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We construct a best linear method for the approximation of bounded harmonic functions on compact subsets of the unit disk. We show that a system of functions orthonormal on the unit circle and optimal for the construction of the best... more
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      Complex AnalysisRational approximations
For the Dirichlet classes D p of holomorphic functions in the disk, we obtain the exact orders of best polynomial approximations and of upper bounds for deviations of Fej´er means of Taylor series in the Hardy spaces H p .
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We consider functions of many complex variables that are holomorphic in a polydisk or in the upper half-plane. We give necessary and sufficient conditions under which a holomorphic function is a Cauchy-Stieltjes-type integral of a complex... more
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      Pure MathematicsIntegral representation
We show that the Lebesgue-Landau constants of linear methods for summation of Taylor series of functions holomorphic in a polydisk and in the unit ball from C m over triangular domains do not depend on the number m. On the basis of this... more
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      MathematicsPure Mathematics
We construct a linear method {ie910-01} for the approximation (in the unit disk) of classes of holomorphic functions {ie910-02} that are the Hadamard convolutions of the unit balls of the Bergman space A p with reproducing kernels... more
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    • Pure Mathematics
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      Pure MathematicsMean Value Theorem
A parametric family of operators G ρ is constructed for the class of convolutions W p,m (K) whose kernel K was generated by the moment sequence. We obtain a formula for evaluating E(W p,m (K); G ρ) p := sup f ∈Wp,m(K) f − G ρ (f) p .
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    • Pure Mathematics
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      Pure MathematicsTaylor SeriesRate of Convergence
A version of the mean-value theorem (formulas of finite increments) for analytic functions is proved. Take any function f(z) analytic in the disk I z I < r, r > 0, with f" (0) r 0. exist r o, 0 < r 0 < r, and a point ~ in the disk I zl <... more
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      MathematicsPure MathematicsMean Value Theorem
We establish necessary and sufficient conditions under which a real-valued function from Lp(T), 1 ≤ p < ∞, is badly approximable by the Hardy subspace H 0 p := {f ∈ Hp : f (0) = 0}. In a number of cases, we obtain the exact values of the... more
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    • Pure Mathematics
We investigate the problem of approximation of functions f holomorphic in the unit disk by means A f r ρ, () as ρ → 1-. In terms of the error of approximation by these means, a constructive characteristic of classes of holomorphic... more
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      MathematicsPure Mathematics
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      MathematicsPure MathematicsReproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
We consider functions of many complex variables that are holomorphic in a polydisk or in the upper half-plane. We give necessary and sufficient conditions under which a holomorphic function is a Cauchy-Stieltjes-type integral of a complex... more
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      Pure MathematicsIntegral representation
We construct the best linear methods of approximation for functions of the Hardy space H p on compact subsets of the unit disk. It is shown that the Takenaka-Malmquist systems are optimal systems of functions orthonormal on the unit... more
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      MathematicsPure Mathematics
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    • Pure Mathematics
UDC 517.5 We establish conditions on the boundary of a bounded simply connected domain C under which the p-Faber series of an arbitrary function from the Smirnov space E p. /; 1 Ä p < 1; can be summed by the Abel-Poisson method on the... more
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      MathematicsPure Mathematics
We determine the asymptotic equality for the upper bounds of deviations of generalized Zygmund sums Z n,ψ (f)(z) = f 0 + n−1 k=1 (1 − ψ n /ψ k) f k z k on the functional classes H ψφ p that are convolution of unit ball of the Hardy space... more
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    • Mathematics
On concentric circles T = {z ∈ C : |z| = }, 0 ≤ < 1, we determine the exact values of the quantities of the best approximation of holomorphic functions of the Bergman class Ap, 2 ≤ p ≤ ∞, in the uniform metric by algebraic polynomials... more
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      MathematicsPure Mathematics
UDC 517.5 We compute the values of the best approximations for the Cauchy kernel on the real axis R by some subspaces from Lq(R). This result is applied to the evaluation of the sharp upper bounds for pointwise deviations of certain... more
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    • Pure Mathematics