? ?
16 June 2009 @ 11:17 pm
Finally an update!  
*pokes the comm*

How's everyone doing?

I've been interested in playing with watercolor for awhile, and figured this would be a great excuse to do so! So I painted a little Carolina wren! It looks a bit funky because I used a sedge wren photo for the pose and tried to change it into a Carolina wren, but for a first try it didn't come out bad!

My list so far - a whopping 3 pieces finished! - can be found here, or my DA account here!
G.twapa on June 17th, 2009 02:40 pm (UTC)
Ooh, I like it!

This community needs more members to keep it active! XD

I've got a few bird pieces I'm working on ATM but I haven't really finished any lately... Maybe I'll just post sketches.