Papers by Amirreza Vakilifard
Routledge eBooks, Apr 14, 2023
Language Studies, Sep 21, 2017

Language Studies, Sep 20, 2016
The present research is aimed to examine the role of anxiety in using learning strategies of Pers... more The present research is aimed to examine the role of anxiety in using learning strategies of Persian as a second languagein regard to the mediating role of cognitive intelligence.The study corpus includes 80 non-Iranian Persian learners of Imam Khomeini International University who have participated by filled out the 3 research questionnaires including Motivational strategies for learning questioner, anxiety and Cognitive Intelligence tests.The data analysis illustrates the role of anxiety in learning strategies, in both with and without its mediating role of cognitive intelligence operation.This role acts in such a way that by increasing the extent of anxiety, the level of strategy learning will be reduced. Increase in anxiety also results in the reduction of the cognitive intelligence of operation; i.e. anxiety reveals a meaningful inverse relation with the cognitive intelligence. The more increasing anxiety is associated to the more decrease in personal efficiency in the cognitive intelligence. Moreover the conclusions revealed that cognitive intelligence operation have a direct effect on application level of learning strategy in such a manner that by increasing in cognitive intelligence operation, the extent of the learning strategy application will be expanded. The results of this conclusion pointed out that not only learning strategy is under the effect of personal intelligence components but also the other psychological component such as anxiety could act as a destructive role even more than the cognitive intelligence at the level of application of these strategies.
Journal of Teaching Persian to Speakers of Other Languages, Jul 11, 2021

Imam Khomeini International University, Nov 22, 2013
Teaching the grammatical tenses is considered to be one of the most controversial challenges amon... more Teaching the grammatical tenses is considered to be one of the most controversial challenges among teachers and researchers in teaching Persian language to non-Persian speakers. Prioritizing the tenses in accordance with their frequency could greatly facilitate the process of language learning. In this research, a comparison has been made between the frequency of the tenses in spoken and written Farsi. To do so, the group of virtual Teaching Persian Language and Literature of Al-Mustafa University has examined a number of Farsi newspapers (written corpus) and movies (spoken corpus) to explore the frequency of tenses in them. After extracting and counting the tenses, the findings have been classified in three groups: high frequent, middle-frequent and low-frequent tenses. The results indicated that in spoken corpus, the frequency of tenses was in the following order: “Hal-e-Eltezami, Hal-e-Ekhbari, Ast verb, Gozashte-ye-Sade, and Amr” and in written corpus the most frequent tenses respectively are: “Gozashte-ye-Sade, Hal-e-Eltezami, Hal-e-Ekhbari, Ast verb, and Gozashte-ye-Naghli”. Our findings can help the syllabus designers in prioritizing the educational materials according to their daily usage and frequency.

Many learners may not be aware of socially and culturally appropriate forms of the second languag... more Many learners may not be aware of socially and culturally appropriate forms of the second language. Therefore, students must be provided with language teaching materials that present authentic-like examples of speech act strategies to develop their pragmatic competence. Hence, the present study investigates the types and the percentages of speech acts included in the conversations of teaching Persian to the speakers of other languages (TPSOL) textbook series titled as "Let's Learn Persian" taught at intermediate level. For this purpose, the whole speech acts in the dialogue sections of the selected textbooks were analyzed based on the Searle's (1979) speech act framework. The reliability of results was checked by two independent inter-raters. The results showed that the distribution of the speech acts in the conversations of this series of the textbooks 2 was not equal and hence the pragmatic information in these coursebooks was not adequate to develop learners'...
This study aims to develop a language-based skill test revolving around four main language skills... more This study aims to develop a language-based skill test revolving around four main language skills, with principals and basics of language test development in mind intended to evaluate Persian language proficiency of non-Iranian students (In terms of language level). One of the main goals of this study is to develop a Persian language skill (proficiency) test. The purpose of language proficiency test is to measure one's overall ability to utilize the desired language without having to undergo specific training courses. So the content of a language proficiency test is not based on the content or purpose of the language courses. Also in this study, measures are foreseen to evaluate the validity and reliability of the designed test in order to obtain the Credibility of the standardized test.

بررسی منابع آموزشی تدوینشده برای اهداف دانشگاهی به منظور ارزیابی میزان دستیابی به اهداف تعیین... more بررسی منابع آموزشی تدوینشده برای اهداف دانشگاهی به منظور ارزیابی میزان دستیابی به اهداف تعیین شده و میزان برآورده کردن نیازهای آموزشی دانشجویان صورت میپذیرد. در این پژوهش، کتاب فارسی ویژة علوماجتماعی برای فارسیآموزان غیر ایرانی: آموزش یکپارچة راهبردها و مهارتهای زبانی برای فارسیآموزان غیرایرانی رشتههای علوماجتماعی دانشگاهها ارزیابی شده است. پژوهش حاضر کاربردی وگردآوری دادههای پژوهش به روش میدانی است و شیوة واکاوی دادهها توصیفی است. ابزار پژوهش انگارة ارزیابی مکدانف و شاو (2003) است که گردآوری دادهها در آن با استفاده از پرسشنامة مستقیم و مصاحبه انجام میشود. برای روایی عاملی پرسشنامة پژوهش، از تحلیل عاملی اکتشافی استفاده شده است. نتایج این پژوهش نشان میدهد، کتاب دانشگاهی مذکور از نظر محتوای تخصصی و راهبردهای آموزشی، با درصد قابل توجهی، با استانداردهای آموزشی و تدوین مواد آموزشی حوزة مورد نظر مطابق است. نتیجة بررسیهای آماری نیز نشان میدهد که کتاب مذکور به طور معناداری با نیازهای آموزشی دانشجویان همخوانی دارد. از مهمترین قوتهای آن، آموزش یکپارچ...

Increasing development of innovative technologies has changed the methods and possibilities of le... more Increasing development of innovative technologies has changed the methods and possibilities of learning a language. The use, as well as development, of virtual educational systems is increasing. This is while, in teaching Persian as a foreign language, factors such as the expanding number of assorted candidates, high volumes of demands for learning Persian, inadequate resources, and the difficulties in conducting regular courses for all candidates, have multiplied the need of introducing virtual courses. Such inevitabilities led to the proposal of a project fordesigning and implementing a basic virtual Persian language course at Imam Khomeini International University. Needs analysis and feasibility studies for selecting a suitable system of conducting virtual courses have made it clear that in order to offer suitable syllabi for instruction of Persian, new tools related to the type of teaching contents have to be created. This article deals with the technical analysis of designing and implementing suitable tools for conducting virtual courses in Persian language through which a successful module for conducting Persian courses may be designed and developed.

In second language didactics, language learning strategies have been identified for numerous lang... more In second language didactics, language learning strategies have been identified for numerous languages, and factors such as age, gender, motivation, intelligence, as well as the level of language skills for utilizing these strategies have been analyzed. However, in Persian didactics as a second language, no such research has been conducted yet. Therefore, in order to analysis the relationship between nationality and application of strategies among foreign Persian learners, the present research was conducted based on Oxford's (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning. Both inferential statistics and statistical tests showed that on average, the use of language learning strategies among different nationalities is quite similar with negligible variances. Whereas, descriptive statistics showed that the order of priorities of Persian learners of different nationalities is dissimilar. In addition, the results of this research suggest that Persian learners of different nationalit...

This study compared the types of requesting strategies (RSs) employed by thirty three Persian Nat... more This study compared the types of requesting strategies (RSs) employed by thirty three Persian Native Speakers (PNSs) students at Payame-Noor University (PNU) in Tehran, thirty seven Persian Lower-intermediate Learners (PLLs) and thirty seven Persian Upper-intermediate Learners (PULs) students at Persian center of Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU) in Qazvin in order to study to what extent requesting strategies used by Persian learners at different proficiency levels mapped those used by native speakers of Persian. The data gathered through a twelve-question Discourse Completion Test (DCT), six questions for asking address situation and six questions for borrowing situation, selection of request situations in DCT was based on two social factors of relative power and social distance and also degree of imposition in the mentioned situations. The acts were then analyzed according to model proposed by Blum-Kulka, House and Kasper (1989). This model schematized requesting strategies in three categories: Direct (D), Conventionally Indirect (CI) and Non-Conventionally Indirect (NCI) request strategies. Results revealed that all the three groups preferred Conventionally Indirect (CI) requests more and PULs’ requesting strategies mapped those used by PNSs more than PLLs’ requesting strategies. It indicated the positive effect of language proficiency level and pragmatic competence on the produced requesting strategies. Also, the values assigned to the three variables were found to have significant effect on the requesting strategies.
Cogent Education, 2020
Sharecopy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. Adaptremix, transform, and build... more Sharecopy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. Adaptremix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Under the following terms: Attribution-You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. No additional restrictions You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences, 2016
The purpose of the study was to develop a motivational Self-System instrument for learning Persia... more The purpose of the study was to develop a motivational Self-System instrument for learning Persian language as a second language (L2) with an acceptable validity and reliability. To do so, first of all, based on existing literature especially Zoltán Dörnyei's works and also qualitative methods, a six-factor Persian questionnaire was prepared which comprised: L2 Ideal self, L2 Ought-to self, L2 Learning experience ,L2 self-efficacy, International posture & L2 learning experience items. The population of the study consisted of foreign students of Imam Khomeini International University, Persian learning faculty of the 2015-16, second semester (N=100). The sampling method was done through a census survey and sample size was (n=73).The reliability of the questionnaire items were measured in terms of Cronbach's alpha & bisection method. A descriptive research design, was used with Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for construct validity, as well as experts' input for face validity and content validity ratio (CVR) for content validity. The results from the 73 participants demonstrated that all items had an acceptable factor loading except in International posture in item no.27 which was removed from the questionnaire. The Cronbach's alpha for the questionnaire was 0.947. The estimated significance levels were more than 0.05 for each item which demonstrated the normality of all the study variables. It can be concluded that the Persian researcher-developed questionnaire on motivational self-system has both acceptable variability and reliability

Cogent Education, 2018
This study explored the effects of noticing and computerized dynamic assessment on the learning o... more This study explored the effects of noticing and computerized dynamic assessment on the learning of Persian vocabulary through reading. In this quasiexperimental study, 75 intermediate learners of Persian as a Foreign Language (PFL) were assigned to three equal-sized groups. In the Noticing and Computerized Dynamic Assessment (CDA) groups, the learners were notified that there were highlighted unfamiliar words in the texts and they were required to infer their meanings by the help of their own knowledge and textual and contextual clues. In the CDA group, struggling learners received mediational hints through a software program which helped them to infer word meanings successfully. In the control group, the learners were not notified of unfamiliar words and they were not required to infer word meanings. It took four days to administer the four treatment texts. One day before the first treatment session, the pretest of unfamiliar words was given. One and thirty days after the last treatment session, vocabulary learning and retention posttests were administered. On learning and retention variables, the Noticing group's mean was significantly higher than the control group's; and the CDA group's mean was significantly higher than the control and Noticing groups' means. The results indicated that noticing of texts' unfamiliar words and adoption of dynamic approach to assessment through the CDA software enhanced vocabulary learning from reading.
The present study explores the direct effects of teaching Persian lexical network on the level of... more The present study explores the direct effects of teaching Persian lexical network on the level of foreign Persian language learners with respect to inferential and substitution questions. Raghibdoost and Jamshidi (2012) state that direct teaching of lexical network significantly improves the learning ability of foreign Persian language learners. Moreover, adaptation of inferential and substitution questions in taskbased modules has enabled the authors of the current research to develop the present study based on the learners’ responses.
Papers by Amirreza Vakilifard