Papers by Asiye Akgün Gültekin
Göç dergisi, May 23, 2023
Çizelge 5.10 : Deneklerin gelir durumuna göre dağılımı…………………………… Çizelge 5.11 : Deneklerin ikame... more Çizelge 5.10 : Deneklerin gelir durumuna göre dağılımı…………………………… Çizelge 5.11 : Deneklerin ikamet sürelerine göre dağılımı………………………… Çizelge 5.12 : Bölgelerdeki deneklerin kapılı topluluk imajı(ortalama dağılımlar).. Çizelge 5.13 : Kapılı yerleşimin varlığından Altunizade'de duyulan memnuniyet.. Çizelge 5.14 : Kapılı yerleşimin varlığından Tarabya'da duyulan memnuniyet…..112 Çizelge 5.15 : Kapılı yerleşimin varlığından Ardıçlı'da duyulan memnuniyet……..112 Çizelge 5.

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Dec 15, 2019
It is observed that cities are transformed into consumption-oriented presentation objects. Apart ... more It is observed that cities are transformed into consumption-oriented presentation objects. Apart from the discourse of vanishing public space different practices which is aim to create new publicities have been developed by architects and urbanists. With acceptence of the space as a social product, to create the structural action space which is penetrated to a daily routine in order to social sustainability makes people free in public space. Being visible is added to the action-based approaches, and it reflects to architectural space as parasitic structures. With its articulated structure, it spatialized, dynamizes the place we look at every day but not see, and transform the spectator into an emancipated active agent. As a stage of the gazing action, the place transformed into agency space. And this urban space practice herald to get back to city. In this study, articulation of the agency space to urban space which is transformed into consumption and theatrical thing, it is presented as a method that will make the people interact with others. It is aimed to discuss the situation arising from the products of the experimental studio which aims to design the parasite structure on the E5 journey route, which constitutes the backbone of Istanbul. The studio's products emerge as a challenge to the normalization of existing static and defined space. The concept of agency-visibilityspectator will be reexamined through the architectural designs.

Kent akademisi, Dec 15, 2019
It is observed that cities are transformed into consumption-oriented presentation objects. Apart ... more It is observed that cities are transformed into consumption-oriented presentation objects. Apart from the discourse of vanishing public space different practices which is aim to create new publicities have been developed by architects and urbanists. With acceptence of the space as a social product, to create the structural action space which is penetrated to a daily routine in order to social sustainability makes people free in public space. Being visible is added to the action-based approaches, and it reflects to architectural space as parasitic structures. With its articulated structure, it spatialized, dynamizes the place we look at every day but not see, and transform the spectator into an emancipated active agent. As a stage of the gazing action, the place transformed into agency space. And this urban space practice herald to get back to city. In this study, articulation of the agency space to urban space which is transformed into consumption and theatrical thing, it is presented as a method that will make the people interact with others. It is aimed to discuss the situation arising from the products of the experimental studio which aims to design the parasite structure on the E5 journey route, which constitutes the backbone of Istanbul. The studio's products emerge as a challenge to the normalization of existing static and defined space. The concept of agency-visibilityspectator will be reexamined through the architectural designs.
Mimarlık Fakültesi dergisi, Dec 28, 2017
Major research interests include modernization and history of building technology, urban transfor... more Major research interests include modernization and history of building technology, urban transformation and its economic policy.

Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012Thesis (PhD) -- İstan... more Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012Çalışmada, kapılı topluluk yerleşmelerinin kentsel mekansal ayrışma görünümü olarak ortaya çıkışı, söylem ve teoriler bağlamında incelenmiştir. Ayrışma ve ötekileştirme temelinde ortaya çıkan kapılı topluluk yerleşmeleri, çevresinde yaşayanlarda bir gerilim oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, çevresel stres açısından kapılı topluluk yerleşmelerinin, çevresinde yaşayanlar tarafından algısına yönelik olarak semantik ve sentaktik analizler yapılmıştır. Farklı sentaktik değerdeki örneklem alanlarda yaşayanlarla, belirlenen çevresel stres parametrelerin algısına yönelik olarak yapılan görüşmeler değerlendirilmiştir. Alan çalışmasında ortaya çıkan sonuçlara göre, farklı kentsel bütünleşme değerlerine sahip kapılı topluluk yerleşmeleri çevresinde yaşayanların, kapılı yerleşimi stres elemanı olarak algılamalarında farklılıklar görülmek...

Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002Thesis (M.Sc.) ... more Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2002Bu çalışmada, yaratıcılık ve tasarım süreçleri ile cinsiyet kavramlarının, ortak nokta olan mimarideki ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Toplumsal alandaki cinsiyet sorunsalının, mimarlık disiplinindeki yansıması arasında paralellik görülmektedir. Yaratıcılık, cinsiyete bağlı görülmemekle birlikte yaratıcılığın kısıtlandığı durumlar bakımından, cinsiyetler arasında farklılıklardan söz edilebilir. Tasarım sürecine konu olan bu farklılıklar, sonuç ürüne yansıyabilmektedir. Bu kapsamda yapılan alan çalışması ile tasarım süreçlerine ilişkin farklılık gösteren noktalar, bireysel yorumlara dayalı olarak sunulmuştur. Tasarımın cinsiyetleştirilmesi kavramı, mimarlar tarafından algılanmamakla beraber, varolan bir olgudur. Tasarımcıların, tasarımcı kimliklerinin, cinsiyetlerinin önüne geçtiği gözlemlenmiştir. Çalışmada, herhangi bi...

Mekanin orgutlenmesi, mimarlik meslegi edimi icinde var olan sosyolojik, ekonomik ve politik boyu... more Mekanin orgutlenmesi, mimarlik meslegi edimi icinde var olan sosyolojik, ekonomik ve politik boyutlari ile anlam kazanan bir eylem alani olmasi ile disiplinler arasi bir okuma ile anlasilabilecek bir olgudur. Dunyada ve Turkiye’de bahsedilen boyutlari sekillenmekte olan kentsel mekanin farkli literaturlerden okumasi ve pratikteki durumla iliskilendirilmesi ayrisma problemini anlamada ve yorumlamada yardimci olmaktadir. Mekan orgutlenmesinin Kuresellesme ile birlikte, mekan ayrismasi uzerinden sekillendigi gorulmektedir. Bu calismada, ayrisma mekanlarin temelindeki “ontoloji” ortaya konulmaya calisilmistir. Bu calismada, farkli disiplinlerde ortaya cikan soylemlerle mekânsal ayrisma iliskisini kurgulayabilmek icin kuresel tuketim ile degisen kent ve degerleri uzerinden, ekonomik, politik ve sosyal yaklasimlari iceren soylemler ve cografi, cevresel davranis ve ekonomik alanlarda on plana cikan bazi temel teoriler; Lefebvre’in mekânsal pratigi tanimlamasi icinde irdelenmistir. Mekânsa...

Kent Akademisi, 2019
It is observed that cities are transformed into consumption-oriented presentation objects. Apart ... more It is observed that cities are transformed into consumption-oriented presentation objects. Apart from the discourse of vanishing public space different practices which is aim to create new publicities have been developed by architects and urbanists. With acceptence of the space as a social product, to create the structural action space which is penetrated to a daily routine in order to social sustainability makes people free in public space. Being visible is added to the action-based approaches, and it reflects to architectural space as parasitic structures. With its articulated structure, it spatialized, dynamizes the place we look at every day but not see, and transform the spectator into an emancipated active agent. As a stage of the gazing action, the place transformed into agency space. And this urban space practice herald to get back to city. In this study, articulation of the agency space to urban space which is transformed into consumption and theatrical thing, it is presented as a method that will make the people interact with others. It is aimed to discuss the situation arising from the products of the experimental studio which aims to design the parasite structure on the E5 journey route, which constitutes the backbone of Istanbul. The studio's products emerge as a challenge to the normalization of existing static and defined space. The concept of agency-visibilityspectator will be reexamined through the architectural designs.

Author(s): Goǧus, Ceren; Akgun Gultekin, Asiye | Abstract: Can memory be manipulated? How far can... more Author(s): Goǧus, Ceren; Akgun Gultekin, Asiye | Abstract: Can memory be manipulated? How far can the will to remember resist the manipulation of the hierarchy? Isolation and exclusion are still useful as disciplinary tools of power. Since this is the case, what role do so-called public spaces serve in memorializing certain isolated histories while separating and thus excluding others? If memory spaces exist in correlation with loss of memory, can searching for traces underneath the layers be the worst enemy of forgetting? How can the search for traces in official spatial histories reveal whose memory is being prioritized as truthful historical account and whose memory has been forgotten? Official spatial histories demand that certain memories are forgotten and thus delegitimized; does this render the readings of spaces as alternative memorialization meaningless? If so, does trying to create memory spaces cause monumentality independent from memory? Does the very act of formalizing ...
1. This paper is partially based on one of its author's Master's Thesis . The cross-sections were... more 1. This paper is partially based on one of its author's Master's Thesis . The cross-sections were obtained from İstiklal Street in 2004 to analyze the daily life and to document the spatial uses on the street as alternatives to gated communities within the scope of the Thesis. This paper re-evaluates that data and compares it with the data from 2014 through a new legend to analyze the urban transformation of the Street. Different from the study field in the dissertation research, the paper presents a new research field with reference to neoliberal policies and cultural tourism literature.

Spatial exclusion and urban inequalities are seen as the projections of economic, cultural, socia... more Spatial exclusion and urban inequalities are seen as the projections of economic, cultural, social and political processes in the urban space. In this context, the question of how the relations triggered the urban inequalities between clusters that emerged in urban landscapes and urban movements in the developed countries after 1970 and actors gets importance. In this study, a series of political and media reports that include the discussion underlining the structural and functional differences of ghettos and banlieues as urban socio-spatial forms of seclusion is described; what is on the backstage of these types of 'sameness' discourses. The exile locations that are generally accepted as the places of advanced marginality, labeled with violence, excluded from the labor market and the having problematic relations with the system in post-colonial world cities clearly stands in front of us as an urban formation. The main concern of this article which looks at the 'discourses of ghettozation of Europe in line with Wacquant's arguments is to understand the social dimension of the space and its impact on the community. The discussion of the differences between the concepts of ghetto, hyperghetto and antighetto was carried out through the La Haine film reading. This text emerged from the intention of digging the economic, cultural and sociospatial baggage of current yellow vest protests in France. Mapping the network of relations behind the ethno-racial, class forms of spatial exclusion is the target of this study.

MEGARON / Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Architecture E-Journal, 2015
In this study, as part of the phenomenon of urban segregation, gated residential communities are ... more In this study, as part of the phenomenon of urban segregation, gated residential communities are discussed in the context of environmental stress. Gated communities, whose theoretical infrastructure is tried to be understood through political economy readings, are shaped upon two concepts basically; segregation and othering. Gated communities eliminate social connectedness with their physical barriers. The social, economic and symbolic oppositions that push each other in the context of gated community reveal a tension between the residents and non-residents of the gated compound. In order to measure the assumed tension, environmental stress parameters have been used. An interview form has been prepared for the purpose of finding out how the determined stress parameters are perceived by the ones living around the gated community. This interview form has been applied to dwellers around gated compounds which are located in three different areas with different urban syntactic values and different socioeconomic structures. The statistical associations between the results of the performed semantic and syntactic analyses are examined. According to the results of the field study, it is observed that the perception of stress of people living around the gated communities increases in proportion to the compound's syntactic values. It is understood that gated compounds in which there are homogeneous groups forming a fragmented view of the urban area shaped by urban fears, causes the perception of stress on their neighbors and that this is associated with the syntactic values of their urban locations. MAKALE (Tezden) / ARTICLE (Thesis)

Kent Akademisi, 2019
It is observed that cities are transformed into consumption-oriented presentation objects. Apart ... more It is observed that cities are transformed into consumption-oriented presentation objects. Apart from the discourse of vanishing public space different practices which is aim to create new publicities have been developed by architects and urbanists. With acceptence of the space as a social product, to create the structural action space which is penetrated to a daily routine in order to social sustainability makes people free in public space. Being visible is added to the action-based approaches, and it reflects to architectural space as parasitic structures. With its articulated structure, it spatialized, dynamizes the place we look at every day but not see, and transform the spectator into an emancipated active agent. As a stage of the gazing action, the place transformed into agency space. And this urban space practice herald to get back to city. In this study, articulation of the agency space to urban space which is transformed into consumption and theatrical thing, it is presented as a method that will make the people interact with others. It is aimed to discuss the situation arising from the products of the experimental studio which aims to design the parasite structure on the E5 journey route, which constitutes the backbone of Istanbul. The studio's products emerge as a challenge to the normalization of existing static and defined space. The concept of agency-visibility-spectator will be reexamined through the architectural designs. ÖZ: Günümüzde kent, tüketim odaklı bir sunum nesnesi haline dönüşmektedir. Kamusal alanın ortadan kalktığı söylemleri eşliğinde, mimarlar ve şehirciler tarafından yeni tür kamusallıkların yaratılmasına yönelik farklı pratiklerin geliştirildiği gözlemlenir. Bu pratiklerden bir tanesi, mekânı sosyal bir ürün olarak kabul eden eylemlilik halinin yaratılması ve beraberinde toplumsal sürekliliğinin sağlanmasına yönelik gündelik hayata nüfus edecek strüktürel eylem alanlarının tasarlanması ve beraberinde kamusal alanda bireyin özgürleştirilmesidir. Temelde yer alan eylemlilik anlayışına görünür olmak eklenir ve mimari mekân bu durumda karşılığını parazit strüktürlerle bulur. Mevcuda eklemlenen yapısı ile parazit, kentlinin her gün baktığı ama göremediği alanları mekânsallaştırır, dinamikleştirir ve kentliyi değişime dâhil eder. Aynı eylem,-bakmak-için de eylemsel alana dönüşür. Deneyim alanının yaşandığı kentsel mekân kenti geri almanın muştusudur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, tüketim ve seyirlik bir nesneye 1 İKÜ, Mimarlık Fakültesi, Mimarlık Bölümü, [email protected] 2 İKÜ, Mimarlık Fakültesi, Mimarlık Bölümü,

İdealkent, 2019
Ekonomik, kültürel, sosyal ve politik süreçlerin kent mekânındaki izdüşümü olarak mekânsal dış-la... more Ekonomik, kültürel, sosyal ve politik süreçlerin kent mekânındaki izdüşümü olarak mekânsal dış-lama ve kentsel eşitsizliklerin ortaya çıktığı görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda kent peyzajında ortaya çıkan kümelenmeler, 1970 sonrası gelişmiş ülkelerde görülen kentsel hareketler ve aktörler arasın-daki ilişkilerin kentsel eşitsizlikleri nasıl tetiklediği sorusu önem kazanmaktadır. Kentsel sosyo-mekânsal kapanma ya da inziva biçimleri olarak getto ve banliyölerin yapısal ve işlevsel farklılık-larının altının çizildiği; bu tiplerin aynılaştırılmaya çalışılan söylemlerinin arka planında neler olacağı yönündeki tartışmayı içeren çalışmada bir dizi politik ve medya söylemlerine yer verildi. Sömürge sonrası dünya kentlerinde ileri marjinalliğin mekânları olarak genel kabul gören, şiddet ile yaftalanan, heterojen demografinin emek piyasasından dışlandığı, sistemle sorunlu ilişkisinin tanımlandığı sürgün yerleri kentsel bir oluşum olarak apaçık karşımızda durmaktadır. Gettolaşan Avrupa söylemlerine, Wacquant'ın değerlendirmeleri paralelinde bakan bu yazının temel endi-şesi; mekânın sosyal boyutu ve topluluk üzerindeki etkilerini anlamaya yöneliktir. Getto, hiper-getto, antigetto kavramları arasındaki farkların neler olduğuna ilişkin tartışma La Haine filmi okuması üzerinden yürütüldü. Bu metnin ortaya çıkışındaki süreçte Fransa'da yaşanan "sarı ye-lek" protestolarının ekonomik, kültürel ve sosyo-mekânsal bagajlarını deşmek düşüncesi yer alır. Mekânsal dışlamanın etno-ırksal, sınıfsal formlarının arkasındaki ilişkiler ağının haritasının çı-kartılması; bu çalışmanın hedefini oluşturmaktadır.
Papers by Asiye Akgün Gültekin