Ilia State University
Institute of Earth Sciences
The south-central part of the Greater Caucasus region, Georgia Republic, represents an extremely prospective region for significant orogenic gold deposits. Gold-bearing quartz veins are concentrated in two extensive WNW-trending belts,... more
According to Greek mythology and historical sources the ancient Georgian Kingdom of Colchis was rich of "gold sands" and the natives mined this metal from the rivers, using special wooden vessels and sheepskins. Modern geological research... more
/XXXXX The eastern part of the Caucasus orogen, termed the Georgian segment, is mainly underlain by highly deformed Lower-Middle Jurassic shales, sandstones, and volcaniclastic rocks, and cut by numerous intrusive bodies of various... more
Kakheti and Tusheti regions (Eastern Graeter Caucasus), of the Georgia Republic are mainly underlain by highly deformed Lower-Middle Jurassic shales, sandstones, and volcaniclastic rocks, intruded by numerous intrusive bodies of various... more
and propose that the myth about the expedition of the Argonauts in quest of the "Golden Fleece" to the Colchis Kingdom was a real event and that the main purpose of that mission was to obtain gold and gold mining technology.
ВУЛКАНОГЕННЫЕ МЕСТОРОЖДЕНИЯ ЦВЕТНЫХ МЕТАЛЛОВ ПАЛЕООСТРОВОДУЖНЫХ СООРУЖЕНИЙ И ПРОБЛЕМЫ ГЕНЕЗИСА РУД (на примере рудных обьектов Грузии, Армении и Турции) (Рекомендовано членом редакційної колегії д-ром геол.-мінерал. наук, проф. В.М.... more
The Greater Caucasus represents a Phanerozoic collisional orogen which is formed along the Euro-Asian North continental margin between the Black and Caspian Seas, and is accreted to the south margin of the Euroasian continent. The Kakheti... more
The Caucasus is a central segment of the Mediterranean Alpine-Himalayan collisional orogenic system and consists of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus orogens and intermountain depression. There are numerous layers of volcanic ashes in the... more
Magmatism and Mineral Occurrences of the Eastern Greater Caucasus, Georgian Segment N. GAGNIDZE, A.OKROSTSVARIDZE, K. AKIMIDZE, S. L. CHUNG Ilia state University, Tbilisi 0162, Georgia, (*correspondence:[email protected])... more
The authors’ aim was determination of estimated gold resources on the basis of the geological data analysis. The following methods were used for calculation of resources: parameters of ore bodies at gold occurrences, data of geochemical... more
The Greater Caucasus represents a Phanerozoic collisional orogen which is formed along the Euro-Asian North continental margin between the Black and Caspian Seas and is extended over 1200 km distance between the Black and Caspian seas,... more
Metallogenic features of Pontides – Lesser Caucasus microplates (part of active paleomargin of Eurasian microplate are determined by copper, copper-molibdenium porphyry, iron-scarn, volcanic nonferrous, precious metals, auriferous and... more
The Caucasus represents a Phanerozoic collisional orogeny, that formed along the Eurasian North continental margin, extends over 1200 km from the Caspian to Black Sea. Georgian republic is situated in the central part of Caucasus Region.... more
The paper presents brief characteristics of geological environments of ore deposit occurrences in Turkey, Georgia and Armenia. They can be attributed to Kuroko-type deposits, being distinguished by the character of ore accumulation. To... more