых у народов Сибири (якутов, тувинцев, хакасов, бурят), входят различные виды душевных недугов, которые с XIX в. называли «истериодемоническими». К ним относили эпилепсию, бред, галлюцинации, судороги, депрессии, склонность к самоубийству. Самым известным и распространенным было эмирячество, которым болели преимущественно женщины. Особый интерес представляют традиционные воззрения о причинах психических недугов. В статье собраны проявления разных форм психических расстройств, причин подобных заболеваний в представлениях носителей традиционной культуры и исследователей, анализируется этимология терминов. Выявлено, что больные эмирячеством выступали как средство коммуникации божеств и духов с людьми, включая духов предков. Различные душевные недуги люди считали наказанием со стороны сверхъестественных сил. Психическое расстройство воспринималось как знак избранничества человека как будущего шамана. Высокая реалистичность образов иных миро...

Oriental Studies, 2020
Аннотация. Введение. Важнейшим достижением биологической адаптации кочевой культуры к суровым, не... more Аннотация. Введение. Важнейшим достижением биологической адаптации кочевой культуры к суровым, непредсказуемым природным условиям Внутренней Азии стало разведение тех видов домашних животных, которые приспособлены к разным экологическим нишам региона. Главным богатством кочевника выступает домашний скот, собирательный образ которого воплощен в понятии табан хошуу мал 'пять видов скота'. В его состав входят лошади, верблюды, крупный рогатый скот, овцы и козы. Традиционные практики скотоводства кочевников Внутренней Азии, обеспечившие развитие особой кочевой цивилизации, все еще слабо изучены и нуждаются в специальных исследованиях. Целью статьи является анализ корпуса представлений и иррациональных практик, используемых в скотоводстве, выявление их функций и значения. Результаты. В исследовании охарактеризованы магические приемы, направленные на увеличение плодовитости и продуктивности скота, его защиту от нападения хищников, воров. Выявлены представления, наделяющие особой сверхъестественной силой хозяйственные предметы, используемые в скотоводстве (плети, веревки, конское снаряжение, посуда). Рассмотрены воззрения и магические приемы, связанные с борьбой против опасных инфекционных заболеваний. Доказано, что ключевой идеей всего спектра магических действий, используемых в скотоводстве, было сохранение «счастья скота», воплощенного в самих животных, их масти, шерсти, костях, молоке, помете, а также хозяйственных предметах, используемых в скотоводстве. Выявлено, что главным хранителем «счастья скота» с древности выступал огонь домашнего очага жилища кочевников.

Facing Challenges of Identification: Investigating Identities of Buryats and Their Neighbor Peoples, 2020
The volume discusses the dynamically changing identities among Buryats and other nations of Easte... more The volume discusses the dynamically changing identities among Buryats and other nations of Eastern Siberia and Inner Asia. The wide range of articles has been organized into three clusters – Ethnicity and Nation-Building Processes, Buddhist Identities, and Landscape and Indigenization. Some of the papers present anthropological empirical research of particular groups, while other adopt a perspective of literary or ecological studies. Constituting an interdisciplinary endeavor, the volume tries thus to link the diverse phenomena under investigation and different research methodologies, and to show them in a wider context of historical and transnational processes. Lastly, it aims at bringing new theoretical perspectives to studies of nations and peoples of broadly understood Inner Asia.
Bulletin of the Buryat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020
Данная статья продолжает цикл работ, посвященных изучению этнического состава бурятских и хамнига... more Данная статья продолжает цикл работ, посвященных изучению этнического состава бурятских и хамниганских ведомств XIX в. Маньковская инородная управа представляла собой юго-восточную окраину Урульгинской степной думы. Основу этнического состава маньковских хамниган представляли намятский и связанные с ним административные роды, в предшествующий период (XVII в.) объединенные в этнополитическую общность: намят, конур, дулигар, баягир. Большой интерес представляют этнонимы чипчинут, долот, дулар, которые обнаруживают прежние связи с баргутами правобережья Приаргунья и даурами Приамурья.

Oriental Studies, 2020
Introduction. Investigation of the space once invaded and reclaimed by the Mongolic peoples is on... more Introduction. Investigation of the space once invaded and reclaimed by the Mongolic peoples is one of the pressing problems in the history of nomadic societies. Goals. The paper seeks to investigate names of positive topographic forms, analyze written sources reflecting the formation of the Mongol Empire for oronyms inherent to the medieval Mongolian language, and determine their localization. Materials and Methods. Historical geography stresses the significance of one stage in the Mongolian invasion of Inner Asia reflected in famous historical monuments, such as The Secret History of the Mongols, Compendium of Chronicles by Rashid al-Din, and Yuán Shǐ. The tasks of identifying individual objects and landforms presented in the text of The Secret History, as well as their localization in the geographical space of medieval Mongolia, were solved by the methods of phonetic reconstruction, comparative analysis of terms and historical events — through the use of 13th–14th century written ...

Представлено исследование по этническому составу тункинских бурят, их расселению на территории бы... more Представлено исследование по этническому составу тункинских бурят, их расселению на территории бывшей Тункинской степной думы, разделенной в 1890 г на четыре части-Торскую, Койморскую, Харибятскую инородные управы и Окинское отдельное родовое управление. Cоздание первых бурятских территориально-административных образований-мирских изб и степных контор и их дальнейшее развитие до степных дум привели к формированию этнотерриториальных групп бурятского населения, идентичность которых сохраняет актуальность по сей день. Одной из таких групп являются тункинские буряты. Этнический состав тункинских бурят, расселенных на территориях России, граничащих с Монголией, представляет особый интерес с точки зрения проживания этой группы в трансграничье. Буферный статус территорий Восточного Присаянья привел к сохранению и оседанию в этом регионе различных тюркских, монгольских, самодийских племен, таких как хурхут, далахай, хонгодор, хойхо, чалдар, тэртэ, шошолок и др. Также среди бурят было расселено племя иркитов. Его происхождение связано с самодийскими народами, жившими в Присаянье задолго до тюркских и монгольских племен. Некоторые из них сохранили традиционное оленеводческое хозяйство в XIX в. Статья написана в продолжение дискуссии о происхождении и связях малых бурятских племен с монгольскими и тюркскими племенами Центральной Азии и Южной Сибири. На основе историколингвистического анализа макроэтнонимов предложена авторская версия происхождения этнических групп, сформировавших этнотерриториальную группу тункинских бурят. Реконструкция сети расселения бурятских этнических групп на исследуемой территории в XIX в. позволила представить наиболее полную картину расселения тункинских бурят и иркитов с указанием максимально возможного числа улусов, деревень и сел, существовавших в конце XIX в. На авторских картах обозначены статус территорий, соотношение и плотность расселения бурятских племен.
Papers by Marina Sodnompilova
from the name, views of nomads on the causes of diseases and the possibilities of healing are
proper. Ethnic Buryatia’s sacral map comprises a variety of spatial elements, such as border markers
of settlements, places for economic pursuits, burial grounds, and those of hierophanies. ‘Healing’
localities, including healing springs, are somewhat distinguished in this sacral space. Goals. The
study attempts a review of images of healing springs, their functions and significance for society
— through the prism of spatial, social ‘narratives’ of culture. Materials and methods. The Buryat development space is a compound information environment comprising elements that remain relevant
to date. Healing springs are considered from the perspective of the information theory of culture,
which makes it possible to identify a few layers of somewhat contradictory messages articulated by
representatives of different generations. Results. The paper traces certain chains of changes in statuses of such springs: from ‘water of immortality’ once granted by deities — to symbols of holiness of
Buddhist hierarchs whose efforts gave birth to a number of such arshans. Special attention is given
to images of supernatural patrons of springs, their healing properties and prescribed practices, beautification endeavors across adjacent territories. Conclusions. The insight into the arshan cult and water-related practices reveals some most socially relevant details inherent thereto. Information layers
characterizing the image of a spring reflect certain changes in perceptions of its significance — from
clan-level status to public one. Furthermore, Buddhism has yielded significant transformations both in
ritual arrangements, patterns of healing practices, and design of such treatment places.
phenomena such as “taboos.” Within the framework of prohibitions and restrictions that
govern daily life, food taboos emerge as a prominent aspect. Some of these taboos are
grounded in rationality, reflecting an understanding of the intimate link between dietary
practices and human health, while others appear more arbitrary, serving to ward off negative
occurrences in individuals' lives and within society. This research delves into the extensive
network of food taboos prevalent in the traditional culture of the Turko-Mongolic peoples
of Inner Asia. These taboos governed various facets of people's lives, with their justification
rooted in the preservation of physical well-being, particularly among children, the promotion
of societal harmony, and the prevention of conflicts. Additionally, these prohibitions and
restrictions reveal a concern for individuals' appearances. Many of the prohibitions related
to meat consumption exhibit clear discrimination, restricting women and children's access
to valuable meat types while relegating them to consuming entrails and other inedible parts
of the animal carcass.
from the name, views of nomads on the causes of diseases and the possibilities of healing are
proper. Ethnic Buryatia’s sacral map comprises a variety of spatial elements, such as border markers
of settlements, places for economic pursuits, burial grounds, and those of hierophanies. ‘Healing’
localities, including healing springs, are somewhat distinguished in this sacral space. Goals. The
study attempts a review of images of healing springs, their functions and significance for society
— through the prism of spatial, social ‘narratives’ of culture. Materials and methods. The Buryat development space is a compound information environment comprising elements that remain relevant
to date. Healing springs are considered from the perspective of the information theory of culture,
which makes it possible to identify a few layers of somewhat contradictory messages articulated by
representatives of different generations. Results. The paper traces certain chains of changes in statuses of such springs: from ‘water of immortality’ once granted by deities — to symbols of holiness of
Buddhist hierarchs whose efforts gave birth to a number of such arshans. Special attention is given
to images of supernatural patrons of springs, their healing properties and prescribed practices, beautification endeavors across adjacent territories. Conclusions. The insight into the arshan cult and water-related practices reveals some most socially relevant details inherent thereto. Information layers
characterizing the image of a spring reflect certain changes in perceptions of its significance — from
clan-level status to public one. Furthermore, Buddhism has yielded significant transformations both in
ritual arrangements, patterns of healing practices, and design of such treatment places.
phenomena such as “taboos.” Within the framework of prohibitions and restrictions that
govern daily life, food taboos emerge as a prominent aspect. Some of these taboos are
grounded in rationality, reflecting an understanding of the intimate link between dietary
practices and human health, while others appear more arbitrary, serving to ward off negative
occurrences in individuals' lives and within society. This research delves into the extensive
network of food taboos prevalent in the traditional culture of the Turko-Mongolic peoples
of Inner Asia. These taboos governed various facets of people's lives, with their justification
rooted in the preservation of physical well-being, particularly among children, the promotion
of societal harmony, and the prevention of conflicts. Additionally, these prohibitions and
restrictions reveal a concern for individuals' appearances. Many of the prohibitions related
to meat consumption exhibit clear discrimination, restricting women and children's access
to valuable meat types while relegating them to consuming entrails and other inedible parts
of the animal carcass.
Предназначена для этнологов, историков, археологов, лингви-стов-алтаистов, а также для широкого круга читателей, интере-сующихся вопросами исторической географии, этнической исто-рии, ономастики.
Предназначена для специалистов в области проблем миграций и диаспор, истории и современного развития монгольского мира, широкого круга читателей.
The monograph is intended for historians, political scientists, sociologists, medical doctors and all those interested in the history of medicine, history of Russian geopolitics in Asia and traditional medicine of the Mongolian peoples.
The book is of interest for the researchers in various areas of humanities and also for all those who want to learn more about religious processes in Russia.
На материалах Бурятии исследуются проблемы истории и современного состояния религиозности и религиозных институтов, межконфессиональных взаимодействий, отношений церквей и государства, а также модернизации религиозных представлений, культов и обрядов. Основываясь на новейших методологических подходах, авторы анализируют процессы религиозного возрождения и многообразие религиозных практик в полиэтничной и мультикультурной Бурятии, где на протяжении веков складывались традиции толерантности и уважения к культуре других, вследствие чего сформировалось особое гуманитарно-географическое пространство, в котором немаловажную роль играет религиозный синкретизм.
Для специалистов в различных областях гуманитарного знания, а также широкого круга читателей, интересующихся религиозными процессами и практиками в России.
Сборник предназначен для специалистов в области проблем миграций и диаспор, истории и современного развития монгольского мира, широкому кругу читателей.
Предназначен для широкого круга читателей.