IJSIT Editor
Address: port blair andaman
Related Authors
Anna Croft
Loughborough University
Abdullah M. Asiri
King AbdulAziz University (KAU) Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Professor Dr. Loutfy H . Madkour
Al-Baha University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Jana Javornik
University of East London
Gwen Robbins Schug
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Gabriel Gutierrez-Alonso
University of Salamanca
John Sutton
Macquarie University
Kevin Arbuckle
Swansea University
Lev Manovich
Graduate Center of the City University of New York
Richard Cloutier
Université du Québec à Rimouski
Papers by IJSIT Editor
important plants.
Chemical fungicides are extensively used in current agriculture.However, excessive use of chemical
fungicides in agriculture has led to deteriorating human health , environmental pollution, damaged to
ecosystem and development of pathogen resistance to fungicide.
Because of the worsening problems in fungal disease control , a serious search is needed to identify
alternative methods for plant protection, which are less dependent on chemicals and are more
environmentally friendly. Microbial antagonists are widely used for the biocontrol of fungal plant diseases.
Many species of actinomycates, particulary those belonging to the genus sterptomyces, are well known as
antifungal biocontrol agents that inhibit several plant pathogenic fungi.
Another way biological control has been developed as an alternative of chemicals to tock with plant
pathogenic fungi. Considering high presence of chitin in fungal cell wall, chitinase enzyme is camped as an
effective biocontrol agent against phytopathogenic fungi. Streptomyces bacteria are able to produce various chitinase enzymes, chitinases produced by streptomyces belong to the families 18 and 19 glycosyl hydrolases.
The antifungal activity is mostly shown by fomily 19 Chitinases. In comparison with bacterial family 18
chitinases, the specific hydrolyzing activity of chitinase 19 against soluble and in soluble chitinous substrates
has been markedly higher. Considering the importance of family to investigate antifungal potential of
streptomyces bacteria isolated from east Azarbijan region soils based on molecular identification of family 19
chitinase. encoding gene in these bacteria.
To aim the purpose 110 soil samples were collected from East Azarbaijan and 310 strepomyces
isolates were selected using macroscopic and microscopic observations. DNA genomic of all of the isolates
were extracted and PCR reactions was done using chitinase 19 designed primers as marker.
Totally isolates were selected with molecular selection and antagonistic test were done. One of the isolates
exhibit the most strong antifungal activity.
The strain was identified using 16srDNA gene, and the chitinase encoding gene were amplified partially to
prove the PCR selection. Finally the bacterium were introduced as potentially biological fertilizer.
important plants.
Chemical fungicides are extensively used in current agriculture.However, excessive use of chemical
fungicides in agriculture has led to deteriorating human health , environmental pollution, damaged to
ecosystem and development of pathogen resistance to fungicide.
Because of the worsening problems in fungal disease control , a serious search is needed to identify
alternative methods for plant protection, which are less dependent on chemicals and are more
environmentally friendly. Microbial antagonists are widely used for the biocontrol of fungal plant diseases.
Many species of actinomycates, particulary those belonging to the genus sterptomyces, are well known as
antifungal biocontrol agents that inhibit several plant pathogenic fungi.
Another way biological control has been developed as an alternative of chemicals to tock with plant
pathogenic fungi. Considering high presence of chitin in fungal cell wall, chitinase enzyme is camped as an
effective biocontrol agent against phytopathogenic fungi. Streptomyces bacteria are able to produce various chitinase enzymes, chitinases produced by streptomyces belong to the families 18 and 19 glycosyl hydrolases.
The antifungal activity is mostly shown by fomily 19 Chitinases. In comparison with bacterial family 18
chitinases, the specific hydrolyzing activity of chitinase 19 against soluble and in soluble chitinous substrates
has been markedly higher. Considering the importance of family to investigate antifungal potential of
streptomyces bacteria isolated from east Azarbijan region soils based on molecular identification of family 19
chitinase. encoding gene in these bacteria.
To aim the purpose 110 soil samples were collected from East Azarbaijan and 310 strepomyces
isolates were selected using macroscopic and microscopic observations. DNA genomic of all of the isolates
were extracted and PCR reactions was done using chitinase 19 designed primers as marker.
Totally isolates were selected with molecular selection and antagonistic test were done. One of the isolates
exhibit the most strong antifungal activity.
The strain was identified using 16srDNA gene, and the chitinase encoding gene were amplified partially to
prove the PCR selection. Finally the bacterium were introduced as potentially biological fertilizer.
bacteria to nitrogen fixation and nodulation. In this paper, we used four isolated from two species of
Pseudomonas containing P.putida, P.fluorescens Chao, P.Flouresence Tabriz, P.flouresence B119 and Rhizobium
leguminosarumbv.phaseoli. In a factorial experiment with complete randomized blocks were used 5 levels of
helping bacteria(Pseudomonas spp.) and two rhizobium levels, four replicates were employed. Jamaran418
green bean was utilized as host plant. At the end, nodulation, growth and plant’s nitrogen indexes were
measured. The results showed that all above mentioned helping bacteria enhance the growth and nodulation
performance of green bean. It should be said that P.putida had the highest effect on the green bean
nodulation increase along with rhizobium (130%) followed by P.fluorescens Tabriz, P. fluorescens Chao and
P.fluorescens B119, ( 83, 63 and 17%, respectively). Also, we observed 45, 33, 22 and 8% performance
increase under the effect of P.putida, P. fluorescens Chao, P. fluorescens Tabriz and P. fluorescens B119,
ether leaf extracts of Jatrophacurcas against some gram positive micro-organisms: Staphylococcus aureus,
Bacillus subtilis and some gram negative micro-organisms: Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi using
antibiotics; Gentamycin as control. The phytochemical screening of aqueous and petroleum ether extracts
showed the presences of cardiac glycosides, steroids and terpenes, tannins, phlobatannins, anthraguinones
and saponins. The disc diffusion techniques was used to test the sensitivity of the micro-organism to the
extracts of Jatrophacurcas the results obtained show mean zones of inhibition between (19 + 0.6mm) to (30 +
0.3mm) for aqueous extract and (24 + 0.5mm) to (35 + 0.8mm) for petroleum ether extract. Micro-organisms
showed sensitivity in the following order: E.coli;(17 + 0.3mm) and (25 + 0.8mm), S.aureus; (26 + 0.2mm) and
(28 + 0.6mm), B.subtilis; (16 + 0.1mm) and (20 + 0.7mm), and S.typhi (25 + 0.2mm) and (27 + 0.6mm) for
aqueous and petroleum ether extracts respectively. The minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) for both
extracts show that the extracts inhibited the growth of the entire test organism at concentration 0.6mg/ml.
This result thus suggests the potency of Jatrophacurcas as an antimicrobial agent especially at the
concentration employed.
renal insufficiency. The plant material was collected in August-September 2012 and Rats 100-150g body
weights were subjected to the study. Normal saline as control, Cisplatin, and cisplatin plus Alstoneiboonei
stem bark extract were administered and the result summary for serum creatinine in cisplatin treated Rats
(2.69±0.32mg/dl) and in Rats administrates cisplastin plus Alstoniaboonei stem bark extract
(2.5±0.01mg/dl) were elevated compared to saline control (1.89±0.89mg/dl). Serum urea in cisplatin treated
Rats was (38.4 ±2.98mg/dl) compared to Rats administrates with cisplatin plus the extract (38.4±2.98mg/dl)
and saline control (24.94±3.76mg/dl). The study indicates Alstoniaboonei stem bark extract reduced the
renal insufficiency in rats.
Myristicafragrans(Nutmeg), Murrayakoenigi(curry leaf) and Aframomummelegueta(Guinea pepper) on Some
Biochemical and haematologicalParameters. Sixteen (16) wister strain rats weighing between 130 – 180g
were divided into four (4) groups of four (4) rats each and for 21 days fed the following diets: Group A –
normal diet + myristicafragrans (Nutmeg) aqueous extract, Group B – normal diet + murrayakoenigi (curry
leaf) aqueous extract, Group C – normal diet + aframomummelegueta (Guinea pepper) aqueous extract, Group
D – normal diet (control). After a period of 21 days the rats were sacrificed and the serum was taken for the
following estimations: total protein, albumin, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, aspartate transaminase, alanine
transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and
glucose. The whole blood was taken for packed cell volume and white blood cell count. The results indicated
that oral administration of myristicafragrans, murrayakoenigi and aframomummelegueta to rat’s exhibit
remarkable hypolipidaemic activity and lowering glucose concentration. The oral administration of these
three spices exhibit protein increasing activities compared with the control rats. The packed cell volume and
white cell values of all the rats decreased after feeding with experimental diet (aqueous extract) compare
with the control rats. It is clear from this study thatMyristicafragrans(Nutmeg), Murrayakoenigi(curry leaf)
andAframomummelegueta (Guinea pepper) contain significant amounts of phytochemicals and exhibit
hypolipidaemic activity when consumed.
and Nigerian Spinning and Dying industries (NSD). Waste water from the outlet of the industries were
collected and analyzed for physicochemical parameters. Silicone antifoam was added to the wastewater to
determine the impact of the silicone antifoam on turbidity and chemical oxygen demand (COD)
concentrations. The result shows that both turbidity and COD values significantly increased even when small
concentration of the silicone antifoam was added. Further, independent t-test was used to identify the
variance between the mean value of the wastewater from leather, spinning and dying industries, the results
indicated that there are no significant differences (observed t 0.544, critical t 2.015, and p value 0.589)
between the waste water in leather and dying industries.
obtaining useful information for the design of irrigation and drainage system and for effective soil
management techniques. Parameters determined; infiltration, hydraulic conductivity, permeability, bulk
density, particle density, porosity and moisture content. The textural class of the soils from the three sites
was found to be clay. The result obtained indicates that infiltration was high initially but decreases later. This
may be due to the soil reaching a saturation point. On the average the infiltration rate was observed to
decrease with time. The coefficient of permeability was found to be 9.26 x 10 , 7.66 x 10 and 2.15 x 10 cm/s
for site A, B and C respectively. Information on infiltration and permeability are useful tools in irrigation and
other engineering design.
of great importance. The former is important in planning harvesting and handling operations, the latter in
selecting the height of transport containers. Fruits are generally transported in containers. The static and
dynamic forces which then act on the fruit will cause damage if they exceed given value. The static force may
be calculated from the weight of the fruit column being transported while the dynamic load is a consequence
of vibration caused by transport. The permitted static load for a given fruit may be determined
experimentally. In this study, physical properties of interest were determined for fresh pomegranate fruit
then calculations for the design of a suitable height were conducted based on the measured properties using
Ross and Isaacs’s theory. Maximum height for packing and storing of fresh pomegranate fruit in the box was
determined to be less than 123 cm based on a rupture force of 40.7 N.
extracts and also to investigate the main phytoconstituents in the bio-active extract. N-hexane,
dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and methanol 80% extract were tested for free radical scavenging activity on
model reaction with stable 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH). The results showed that ethyl
acetate was the most active one as antioxidant agent and phytochemical analysis of that extract revealed the
presence of triterpenes, flavonoids, tannins and carbohydrates. The results may help to discover new
chemical classes of natural antioxidant substances that could serve as selective agents for infectious diseases.
through improving building performance and the use of ground energy sources. The relevance and
importance of the study is discussed in the paper, which, also, highlights the objectives of the study, and the
scope of the theme. This study discusses some of the current activity in the GSHPs field. The basic system and
several variations for buildings are presented along with examples of systems in operation. Finally, the GCHP
is presented as an alternative that is able to counter much of the criticism leveled by the natural gas industry
toward conventional heat pumps. Several advantages and disadvantages are listed. Operating and installation
costs are briefly discussed.
micro-shell with a distinct 3-D shape and pattern of fine nanoscale features. In this investigation, we present
results; Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy images show the presence of ordered arrays of silica
nanoparticles. A number of diatoms with partially opened valves were observed on the surface of the diatom,
which indicates that cell contents inside of diatoms could release the nanoparticles into the culture solution.
We believe that the film forming silica nanoparticles are either released by the diatoms during reproduction
or after cell death due to bacterial action. Further research will investigate whether the silica nanoparticles
are produced intracellular and then released or whether synthesis occurs in cell culture medium. This
approach provides an environmentally friendly means for fabricating silica nanoparticles for drug delivery,
disease diagnostics, artificial opal films, decorative coatings and novel optical materials.
world because they posses high protein content, saturated fat and also contain omega fatty acids known to
support good health. The present study deals with biochemical composition of common fish,Sardinella
longiceps. The proximate composition of protein, carbohydrate, lipid, amino acids and fatty acids were
studied. The results of proximate composition in S. longiceps showed the percentage of protein was high in
the normal and tumor infected fish tissue (29.15 &18.93%), followed by the carbohydrate (5.81 & 2.42 %)
and lipid (15.61 & 9.28 %). The percentage compositions of essential and non-essential amino acids are
presented in normal tissue and tumor infected tissue were found to be as 46.09 % & 41.47 % and 37.23% &
40.63%. In the analysis, the fatty acid profile by gas chromatography revealed the presence of higher amount
of PUFA (Linolenic acid 32.74 %) in normal tissue. The details of the vitamins detected in S. longicepstissue.
Among them, vitamin A was found in higher levels (91.16 mg/gm) at normal tissue. In the present study,
totally 5 macro minerals and 2 trace minerals were reported. The S. longiceps normal and infected tissue
contributed maximum sodium (289.6 mg/gm) and Potassium (166.5 mg/gm) of minerals. The result shows
that marine fish (S. longiceps) tissue is a valuable food recipe for human consumption, due to its high quality
protein and well-balanced amino acids fatty acids and vitamins and minerals.
plant pathogenic fungi Rhizoctoniasolani ,ColletotrichummusaeandFusariumoxysporum,. The antifungal
activity of the methanol extracts of six medicinal plants used in native medicine in Sri Lanka is reported.All
plant extracts were screened for their fungistatic, fungicidal activities and minimum inhibitory dilution (MID)
against above fungi. The media amended with methanol and recommended fungicide for respective fungal
strain were consider as negative and positive control respectively.Results showed that radial growth in all the
three tested organisms was significantly impaired (p<0.05) by the addition of the extracts in the culture
medium used. The test fungi differed in their reaction to the different extracts but on the whole, growth
inhibition increased with the concentration of each extract. The most active extracts, shows a marked effect of
the 20% methanol extracts from sweet flag with inhibition values of 91%, 86% and 84 % for F. oxysporum,R.
solani and C.muceawhereas those from wild basil inhibited the growth of the same pathogens by 89%, 84%
and 74%.The results showed minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were 5 % (v/v) for sweet flag and wild
basil and 20% (v/v) for all other plant crude extracts. Out of six plants extract screened, wild basil and sweet
flag showed more than 80% fungal inhibition after 6 hour immersion and other extracts could not exceed
60% inhibition after any exposure time. The study revealed that methanol crude extract of sweet flag and
wild basil exhibit strong fungistatic and fungicidal activities against tested fungi. These results support the
potential use of these plant extracts in the management of diseases caused by tested plant pathogenic fungi.
poor survival and the attempts to arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) are failure. In our study,in hemodialysis
patients who are implemented tunneled catheter it is evaluated the mean duration for the catheters , their
complications and the factors which affect the period of the catheters.
Methods: At the Antalya Research and Education Center Hemodialysis Unit it is retrospectively evaluated the
data of 297 hemodialysis patients who are implemented tunneled catheter during 5 years .
Results: The mean duration time of the tunneled catheters has been 224.9+162.9 days. The duration time of
right internal jugular vein(RIJV) is considerably higher than left internal jugular vein(LIJV) and subclavian
veins (235.8+96.6 days). In diabetic hemodialysis patients, the duration time of the catheter is rather lower
than the other end stage renal disease reasons(184.4±72.1 days).
Conclusions: THCs must be considered as an alternative but not a permanent vascular access in hemodialysis
patients. Because of relatively short duration times than AVF, high infection risks and thrombosis , it must be
used only in patients who have problems with the creating permanent vascular access or patients with
expected low survival time. Moreover, it must be taken into consideration the duration time of the catheter is
low in diabetic hemodialysis patients. According to our results, catheter duration time was longer in RIJV than
in other insertion sites and RIJV must be preferred as first place to placement of THCs.
were obtained from individuals having Pimples, by swabbing their faces, backs and chests. Samples were
collected from Amanawa hospital in sokoto, Nigeria using Swab sticks. The sticks were transported to the
Microbiology Laboratory of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. Citrus limon juice was used at different
concentrations of (20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%) on Propionibacteriumacnes, the bacteria that cause
Acnevulgaris (Pimples). The Citrus limon juice was found to be effective at all Concentrations used.
Conventional Cleanser was used as positive control, and it was only found to be effective at higher
concentrations of (60%, 80% and 100%) and was not effective at Lower Concentrations (20% and 40%). The
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of Citrulimon on Propionibacterium acnes was taken and presence
of growth was observed at concentrations of 20%, 40% and 60%, and absence of growth was observed at
80% and 100%. The minimum inhibitory concentration of conventional cleanser indicated the presence of
growth at 20% and 40% and absence of Growth at 60%, 80% and 100%. The Minimum bactericidal
Concentration (MBC) taken on Propionibacteriumacnes using both Citrus limon juice and cleanser all showed
absence of growth at all the concentrations used (20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%). From the research
conducted it was observed that lemon juice have strong anti Acne vulgaris effect morethan the convensional
cleansers used for the treatment of Acne vulgaris.
solid waste in the urban areas, its proper management and recycling is major problems of Municipal
Corporation. The analytical analysis revealed that the leachate show high concentration of heavy metals viz.,
Pb, Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu. However, their high concentration in municipal solid waste leachate may cause
contaminants for environmental pollution. Therefore, present investigation deals with analyze the heavy
metals concentration in municipal solid waste leachate.
qualities too, it promotes health, improves complexion, strength and vigor. Raktadushtihara Yoga was
formulated to assess its role in the management of Raktadushti. The present study deals with the
standardization of Raktadushtihara Yoga through the Pharmacognostical and pharmaceutical standards.
Organoleptic features of coarse powder were within normal range. The pH value was 6.5, water soluble
extract 46.9% w/w, methanol soluble extract 25.9%, ash value 8.73%, loss on drying 9.63% and average
weight was 512 mg. HPTLC was carried out after organizing appropriate solvent system in which maximum 2
spots were distinguished at 254 nm.
important plants.
Chemical fungicides are extensively used in current agriculture.However, excessive use of chemical
fungicides in agriculture has led to deteriorating human health , environmental pollution, damaged to
ecosystem and development of pathogen resistance to fungicide.
Because of the worsening problems in fungal disease control , a serious search is needed to identify
alternative methods for plant protection, which are less dependent on chemicals and are more
environmentally friendly. Microbial antagonists are widely used for the biocontrol of fungal plant diseases.
Many species of actinomycates, particulary those belonging to the genus sterptomyces, are well known as
antifungal biocontrol agents that inhibit several plant pathogenic fungi.
Another way biological control has been developed as an alternative of chemicals to tock with plant
pathogenic fungi. Considering high presence of chitin in fungal cell wall, chitinase enzyme is camped as an
effective biocontrol agent against phytopathogenic fungi. Streptomyces bacteria are able to produce various chitinase enzymes, chitinases produced by streptomyces belong to the families 18 and 19 glycosyl hydrolases.
The antifungal activity is mostly shown by fomily 19 Chitinases. In comparison with bacterial family 18
chitinases, the specific hydrolyzing activity of chitinase 19 against soluble and in soluble chitinous substrates
has been markedly higher. Considering the importance of family to investigate antifungal potential of
streptomyces bacteria isolated from east Azarbijan region soils based on molecular identification of family 19
chitinase. encoding gene in these bacteria.
To aim the purpose 110 soil samples were collected from East Azarbaijan and 310 strepomyces
isolates were selected using macroscopic and microscopic observations. DNA genomic of all of the isolates
were extracted and PCR reactions was done using chitinase 19 designed primers as marker.
Totally isolates were selected with molecular selection and antagonistic test were done. One of the isolates
exhibit the most strong antifungal activity.
The strain was identified using 16srDNA gene, and the chitinase encoding gene were amplified partially to
prove the PCR selection. Finally the bacterium were introduced as potentially biological fertilizer.
important plants.
Chemical fungicides are extensively used in current agriculture.However, excessive use of chemical
fungicides in agriculture has led to deteriorating human health , environmental pollution, damaged to
ecosystem and development of pathogen resistance to fungicide.
Because of the worsening problems in fungal disease control , a serious search is needed to identify
alternative methods for plant protection, which are less dependent on chemicals and are more
environmentally friendly. Microbial antagonists are widely used for the biocontrol of fungal plant diseases.
Many species of actinomycates, particulary those belonging to the genus sterptomyces, are well known as
antifungal biocontrol agents that inhibit several plant pathogenic fungi.
Another way biological control has been developed as an alternative of chemicals to tock with plant
pathogenic fungi. Considering high presence of chitin in fungal cell wall, chitinase enzyme is camped as an
effective biocontrol agent against phytopathogenic fungi. Streptomyces bacteria are able to produce various chitinase enzymes, chitinases produced by streptomyces belong to the families 18 and 19 glycosyl hydrolases.
The antifungal activity is mostly shown by fomily 19 Chitinases. In comparison with bacterial family 18
chitinases, the specific hydrolyzing activity of chitinase 19 against soluble and in soluble chitinous substrates
has been markedly higher. Considering the importance of family to investigate antifungal potential of
streptomyces bacteria isolated from east Azarbijan region soils based on molecular identification of family 19
chitinase. encoding gene in these bacteria.
To aim the purpose 110 soil samples were collected from East Azarbaijan and 310 strepomyces
isolates were selected using macroscopic and microscopic observations. DNA genomic of all of the isolates
were extracted and PCR reactions was done using chitinase 19 designed primers as marker.
Totally isolates were selected with molecular selection and antagonistic test were done. One of the isolates
exhibit the most strong antifungal activity.
The strain was identified using 16srDNA gene, and the chitinase encoding gene were amplified partially to
prove the PCR selection. Finally the bacterium were introduced as potentially biological fertilizer.
bacteria to nitrogen fixation and nodulation. In this paper, we used four isolated from two species of
Pseudomonas containing P.putida, P.fluorescens Chao, P.Flouresence Tabriz, P.flouresence B119 and Rhizobium
leguminosarumbv.phaseoli. In a factorial experiment with complete randomized blocks were used 5 levels of
helping bacteria(Pseudomonas spp.) and two rhizobium levels, four replicates were employed. Jamaran418
green bean was utilized as host plant. At the end, nodulation, growth and plant’s nitrogen indexes were
measured. The results showed that all above mentioned helping bacteria enhance the growth and nodulation
performance of green bean. It should be said that P.putida had the highest effect on the green bean
nodulation increase along with rhizobium (130%) followed by P.fluorescens Tabriz, P. fluorescens Chao and
P.fluorescens B119, ( 83, 63 and 17%, respectively). Also, we observed 45, 33, 22 and 8% performance
increase under the effect of P.putida, P. fluorescens Chao, P. fluorescens Tabriz and P. fluorescens B119,
ether leaf extracts of Jatrophacurcas against some gram positive micro-organisms: Staphylococcus aureus,
Bacillus subtilis and some gram negative micro-organisms: Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi using
antibiotics; Gentamycin as control. The phytochemical screening of aqueous and petroleum ether extracts
showed the presences of cardiac glycosides, steroids and terpenes, tannins, phlobatannins, anthraguinones
and saponins. The disc diffusion techniques was used to test the sensitivity of the micro-organism to the
extracts of Jatrophacurcas the results obtained show mean zones of inhibition between (19 + 0.6mm) to (30 +
0.3mm) for aqueous extract and (24 + 0.5mm) to (35 + 0.8mm) for petroleum ether extract. Micro-organisms
showed sensitivity in the following order: E.coli;(17 + 0.3mm) and (25 + 0.8mm), S.aureus; (26 + 0.2mm) and
(28 + 0.6mm), B.subtilis; (16 + 0.1mm) and (20 + 0.7mm), and S.typhi (25 + 0.2mm) and (27 + 0.6mm) for
aqueous and petroleum ether extracts respectively. The minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) for both
extracts show that the extracts inhibited the growth of the entire test organism at concentration 0.6mg/ml.
This result thus suggests the potency of Jatrophacurcas as an antimicrobial agent especially at the
concentration employed.
renal insufficiency. The plant material was collected in August-September 2012 and Rats 100-150g body
weights were subjected to the study. Normal saline as control, Cisplatin, and cisplatin plus Alstoneiboonei
stem bark extract were administered and the result summary for serum creatinine in cisplatin treated Rats
(2.69±0.32mg/dl) and in Rats administrates cisplastin plus Alstoniaboonei stem bark extract
(2.5±0.01mg/dl) were elevated compared to saline control (1.89±0.89mg/dl). Serum urea in cisplatin treated
Rats was (38.4 ±2.98mg/dl) compared to Rats administrates with cisplatin plus the extract (38.4±2.98mg/dl)
and saline control (24.94±3.76mg/dl). The study indicates Alstoniaboonei stem bark extract reduced the
renal insufficiency in rats.
Myristicafragrans(Nutmeg), Murrayakoenigi(curry leaf) and Aframomummelegueta(Guinea pepper) on Some
Biochemical and haematologicalParameters. Sixteen (16) wister strain rats weighing between 130 – 180g
were divided into four (4) groups of four (4) rats each and for 21 days fed the following diets: Group A –
normal diet + myristicafragrans (Nutmeg) aqueous extract, Group B – normal diet + murrayakoenigi (curry
leaf) aqueous extract, Group C – normal diet + aframomummelegueta (Guinea pepper) aqueous extract, Group
D – normal diet (control). After a period of 21 days the rats were sacrificed and the serum was taken for the
following estimations: total protein, albumin, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, aspartate transaminase, alanine
transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and
glucose. The whole blood was taken for packed cell volume and white blood cell count. The results indicated
that oral administration of myristicafragrans, murrayakoenigi and aframomummelegueta to rat’s exhibit
remarkable hypolipidaemic activity and lowering glucose concentration. The oral administration of these
three spices exhibit protein increasing activities compared with the control rats. The packed cell volume and
white cell values of all the rats decreased after feeding with experimental diet (aqueous extract) compare
with the control rats. It is clear from this study thatMyristicafragrans(Nutmeg), Murrayakoenigi(curry leaf)
andAframomummelegueta (Guinea pepper) contain significant amounts of phytochemicals and exhibit
hypolipidaemic activity when consumed.
and Nigerian Spinning and Dying industries (NSD). Waste water from the outlet of the industries were
collected and analyzed for physicochemical parameters. Silicone antifoam was added to the wastewater to
determine the impact of the silicone antifoam on turbidity and chemical oxygen demand (COD)
concentrations. The result shows that both turbidity and COD values significantly increased even when small
concentration of the silicone antifoam was added. Further, independent t-test was used to identify the
variance between the mean value of the wastewater from leather, spinning and dying industries, the results
indicated that there are no significant differences (observed t 0.544, critical t 2.015, and p value 0.589)
between the waste water in leather and dying industries.
obtaining useful information for the design of irrigation and drainage system and for effective soil
management techniques. Parameters determined; infiltration, hydraulic conductivity, permeability, bulk
density, particle density, porosity and moisture content. The textural class of the soils from the three sites
was found to be clay. The result obtained indicates that infiltration was high initially but decreases later. This
may be due to the soil reaching a saturation point. On the average the infiltration rate was observed to
decrease with time. The coefficient of permeability was found to be 9.26 x 10 , 7.66 x 10 and 2.15 x 10 cm/s
for site A, B and C respectively. Information on infiltration and permeability are useful tools in irrigation and
other engineering design.
of great importance. The former is important in planning harvesting and handling operations, the latter in
selecting the height of transport containers. Fruits are generally transported in containers. The static and
dynamic forces which then act on the fruit will cause damage if they exceed given value. The static force may
be calculated from the weight of the fruit column being transported while the dynamic load is a consequence
of vibration caused by transport. The permitted static load for a given fruit may be determined
experimentally. In this study, physical properties of interest were determined for fresh pomegranate fruit
then calculations for the design of a suitable height were conducted based on the measured properties using
Ross and Isaacs’s theory. Maximum height for packing and storing of fresh pomegranate fruit in the box was
determined to be less than 123 cm based on a rupture force of 40.7 N.
extracts and also to investigate the main phytoconstituents in the bio-active extract. N-hexane,
dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and methanol 80% extract were tested for free radical scavenging activity on
model reaction with stable 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH). The results showed that ethyl
acetate was the most active one as antioxidant agent and phytochemical analysis of that extract revealed the
presence of triterpenes, flavonoids, tannins and carbohydrates. The results may help to discover new
chemical classes of natural antioxidant substances that could serve as selective agents for infectious diseases.
through improving building performance and the use of ground energy sources. The relevance and
importance of the study is discussed in the paper, which, also, highlights the objectives of the study, and the
scope of the theme. This study discusses some of the current activity in the GSHPs field. The basic system and
several variations for buildings are presented along with examples of systems in operation. Finally, the GCHP
is presented as an alternative that is able to counter much of the criticism leveled by the natural gas industry
toward conventional heat pumps. Several advantages and disadvantages are listed. Operating and installation
costs are briefly discussed.
micro-shell with a distinct 3-D shape and pattern of fine nanoscale features. In this investigation, we present
results; Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy images show the presence of ordered arrays of silica
nanoparticles. A number of diatoms with partially opened valves were observed on the surface of the diatom,
which indicates that cell contents inside of diatoms could release the nanoparticles into the culture solution.
We believe that the film forming silica nanoparticles are either released by the diatoms during reproduction
or after cell death due to bacterial action. Further research will investigate whether the silica nanoparticles
are produced intracellular and then released or whether synthesis occurs in cell culture medium. This
approach provides an environmentally friendly means for fabricating silica nanoparticles for drug delivery,
disease diagnostics, artificial opal films, decorative coatings and novel optical materials.
world because they posses high protein content, saturated fat and also contain omega fatty acids known to
support good health. The present study deals with biochemical composition of common fish,Sardinella
longiceps. The proximate composition of protein, carbohydrate, lipid, amino acids and fatty acids were
studied. The results of proximate composition in S. longiceps showed the percentage of protein was high in
the normal and tumor infected fish tissue (29.15 &18.93%), followed by the carbohydrate (5.81 & 2.42 %)
and lipid (15.61 & 9.28 %). The percentage compositions of essential and non-essential amino acids are
presented in normal tissue and tumor infected tissue were found to be as 46.09 % & 41.47 % and 37.23% &
40.63%. In the analysis, the fatty acid profile by gas chromatography revealed the presence of higher amount
of PUFA (Linolenic acid 32.74 %) in normal tissue. The details of the vitamins detected in S. longicepstissue.
Among them, vitamin A was found in higher levels (91.16 mg/gm) at normal tissue. In the present study,
totally 5 macro minerals and 2 trace minerals were reported. The S. longiceps normal and infected tissue
contributed maximum sodium (289.6 mg/gm) and Potassium (166.5 mg/gm) of minerals. The result shows
that marine fish (S. longiceps) tissue is a valuable food recipe for human consumption, due to its high quality
protein and well-balanced amino acids fatty acids and vitamins and minerals.
plant pathogenic fungi Rhizoctoniasolani ,ColletotrichummusaeandFusariumoxysporum,. The antifungal
activity of the methanol extracts of six medicinal plants used in native medicine in Sri Lanka is reported.All
plant extracts were screened for their fungistatic, fungicidal activities and minimum inhibitory dilution (MID)
against above fungi. The media amended with methanol and recommended fungicide for respective fungal
strain were consider as negative and positive control respectively.Results showed that radial growth in all the
three tested organisms was significantly impaired (p<0.05) by the addition of the extracts in the culture
medium used. The test fungi differed in their reaction to the different extracts but on the whole, growth
inhibition increased with the concentration of each extract. The most active extracts, shows a marked effect of
the 20% methanol extracts from sweet flag with inhibition values of 91%, 86% and 84 % for F. oxysporum,R.
solani and C.muceawhereas those from wild basil inhibited the growth of the same pathogens by 89%, 84%
and 74%.The results showed minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were 5 % (v/v) for sweet flag and wild
basil and 20% (v/v) for all other plant crude extracts. Out of six plants extract screened, wild basil and sweet
flag showed more than 80% fungal inhibition after 6 hour immersion and other extracts could not exceed
60% inhibition after any exposure time. The study revealed that methanol crude extract of sweet flag and
wild basil exhibit strong fungistatic and fungicidal activities against tested fungi. These results support the
potential use of these plant extracts in the management of diseases caused by tested plant pathogenic fungi.
poor survival and the attempts to arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) are failure. In our study,in hemodialysis
patients who are implemented tunneled catheter it is evaluated the mean duration for the catheters , their
complications and the factors which affect the period of the catheters.
Methods: At the Antalya Research and Education Center Hemodialysis Unit it is retrospectively evaluated the
data of 297 hemodialysis patients who are implemented tunneled catheter during 5 years .
Results: The mean duration time of the tunneled catheters has been 224.9+162.9 days. The duration time of
right internal jugular vein(RIJV) is considerably higher than left internal jugular vein(LIJV) and subclavian
veins (235.8+96.6 days). In diabetic hemodialysis patients, the duration time of the catheter is rather lower
than the other end stage renal disease reasons(184.4±72.1 days).
Conclusions: THCs must be considered as an alternative but not a permanent vascular access in hemodialysis
patients. Because of relatively short duration times than AVF, high infection risks and thrombosis , it must be
used only in patients who have problems with the creating permanent vascular access or patients with
expected low survival time. Moreover, it must be taken into consideration the duration time of the catheter is
low in diabetic hemodialysis patients. According to our results, catheter duration time was longer in RIJV than
in other insertion sites and RIJV must be preferred as first place to placement of THCs.
were obtained from individuals having Pimples, by swabbing their faces, backs and chests. Samples were
collected from Amanawa hospital in sokoto, Nigeria using Swab sticks. The sticks were transported to the
Microbiology Laboratory of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. Citrus limon juice was used at different
concentrations of (20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%) on Propionibacteriumacnes, the bacteria that cause
Acnevulgaris (Pimples). The Citrus limon juice was found to be effective at all Concentrations used.
Conventional Cleanser was used as positive control, and it was only found to be effective at higher
concentrations of (60%, 80% and 100%) and was not effective at Lower Concentrations (20% and 40%). The
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of Citrulimon on Propionibacterium acnes was taken and presence
of growth was observed at concentrations of 20%, 40% and 60%, and absence of growth was observed at
80% and 100%. The minimum inhibitory concentration of conventional cleanser indicated the presence of
growth at 20% and 40% and absence of Growth at 60%, 80% and 100%. The Minimum bactericidal
Concentration (MBC) taken on Propionibacteriumacnes using both Citrus limon juice and cleanser all showed
absence of growth at all the concentrations used (20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%). From the research
conducted it was observed that lemon juice have strong anti Acne vulgaris effect morethan the convensional
cleansers used for the treatment of Acne vulgaris.
solid waste in the urban areas, its proper management and recycling is major problems of Municipal
Corporation. The analytical analysis revealed that the leachate show high concentration of heavy metals viz.,
Pb, Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu. However, their high concentration in municipal solid waste leachate may cause
contaminants for environmental pollution. Therefore, present investigation deals with analyze the heavy
metals concentration in municipal solid waste leachate.
qualities too, it promotes health, improves complexion, strength and vigor. Raktadushtihara Yoga was
formulated to assess its role in the management of Raktadushti. The present study deals with the
standardization of Raktadushtihara Yoga through the Pharmacognostical and pharmaceutical standards.
Organoleptic features of coarse powder were within normal range. The pH value was 6.5, water soluble
extract 46.9% w/w, methanol soluble extract 25.9%, ash value 8.73%, loss on drying 9.63% and average
weight was 512 mg. HPTLC was carried out after organizing appropriate solvent system in which maximum 2
spots were distinguished at 254 nm.