? ?
28 June 2012 @ 08:32 pm
I come bringing you Fabsillas stuff from last night's match! :D




Also, Cesc tweeted this:



Guys, our OTP. It's alive! ♥
17 September 2009 @ 06:37 am
The new Era of the Galactico has blinded the Photogs with fancy names and shiny price tags. As a result, everyones favorite Saint is being neglected. Have you seen the recent pics of him? For those of us with an Iker addiction this is problematic. Iker deprivation is no fun.

A Community with the sole purpose of posting at least one pic of Iker every day.

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Come on in, the Iker is fine!!
Current Mood: happyhappy
15 July 2009 @ 08:01 pm
So I'm bored and trying to get my mind off of certain things so I decided to look at pictures of Iker and Cesc and this is what I found.
small picspamCollapse )

Current Mood: blankblank
28 June 2009 @ 09:18 pm

Check out our boys after they got their medals. It’s not that much of a close up but still they’re together again.

Credit goes to kristannuccia from ramos_fans who posted the picture first. By the way for those of you that speak Spanish the song that I’m listening to right now reminds me of Iker and Cesc every time they have to say goodbye after call ups.

Current Mood: peacefulpeaceful
Current Music: Alexander Pires- Maldito El Tiempo
25 June 2009 @ 09:55 pm

I spy Iker and Cesc growing closer since Iker’s “stern” talk a few days back.

Wonder what Iker told him exactly?

Current Mood: boredbored
22 June 2009 @ 08:08 pm

I command
Current Mood: hornyhorny