Papers by Joseph Zompetti
It includes chapters on: making the case for debate skills learned through debate debate teaching... more It includes chapters on: making the case for debate skills learned through debate debate teaching debate and advocacy how debate can help with career preparation
Public Policy and Governance, 2019
Abstract This chapter explores social control from a theoretical perspective based on rhetoric. T... more Abstract This chapter explores social control from a theoretical perspective based on rhetoric. The chapter highlights three theorists whose insights enable us to see how social control functions. First, the chapter examines the work of Michel Foucault, in particular his notions of power, as they relate to the way social control operates. Second, key concepts from Antonio Gramsci reveal the ways in which social control discursively sustains its hold on society. Finally, the work of Louis Althusser is discussed, especially his notion of interpellation, as it yields a way to view how ideology and social control are interrelated rhetorically. By focusing on the rhetoric of social control, we can gain an understanding of how social control operates and is used by particular agents in society.

Argumentation and Advocacy
Although the study of argumentation has long held a cherished position in the communication disci... more Although the study of argumentation has long held a cherished position in the communication discipline, there is still a question regarding individuals' use of various argumentative skills. This study examined the generation of arguments, refUtations, rebuttals, and types of evidence during an argumentative interaction. Participants argued with trained conftderates who took the opposing view on the issue of doctor-assisted suicide. Discussions were audio-taped and coded. Results indicated that people presented more refUtations than arguments and overall, evidence and rebuttals were presented infrequently. During informal arguments, arguments that people have with others over a host of issues such as political or social topics (Ricco, 2002), interactants assert and support a position or claim with the goal of demonstrating the superiority of one's view. At the core of argumentative ability are reasoning and critical thinking skills (
Speaker and Gavel, 2005
On the one hand, it stands for the entire constellation of beliefs, values, techniques, and so on... more On the one hand, it stands for the entire constellation of beliefs, values, techniques, and so on shared by the members of a given community. On the other, it denotes one sort of element in that constellation, the concrete puzzle-solutions which, employed as models or examples, can replace explicit rules as a basis for the solution of the remaining puzzles of normal science. (Kuhn, 1970, p. 175)
Speaker and Gavel, 2005
On the one hand, it stands for the entire constellation of beliefs, values, techniques, and so on... more On the one hand, it stands for the entire constellation of beliefs, values, techniques, and so on shared by the members of a given community. On the other, it denotes one sort of element in that constellation, the concrete puzzle-solutions which, employed as models or examples, can replace explicit rules as a basis for the solution of the remaining puzzles of normal science. (Kuhn, 1970, p. 175)
It includes chapters on: making the case for debate skills learned through debate debate teaching... more It includes chapters on: making the case for debate skills learned through debate debate teaching debate and advocacy how debate can help with career preparation

Argumentation and advocacy, Jun 1, 2008
Although the study of argumentation has long held a cherished position in the communication disci... more Although the study of argumentation has long held a cherished position in the communication discipline, there is still a question regarding individuals' use of various argumentative skills. This study examined the generation of arguments, refUtations, rebuttals, and types of evidence during an argumentative interaction. Participants argued with trained conftderates who took the opposing view on the issue of doctor-assisted suicide. Discussions were audio-taped and coded. Results indicated that people presented more refUtations than arguments and overall, evidence and rebuttals were presented infrequently. During informal arguments, arguments that people have with others over a host of issues such as political or social topics (Ricco, 2002), interactants assert and support a position or claim with the goal of demonstrating the superiority of one's view. At the core of argumentative ability are reasoning and critical thinking skills (
Local Theories of Argument, 2021
Public policy and governance, Jun 13, 2019
Abstract This chapter explores social control from a theoretical perspective based on rhetoric. T... more Abstract This chapter explores social control from a theoretical perspective based on rhetoric. The chapter highlights three theorists whose insights enable us to see how social control functions. First, the chapter examines the work of Michel Foucault, in particular his notions of power, as they relate to the way social control operates. Second, key concepts from Antonio Gramsci reveal the ways in which social control discursively sustains its hold on society. Finally, the work of Louis Althusser is discussed, especially his notion of interpellation, as it yields a way to view how ideology and social control are interrelated rhetorically. By focusing on the rhetoric of social control, we can gain an understanding of how social control operates and is used by particular agents in society.
International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 2017
Submission Guidelines S&G publishes refereed articles addressing all aspects of communication the... more Submission Guidelines S&G publishes refereed articles addressing all aspects of communication theory and practice. Authors should submit three copies of their manuscript prepared according to the latest edition of MLA or APA guidelines. Use minimal endnotes only for exposition or explanation, not as bibliographic citations. Include a cover letter identifying author(s) and affiliation(s). Remove all references in the manuscript to author and affiliation to facilitate blind review. S&G encourages and promotes undergraduate and graduate research. Submissions from undergraduate and graduate students should be identified as such on the cover letter. Enclose a computer disk with an accurate copy of your manuscript. Clearly label the the disk with OS platform (e.g., Macintosh, Windows 3.1) and word processing software.
Internationalizing the Communication Curriculum in an Age of Globalization, 2019

Divisive Discourse: The Extreme Rhetoric of Contemporary American Politics by Joseph Zompetti. Sa... more Divisive Discourse: The Extreme Rhetoric of Contemporary American Politics by Joseph Zompetti. San Diego: Cognella Academic Publishing, 2015. 258 pp. $74.95 Hardcover. Years from now, when historians chronicle the Obama era, they will situate events within an especially anxious discursive environment. Presidential history tends to survey the major exigencies of a given term in office, and the current administration has these in surplus. Since 2008, the nation has been embroiled in a diversity of passionate debates, including but not limited to those concerning gun control, religious freedom, healthcare, gay rights, and immigration. Place these between the nation's first black president and a largely white backlash movement, at the tail end of a "Great Recession," and amid the lingering threat s of global terrorism, and you have a plausible setting for extremist rhetoric. If argumentation scholars have a public role to play in times like these, it must in volve clarifying the chaos. This is the daunting project of Joseph Zompetti's Divisive Discourse: The Extreme Rhetoric of Contemporary American Politics, an interesting and timely read that may prove useful as a textbook for courses on argumentation. A classically trained debater, Zompetti approaches controversy with an eye for premises, contentions, evidences, and fallacies. He documents these in clear and logical fashion, always directing the reader to observe the architecture of the argument. "By focusing on the tactics and techniques of discourse rather than the content," he writes, "my hope is that the conversations generated by this book will be about how political issues are discussed instead of what is being discussed" (p. xix). The book's seven chapters include an introduction to theoretical foundations, a conclusion, and five analytical chapters spanning the controversies enumerated above. Admitting to but suppressing personal opinions, Zompetti attempts to dissect these debates from a position of relative impartiality. Chapter 1 covers a great deal of conceptual ground in a concise thirteen pages, providing definitions for key terms, explaining the Toulmin model, and listing some of the most common types of fallacy. Here Zompetti equips readers with the tools for performing the work that follows. Specifically, this means recognizing the characteristics of extremist speech and analyzing them against the context and available evidence. Chapters 2 through 6 put these tools to good use. In Chapter 2, Zompetti considers the divisive discourse surrounding gun controversies. Here, as in all subsequent chapters, he draws on Lloyd Bitzer, explaining the nature of the rhetorical situation and situating the debate in relation to its exigencies, audiences, and constraints. Having established these, he proceeds to survey the arguments that most commonly arise, including "Safety/Killing Arguments," "Rights/Tyranny Arguments," "Self Defense/stand your ground Arguments," and some of the more troublesome fallacies. Observers of contemporary discourse pertaining to guns will find a host of familiar names-and quotations-represented here. Each section features arguments from politicians, lobbyists, journalists, academics, advocates, and opinionated celebrities, among others. Despite the often-chaotic nature of the discourse, Zompetti does an admirable job of corralling the disputants and presenting their arguments in an orderly fashion. Chapter 3 continues in this vein, examining contemporary debates about religion. Contextualizing religious discourse along and within the related fields of law and politics, Zompetti documents the most common debates and their most common claims. These include debates over public prayer, tax exemptions, holy days, public religious displays, and Islam-in-general. Because religious discourse is often the product of difference, and because it operates at the nexus of several public fields, it is often subject to faction. …
Argumentation in ancient Greece & Rome Argumentation in the Middle Ages Argumentation in the Enli... more Argumentation in ancient Greece & Rome Argumentation in the Middle Ages Argumentation in the Enlightenment era Argumentation in the contemporary era Introductory chapters providing context on each major period of rhetoric
eJournal of Public Affairs, 2019
is firmly established as a leading research and policy center, serving a large and diverse commun... more is firmly established as a leading research and policy center, serving a large and diverse community of analysts, scholars, policy-watchers, business leaders, and journalists. It is at the forefront of research on issues of conflict, security, and development. Through its applied research, publications, research cooperation, public lectures, and seminars, it functions as a focal point for academic, policy, and public discussion. The opinions and conclusions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Institute for Security and Development Policy or its sponsors.
Papers by Joseph Zompetti