Supplemental Material, Web_Appendix_resub__August_31 for Rethinking Service Systems and Public Po... more Supplemental Material, Web_Appendix_resub__August_31 for Rethinking Service Systems and Public Policy: A Transformative Refugee Service Experience Framework by Silke Boenigk, Raymond Fisk, Sertan Kabadayi, Linda Alkire, Lilliemay Cheung, Canan Corus, Jörg Finsterwalder, Aaron A. Kreimer, Nadina Luca, Mansour Omeira, Pallab Paul, Marcos F. Santos and Nina Smidt in Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
The “Africa Regional Fair Recruitment Report: The recruitment of migrant workers to, within and f... more The “Africa Regional Fair Recruitment Report: The recruitment of migrant workers to, within and from Africa” comprises an expanded view of the recruitment of African migrant workers to disentangle the recruitment, migration and employment aspects of the process. It analyses the practices of the various actors that contribute to each of the three aspects, notably employers, recruiters and other service providers. It recommends that such dimensions be distinguished according to countries of origin and of employment, as well as by occupation, in order to respond to challenges encountered by migrant workers in terms of personal characteristics such as gender and level of education. Those dimensions are inter-connected, but may vary in relation to each other and can change over time.
Le "Rapport régional sur le recrutement équitable en Afrique : Le recrutement des travailleurs mi... more Le "Rapport régional sur le recrutement équitable en Afrique : Le recrutement des travailleurs migrants en provenance, au sein et à destination de l’Afrique" offre une vision élargie du recrutement des travailleurs migrants africains afin de distinguer les aspects du processus liés au recrutement, à la migration et à l'emploi. Il analyse les pratiques des différents acteurs qui contribuent à chacun de ces trois aspects, notamment les employeurs, les recruteurs et les autres prestataires de services. Elle recommande de distinguer ces dimensions en fonction des pays d'origine et d'emploi, ainsi que de la profession, afin de répondre aux défis rencontrés par les travailleurs migrants en termes de caractéristiques personnelles telles que le genre et le niveau d'éducation. Ces dimensions sont interconnectées, mais peuvent varier les unes par rapport aux autres et évoluer dans le temps.
Presented in English and Arabic, the glossary is intended to bring clarity to the terms used arou... more Presented in English and Arabic, the glossary is intended to bring clarity to the terms used around informality in both languages. Being the first of its kind in the region, it is a preliminary effort intended to stir debate and discussion around the multiplicity of Arabic terms used for certain concepts. The terms are presented in a table format following the English alphabetical order. The Arabic text is presented along with the English in the next column. In addition to the suggested terms, a list of other terms used to describe the same concept is provided in both languages. The inclusion of different terms is based on a review of relevant documents from national, regional, and international organizations, cross-referencing with the United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database, and feedback from readers of previous drafts of the glossary. The terms are indexed for ease of access in both languages, and the sources for definitions are listed after the term, while a full refere...
The greater emphasis on governance issues in economic reform programmes of Middle East and North ... more The greater emphasis on governance issues in economic reform programmes of Middle East and North African (MENA) countries has given inadequate attention to labour governance. This paper draws on the experience of Nordic countries to review the role of labour governance institutions, tripartism, and collective bargaining in the MENA region. The issues it addresses include labour flexibility, social protection, public sector employment, and minimum wages. This comparative overview identifies directions for future research on multiple dimensions of the link between labour governance and economic reform.
Thesis (M.A.)--American University of Beirut, Dept. of Economics, 2007.;"Advisor: Dr. Nader ... more Thesis (M.A.)--American University of Beirut, Dept. of Economics, 2007.;"Advisor: Dr. Nader Kabbani, Assistant Professor, Economics--Member of Committee: Dr. Samir Makdisi, Professor, Economics--Member of Committee: Dr. Marcus Marktanner, Assistant Profes
The COVID-19 pandemic and its responses have exacerbated the unfairness and unsustainability of c... more The COVID-19 pandemic and its responses have exacerbated the unfairness and unsustainability of consumption and production systems worldwide. They have also highlighted the urgency of transforming such systems beyond a narrow focus on technological innovations. However, dominant ways of thinking have curtailed the development of theoretical and practical alternatives and hampered efforts to address complex societal problems on a planetary scale. In response, this theoretical dissertation offers an integrative systemic account of social innovation in consumption and production systems. The dissertation makes three main contributions of relevance to sustainable development. First, it introduces integrative systemics as an alternative to the paradigm wars’ disjunctive and reductionist approaches and elaborates its philosophical foundations. Second, it offers new conceptual foundations for studying consumption and production systems, transcending the opposition between behavioral scienc...
The global refugee crisis is a complex humanitarian problem. Service researchers can assist in solving this crisis because refugees are immersed in complex human service systems. Drawing on marketing, sociology, transformative service, and consumer research literature, this study develops a Transformative Refugee Service Experience Framework to enable researchers, service actors, and public policy makers to navigate the challenges faced throughout a refugee’s service journey. The primary dimensions of this framework encompass the spectrum from hostile to hospitable refugee service systems and the resulting suffering or well-being in refugees’ experiences. The authors conceptualize this at three refugee service journey phases (entry, transition, and exit) and at three refugee service system levels (macro, meso, and micro) of analysis. The framework is supported by brief examples from a range of service-related refugee contexts as well as a Web Appendix with additional cases. Moreover, the authors derive a comprehensive research agenda from the framework, with detailed research questions for public policy and (service) marketing researchers. Managerial directions are provided to increase awareness of refugee service problems; stimulate productive interactions; and improve collaboration among public and nonprofit organizations, private service providers, and refugees. Finally, this work provides a vision for creating hospitable refugee service systems.
The evolution of economic incentives and social norms in Lebanon has created new challenges for w... more The evolution of economic incentives and social norms in Lebanon has created new challenges for women to balance work and family life. Underlying dynamics include changes in the demographic structure, the family structure, and the political and economic situation in the country. The paper investigates the perceptions and practices of paid and unpaid care 10th MRM Meeting
The rallying call for protesters across the Arab region in 2011 has been: "the people want to bri... more The rallying call for protesters across the Arab region in 2011 has been: "the people want to bring down the order". A variant of this slogan, "the people want to bring down the [ruler]", although popular at times, has been found wanting, with popular discontent persisting after the ruler was brought down. The popular rejection of the prevailing social, economic, and political order raises the need for going beyond a piece-meal approach by investigating that order as a precondition for replacing it. The slogans raised in the uprisings have featured intuitive depictions of the prevailing order. The first slogan raised by protesters in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, after the self-immolation of Mohammed Bouazizi, the informal street vendor, was "employment is a right, you gang of thieves".
Ongoing violent conflicts accentuate the challenges that women and men face in the rural areas of... more Ongoing violent conflicts accentuate the challenges that women and men face in the rural areas of Iraq, Lebanon, and the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The potential of cooperatives for sharing risk, pooling resources, learning together, generating income, and balancing work and family responsibilities, has yet to be actualized. Cooperatives in the three countries remain marginal, and often organizations labelled as cooperatives do not adhere by cooperative principles. Since donor dependency has become pervasive, interventions should focus on skills development for the sustainability of cooperatives. Training needs adaptation to the local context, and gender responsiveness is necessary for the success of interventions.
The greater emphasis on governance issues in economic reform programmes of Middle East and North ... more The greater emphasis on governance issues in economic reform programmes of Middle East and North African (MENA) countries has given inadequate attention to labour governance.This paper draws on the experience of Nordic countries to review the role of labour governance institutions, tripartism, and collective bargaining in the MENA region. The issues it addresses include labour flexibility, social protection, public sector employment, and minimum wages. This comparative overview identifies directions for future research on multiple dimensions of the link between labour governance and economic reform.
Supplemental Material, Web_Appendix_resub__August_31 for Rethinking Service Systems and Public Po... more Supplemental Material, Web_Appendix_resub__August_31 for Rethinking Service Systems and Public Policy: A Transformative Refugee Service Experience Framework by Silke Boenigk, Raymond Fisk, Sertan Kabadayi, Linda Alkire, Lilliemay Cheung, Canan Corus, Jörg Finsterwalder, Aaron A. Kreimer, Nadina Luca, Mansour Omeira, Pallab Paul, Marcos F. Santos and Nina Smidt in Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
The “Africa Regional Fair Recruitment Report: The recruitment of migrant workers to, within and f... more The “Africa Regional Fair Recruitment Report: The recruitment of migrant workers to, within and from Africa” comprises an expanded view of the recruitment of African migrant workers to disentangle the recruitment, migration and employment aspects of the process. It analyses the practices of the various actors that contribute to each of the three aspects, notably employers, recruiters and other service providers. It recommends that such dimensions be distinguished according to countries of origin and of employment, as well as by occupation, in order to respond to challenges encountered by migrant workers in terms of personal characteristics such as gender and level of education. Those dimensions are inter-connected, but may vary in relation to each other and can change over time.
Le "Rapport régional sur le recrutement équitable en Afrique : Le recrutement des travailleurs mi... more Le "Rapport régional sur le recrutement équitable en Afrique : Le recrutement des travailleurs migrants en provenance, au sein et à destination de l’Afrique" offre une vision élargie du recrutement des travailleurs migrants africains afin de distinguer les aspects du processus liés au recrutement, à la migration et à l'emploi. Il analyse les pratiques des différents acteurs qui contribuent à chacun de ces trois aspects, notamment les employeurs, les recruteurs et les autres prestataires de services. Elle recommande de distinguer ces dimensions en fonction des pays d'origine et d'emploi, ainsi que de la profession, afin de répondre aux défis rencontrés par les travailleurs migrants en termes de caractéristiques personnelles telles que le genre et le niveau d'éducation. Ces dimensions sont interconnectées, mais peuvent varier les unes par rapport aux autres et évoluer dans le temps.
Presented in English and Arabic, the glossary is intended to bring clarity to the terms used arou... more Presented in English and Arabic, the glossary is intended to bring clarity to the terms used around informality in both languages. Being the first of its kind in the region, it is a preliminary effort intended to stir debate and discussion around the multiplicity of Arabic terms used for certain concepts. The terms are presented in a table format following the English alphabetical order. The Arabic text is presented along with the English in the next column. In addition to the suggested terms, a list of other terms used to describe the same concept is provided in both languages. The inclusion of different terms is based on a review of relevant documents from national, regional, and international organizations, cross-referencing with the United Nations Multilingual Terminology Database, and feedback from readers of previous drafts of the glossary. The terms are indexed for ease of access in both languages, and the sources for definitions are listed after the term, while a full refere...
The greater emphasis on governance issues in economic reform programmes of Middle East and North ... more The greater emphasis on governance issues in economic reform programmes of Middle East and North African (MENA) countries has given inadequate attention to labour governance. This paper draws on the experience of Nordic countries to review the role of labour governance institutions, tripartism, and collective bargaining in the MENA region. The issues it addresses include labour flexibility, social protection, public sector employment, and minimum wages. This comparative overview identifies directions for future research on multiple dimensions of the link between labour governance and economic reform.
Thesis (M.A.)--American University of Beirut, Dept. of Economics, 2007.;"Advisor: Dr. Nader ... more Thesis (M.A.)--American University of Beirut, Dept. of Economics, 2007.;"Advisor: Dr. Nader Kabbani, Assistant Professor, Economics--Member of Committee: Dr. Samir Makdisi, Professor, Economics--Member of Committee: Dr. Marcus Marktanner, Assistant Profes
The COVID-19 pandemic and its responses have exacerbated the unfairness and unsustainability of c... more The COVID-19 pandemic and its responses have exacerbated the unfairness and unsustainability of consumption and production systems worldwide. They have also highlighted the urgency of transforming such systems beyond a narrow focus on technological innovations. However, dominant ways of thinking have curtailed the development of theoretical and practical alternatives and hampered efforts to address complex societal problems on a planetary scale. In response, this theoretical dissertation offers an integrative systemic account of social innovation in consumption and production systems. The dissertation makes three main contributions of relevance to sustainable development. First, it introduces integrative systemics as an alternative to the paradigm wars’ disjunctive and reductionist approaches and elaborates its philosophical foundations. Second, it offers new conceptual foundations for studying consumption and production systems, transcending the opposition between behavioral scienc...
The global refugee crisis is a complex humanitarian problem. Service researchers can assist in solving this crisis because refugees are immersed in complex human service systems. Drawing on marketing, sociology, transformative service, and consumer research literature, this study develops a Transformative Refugee Service Experience Framework to enable researchers, service actors, and public policy makers to navigate the challenges faced throughout a refugee’s service journey. The primary dimensions of this framework encompass the spectrum from hostile to hospitable refugee service systems and the resulting suffering or well-being in refugees’ experiences. The authors conceptualize this at three refugee service journey phases (entry, transition, and exit) and at three refugee service system levels (macro, meso, and micro) of analysis. The framework is supported by brief examples from a range of service-related refugee contexts as well as a Web Appendix with additional cases. Moreover, the authors derive a comprehensive research agenda from the framework, with detailed research questions for public policy and (service) marketing researchers. Managerial directions are provided to increase awareness of refugee service problems; stimulate productive interactions; and improve collaboration among public and nonprofit organizations, private service providers, and refugees. Finally, this work provides a vision for creating hospitable refugee service systems.
The evolution of economic incentives and social norms in Lebanon has created new challenges for w... more The evolution of economic incentives and social norms in Lebanon has created new challenges for women to balance work and family life. Underlying dynamics include changes in the demographic structure, the family structure, and the political and economic situation in the country. The paper investigates the perceptions and practices of paid and unpaid care 10th MRM Meeting
The rallying call for protesters across the Arab region in 2011 has been: "the people want to bri... more The rallying call for protesters across the Arab region in 2011 has been: "the people want to bring down the order". A variant of this slogan, "the people want to bring down the [ruler]", although popular at times, has been found wanting, with popular discontent persisting after the ruler was brought down. The popular rejection of the prevailing social, economic, and political order raises the need for going beyond a piece-meal approach by investigating that order as a precondition for replacing it. The slogans raised in the uprisings have featured intuitive depictions of the prevailing order. The first slogan raised by protesters in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, after the self-immolation of Mohammed Bouazizi, the informal street vendor, was "employment is a right, you gang of thieves".
Ongoing violent conflicts accentuate the challenges that women and men face in the rural areas of... more Ongoing violent conflicts accentuate the challenges that women and men face in the rural areas of Iraq, Lebanon, and the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The potential of cooperatives for sharing risk, pooling resources, learning together, generating income, and balancing work and family responsibilities, has yet to be actualized. Cooperatives in the three countries remain marginal, and often organizations labelled as cooperatives do not adhere by cooperative principles. Since donor dependency has become pervasive, interventions should focus on skills development for the sustainability of cooperatives. Training needs adaptation to the local context, and gender responsiveness is necessary for the success of interventions.
The greater emphasis on governance issues in economic reform programmes of Middle East and North ... more The greater emphasis on governance issues in economic reform programmes of Middle East and North African (MENA) countries has given inadequate attention to labour governance.This paper draws on the experience of Nordic countries to review the role of labour governance institutions, tripartism, and collective bargaining in the MENA region. The issues it addresses include labour flexibility, social protection, public sector employment, and minimum wages. This comparative overview identifies directions for future research on multiple dimensions of the link between labour governance and economic reform.
The Arab region is currently witnessing more social transformation at all levels of society than ... more The Arab region is currently witnessing more social transformation at all levels of society than ever before, due to the demographic growth, expanded ethnic and sectarian conflicts, accelerated urbanization, global economy, and education, together with changing modes of information and communication. Despite continuous efforts by the state, public institutions, civil society, and private actors, social justice remains a challenge and social policies are not fully responding to the social transformations of the region. Re-thinking the role of the state in social development in the Arab region in the double crisis of neo-liberalism and global finance world-wide and specifically in the context of the Arab region is a challenging task. It entails questioning the relationship between citizens and the state; nationals and non-nationals as a result of migration and displacement; women and men; human rights; the poor and the wealthy in the context of social transformation.
The greater emphasis on governance issues in economic reform programmes of Middle East and North ... more The greater emphasis on governance issues in economic reform programmes of Middle East and North African (MENA) countries has given inadequate attention to labour governance. This paper draws on the experience of Nordic countries to review the role of labour governance institutions, tripartism, and collective bargaining in the MENA region. The issues it addresses include labour flexibility, social protection, public sector employment, and minimum wages. This comparative overview identifies directions for future research on multiple dimensions of the link between labour governance and economic reform.
Books by Mansour Omeira
Papers by Mansour Omeira
The global refugee crisis is a complex humanitarian problem. Service researchers can assist in solving this crisis because refugees are immersed in complex human service systems. Drawing on marketing, sociology, transformative service, and consumer research literature, this study develops a Transformative Refugee Service Experience Framework to enable researchers, service actors, and public policy makers to navigate the challenges faced throughout a refugee’s service journey. The primary dimensions of this framework encompass the spectrum from hostile to hospitable refugee service systems and the resulting suffering or well-being in refugees’ experiences. The authors conceptualize this at three refugee service journey phases (entry, transition, and exit) and at three refugee service system levels (macro, meso, and micro) of analysis. The framework is supported by brief examples from a range of service-related refugee contexts as well as a Web Appendix with additional cases. Moreover, the authors derive a comprehensive research agenda from the framework, with detailed research questions for public policy and (service) marketing researchers. Managerial directions are provided to increase awareness of refugee service problems; stimulate productive interactions; and improve collaboration among public and nonprofit organizations, private service providers, and refugees. Finally, this work provides a vision for creating hospitable refugee service systems.
The global refugee crisis is a complex humanitarian problem. Service researchers can assist in solving this crisis because refugees are immersed in complex human service systems. Drawing on marketing, sociology, transformative service, and consumer research literature, this study develops a Transformative Refugee Service Experience Framework to enable researchers, service actors, and public policy makers to navigate the challenges faced throughout a refugee’s service journey. The primary dimensions of this framework encompass the spectrum from hostile to hospitable refugee service systems and the resulting suffering or well-being in refugees’ experiences. The authors conceptualize this at three refugee service journey phases (entry, transition, and exit) and at three refugee service system levels (macro, meso, and micro) of analysis. The framework is supported by brief examples from a range of service-related refugee contexts as well as a Web Appendix with additional cases. Moreover, the authors derive a comprehensive research agenda from the framework, with detailed research questions for public policy and (service) marketing researchers. Managerial directions are provided to increase awareness of refugee service problems; stimulate productive interactions; and improve collaboration among public and nonprofit organizations, private service providers, and refugees. Finally, this work provides a vision for creating hospitable refugee service systems.