Papers by Jean-Pierre FERAL
Prototype d'indexation, de visualisation et de fouille de données hétérogènes en écologie dans le... more Prototype d'indexation, de visualisation et de fouille de données hétérogènes en écologie dans le cadre du consortium IndexMed : appel à participations! Prototype d'indexation, de visualisation et de fouille de données hétérogènes en écologie > Contextes et données 2 -Base quantitative -Surtout « contemplative » (X species, Y taxa…) -spp. richness
Environmental Pollution Series A, Ecological and Biological, 1981
The weathering of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons from the Amoco Cadiz oil was monitored from... more The weathering of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons from the Amoco Cadiz oil was monitored from May 1978 to January 1980 in selected seashore invertebrates and sediments of the polluted area in Brittany, using high temperature high resolution gas-liquid chromatography . The major part of the oil was relatively rapidly eliminated but some petroleum constituents, such as long-chain n-alkanes, triterpanes and alkylated phenanthrenes and dibenzothiophenes, appeared to persist for a time .

Smooth-shelled mussels, Mytilus spp., have an antitropical distribution. In the Northern Hemisphe... more Smooth-shelled mussels, Mytilus spp., have an antitropical distribution. In the Northern Hemisphere, the M. edulis complex of species is composed of three genetically well delineated taxa: M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis and M. trossulus. In the Southern Hemisphere, morphological characters, allozymes and intron length polymorphisms suggest that Mytilus spp. populations from South America and Kerguelen Islands are related to M. edulis and those from Australasia to M. galloprovincialis. On the other hand, a phylogeny of the 16S rDNA mitochondrial locus demonstrates a clear distinctiveness of southern mussels and suggests that they are related to Mediterranean M. galloprovincialis. Here, we analysed the faster-evolving cytochrome oxidase subunit I locus. The divergence between haplotypes of populations from the two hemispheres was confirmed and was found to predate the divergence between haplotypes of northern M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis. In addition, strong genetic structure was detected among the southern samples, revealing three genetic entities that correspond to (1) South America and Kerguelen Island, (2) Tasmania, (3) New Zealand. Using the trans-Arctic interchange as a molecular clock calibration, we estimated the time since divergence of populations from the two hemispheres to be between 0.5 million years (MY) and 1.3 MY (average 0.84 MY). The contrasting patterns observed for the nuclear and the organelle genomes suggested two alternative, complex scenarios: two trans-equatorial migrations and the existence of differential barriers to mitochondrial and nuclear gene flow, or a single trans-equatorial migration and a view of the composition of the nuclear genome biased by taxonomic preconception.
Go to AGRIS search. Vie et Milieu (1997). The French marine diversity network. ...

Our goal was to assess the smallest scale of genetic differentiation in a minute ophiuroid consid... more Our goal was to assess the smallest scale of genetic differentiation in a minute ophiuroid considered as a cosmopolitan species, which was already shown to be differentiated at a relatively small scale (about 1 km) in the Mediterranean Sea -Medes Islands . Amphipholis squamata is hermaphroditic and broods its young . Both auto-and allo-fertilization occur . Morphs of several colors exist, and the species is bioluminescent . RAPD markers were used to assess the genetic structuring at a very small scale (a 90 X 90 cm square consisting of 3 X 3 adjacent quadrates of 30 cm side length each) . Very strong genetic differentiation was found between quadrates, it was not correlated to the distance between quadrates . An equally strong differentiation was observed between color morphs (pooling individuals of the 9 quadrates) . To check if the observed differentiation between quadrates was due to genetic differentiation between color morphs, associated with heterogeneous distribution of "colors" among quadrates, we tested for differentiation between quadrates, using individuals of two morphs taken one by one, namely the "green" morph, and the "gray" morph . There was still a strong differentiation between quadrates . No relationships can be deduced between genetic entities and color morphs .

Fm1r genera of hmod-prote('tin~: S('hÎ:u.tterid echinoids thal are endemie Jo Anlarctic and suh-A... more Fm1r genera of hmod-prote('tin~: S('hÎ:u.tterid echinoids thal are endemie Jo Anlarctic and suh-Amarclic ""aters were chosen for rhi.t sl!ldy. Vurù1us regions of the 28S ri bos omal RNA nw/emles were sequenced 10 locale a domain l'ariah/e enough to he useful far studying Jlu•rt-runge phy/ogenetic distances. The Dl ~·ariohle domain provides an indication of the rtlatire phylogenetic distanu.t hetween .tpeC"ie.t under .ttudy. The genus Amphipncustes oppears to duster with Brachystemastcr. another schizasterid _(tnus, and Delopatagus. a so-called osterostomatid. On the other hand, the genus Abalus apptars not to be mtmot'hyletic·. T/le 'molen1/ar {Jt•.tilimt• of Tripylus abatoides whkh reprrsems the ftJtlrtll l't'lii;u.~lt'rid geuu.t i.1· 1/fl/ deur. u.~ Î.f the cu.w: M'ben u.ting morpholical data. ln the pusent store of knowledge, morpholvgical and mo/ecu/ar phylogenies roughly agree.

2) 'touchdown' PCR to ensure primer specificity and (3) a highly processive DNA polymerase. Inter... more 2) 'touchdown' PCR to ensure primer specificity and (3) a highly processive DNA polymerase. Internal primers optimized for Leptasterias usually worked well for related genera (e.g., Asterias, Lethasterias). DNA was amplified from alcohol or formalin-preserved museum specimens with good (80%) success for target regions of approximately 250 bp. Success rates declined for target regions of 1000 bp (alcohol-preserved specimens) and for regions of 500-1000 bp (formalin-preserved specimens). Age of specimen was not a significant source of variation in amplification success, in the range of 5-30 years. Sequences could be aligned with little ambiguity at the genus level, with about 80% of the alignment gaps being 3 bases or less. Furthermore, putative heterozygous nucleotide sites (positions with two equally-intense bands) occurred at less than 1% frequency, and length variation heterozygosity was inferred in fewer than 15% of the sequenced products. Comparison to non-coding mitochondrial sequences from the same taxa suggested that the intron sequences are evolving at approximately 1/3 the rate of the mitochondrial sequences.
Les projets de recherche actuels qui prennent en compte les facteurs biogéographiques et historiq... more Les projets de recherche actuels qui prennent en compte les facteurs biogéographiques et historiques s’appuient sur l’organisation géographique des pôles pour étudier la structuration spatiale et génétique de la faune et de la flore à différentes échelles, du local au global, continent, îles et océans. Quelques rappels géographiques nous ont paru nécessaires avant d’exposer séparément les avancées des recherches actuelles et les perspectives envisagées, tant au Nord qu’au Sud, en biologie marine, biologie terrestre et à l’interface terre/mer.
To be cited as: CIESM, 2008. Climate warming and related changes in Mediterranean marine biota. N... more To be cited as: CIESM, 2008. Climate warming and related changes in Mediterranean marine biota. N° 35 in CIESM Workshop Monographs [F. Briand, Ed.], 152 pages, Monaco.
Amphipholis squamata is a species complex made of several very divergent mitochondrial lineages. ... more Amphipholis squamata is a species complex made of several very divergent mitochondrial lineages. Studies on morphology and colour varieties failed to find any diagnostic characters between these lineages. In this study, we assessed the number of lineages of the species complex present at Les Goudes (French Mediterranean coast) using mitochondrial DNA markers. Then, in order to check for reproductive isolation between lineages, we used nuclear DNA markers. The results revealed five species in the phylogenetic sense corresponding to four species in the "biological species concept" because of the lack of gene exchange. Also, the total lack of heterozygote individuals suggested high selfing rates. From these results, questions arise on the reproductive and colonization strategies of this species complex.

IndexMed est un consortium créé par l’axe Gestion de la biodiversité et des espaces naturels de l... more IndexMed est un consortium créé par l’axe Gestion de la biodiversité et des espaces naturels de l’IMBE (Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie marine et continentale). Son objectif principal est de développer la culture des bases de données et leur utilisation efficace dans le milieu de la recherche en écologie et biodiversité. Il doit permettre de répondre à des appels à projet dans le domaine des bases de données en écologie méditerranéenne en favorisant l’interdisciplinarité et les collaborations avec d’autres entités du CNRS. Les projets qui y seront développés doivent s’appuyer sur les différentes démarches nationales et internationales et promouvoir un travail partenarial international. Ce consortium doit notamment servir de relais aux réseaux et démarches en place nationalement et internationalement. L’architecture des systèmes d’informations déployés pour les projets proposée doit être décentralisée et consiste en l’indexation, la qualification, la cartographie...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 1985
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology, 1977
Comp. Biochem. Physiol.. 1977. I))/. 57C. pp. 91 to 93. Pergamon Press. Printed in Great Britain ... more Comp. Biochem. Physiol.. 1977. I))/. 57C. pp. 91 to 93. Pergamon Press. Printed in Great Britain EFFECTS OF BIOGENIC AMINES ON THE REGENERATION OF SMALL PIECES OF THE PEDAL DISC OF THE SEA ANEMONE METRIDIUM SENILE (LINNAEUS) PIERRE M. LENICQUE ...
Population genetic studies are useful for the conservation and management of biodiversity. Nevert... more Population genetic studies are useful for the conservation and management of biodiversity. Nevertheless genetic data are still scarce for most marine invertebrates including some ecologically important species such as the long-lived sessile metazoans from coralligenous communities which are also impacted by environmental changes. We tested several genetic markers for the study of the Mediterranean Cnidarians: Corallium rubrum and Paramuricea clavata. We present the relative efficiency of mtDNA, nuclear intron and microsatellite markers and the main results obtained concerning the diversity, genetic structure and dispersal abilities of these species. The extension and applicability of these approaches to other species from these ecosystems and their potential applications for management are discussed.
Papers by Jean-Pierre FERAL