Papers by Irem OZGOREN KINLI

»Die türkische Tortur-Eine historisch-prozessuale Analyse von Wahrnehmung und Engagement älterer ... more »Die türkische Tortur-Eine historisch-prozessuale Analyse von Wahrnehmung und Engagement älterer Menschen in digitaler Transformation«. This paper employs a process-oriented methodology for evaluating how digital access to private and public services alters social and everyday practices among older people in Turkey. We also focus on the reaction of elders to the technological infrastructure developed by the Turkish state. We analyse the dynamic interplay between turning points in macro-level historical events and adaptative responses in micro-level contexts. Through historical analysis of the visual turn of culture, the aim is to reveal different ways of digital inclusion of the elderly in processes of digital transformations in Turkey, as citizens of the digital state. We provide an analysis of the process pattern of Turkish digitalisation with qualitative data gathered through semi-structured, indepth interviews with middle-class elders in Turkey. To identify temporal patterns in the Turkish digital transformation process, interviews are analysed in terms of their transformative aspects in society. The research data are classified into three groups with respect to their level of analysis from the micro, through the meso, to the macro level: Creation of novelty; variation, continuation, and /or transformation; adaptation. The focus of the article is on the exploration of the impact of the usage of digital communication tools by elders in terms of novelties, continuations, transformations, breaks, and adaptations observed at the micro (individual), meso (social interactions), and macro (governance) levels of social analysis.

Historical Social Research 45 (2020) 1, 65-86 , 2020
Through a historical-processual perspective, this article investigates military aspects of Turkis... more Through a historical-processual perspective, this article investigates military aspects of Turkish national character. We utilize methodological and conceptual tools developed by Norbert Elias in order to reveal peculiarities of Turkish state formation experiences. Starting our survey from early nomadic times and extending to the foundation of Turkish Republic, we seek to demonstrate the extent to which military traits are incorporated in the Turkish national character. Drawing on the conceptual framework of national habitus outlined by Elias, this article primarily aims at exploring military traits among Turks through power relations and established-outsider figurations in Turkish history. The conceptualization of established and outsider groups (Elias and Scotson 2008) enables us to determine the basic stages of state formation as we-units through struggles for power between these two groups in Turkish society. We will attempt to highlight the particular historical moments at which established minorities lost their power, while outsiders came to the fore and gained a privileged status.

Turkish Studies-Social Sciences, 2020
Norbert Elias (1897-1990) developed a particular sociological perspective, which has come to be... more Norbert Elias (1897-1990) developed a particular sociological perspective, which has come to be known as ‘figurational sociology’, or, as it is sometimes called, process sociology. Figurational sociology offers a synthesis of classical and modern sociology. According to this sociological perspective, individuals are interdependent with each other; they form figurations, and also, they are shaped by continuously changing figurations.
The main aim of this article is to introduce Norbert Elias’ sociology through his concepts, methods and principles. The first part of the study gives information about Elias’ personal and academic life. Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Simmel, Sombart, Veblen, Mannheim and Freud occupy a central place in Elias’ sociology.
The second part attempts to clarify the meaning of figuration in Eliasian sociology. The concept of figuration, which has been widely used by Elias since the 1960s, points out the nature and the extent of the interdependencies that change constantly over time. It is an analytical concept that emphasizes interdependency between individual and society. It describes changing human networks and long-term processes in which people are interrelated to each other.
According to Elias, individuals cannot be imagined without their societies and societies without their individuals. Defined by networks of small groups and large societies by people who are interdependent to each other, figurations are characterized as constantly changing and fluid balance of power. Elias developed the concept of figuration in order to eliminate the accepted dualist approaches in sociology such as structure / actor, individual / society, subjectivity / objectivity, and to show that individuals are always connected with each other through direct or indirect ways.
For Elias, the difference of the concept of figuration from the concept of the system is that figuration concept does not create an inherent expectation of harmony. In this sense, figuration is a neutral concept. It can address tense and hostile relations between people as well as harmonious, peaceful and friendly relationship between people. According to Elias, the concept of figuration is functional in sociology when it addresses the problem of interdependence among individuals, groups and societies.
The third part of this article discusses the basic assumptions and methodology of figurational sociology. The chief characteristics of figurational sociology is its focus on relations and processes. It gives emphasis to the significance of long-term processes, although it does not correspondingly ignore the short-term processes. The main aim of figurational sociology is to demonstrate the functional interdependence of people who come together at a multi-layered level during the unplanned social processes that they create with each other.
One of the originalities of figurational sociology comes from its focus on relationships rather than situations. Elias prefers to examine the relationships between individuals and social phenomena not solely through power relations between individuals, groups or institutions, but through the ever-changing power balances. In order to examine social structure and social relations, figurational sociology adopts a long-term historical research methodology. The third part of the article also focuses on the differences of figurational sociology from other sociological approaches. Elias opposes both the structural-functional and methodological-individualist paradigms in sociological theory and presents a new unique paradigm in terms of sociological thinking.
In the last part, this study presents the conceptual tools frequently used by figurational sociology such as the balance of cooperation and competition; balance of external social control and self-control; balance of power; the balance of formalization and informalization; We / I balance between established and outsider groups (We / They); the balance of involvement and detachment.
The balance of cooperation and competition is a useful analytical tool in order to determine the levels of social and global interdependencies as well as the levels of differentiations. Different levels of development can be determined by the balance of social control and self-control. The balance between external control and self-discipline has gradually shifted towards the latter with the monopolization of physical force by the nation-state. The balance of power is a helpful tool for figurational sociology in order to analyze power ratios between different social classes, sexes and generations. The balance of formalization and informalization helps to analyze shifting patterns of emotion management. The We–I balance helps to demonstrate the dynamic configurations of self-awareness within a changing society. Correspondingly, the state formation processes give direction to the We-I balance of individuals. We / I balance between established and outsider groups (We / They) is a conceptual tool for explaining diverse interdependencies between various groups, which may trigger conflicts and tensions. The balance of involvement and detachment demonstrates how increase level of knowledge of nature produces a greater detachment from their affective involvement of fearful fantasies.

İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi, 2020
Since the mid-1980s, food along with its relation to gender, ethnicity, socio-economic inequaliti... more Since the mid-1980s, food along with its relation to gender, ethnicity, socio-economic inequalities, and power relations has become a topic of sociological research. Starting with the publication of All Manners of Food in 1985, Stephen Mennell has contributed significantly to the literature on the sociology of food. The main aim of this article is to evaluate Stephen Mennell’s contributions to the sociology of food within the framework of the developmental approach. Mennell’s studies were first classified as a category under the developmentalist approach in a special issue of Current Sociology (Mennell, Murcott, & van Otterloo, 1992). After identifying the food literature with a developmental approach, the authors in the issue presented developmentalism as a materialist opposition to structuralism. According to them, in order to determine and control social behavior the developmentalist perspective does not completely reject the powerful symbolic meanings structuralists have given to food. Developmentalists examine the role that cooking plays in developing people’s mental capacities and social structures. Developmentalists in particular investigate the reasons for certain specific preferences and avoidances. They argue the social factors that shape the taste of a generation to be largely shaped by the dynamics of long-term social development processes. The developmentalist approach focuses on the impact social, cultural, economic and political arrangements have on the formation of culinary cultures and analyzes the effects transformations in social structure have on culinary cultures. The first part of this article focuses on the roles court kitchens have in the formation of taste and how courts gradually lost their determining functions. According to Mennell, social structures and institutions play an important role in taste formation. On this point, he draws attention to the importance of court kitchens in European history. Under the influence of the court society model by Elias (2006), Mennell presents how court elites considered conspicuous consumption of food to be vital for demonstrating their power. While explaining court society, Mennell differentiates between female-dominated domestic cuisine and male-dominated professional cuisine. In line with the changes in social structure, he argues that courts gradually lost their model-setting role in food taste, and this led to courts losing their other functions. In the second part of the article, the impact social and political developments have had on shaping culinary culture is discussed through three main problematic issues: comparative culinary cultures; the civilizing of appetite; and food dislikes, avoidances, and prohibitions. In his assessment of comparative culinary cultures, Mennell suggests an explanation for the differences and similarities between French and English cooking in terms of the developmental approach. He compares England and France in order to understand why haute cuisine was developed in France, not in England. He explores the reasons why these two geographically close and historically independent countries’ food cultures had diverged. He explains the formation of French haute cuisine through the social structure of 17th- and early 18th-century France. According to him, the different experiences these two countries had in the 18th century had paved the way for France’s sovereignty over England, which can be defined as a type of cultural culinary dependence (the co-existence of native and foreign styles of food with different social connotations) in the 19th century. Mennell shows three different periods to exist in food evolution. The first period, which can be characterized by famines and feasts, is where the nobility showed their status through excessive food consumption. The second period, which witnessed a significant increase in the food supply, is where the bourgeois class developed a distinctive taste through the etiquette in, restrictions on, and art of cooking. The third period relates to the industrialization processes characterized by mass production and food consumption. In parallel with political and social developments, Mennell argues that culinary history has also gone through a civilizing process. He explains the complex relationship between hunger drive and appetite control through the process of what he calls the civilizing of appetite. The term the civilizing of appetite, which seems to be partly related to the increased safety, regularity, reliability, and diversity of food resources, describes the gradual increase of self-control over appetite and a change in focus from quantity to quality of food. Mennell discusses differences in eating habits through changes in social structure and social relations. Along with the transition from agricultural to industrial societies, he examines how food dislikes, avoidances, prohibitions, and taboos are socially developed. He explains people’s growing sense of repugnance towards the slaughtering of animals for food with people’s increasing ability to identify themselves with animals. In line with the overall civilizing process, he demonstrates how the social connotations of various items of food play an indispensable part in the growth of feelings of repugnance. The third part of the article questions how improvements in printing technologies have helped strengthen common culinary traditions, and how culinary writing influences culinary culture as well. Mennell examines two different forms of food writing: gastronomic literature and cookbooks. He claims cookbooks and culinary texts to not only provide information about national kitchens but to also convey information about the nation itself. He historically describes how written recipes appeared in early modern English cookbooks shortly after they had become widespread in kitchens; whereas in 18th-century France, cookbooks had developed new techniques and practices and had become a source of innovation. In this way, recipes had become widespread, along with a set of restrictive kitchen rules. As Mennell points out, printed cookbooks provided a rapid transfer of improved forms of traditional recipes. Mennell examines how cookbook writing is historically associated with home-family life and femininity, while gastronomy writing is associated with public space and masculinity. The final part of the article deals with the dynamics of the rise and fall of a public sphere of eating and the democratizing functions gastronomic guides have. Mennell argues that Habermas’ model of the development of the public sphere is useful for understanding the basic stages of gastronomy. He examines the emergence of the gastronome, of a dining public, and of gastronomic discourse. He demonstrates how, throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, gastronomy had had a changing balance between the functions of articulating elite standards on one hand and the democratization of taste on the other.
Kebikeç, 2020
A Bibliometric Analysis of Sociological Studies on Drug Use
Abstract: The main aim of this artic... more A Bibliometric Analysis of Sociological Studies on Drug Use
Abstract: The main aim of this article is to analyse sociological literature on drug use in the Web of Science (WoS) index via bibliometric scientific mapping patterns. To this end, we have explored the main themes in drug use researches by creating the following sub-periods: Before 2000, 2001-2005, 2006-2010, 2011-2015, 2016 and after. Thematic evolution of the field is examined through ongoing research topics and common themes in all periods in question. The significant outcome of this research is to demonstrate the impact of crime based approach which dominates the sociological field in drug studies.
Keywords: Bibliometrics, Drug use, Web of Science, Criminal sociology, US Drug Policy

Eğitim Bilim ve Toplum Dergisi, 2019
Stereotype is a macro contextual factor that guides the content and process of identity formation... more Stereotype is a macro contextual factor that guides the content and process of identity formation, and a driving force for identity development. Ethnic stereotype, in its simplest terms, is an unjust generalization about an ethnic group by a trait attribution. From this perspective, this article examines the role of ethnic stereotypes in the formation of the Turkish image. It is argued that, in the period between the 16th and 18th centuries, various European writers and observers’
evaluations regarding Turks were not due to prejudice or prejudgment, but could be interpreted within the framework of ethnic stereotypes. In this article, the orientalist perspective is evaluated as an epistemology that produces and aestheticizes an ethnic stereotype about the Turks. This article aims to create an awareness about the production of more analytical approaches in social sciences by the distinction of the concepts of stereotype, prejudgment and prejudice.

This article aims to provide a gender analysis of Village Institutes by which a new mixed educati... more This article aims to provide a gender analysis of Village Institutes by which a new mixed education model has been initiated at the village level. In this perspective, this work is organized in three main parts. The first part outlines the relevant theoretical approaches to gender and education. The conceptual framework enables us to understand the means by which a ‘domestic ideology’ (Rogers, 2006) has been transposed, represented, negotiated and reproduced through Institute’s curriculums. Additionally, this part is indispensable to demonstrate girls’ education at the Institutes was both a conservative force and a force for change. The second part presents the gender perspectives of Institutes’ founders, teachers or executives through their own speeches and relevant texts. This part aims to demonstrate the founders’ views with regard to various reasons of girls’ schooling: future mothers, good wives and / or good citizens with the same rights with the male sex…etc. Despite their ambiguous visions of female education, almost all defended the idea that it was essential to educate girls and encouraged the directors to take the initiative to increase the number and ratio of girls in the Institutes. The third part examines how Institute’s education programs contribute to the reproduction of a traditional gender-stereotyped division of labour. Additionally, this part consists in analysing published memories to demonstrate how students internalized the stereotypical gender attitudes and perceptions. This last part examines how Institutes generate the reproduction of the patriarchal structure and bourgeois sexism.

KUSAD, 2018
This article aims to demonstrate the social, political and philosophical ideas of Baha Tevfik who... more This article aims to demonstrate the social, political and philosophical ideas of Baha Tevfik who was one of the most important Ottoman intellectuals of the 19th century. The first part of the article analyses Baha Tevfik’s political ideas about the importance of the individual and of individual freedom; government effectiveness on the individual; status of civil servants; the goal of nationalization; the functioning of the administrative system and the essential characteristics of the Turkish nation. The second part presents the various social and philosophical ideas of the thinker (the moral perspective, the philosophy of Nietzsche and Kant, the relationship between feminism and Islam). Thirdly, the paper focuses on the comparison of socialism with anarchism by Tevfik; the political ideas of the Ottoman Socialist Party; of the Turkish socialist journal İştirak; Tevfik’s contribution to the party and to the journal. The objective of this part is to question the conceptual ambiguity observed in the writings of Tevfik, all this being inseparable from the terminological confusion in the minds of the intellectuals of the late Ottoman period.

ÖZ Bu çalışma, Norbert Elias'ın saray toplumu modelinin, elitlerin gösteriş tüketimine ilişkin li... more ÖZ Bu çalışma, Norbert Elias'ın saray toplumu modelinin, elitlerin gösteriş tüketimine ilişkin literatüre katkısını ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu modele göre lüks tüketimi ve prestij harcamalarının işlevi, saray elitlerinin sosyal konumlarından kaynaklı olarak kendilerini diğerlerinin gözünde görünür kılmasıdır. Bu saray toplumuna ait bir rasyonalitedir. Tasarruf yapma ahlakını yücelten burjuva ahlakından farklı bir rasyonalitesi vardır. İktidarın devamlılığı için lüks ve prestij harcamalarının yapılması zorunludur ve bunlar görünür olmalıdır. Bu makale üç bölümden oluşur. İlk bölümde lüks kavramının tarihsel gelişimine ana hatlarıyla değinilecektir. İkinci bölüm, Sombart'ın ve Veblen'in toplumsal ayrım ve tüketim pratiklerine ilişkin çalışmalarını tanıtır. İkinci bölümün ilk kısmında öncelikle Sombart'ın hayatı hakkında kısa bir bilgi verilecektir. İkinci olarak, Sombart'ın çalışmalarında ahlak ve ekonomi, ardından da lüks ve kapitalizm konularının nasıl ele alındığının üzerinde durulacaktır. İkinci bölümün ikinci kısımda ise, Veblen'in akademik katkıları, aylak sınıfı teorisi ve gösterişçi tüketim kavramlarına yoğunlaşılacaktır. Son bölüm ise Norbert Elias, saray toplumu modeli ve saray elitlerinin prestij harcamalarının tanıtılmasına ayrılmıştır. ABSTRACT This paper aims to demonstrate the theoretical contribution of the court society model to the literature of conspicuous consumption of elites. According to this model, the function of luxury consumption and prestige expenditure is to manifest them in the most visible way. Court society has a specific type of rationality. It is different from bourgeois form of rationality characterized by savings for future profit. Expenditures of luxury and prestige are considered vital for the continuity of power and they must be visible. The article is divided into three parts. The first part briefly presents an overview of conceptual and historical investigation of the idea of luxury. The second part introduces Sombart's and Veblen's studies about the social distinction and consumption patterns. The first section of this second part offers, firstly, biographical information about Sombart. Secondly, ethics and economics, later on, luxury and capitalism in Sombart's works will be addressed. The second section of the second part focuses on the Veblen's academic achievements, the theory of leisure class and the notion of conspicuous consumption. The last part is devoted to the presentation of Norbert Elias, his court society model and prestige expenditures of court elites.
The focus of this paper is the correspondence between founding fathers of the Annales School name... more The focus of this paper is the correspondence between founding fathers of the Annales School namely, Lucien Febvre and Marc Bloch, during the establishment years (1928-1933) of the scholarly journal Annales d'histoire économique et sociale. The article aims at highlighting the importance of these correspondences’ role in the process of developing a new historiographical approach. The first part is devoted to the analysis of the personal correspondences of the founders of the Annales School in pursuit of a better interpretation of the socio-economic and political conjunctures in which the first issues of the journal were published. In the second part, the correspondences relating to the content development of the Annales, its promotional activities, and emerging problems in the process are explored in terms of the analysis of the historical background of this intellectual movement.

This research extends the theory of the civilizing process of Norbert Elias to the gender issue i... more This research extends the theory of the civilizing process of Norbert Elias to the gender issue in the Ottoman Empire and thereby in some respects provides a test of his original theory. This study is based on the assumption that the conscious policy of the Ottoman modernization by the ruling elite exhibited many symptoms resembling those of the European civilizing process. The socio-historical process of bureaucratization of the Ottoman state fostered the changes in manners and forms of cultural expression which brought with it the advance of the threshold of shame and embarrassment in gender relations during this process. Drawing on this assumption, the article looks at the changes in the way people control themselves and others in the expression of their impulses and emotions. In turn, -the question of how the margins of tolerance in sexual matters and in the expression of emotions and desires changed during this civilizing process -formulates the major concern of this paper. Since manuals on etiquette, manners books, diaries and archives are the richest sources for this purpose, this project employs the analysis of these cultural texts, in order to make inferences from the cultural transformations within the Ottoman Empire. The research hopes to offer new perspectives in reorienting the way we look at the development of the Ottoman culture within the context of figurational sociology.
" Abstract
Analysis of the Caricatures of Ramize Erer from a Social Gender Point of View
Th... more " Abstract
Analysis of the Caricatures of Ramize Erer from a Social Gender Point of View
This study focuses upon the gender analysis of the caricature cartoons of Ramize Erer, one of the few female Turkish comic artists. I analysed five caricatures selected from her famous collections Tehlikeli lliskiler (Dangerous Relations) and Kotu Kiz (Bad Girl) dealing with the relationships between men and women. This gender analysis can enable us to compare normal and ideal norms with the components of gender as a social institution. The gender display, gendered roles, sexual scripts, personalities, social control and processes have been used for the analysis of these caricatures.
Key Words: Ramize Erer, caricature, Turkish caricaturists, social gender, sexual scripts, gendered roles. "
Book Chapter by Irem OZGOREN KINLI

Siyaset Biliminde Sınır ve Sınırsızlık, 2021
20. Yüzyılın önemli sosyologlarından kabul edilen Norbert Elias'ın sosyolojik yaklaşımı figürasyo... more 20. Yüzyılın önemli sosyologlarından kabul edilen Norbert Elias'ın sosyolojik yaklaşımı figürasyonel sosyoloji ve/veya süreç sosyolojisi olarak adlandırılır. Elias ve takipçileri (Jason Hughes'ın ifadesi ile 'Figurati') sosyolojinin farklı alt uzmanlık alanlarında araştırmalar yürütürler: siyaset sosyolojisi; bilgi sosyolojisi; beden sosyolojisi; çocukluk sosyolojisi ; duygular sosyolojisi ; meslekler sosyolojisi ; örgüt sosyolojisi; sanat sosyolojisi ; spor sosyolojisi; yemek sosyolojisi; toplumsal cinsiyet sosyolojisi…vb.). Farklı araştırma konularını ele alırken klasik sosyal bilimler disiplinlerindeki ayrımların ötesine geçerler. Tarih, sosyoloji, siyaset bilimi, antropoloji, psikoloji ve hatta psikiyatri biliminin metodolojilerinden faydalanırlar. Bu çalışma, "Figürati güncel siyasi tartışmalara katılmalı mı?" sorunsalından yola çıkarak figürasyonel sosyolojinin güncel siyaseti anlama konusunda hangi açılardan katkı sunabileceğini göstermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu doğrultuda, ilk olarak, Elias'ın sosyal bilimler disiplinlerine ve disiplinlerarasılığa bakışı üzerinde durulacaktır. Bununla bağlantılı olarak, Elias'ın siyasi duruşu, kendi dönemindeki siyasi olaylar karşısındaki tutumu ve güncel siyasete bakışı makalenin ikinci bölümünde ele alınacaktır. Son bölüm, Figürati'nin Avrupa Birliği kimliğinin oluşumu, milliyetçi popülizmin Avrupa'da yükselişi, terörün toplumsal kökenlerini anlama gibi güncel siyasi tartışmaları nasıl incelediklerini ortaya koyacaktır. Bu doğrultuda, figürasyonel sosyolojinin metodolojik araçlarından işbirliği ve rekabet dengesi, müdahillik ve dahil olmama dengesi, güç dengesi ve Yerleşikler-Hariciler (Biz / Onlar) arasında Biz / Ben dengesi'nin çağdaş siyasi analizlerde nasıl kullanılabileceği tartışılacaktır. Bu makale, sosyal bilimcilerin bilim insanı kimlikleri ile ne ölçüde güncel siyasi olaylar karşısında aktif bir rol alıp almaları gerektiği tartışmalarına da katkı sunmayı hedeflemektedir.
Figurational Analysis of Michael Haneke’s Time of the Wolf
Inspired by “possible symptoms of decivilising processes” (Mennell, International Sociology 5(2):... more Inspired by “possible symptoms of decivilising processes” (Mennell, International Sociology 5(2):205–223, 1990) and by “a workable synthesis”of “universally applicable criteria for doing figurational process sociology” (Wouters, Human Figurations: Long-Term Perspectives on the Human Condition 3(1), 2014), this chapter analyzes how changes in structural processes, in manners/culture, in social habitus and in modes of knowledge are depicted in Michael Haneke’s movie Le temps du loup (2003) [The Time of the Wolf]. Four conceptual tools are applied: change in pattern of co-operation and competition; we–I balance between established and outsider groups; changes in control of nature, in social controls and in self-controls; and changes in modes of knowledge, and the balance of involvement and detachment.
The chapter interrogates how far an Eliasian approach related to European state-formation process... more The chapter interrogates how far an Eliasian approach related to European state-formation processes in the study of The Civilizing Process (Elias 2000) and The Court Society (Elias 2006) can be applied to Ottoman history. Kınlı aims to bring a new reflection on these works through Eliasian conceptual tools namely social figurations, chains of interdependence and balance of power; implementation of some of Elias' questions, of his methodology and in particular of his conceptualization in a non-European setting. The examination of the distinctive features of the Ottoman court helps the author to explore, whether 'monopoly mechanism', 'transformation of private into public monopolies' and 'royal mechanism' in Elias's discussion of state-formation processes can be explored in the Ottoman context.
Book Reviews by Irem OZGOREN KINLI
Journal Articles by Irem OZGOREN KINLI

Historical Social Research, 2022
This paper employs a process-oriented methodology for evaluating how digital access to private an... more This paper employs a process-oriented methodology for evaluating how digital access to private and public services alters social and everyday practices among older people in Turkey. We also focus on the reaction of elders to the technological infrastructure developed by the Turkish state. We analyse the dynamic interplay between turning points in macro-level historical events and adaptative responses in micro-level contexts. Through historical analysis of the visual turn of culture, the aim is to reveal different ways of digital inclusion of the elderly in processes of digital transformations in Turkey, as citizens of the digital state. We provide an analysis of the process pattern of Turkish digitalisation with qualitative data gathered through semi-structured, indepth interviews with middle-class elders in Turkey. To identify temporal patterns in the Turkish digital transformation process, interviews are analysed in terms of their transformative aspects in society. The research data are classified into three groups with respect to their level of analysis from the micro, through the meso, to the macro level: Creation of novelty; variation, continuation, and /or transformation; adaptation. The focus of the article is on the exploration of the impact of the usage of digital communication tools by elders in terms of novelties, continuations, transformations, breaks, and adaptations observed at the micro (individual), meso (social interactions), and macro (governance) levels of social analysis.

İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi, 2020
Article in Turkish, with substantial summary in English. Full reference is İstanbul Üniversitesi ... more Article in Turkish, with substantial summary in English. Full reference is İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi 40(1): 419–441
Öz Bu makale, Stephen Mennell'in yemek sosyolojisi alanına sunduğu katkıları gelişimsel yaklaşım çerçevesinde değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Gelişimsel yaklaşıma göre, bir neslin damak tadını şekillendiren toplumsal faktörler büyük ölçüde geçmişten günümüze çok uzun süreli sosyal gelişim süreçlerinin dinamikleri ile şekillenir. Bu yaklaşım, sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik veya politik düzenlemelerin mutfak kültürlerinin oluşumundaki etkisini dikkate alır. Toplumsal yapılardaki değişimlerin mutfak kültürlerine yansımalarını inceler. Bu doğrultuda makalenin ilk bölümünde damak zevkinin oluşumunda saray mutfaklarının belirleyici rolleri ve 18. yüzyıldan itibaren sarayların damak zevki konusunda model oluşturma rollerini kaybetmelerinin üzerinde durulacaktır. İkinci bölümde, toplumsal ve siyasi gelişmelerin mutfak kültürlerini şekillendirmeye etkileri üç temel sorunsal üzerinden tartışılacaktır: karşılaştırmalı mutfak kültürleri; iştahın medenileşmesi; hoşlanılmayan, kaçınılan ve iğrenilen yemekler. Üçüncü bölüm, baskı teknolojilerindeki ilerlemenin yaygın mutfak geleneklerinin güçlendirmesine nasıl yardımcı olduğu ve yemek yazarlığının mutfak kültürlerinin gelişimini hangi açılardan etkilediğine odaklanacaktır. Son bölüm, kamusal bir yemek alanının yükselişi ve düşüşündeki dinamikleri ve gastronomi yazıları ile görgü kitaplarının demokratikleştirici işlevlerini ele alır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Stephen Mennell • Gelişimsel yaklaşım • Damak zevki • Mutfak kültürü • İştahın medenileşmesi
Stephen Mennell's Contributions to the Sociology of Food Abstract The aim of this article is to evaluate Stephen Mennell's contributions to the sociology of food within the framework of the developmental approach. According to this approach, social factors that shape the taste of a generation are largely formed by the dynamics of long-term social development processes from past to present. This approach takes into account the impact of social, cultural, economic, and political arrangements on the formation of culinary culture. It examines the impacts changes in social structures have on culinary culture. In this sense, the first part of the article focuses on the roles court kitchens have had in taste formation and how courts gradually lost their determining functions. In the second part of the article, the impact of social and political developments on shaping culinary culture is discussed through three main problematic issues: comparative culinary cultures; the civilizing of appetite; and food dislikes, avoidances, and prohibitions. The third part of the article questions how improvements in printing technologies have helped strengthen common culinary traditions and how culinary writing influences culinary culture as well. The last part deals with the dynamics of the rise and fall of a public sphere of eating and the democratizing functions of gastronomic guides.
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Papers by Irem OZGOREN KINLI
The main aim of this article is to introduce Norbert Elias’ sociology through his concepts, methods and principles. The first part of the study gives information about Elias’ personal and academic life. Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Simmel, Sombart, Veblen, Mannheim and Freud occupy a central place in Elias’ sociology.
The second part attempts to clarify the meaning of figuration in Eliasian sociology. The concept of figuration, which has been widely used by Elias since the 1960s, points out the nature and the extent of the interdependencies that change constantly over time. It is an analytical concept that emphasizes interdependency between individual and society. It describes changing human networks and long-term processes in which people are interrelated to each other.
According to Elias, individuals cannot be imagined without their societies and societies without their individuals. Defined by networks of small groups and large societies by people who are interdependent to each other, figurations are characterized as constantly changing and fluid balance of power. Elias developed the concept of figuration in order to eliminate the accepted dualist approaches in sociology such as structure / actor, individual / society, subjectivity / objectivity, and to show that individuals are always connected with each other through direct or indirect ways.
For Elias, the difference of the concept of figuration from the concept of the system is that figuration concept does not create an inherent expectation of harmony. In this sense, figuration is a neutral concept. It can address tense and hostile relations between people as well as harmonious, peaceful and friendly relationship between people. According to Elias, the concept of figuration is functional in sociology when it addresses the problem of interdependence among individuals, groups and societies.
The third part of this article discusses the basic assumptions and methodology of figurational sociology. The chief characteristics of figurational sociology is its focus on relations and processes. It gives emphasis to the significance of long-term processes, although it does not correspondingly ignore the short-term processes. The main aim of figurational sociology is to demonstrate the functional interdependence of people who come together at a multi-layered level during the unplanned social processes that they create with each other.
One of the originalities of figurational sociology comes from its focus on relationships rather than situations. Elias prefers to examine the relationships between individuals and social phenomena not solely through power relations between individuals, groups or institutions, but through the ever-changing power balances. In order to examine social structure and social relations, figurational sociology adopts a long-term historical research methodology. The third part of the article also focuses on the differences of figurational sociology from other sociological approaches. Elias opposes both the structural-functional and methodological-individualist paradigms in sociological theory and presents a new unique paradigm in terms of sociological thinking.
In the last part, this study presents the conceptual tools frequently used by figurational sociology such as the balance of cooperation and competition; balance of external social control and self-control; balance of power; the balance of formalization and informalization; We / I balance between established and outsider groups (We / They); the balance of involvement and detachment.
The balance of cooperation and competition is a useful analytical tool in order to determine the levels of social and global interdependencies as well as the levels of differentiations. Different levels of development can be determined by the balance of social control and self-control. The balance between external control and self-discipline has gradually shifted towards the latter with the monopolization of physical force by the nation-state. The balance of power is a helpful tool for figurational sociology in order to analyze power ratios between different social classes, sexes and generations. The balance of formalization and informalization helps to analyze shifting patterns of emotion management. The We–I balance helps to demonstrate the dynamic configurations of self-awareness within a changing society. Correspondingly, the state formation processes give direction to the We-I balance of individuals. We / I balance between established and outsider groups (We / They) is a conceptual tool for explaining diverse interdependencies between various groups, which may trigger conflicts and tensions. The balance of involvement and detachment demonstrates how increase level of knowledge of nature produces a greater detachment from their affective involvement of fearful fantasies.
Abstract: The main aim of this article is to analyse sociological literature on drug use in the Web of Science (WoS) index via bibliometric scientific mapping patterns. To this end, we have explored the main themes in drug use researches by creating the following sub-periods: Before 2000, 2001-2005, 2006-2010, 2011-2015, 2016 and after. Thematic evolution of the field is examined through ongoing research topics and common themes in all periods in question. The significant outcome of this research is to demonstrate the impact of crime based approach which dominates the sociological field in drug studies.
Keywords: Bibliometrics, Drug use, Web of Science, Criminal sociology, US Drug Policy
evaluations regarding Turks were not due to prejudice or prejudgment, but could be interpreted within the framework of ethnic stereotypes. In this article, the orientalist perspective is evaluated as an epistemology that produces and aestheticizes an ethnic stereotype about the Turks. This article aims to create an awareness about the production of more analytical approaches in social sciences by the distinction of the concepts of stereotype, prejudgment and prejudice.
Analysis of the Caricatures of Ramize Erer from a Social Gender Point of View
This study focuses upon the gender analysis of the caricature cartoons of Ramize Erer, one of the few female Turkish comic artists. I analysed five caricatures selected from her famous collections Tehlikeli lliskiler (Dangerous Relations) and Kotu Kiz (Bad Girl) dealing with the relationships between men and women. This gender analysis can enable us to compare normal and ideal norms with the components of gender as a social institution. The gender display, gendered roles, sexual scripts, personalities, social control and processes have been used for the analysis of these caricatures.
Key Words: Ramize Erer, caricature, Turkish caricaturists, social gender, sexual scripts, gendered roles. "
Book Chapter by Irem OZGOREN KINLI
Book Reviews by Irem OZGOREN KINLI
Journal Articles by Irem OZGOREN KINLI
Öz Bu makale, Stephen Mennell'in yemek sosyolojisi alanına sunduğu katkıları gelişimsel yaklaşım çerçevesinde değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Gelişimsel yaklaşıma göre, bir neslin damak tadını şekillendiren toplumsal faktörler büyük ölçüde geçmişten günümüze çok uzun süreli sosyal gelişim süreçlerinin dinamikleri ile şekillenir. Bu yaklaşım, sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik veya politik düzenlemelerin mutfak kültürlerinin oluşumundaki etkisini dikkate alır. Toplumsal yapılardaki değişimlerin mutfak kültürlerine yansımalarını inceler. Bu doğrultuda makalenin ilk bölümünde damak zevkinin oluşumunda saray mutfaklarının belirleyici rolleri ve 18. yüzyıldan itibaren sarayların damak zevki konusunda model oluşturma rollerini kaybetmelerinin üzerinde durulacaktır. İkinci bölümde, toplumsal ve siyasi gelişmelerin mutfak kültürlerini şekillendirmeye etkileri üç temel sorunsal üzerinden tartışılacaktır: karşılaştırmalı mutfak kültürleri; iştahın medenileşmesi; hoşlanılmayan, kaçınılan ve iğrenilen yemekler. Üçüncü bölüm, baskı teknolojilerindeki ilerlemenin yaygın mutfak geleneklerinin güçlendirmesine nasıl yardımcı olduğu ve yemek yazarlığının mutfak kültürlerinin gelişimini hangi açılardan etkilediğine odaklanacaktır. Son bölüm, kamusal bir yemek alanının yükselişi ve düşüşündeki dinamikleri ve gastronomi yazıları ile görgü kitaplarının demokratikleştirici işlevlerini ele alır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Stephen Mennell • Gelişimsel yaklaşım • Damak zevki • Mutfak kültürü • İştahın medenileşmesi
Stephen Mennell's Contributions to the Sociology of Food Abstract The aim of this article is to evaluate Stephen Mennell's contributions to the sociology of food within the framework of the developmental approach. According to this approach, social factors that shape the taste of a generation are largely formed by the dynamics of long-term social development processes from past to present. This approach takes into account the impact of social, cultural, economic, and political arrangements on the formation of culinary culture. It examines the impacts changes in social structures have on culinary culture. In this sense, the first part of the article focuses on the roles court kitchens have had in taste formation and how courts gradually lost their determining functions. In the second part of the article, the impact of social and political developments on shaping culinary culture is discussed through three main problematic issues: comparative culinary cultures; the civilizing of appetite; and food dislikes, avoidances, and prohibitions. The third part of the article questions how improvements in printing technologies have helped strengthen common culinary traditions and how culinary writing influences culinary culture as well. The last part deals with the dynamics of the rise and fall of a public sphere of eating and the democratizing functions of gastronomic guides.
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
The main aim of this article is to introduce Norbert Elias’ sociology through his concepts, methods and principles. The first part of the study gives information about Elias’ personal and academic life. Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Simmel, Sombart, Veblen, Mannheim and Freud occupy a central place in Elias’ sociology.
The second part attempts to clarify the meaning of figuration in Eliasian sociology. The concept of figuration, which has been widely used by Elias since the 1960s, points out the nature and the extent of the interdependencies that change constantly over time. It is an analytical concept that emphasizes interdependency between individual and society. It describes changing human networks and long-term processes in which people are interrelated to each other.
According to Elias, individuals cannot be imagined without their societies and societies without their individuals. Defined by networks of small groups and large societies by people who are interdependent to each other, figurations are characterized as constantly changing and fluid balance of power. Elias developed the concept of figuration in order to eliminate the accepted dualist approaches in sociology such as structure / actor, individual / society, subjectivity / objectivity, and to show that individuals are always connected with each other through direct or indirect ways.
For Elias, the difference of the concept of figuration from the concept of the system is that figuration concept does not create an inherent expectation of harmony. In this sense, figuration is a neutral concept. It can address tense and hostile relations between people as well as harmonious, peaceful and friendly relationship between people. According to Elias, the concept of figuration is functional in sociology when it addresses the problem of interdependence among individuals, groups and societies.
The third part of this article discusses the basic assumptions and methodology of figurational sociology. The chief characteristics of figurational sociology is its focus on relations and processes. It gives emphasis to the significance of long-term processes, although it does not correspondingly ignore the short-term processes. The main aim of figurational sociology is to demonstrate the functional interdependence of people who come together at a multi-layered level during the unplanned social processes that they create with each other.
One of the originalities of figurational sociology comes from its focus on relationships rather than situations. Elias prefers to examine the relationships between individuals and social phenomena not solely through power relations between individuals, groups or institutions, but through the ever-changing power balances. In order to examine social structure and social relations, figurational sociology adopts a long-term historical research methodology. The third part of the article also focuses on the differences of figurational sociology from other sociological approaches. Elias opposes both the structural-functional and methodological-individualist paradigms in sociological theory and presents a new unique paradigm in terms of sociological thinking.
In the last part, this study presents the conceptual tools frequently used by figurational sociology such as the balance of cooperation and competition; balance of external social control and self-control; balance of power; the balance of formalization and informalization; We / I balance between established and outsider groups (We / They); the balance of involvement and detachment.
The balance of cooperation and competition is a useful analytical tool in order to determine the levels of social and global interdependencies as well as the levels of differentiations. Different levels of development can be determined by the balance of social control and self-control. The balance between external control and self-discipline has gradually shifted towards the latter with the monopolization of physical force by the nation-state. The balance of power is a helpful tool for figurational sociology in order to analyze power ratios between different social classes, sexes and generations. The balance of formalization and informalization helps to analyze shifting patterns of emotion management. The We–I balance helps to demonstrate the dynamic configurations of self-awareness within a changing society. Correspondingly, the state formation processes give direction to the We-I balance of individuals. We / I balance between established and outsider groups (We / They) is a conceptual tool for explaining diverse interdependencies between various groups, which may trigger conflicts and tensions. The balance of involvement and detachment demonstrates how increase level of knowledge of nature produces a greater detachment from their affective involvement of fearful fantasies.
Abstract: The main aim of this article is to analyse sociological literature on drug use in the Web of Science (WoS) index via bibliometric scientific mapping patterns. To this end, we have explored the main themes in drug use researches by creating the following sub-periods: Before 2000, 2001-2005, 2006-2010, 2011-2015, 2016 and after. Thematic evolution of the field is examined through ongoing research topics and common themes in all periods in question. The significant outcome of this research is to demonstrate the impact of crime based approach which dominates the sociological field in drug studies.
Keywords: Bibliometrics, Drug use, Web of Science, Criminal sociology, US Drug Policy
evaluations regarding Turks were not due to prejudice or prejudgment, but could be interpreted within the framework of ethnic stereotypes. In this article, the orientalist perspective is evaluated as an epistemology that produces and aestheticizes an ethnic stereotype about the Turks. This article aims to create an awareness about the production of more analytical approaches in social sciences by the distinction of the concepts of stereotype, prejudgment and prejudice.
Analysis of the Caricatures of Ramize Erer from a Social Gender Point of View
This study focuses upon the gender analysis of the caricature cartoons of Ramize Erer, one of the few female Turkish comic artists. I analysed five caricatures selected from her famous collections Tehlikeli lliskiler (Dangerous Relations) and Kotu Kiz (Bad Girl) dealing with the relationships between men and women. This gender analysis can enable us to compare normal and ideal norms with the components of gender as a social institution. The gender display, gendered roles, sexual scripts, personalities, social control and processes have been used for the analysis of these caricatures.
Key Words: Ramize Erer, caricature, Turkish caricaturists, social gender, sexual scripts, gendered roles. "
Öz Bu makale, Stephen Mennell'in yemek sosyolojisi alanına sunduğu katkıları gelişimsel yaklaşım çerçevesinde değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Gelişimsel yaklaşıma göre, bir neslin damak tadını şekillendiren toplumsal faktörler büyük ölçüde geçmişten günümüze çok uzun süreli sosyal gelişim süreçlerinin dinamikleri ile şekillenir. Bu yaklaşım, sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik veya politik düzenlemelerin mutfak kültürlerinin oluşumundaki etkisini dikkate alır. Toplumsal yapılardaki değişimlerin mutfak kültürlerine yansımalarını inceler. Bu doğrultuda makalenin ilk bölümünde damak zevkinin oluşumunda saray mutfaklarının belirleyici rolleri ve 18. yüzyıldan itibaren sarayların damak zevki konusunda model oluşturma rollerini kaybetmelerinin üzerinde durulacaktır. İkinci bölümde, toplumsal ve siyasi gelişmelerin mutfak kültürlerini şekillendirmeye etkileri üç temel sorunsal üzerinden tartışılacaktır: karşılaştırmalı mutfak kültürleri; iştahın medenileşmesi; hoşlanılmayan, kaçınılan ve iğrenilen yemekler. Üçüncü bölüm, baskı teknolojilerindeki ilerlemenin yaygın mutfak geleneklerinin güçlendirmesine nasıl yardımcı olduğu ve yemek yazarlığının mutfak kültürlerinin gelişimini hangi açılardan etkilediğine odaklanacaktır. Son bölüm, kamusal bir yemek alanının yükselişi ve düşüşündeki dinamikleri ve gastronomi yazıları ile görgü kitaplarının demokratikleştirici işlevlerini ele alır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Stephen Mennell • Gelişimsel yaklaşım • Damak zevki • Mutfak kültürü • İştahın medenileşmesi
Stephen Mennell's Contributions to the Sociology of Food Abstract The aim of this article is to evaluate Stephen Mennell's contributions to the sociology of food within the framework of the developmental approach. According to this approach, social factors that shape the taste of a generation are largely formed by the dynamics of long-term social development processes from past to present. This approach takes into account the impact of social, cultural, economic, and political arrangements on the formation of culinary culture. It examines the impacts changes in social structures have on culinary culture. In this sense, the first part of the article focuses on the roles court kitchens have had in taste formation and how courts gradually lost their determining functions. In the second part of the article, the impact of social and political developments on shaping culinary culture is discussed through three main problematic issues: comparative culinary cultures; the civilizing of appetite; and food dislikes, avoidances, and prohibitions. The third part of the article questions how improvements in printing technologies have helped strengthen common culinary traditions and how culinary writing influences culinary culture as well. The last part deals with the dynamics of the rise and fall of a public sphere of eating and the democratizing functions of gastronomic guides.
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License