Papers by Aleksey A Zakharenko
Relative material parameters αE, αH, ϑG, ϑF, ξE, ξF, βH, βG, ζE, ζG, λH, and λF for magnetoelectroelastics to model acoustic wave propagation incorporating gravitational phenomena

One of major achievements in modern physics is investigations of complex systems consisting of me... more One of major achievements in modern physics is investigations of complex systems consisting of mechanical, electrical, magnetic, gravitational, and cogravitational subsystems. The recently developed theory provides the coupling coefficient among these subsystems. It is called the coefficient of the electromagnetogravitocogravitomechanical coupling (CEMGCMC) . This coupling coefficient is one of the very important characteristics of a studied solid material and all the four-potential shear-horizontal acoustic waves depend on this coefficient. This report analytically studies the CEMGCMC concerning separation of several exchange terms. It is also discussed the possible propagation speeds such as the well-known speed of light in a vacuum for the purely electromagnetic wave and purely gravitational wave. However, some exchange mechanisms between the electromagnetic and gravitational subsystems can result in the existence of the other exchange speeds, with which generated signals representing neither purely electromagnetic nor purely gravitational waves can propagate in a vacuum with speeds several orders larger than the speed of light. The evaluated maximum value of this speed must be below ~ 10<sup>27</sup> m/s representing the speed with which a signal can cross for one second from one boundary of our Universe to the opposite. This can mean that such signals once generated inside of our Universe can instantly reach any other point in the Universe. It is also hoped that this theoretical work will contribute to the development of such new research discipline as the gravitational engineering.
Вычислительные технологии, 1999
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 20, 2018
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Feb 17, 2022
This paper reviews the articles published in the Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (C... more This paper reviews the articles published in the Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (CJPAS) for the last fifteen years (15 volumes) from 2007 to 2021. The CJPAS authors relate to all the geographic places such as the North and South America, Europe and Asia, Oceania and Africa. Large contributions to this Journal are made by many authors of such countries as the
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 29, 2018
The Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (CJPAS) is a peer reviewed multidisciplinary in... more The Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (CJPAS) is a peer reviewed multidisciplinary international journal aimed at promoting research in all field of science and technology on the basis of its originality. The CJPAS is indexed in major indexing databases of different indexing services and universities. Every effort is made by the editors, board of editorial advisors and publishers to see that no inaccurate or misleading data, opinions, or statements appear in this journal, they wish to make clear that data and opinions appearing in the articles are the sole responsibility of the contributor concerned. The CJPAS accept no responsibility for the misleading data, opinion or statements.

arXiv (Cornell University), Apr 17, 2018
The study of this theoretical work definitely adds extra four new dispersive shear-horizontal wav... more The study of this theoretical work definitely adds extra four new dispersive shear-horizontal waves propagating in the transversely isotropic piezoelectromagnetic (PEM) plates of class 6 mm. In this study, the following mechanical, electrical, and magnetic boundary conditions at both the upper and lower free surfaces of the PEM plate are exploited: the mechanically free surface, continuity of both the electrical and magnetic inductions, and continuity of both the electrical and magnetic potentials. The obtained dispersion relations were also graphically studied and compared with previous results. Some interesting peculiarities were also discussed. It is well-known that the plate waves are frequently used for nondestructive testing and evaluation of thin films, further miniaturization of different technical devices based on PEM smart materials, and constitution of new technical devices such as filters, sensors, delay lines, switches, lab-ona-chip, etc.

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Sep 8, 2011
We carried out extensive calculations of diverse inorganic acids interacting with a single water ... more We carried out extensive calculations of diverse inorganic acids interacting with a single water molecule, through a detailed analysis of many possible conformations. The optimized structures were obtained by using density functional theory (DFT) and the second order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2). For the most stable conformers, we calculated the interaction energies at the complete basis set (CBS) limit using coupled cluster theory with single, double, and perturbative triple excitations [CCSD(T)]. The -OH stretching harmonic and anharmonic frequencies are provided as fingerprints of characteristic conformers. The zero-point energy (ZPE) uncorrected/corrected (ΔEe/ΔE0) interaction energies and the enthalpies/free energies (ΔHr/ΔGr at room temperature and 1 bar) are reported. Various comparisons are made between many diverse inorganic acids (HmXOn where X = B/N/P/Cl/Br/I, m = 1-3, and n = 0-4) as well as other simple inorganic acids. In many cases, we find that the dispersion-driven van der Waals interactions between X in inorganic acid molecules and O in water molecules as well as the X(+)···O(-) electrostatic interactions are important.

arXiv (Cornell University), Feb 5, 2008
Using the Gaussian-03 for ab initio calculations, we have studied interaction of different acid m... more Using the Gaussian-03 for ab initio calculations, we have studied interaction of different acid molecules with a single water molecule. The molecular and supermolecular optimized structures were found with the Becke-3-Lee-Yang-Parr (B3LYP-hybrid potential) calculations of density-functional theory (DFT) methods as well as the Møller-Plesset second-order perturbation theory, using the basis set of Aug-cc-pVDZ quality and the CRENBL ECP effective core potential for molecules containing heavy iodine atom. Possible isomers of studied acids and supermolecules, consisting of acid molecules coupled with a single water molecule, are shown. Energies, zero-point energies (ZPEs), thermal enthalpies and free energies, as well as the corresponding binding energies for the theoretical methods were calculated. It was found that optimized structures of supermolecular isomers with lowest energies corresponding to the global minimum on the potential energy surfaces can be different for both theories. The simplest structure acids H 2 S and H 2 Se, forming acid-water supermolecules, can give clear evidence of disagreement of the two theoretical methods concerning optimization of lowest energy structures, because the B3LYP-DFT method gives the lowest-energy structure for the first supermolecular isomer, but the MP2 method for the second possible isomer. A dramatic difference between potential energy surfaces for both theories applying to the optimized structure finding of the H 2 SO 3-H 2 O supermolecular isomers was found, because MP2 supermolecular geometries cannot exist for the corresponding B3LYP-DFT ones, for which the frequency characteristics of the supermolecular isomers were also calculated. In general, the binding energies and ZPE ones for the MP2 method are 10-15% larger than those for the B3LYP-DFT method. However, the thermal free energies for the MP2 method can be significantly smaller than those for the B3LYP-DFT method.

To discuss of evaluations of propagation speeds of gravitational phenomena in continuous media is... more To discuss of evaluations of propagation speeds of gravitational phenomena in continuous media is the main purpose of this review. This work touches the original work by Newton published in 1687, in which the gravitational phenomena propagate with an instant speed. In the second half of 1700s, Le Sage and Laplace have independently evaluated the propagation speeds of the gravitational phenomena to resolve the problem of the instant propagation. Each of them has actually obtained noninstant speeds for the phenomena but many orders faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. Several interesting independent evaluations were carried out in the last and this centuries by Kozyrev, Atsukovsky, Fedulaev, and the others. These evaluations have confirmed that the propagation speeds are almost instant but not instant. In the 1950s, Kozyrev has even created his own nonoptic experimental tools to observe true positions of stars distant from the earth on 10 to 1000 light years. Today some researc...
In 2010, Khmelnik has developed his theoretical method applicable for resolving problems existing... more In 2010, Khmelnik has developed his theoretical method applicable for resolving problems existing in mechanics, <br> electrodynamics, electrical engineering, hydrodynamics. For hydrodynamics, this method allowed for Khmelnik to <br> resolve the Navier-Stokes equations. However, this work by Khmelnik is not widely known. As a result, there are still <br> both analytical and numerical attempts to find a suitable method of resolving of the Navier-Stokes equations. The work <br> by Khmelnik provides the obtained results in both analytical forms and color graphical three-dimensional illustrations. <br> Therefore, this review has the purpose to briefly acquaint the reader with the resolving method that was successfully <br> applied to the Navier-Stokes equations and the other problems in physics.

Acoustics, 2019
This report acquaints the reader with an extra two new shear-horizontal surface acoustic waves (S... more This report acquaints the reader with an extra two new shear-horizontal surface acoustic waves (SH-SAWs). These new SH-SAWs can propagate along the free surface of the transversely isotropic (6 mm) magnetoelectroelastic materials. These (composite) materials can simultaneously possess the piezoelectric, piezomagnetic, and magnetoelectric effects. Some competition among these effects can lead to suitable solutions found for the following three possible coupling mechanisms: eα – hε, eµ – hα, εµ – α2. Here, the mechanically free interface between the solid and a vacuum was considered. This report discovers the twelfth (thirteenth) new SH-SAW for the magnetically closed (electrically open) case and continuity of both the normal component of the electrical (magnetic) displacement and the electrical (magnetic) potential when the coupling mechanism eα – hε (eµ – hα) works. The propagation velocities were obtained in explicit forms that take into account the contribution of the vacuum mater...

This presentation discusses different Zakharenko waves (ZWs) such as the non-dispersive ZWs, disp... more This presentation discusses different Zakharenko waves (ZWs) such as the non-dispersive ZWs, dispersive leaky ZWs, slow surface ZWs and ultrasonic surface ZWs, as well as their possible applications. The non-dispersive Zakharenko waves can be found in complex systems such as different layered and quantum systems. Existence examples of the non-dispersive Zakharenko waves in both fundamental modes of Lamb type waves propagating in [110] propagation direction of non-piezoelectric cubic crystals are introduced. It is also thought that one non-dispersive Zakharenko wave can exist in each energy branch of quantum elementary excitations. The leaky Zakharenko waves with the shear-horizontal (SH) polarization represent an analog of the leaky Sezawa waves possessing the in-plane polarization. The slow surface Zakharenko waves originating at non-zero wavenumber can be found in layered systems in which Love waves can also exist, but using an additional condition for the shear elastic constants....

The lowest-order modes of the dispersive six-partial waves of Rayleigh type (RTW6) have been nume... more The lowest-order modes of the dispersive six-partial waves of Rayleigh type (RTW6) have been numerically obtained for two layered systems consisting of a layer on a substrate in [100] propagation direction of (001)-cut for both cubic crystals of class 23. Dispersion relations are shown for both a layer of on a substrate of and vice versa. Dispersion relations show one mode in each case with clear maxi-mum and minimum, at which it is analytically shown that the group velocity is equal to the phase velocity. It was concluded that in corresponding highly-symmetric cases, the obtained "non-dispersive" six-partial surface waves in the treated layered systems are a new non-dispersive type, termed Rayleigh-Zakharenko type (RZTW6) "non-dispersive" six-partial surface waves. These can exist in layered systems consisting of a layer on a sub-strate. The possibility of the existence in layered systems of "non-dispersive" waves of both the nine-partial Za-kharenko t...
The dynamic instability of a cantilever rod under the transverse load is investigated. The exact ... more The dynamic instability of a cantilever rod under the transverse load is investigated. The exact solution of the non-linear equation of large deflection, the dynamic thresholds and the cantilever forms are obtained.
This short paper has the purpose to discuss different coupling mechanisms that can be revealed in... more This short paper has the purpose to discuss different coupling mechanisms that can be revealed in the coefficient of the magnetoelectromechanical coupling (CMEMC). Concerning the propagation problems of the shear-horizontal acoustic waves in the piezoelectromagnetics such as bulk homogeneous materials, inhomogeneous composites, and homogeneous plates, these CMEMC coupling mechanisms must be accounted to obtain wave characteristics in various configurations exploiting the smart piezoelectromagnetic materials. Indeed, many wave characteristics are already known for the shear-horizontal waves such as the surface, interfacial, and plate acoustic waves. It is obvious that they can have potential applications in the physical, biological, and chemical sensors, non-destructive testing and evaluation, etc.
Both the effective phase velocity and the group velocity of the surface elementary excitations (S... more Both the effective phase velocity and the group velocity of the surface elementary excitations (SEEs), namely quantized capillary waves or ripplons are shown in dependence on the wavenumber k. For comparison, the dispersion relation for a free 4He–atom is also shown. The existence possibilities of three non-dispersive Zakharenko waves are shown. The effective masses of the SEEs are also drawn in dependence on the wavenumber k. Quantum systems in which the nondispersive Zakharenko waves can be found are also discussed.

Journal of King Saud University - Science, 2017
It is expected that this theoretical report finalizes the research regarding to the shear-horizon... more It is expected that this theoretical report finalizes the research regarding to the shear-horizontal surface acoustic wave (SH-SAW) propagation along the suitable surface of the transversely isotropic (6 mm) piezoelectromagnetics. This report examines extra two new SH-SAWs, the existence of which dramatically depends on the small electromagnetic constant that is responsible for the magnetoelectric effect. This study also provides some comparison with the previously obtained theoretical results and the phenomenon called the Goldstone excitation. The obtained results can be useful for educational purposes, creation of novel technical devices based on the magnetoelectric effect that can find applications in spintronics, further theoretical treatments of the SH-wave propagation in plates, nondestructive testing and evaluation of apt surfaces and plates, etc.
Pramana, 2016
The purpose of this analysis is to introduce the separated exchange coefficient and to graphicall... more The purpose of this analysis is to introduce the separated exchange coefficient and to graphically investigate it. This coefficient, depending on the electromagnetic constant plus two coefficients of the electromechanical and magnetomechanical couplings, form the coefficient of magnetoelectromechanical coupling (CMEMC), a very important characteristic used for analysing magnetoelectroelastic smart (composite) materials. It was analytically and graphically demonstrated that the CMEMC can have a minimum due to the minimum of the exchange coefficient at a certain value of the electromagnetic constant. For graphical investigation, the frequently used transversely isotropic (6mm) composite materials such as BaTiO 3–CoFe 2O4 and PZT–5H–Terfenol–D are exploited.
Papers by Aleksey A Zakharenko