This community is basically dedicated to... well... stuff. We wanna know where on or off the net you can find the best stuff whether it be incredibly unique or adorably cute; and we also wanna see what you got and what hoping you'll get!
Since we like stuff so much, I think we can all agree how much free stuff rocks. I will post the latest free samples as frequently as possible.
I'd love for you to join and: Post about your favorite stores or sites Show us what you got Show us what you're coveting Ask for help in looking for a specific item Ask for help in looking for a good deal Give us ideas for something & make us hunt Post about free samples Tell us about a sale Tell us about anything you're selling If it has anything to do with shopping, feel free to do it here!
Rules: The rules are pretty simple. -1. Don't be a jerk. There's a difference between letting your opinion be known and being a jerk. If you wanna start shit here, you'll quickly be put on your way to start it elsewhere. --a. I don't want any labeling in here-I don't care if you bought a $600 hat or a $2 pair of jeans, everyone's welcome and all styles are welcome, if you can't deal with that, this isn't the right place for you. And if you bought a $600 hat-you are obligated to buy the maintainer of this community some shoes. -2. I generally don't care, but it's appreciated if you ask permission before promoting communities here. Just please don't start spamming the place. -3. If you're posting more than one pic, please use an lj cut. Respect those of us still using dial-up. :) (
If you have any ideas for this community, please email me, thisisrachelxd, or comment inside.
Thanks goes to regen, for hooking up the awesome layout. I'm starting to think a change is in order, so if anyone who can make layouts wants to help-let me know.