Papers by Hsiang-Chieh LEE

International journal of disaster risk reduction, Dec 1, 2019
This study examined how to effectively implement the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction... more This study examined how to effectively implement the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 by inspecting disaster governance strategies for persons with disabilities in Taiwan. We identified priorities of the Sendai Framework that especially mention persons with disabilities or related stakeholders, including Priorities 24(a), 24(g), 24(h), 27(g), 27(h), 30(j), 30(k), 33(b), and 33(i). A set of questions was designed according to these priorities and distributed to all central ministries, agencies, and local governments related to disaster governance in Taiwan. The results showed that strategies currently cover the issues of evacuation, shelter operation, facility operation for persons with disabilities, electricity backup during emergency, strategies for schools, and disaster recovery and reconstruction. We found that the present disaster governance strategies for persons with disabilities in Taiwan are focused on the preparedness and emergency response phases, and most strategies utilize a top-down approach. Based on these findings, we suggest the development of more strategies for the recovery and reconstruction phases and the incorporation of bottom-up mechanisms such as stakeholder participation, dialogue and cooperation, coordination forums, empowerment, and consultation with stakeholders, as discussed in Priorities 24(h), 27(g), 30(j), and 33(i) of the Sendai Framework.

This study introduces a method to identify nursing homes and disabled's institutions with flo... more This study introduces a method to identify nursing homes and disabled's institutions with flood or landslide risks, as an alternative to the conventionally use of risk potential maps. The method proposed in this study combines the results of risk potential maps and survey that asks for disaster experiences and environmental risk elements. This study argues that using risk potential maps alone is insufficient because there are usually gaps between assumptions of risk potential models and real situations, e.g., inundation potential models assume that embankments would not break, which are usually not the case. In this study, an institution with highest flood risk is defined as possibly being flooded when 24-hour accumulated rainfall reaches 300 or 350 mm according to the risk potential map, or when an institution experienced flood in the recent ten years. An institution having a second highest level of flood risk is defined as not in the group with the highest level risk and possi...
150 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008.The data used in the disse... more 150 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008.The data used in the dissertation includes in-depth interviews, governmental documents, and media reports. In 2003 and 2005, I conducted fifty-one interviews of businesspeople and their family members in Taiwan and in China. Since 2002, I have also collected documents of many social institutions, including governments, political parties, media, social movement organizations, and online forums for the public. The date of these documents ranged from the early 1980s to 2007.U of I OnlyRestricted to the U of I community idenfinitely during batch ingest of legacy ETD
Natural Hazards Review, 2021
AbstractThis study investigated the effects of social determinants and resource distribution on t... more AbstractThis study investigated the effects of social determinants and resource distribution on trust in government after a disaster. This involved an analysis of four waves of the Social Impact an...
本文以岩手縣、宮城縣為例,探討東日本大震災的巨災狀況,對於避難所、臨時住宅建造的影響,並將所蒐整的資料歸類成以下四大議題進行討論:(1)原定避難所無法應付巨災帶來的極端狀況;(2)巨災導致許多地... more 本文以岩手縣、宮城縣為例,探討東日本大震災的巨災狀況,對於避難所、臨時住宅建造的影響,並將所蒐整的資料歸類成以下四大議題進行討論:(1)原定避難所無法應付巨災帶來的極端狀況;(2)巨災導致許多地方行政單位受災,故有避難所管理人數不足的問題;(3)巨災導致交通中斷、避難所多且分散、災民過多而有物資和傳染病的問題;(4)巨災使得可利用的土地取得不易,臨時住宅建造速度難以應付災民需求。由此四大議題的討論,本文認為值得臺灣作後續思考的議題包含,避難所和地方行政單位的選址,應考量極端氣候狀況的災害潛勢、應事先規劃臨時住宅所需土地之可能設置地點、避難所容量,應和依親選擇相輔相成、借鏡日本針對災害弱勢群體和志工管理二方面的現有作為,如事先準備好指導手冊、災時不時提醒弱勢者的需求、掌握各地狀況,以有效分派志工等等。
The World Social Science (WSS) fellows on Risk Interpretation and Action (RIA) include the core w... more The World Social Science (WSS) fellows on Risk Interpretation and Action (RIA) include the core writing team of this report

Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 2010
Several of the arguments made in this article rarely appear in the existing literature of indigen... more Several of the arguments made in this article rarely appear in the existing literature of indigenousness. First, that the nature of indigenousness may not be stable. This article examines the formation and reformation process of Taiwanese indigenousness with a focus on the latter. Second, the driving force of indigenousness might be economic. This article argues that the driving force of the formation process of Taiwanese indigenousness is more political than cultural, whereas that of the reformation process is more economic than political. Third, the key element of indigenousness is “attachment to the land,” not “aboriginal people.” In the formation process of Taiwanese indigenousness, physically residing in Taiwan was deemed important to show attachment to Taiwan. However, transmigration process influences the reformation process of the Taiwanese indigenousness so that one can show attachment through actions overseas. Fourth, in a transnational social field, new strategies to keep...

This study introduces a method to identify nursing homes and disabled's institutions with flo... more This study introduces a method to identify nursing homes and disabled's institutions with flood or landslide risks, as an alternative to the conventionally use of risk potential maps. The method proposed in this study combines the results of risk potential maps and survey that asks for disaster experiences and environmental risk elements. This study argues that using risk potential maps alone is insufficient because there are usually gaps between assumptions of risk potential models and real situations, e.g., inundation potential models assume that embankments would not break, which are usually not the case. In this study, an institution with highest flood risk is defined as possibly being flooded when 24-hour accumulated rainfall reaches 300 or 350 mm according to the risk potential map, or when an institution experienced flood in the recent ten years. An institution having a second highest level of flood risk is defined as not in the group with the highest level risk and possi...

Social Thought and Research, 2008
These discussions are centered on economic production and market logics. Theoretical discussions ... more These discussions are centered on economic production and market logics. Theoretical discussions of flexibility about other regimes of power-such as cultural reproduction, the nationstate and family-are relatively insufficient. In this paper, I explore the concept of "flexible acculturation," first proposed by Jan Nederveen-Pieterse (2007), to show a cultural aspect of transnational flexibility. I situate my discussion in the literature of transmigration studies and define flexible acculturation as having four important virtues: (1) it has diverse social players, rather than just political and economic elites; (2) it refers to interactions, not just differences; (3) it involves multiple processes; and (4) it is not just about agency but also about social regulations. These definitions help to explain why flexible acculturation is different from other concepts that have been proposed. I further argue that definitions of important social actors are contingent on a specific set of flexible acculturation processes. Social actors discussed in this paper include governments, the public, transmigrants, and women. "Flexibility" has become an important concept in studies of globalization and transnationalism, especially after David Harvey's

Natural Hazards, 2017
The theoretical relationships between resilience and vulnerability have long been debated, but li... more The theoretical relationships between resilience and vulnerability have long been debated, but limited research has been done to test their relationships from an empirical perspective. This study presents an important case to demonstrate the empirical verification of the relationships. After reviewing relevant theories, we propose revisions of two widely adopted disaster risk and vulnerability formulas and apply them in a Taiwanese case of Typhoon Morakot. The data incorporate four natural hazard data sets, a Taiwan Social Change Survey of nonvictims as the reference group, and a longitudinal data set of Social Impact and Recovery Survey for Typhoon Morakot victims (2010-2012). With those data, two sets of models were constructed based on the two revised formulas. The first set of models estimates a disaster risk, defined as the probability and expected value of victimization determined by the typhoon hazard, household's exposure, and contextual vulnerability composed of social class, ethnicity, education, and family status. The second set of models estimates an affected household's outcome vulnerability, defined as the Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (

調查研究—方法與應用, 2021
This research investigated determinants of typhoon and earthquake mitigation behaviors in Taiwan ... more This research investigated determinants of typhoon and earthquake mitigation behaviors in Taiwan based on risk analysis of hazards, exposure, and vulnerability, supplemented by the protective action decision model (PADM). Besides psychological condition (i.e., risk perception, life satisfaction, and anxiety), demographics, and socio-economic characteristics factors (i.e., gender, age, ratio of home ownership, and average monthly income per household) mentioned in the PADM, this research added factors of family structure, social network, and internet and social media usage in the analysis. All of these factors were for the concept of social vulnerability—one dimension of risk analysis. Furthermore, this research used the factor of disaster-prone areas (i.e., disaster experiences, flood-prone areas, and number of protected people possibly affected by debris flow) to represent another dimension of risk analysis: the intersection of hazard and exposure. The 2020 Taiwan Social Change Survey data and multiple hierarchical regression analysis were used for analysis. The results showed that (1) the demographic and socio-economic factor had the greatest impact on mitigation behaviors among all the factors when added hierarchically in the model. This finding added to the literature on the importance of the demographic and socio-economic factor: as the third factor added in the model, it had an impact larger than those of the first and second factors added in the model, namely disaster-prone areas and psychological condition. (2) Risk perception had a larger impact than disaster experience on mitigation behaviors—whether the impact of disaster experience on mitigation behaviors was significant depended on the type of disaster. This result suggested that to encourage mitigation behaviors, actively raising people’s risk perception might be a better strategy than passively focusing on disaster experiences. (3) The factor of psychological condition could be an antecedent variable of mitigation behaviors. Experts or practitioners in the field of disaster management could plan how to integrate mental health services into the promotion of disaster mitigation behaviors. (4) Among all variables, education had the greatest impact on mitigation behaviors, which was an exciting result. This result might support the viewpoint of sociology of disasters which believes that education provides capability to absorb knowledge and obtain information of disaster mitigation behaviors. (5) The impact of the factor of family structure on mitigation behaviors was not significant. Unlike the results of previous studies, cohabiting people, especially school-age children, did not encourage family mitigation behaviors in Taiwan. Therefore, the practitioners must continue to work hard to meet their own expectation that school-age children bring home the knowledge they have acquired from school, thereby influencing their families to take disaster mitigation behaviors. The fact that families with access and functional needs did not have more mitigation behaviors than their counterparts suggested a disaster vulnerability in today’s aged society. (6) Social networks, the internet, and social media influenced the flood model but were not significant in the earthquake model. As there is still room for improvement, practitioners could learn to effectively use existing social mechanisms to promote and implement disaster mitigation behaviors in Taiwan, such as school-based and neighborhood-based disaster education and management, as well as social media.

Engineering Geology Volume 286, 5 June 2021, 106084, 2021
Ex-ante and ex-post assessments are both essential in risk management, although ex-post assessmen... more Ex-ante and ex-post assessments are both essential in risk management, although ex-post assessments of engineering measures have not been widely reported. In this study, an ex-post benefit-cost assessment method was developed to enable the direct impact of remediation engineering measures for debris flows to be quantified. We propose three categories of parameters for calculating benefit and cost: (1) predicted benefits (comprising predicted benefits of saving lives, at the household level, and of infrastructure protection); (2) actual loss (of losing lives, at the household level, and of infrastructure); (3) actual cost of the engineering. Actual benefit was defined as predicted benefit minus loss after completion of the engineering measure. The engineering measures were regarded as effective when benefits outweighed costs. Government data, survey results based on past disasters, and interview results with specialists were used. This methodology was applied and tested in ten villages located in the Gaoping River Basin in southern Taiwan. The result showed that the range of the benefit and cost ratio was between 1.26 and 7.99. We recommend this ex-post assessment method for rapid screening of districts with low benefit-cost ratios.

Natural Hazards Review, 2021
This study investigated the effects of social determinants and resource distribution on trust in ... more This study investigated the effects of social determinants and resource distribution on trust in government after a disaster. This involved an analysis of four waves of the Social Impact and Recovery Survey of Typhoon Morakot in Taiwan. The statistical method adopted was the latent process mixed model for multivariate longitudinal outcomes. Trust scores were assigned to four levels of government, and social determinants were chosen to represent resource distribution in predisaster situations. This study also included resource distribution after the disaster. The results indicated that ethnicity was a more prominent issue than education and income. Regarding resource distribution after a disaster, resource gain and resource loss were both significant in shaping trust in government. The results also suggested that over the long term, resource gain more greatly affected trust in government than resource loss. Additionally, resource loss was crucial for the government at more local levels in gaining people's trust. This study recommends that a postdisaster model of trust in government must prioritize resource distribution both before and after a disaster.

都市與計劃 , 2018
都市與計劃 ; 45卷4期 (2018 / 12 / 31) , P257 - 281 This research analyzes the data of Social Impacts and... more 都市與計劃 ; 45卷4期 (2018 / 12 / 31) , P257 - 281 This research analyzes the data of Social Impacts and Recovery Survey of Typhoon Morakot to find the influences of permanent housing recovery policy on households' resources acquisition and life recovery. The survey was performed in four waves (2010, 2011, 2012, 2015) by NCDR. The survey found that resources (e.g. donation, funds, goods, relief) distributed to household affected by the disaster were unbalanced between PHRs (permanent housing residents) and NPHRs (nonpermanent housing residents). The PHRs had more opportunity receiving helps and assistants from governments and NGOs, such as mental therapy, transportation, job offering etc... Additionally, a case study of Nansalu village showed that residents refused to move in Permanent housing (return home) had less opportunity receiving resources. Regarding life recovery, PHRs had 7.5% more unemployment rate than NPHRs, also spent 1 year more to recover the family income back as before. Moreover, PHRs spent an average of 4 to 6 months more to get the life back on track compared to NPHRs. Furthermore, PHRs has weaker connection with their family and friends than NPHRs after Morakot. The case study of Xiaolin village shows the difficulties of life recovery such as job findings, and social network recovering. The results of this study indicate that the government should institutionalize the work of life recovery and housing reconstruction as a disaster mitigation affair, especially emphasizes on issues such as subjectivity of victims, collectivity of migration, diversity of households or villages, and relocation suitability.
中華心理衛生學刊, 2020
中華心理衛生學刊 第三十三卷(2020) 第一期 1-26頁 DOI:10.30074/FJMH.202003_33(1).0001 研究目的:根據資源保留理論的預測,災後的資源流失會增加個體的... more 中華心理衛生學刊 第三十三卷(2020) 第一期 1-26頁 DOI:10.30074/FJMH.202003_33(1).0001 研究目的:根據資源保留理論的預測,災後的資源流失會增加個體的身心壓力症 狀,資源獲得則有相反的效果。然而,資源獲得對身心壓力的效果,實證研究卻有不一 致的發現。本研究採前瞻性追蹤研究設計,以莫拉克安遷戶為樣本,除檢驗資源流失和 資源獲得對災後心理健康的影響之外,也提出受災者的資源供給與需求滿足之資源適配 度會影響災後身心壓力症狀。研究方法:本研究使用每年一波、災後一、二、三、六年 的固定樣本追蹤研究,以身心壓力症狀為後果變項,使用階層線性模式進行資料分析。 研究結果:在控制人口學變項後,資源流失與災後身心壓力有顯著正相關,資源獲得不 預測身心壓力,資源適配度與身心壓力症狀之降低有顯著相關。研究結論:執行災後救 助的過程中,需要關注受災者對資源的需求。提供符合受災者需求的資源,不僅可增進 災後救助的效率,也能降低受災者的身心壓力症狀。

Natural Hazards, 2018
This research looked for social determinants that shaped choices of shelter during a natural disa... more This research looked for social determinants that shaped choices of shelter during a natural disaster. The choices consisted of hotels/rental houses, finding relatives/friends, contacting the government for help, and checking for information about public shelters online. Social determinants examined included age, disability, education, income, social network, trust in the government, and previous disaster experience. The 2013 Taiwan Social Change Survey data and logistic regression were used for analysis. The findings were as follows: (1) compared with other groups, the richest favored hotels or rental houses for sheltering. (2) Compared with other groups, people with lower levels of education had a tendency to contact the government for help regarding shelter. (3) Compared with other groups, young people (20–34 years old), people with larger social networks (informal social capital), and people with more than one previous disaster experience preferred to contact relatives or friends for shelter. (4) People with at least a senior high school education were more likely to search for sheltering information online than their counterparts. This study provides new contributions to the literature in its investigation of the influences of social networks and previous natural disaster experience on shelter choice and of education on the choice of checking sheltering information online.

The theoretical relationships between resilience and vulnerability have long been debated, but li... more The theoretical relationships between resilience and vulnerability have long been debated, but limited research has been done to test their relationships from an empirical perspective. This study presents an important case to demonstrate the empirical verification of the relationships. After reviewing relevant theories, we propose revisions of two widely adopted disaster risk and vulnerability formulas and apply them in a Taiwanese case of Typhoon Morakot. The data incorporate four natural hazard data sets, a Taiwan Social Change Survey of nonvictims as the reference group, and a longitudinal data set of Social Impact and Recovery Survey for Typhoon Morakot victims (2010–2012). With those data, two sets of models were constructed based on the two revised formulas. The first set of models estimates a disaster risk, defined as the probability and expected value of victimization determined by the typhoon hazard, household’s exposure, and contextual vulnerability composed of social class, ethnicity, education, and family status. The second set of models estimates an affected household’s outcome vulnerability, defined as the continuous trajectory of household living condition consisted of exposure, contextual vulnerability, and resilience. In the second set, outcome vulnerability is measured through household income pre- and post-disaster to depict the impact and dynamism; resilience is measured through social capital variables. Logit, ordinal linear regression (OLS), and fixed-effect regression were applied to statistically estimate the models. The results highlight that contextual vulnerability deteriorates the disaster risk of typhoon. Resilience has an impact on outcome vulnerability, but its effect is uncertain, likely to be restricted in the disaster recovery.
Papers by Hsiang-Chieh LEE
Based on the Sendai Framework, this project defined four major goals for Taiwan. These four goals gained relatively little attention in the past: (1) disaster governance should include people with special needs; (2) to substantially reduce direct disaster economic losses; (3) to reduce
disaster damage to critical infrastructure; (4) to increase accesses to disaster (risk) information.
We analyzed all 417 scientific projects proposed by different units of the Central Government in Taiwan from 2011 to 2015, interviewed representatives of the Central Government, conducted surveys, analyzed literature and data, and held expert symposiums for the purpose to
understand the current scientific development and implementation of the four goals we defined. We then proposed 55 short term or long term suggestions for further scientific research and policy directions based on
the strengths and weaknesses of the current situation. These suggestions include aspects of disaster reduction, mitigation, response, recovery and reconstruction.