Thesis Chapters by Nurullah Karagül

When the Insadi Sūtra is examined in terms of linguistic features and context, it has been evalua... more When the Insadi Sūtra is examined in terms of linguistic features and context, it has been evaluated by researchers as one of the late Buddhist works. The subject of this study is composed of the Language features of the İnsadi Sūtra. Within the content of the study, İnsadi Sūtra was evaluated phonetically, morphologically and syntactically and compared with Orkhon Turkish and Old Uyghur. In addition, in the text prepared by Semih Tezcan as a doctoral thesis, the words that cannot be understood or considered transcription errors have been examined in the light of various studies. Evaluated figures showed that Old Uighur preserved some features in Orkhon Turkish even in its late period. As a result of the evaluated elements, it has been observed that some features in Orkhon Turkish continue in Insadi Sutra which is one of the late period works of Old Uyghur. Although the İnsadi Sūtra is considered among the works of the late period, it is an essential work in that it contains archaic features and few elements non-witnessed in other Old Uyghur texts. The morphological, phonetic and lexicological elements we identified in the Insadi Sūtra made us think that the text was translated in a closed community, and that it also reflected the dialectical elements of the community into the text. The different usages identified have enabled us to comment on the translator's command of the Turkish of the period.
Book Reviews by Nurullah Karagül
Semih Tezcan, İpek Yolu’ndan Anadolu’ya Türkçe – Makaleler & Yunus Emre’den Nâzım Hikmet’e Türkçe – Makaleler, (Hz. Emine Yılmaz, Nuran Tezcan, Uğur Altundaş, Ali Doğan), Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul, 2024, ISBN: 978-975-08-6381-3 & 978-975-08-6432-2, 2024
Büyük âlim Semih Tezcan'ın kitapları ve İngilizce-Almanca makaleleri dışında kalan makaleleri iki... more Büyük âlim Semih Tezcan'ın kitapları ve İngilizce-Almanca makaleleri dışında kalan makaleleri iki cilt hâlinde araştırmacıların istifadesine sunulmuştur. İki ciltlik bu eser Tezcan'ın çevirileri, kitap tanıtma ve değerlendirme yazıları ile kendisi ile yapılan ropörtajları-gazete yazılarını içeren İpek Yolu’ndan Anadolu’ya Türkçe – Makaleler & Yunus Emre’den Nâzım Hikmet’e Türkçe – Makaleler başlıkları ile Yapı Kredi Yayınları'ndan yayımlanmıştır. Eserin tanıtma yazısı kitapların içeriklerine dair ilgililerine bilgi sunmaktadır. Eserin Türkoloji'ye fayda sağlayacağı şüphesizdir.
Thesis Chapters by Nurullah Karagül
Book Reviews by Nurullah Karagül