Papers by Zulqernain Haider Subhani
Precautionary measures in dealing with Covid-19 pandemic: learning from the Prophet’s tradition
The world is struck by Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19, an infectious condition that can spread dir... more The world is struck by Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19, an infectious condition that can spread directly or indirectly from one person to another. The virus has seriously affected various countries and disrupted the normal functions of their people. The virus spreads when the droplets coughed or sneezed from an infected person enter into the eyes, nose and mouth of another person; or contaminate the surface in his or her surrounding, only to infect others to come to contact with the surface. Given Covid-19 is an acute and highly contagious viral disease, transmissible through human interactions, there is a need to put in place judicious interventions to eliminate or slow the outbreak

A Study on the History of the Great Seljuk Empire (1037 CE – 1194 CE) in Light of the Cyclical Theory of Social Change of Ibn Khaldūn and Vilfredo Pareto
Global Journal Al-Thaqafah
The history of human society is the history of change and there are many different theories which... more The history of human society is the history of change and there are many different theories which look at change and development. This paper intends to investigate the history of the Great Seljuk Empire (1037-1194 CE), the events that led to its rise and decline in light of the cyclical theory, especially those propounded by two sociologists: Ibn Khaldūn and Vilfredo Pareto. The former is a medieval thinker while the latter a contemporary. In doing so, the paper aims to make a comparison between Ibn Khaldūn and Vilfredo Pareto. The principles of thematic content analysis are followed on the translated works of the authors to achieve the objective. The rise of the Seljuks is understood with the concept of ‘aṣabīyah in the nomadic pastoral society (‘umrān badawī) and its disappearance in the sedentary society (‘umrān ḥaḍarī). Similarly, the struggle of power within the Seljuk Empire is deconstructed with the understanding of the concepts of ‘lions’ and ‘foxes’ as propounded by Vilfred...
Triple talaq: revocable or irrevocable? an analysis in the light of Maqasid approach

Ali Shari’ati was an ideologue par excellence, who through his writings and fiery speeches was ab... more Ali Shari’ati was an ideologue par excellence, who through his writings and fiery speeches was able to attract the young intelligentsia of Iran and prepare them for the cataclysmic movement that took place in 1979. The methodology adopted by Ali Shari’ati in his study of religion was different from two classical sociologists. The objective of this paper is to highlight how Ali Shari’ati differed in his sociology of religion from sociologists, such as Emile Durkheim and Max Weber. Through thematic content analysis, the works of the authors were reviewed to understand their methodology. The findings of this paper outline the methodology adopted by Ali Shari’ati, which was different, both, in its approach and the tools used to analyze religion. Though there was a shift in methodology when compared to classical sociologists, this paper agrees that the methodology of Ali Shari’ati was the best suited to study a deeply religious Asian society such as Iran.

Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 2018
International migration has drawn much attention from social scientists in recent decades and lar... more International migration has drawn much attention from social scientists in recent decades and large-scale migration has become a permanent and substantive part of global socio-economic development. There are many kinds of migration, from refugees to skilled migrants. The migration of highly skilled people from developing to developed countries is known as the brain drain, a form of diaspora based on high education, skills and talents that has been a major point of discussion among different disciplines in the social sciences. India has a very long history of high-skilled migration, being one of the top three sources of migration today. This paper aims to reveal the Muslim brain drain among Indian Muslims since the abolition of ‘License Raj’ in 1990. To understand the patterns of brain drain among Indian Muslims, literature searches were conducted to obtain relevant data in two ways: (1) describing the nature and consequences of brain drain on both home and host countries; and (2) de...

Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN 2289-8077), 2021
الاختلاف بين العلماء ليس شيئاً جديداً. وهو موجود في تاريخ التراث الإسلامي منذ البداية إلى الآن. ل... more الاختلاف بين العلماء ليس شيئاً جديداً. وهو موجود في تاريخ التراث الإسلامي منذ البداية إلى الآن. لكن يوجد جزء كبير من التراث مما اتفق عليه معظم العلماء، واْعْتُبِر رأيَ الجمهور، ونال هذا الجزء نوعا من القداسة وأصبح محجوراً على الباحث أن يختلف فيه. والجدير بالانتباه هنا أنه قد وجد بعض الأمثلة للاختلاف مع الجمهور في تاريخنا، لكن هذا كان مقصورا على عدد من الأفراد لا يتجاوز عددهم الأصابع. فالظاهرة التي نريدها هنا هي ظاهرة اختلاف العلماء المعاصرين مع الجمهور في رأي معين، بحيث شكَّل هؤلاء العلماء المعاصرون جمهورا آخر أو إجماعا آخر، وهذه ظاهرة لم توجد قبل العصر الراهن. ولإثبات هذه الظاهرة يمكن الإشارة إلى قضية الطلقات الثلاث، وقضية حد الرجم، وقضية حد الردة، وقضية القرشية في الإمامة، وقضية ولاية المرأة، وقضية سحر النبي، وقضية النسخ في القرآن وما إلى ذلك. وهذه الدراسة لها أهمية كبيرة حيث تقدم ظاهرة تتعلق بالتراث الإسلامي أو بالتحديد بتأويل النصوص القرآنية والحديثية، وهذه ظاهرة جديدة تماما، ولها تأثير شديد على الفهم المعاصر. فالهدف من هذه الدراسة هو إطلاع الناس على هذه الظاهرة الجديدة في تاريخ...

Imam Hamiduddin Farahi (d. 1930) is one of the legendary Islamic scholar, philosopher, theologian... more Imam Hamiduddin Farahi (d. 1930) is one of the legendary Islamic scholar, philosopher, theologian and exegetist of the Quran of the modern era. His works cover reconceptualization and reactivation of the idea of coherence in the Quran, redefining all Islamic sciences and disciplines which have been regarded as necessary to understand the Quran or which have originated from the Quran giving the centrality and discernment to the Quran. He challenged many of the prevailing discourses in the field of Quranic sciences, sciences of hadith, jurisprudence and its principles, logic, theology and philosophy, and field of Arabic grammar and rhetoric. This paper aims to study his thoughts on the role of reason in the Islam and how Islam nurtures and trains the reason in its own way. To achieve this aim, his book on the science of the argument of the Quran namely, Hijaj-ul-Quran in addition to few other books on the same topic is consulted by employing content analysis methodology. The findings ...

International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies, 2023
This research article aims to study the possibility of applying temporary cash waqf and zakāh in ... more This research article aims to study the possibility of applying temporary cash waqf and zakāh in the contemporary world as they constitute the fundamental pillars of social financing in the Islamic financial and economic system, and they have a crucial role in achieving higher intents of Sharīʽah, like legal justice, social cooperation, and economic welfare. The problem of the research lies in the differences of opinions of scholars regarding the permissibility of applying al-qarḍ al-ḥasan on zakāh. This article attempts to employ the maqāṣid approach to give the preference among those views as well as delineating the rules and proposing suitable tools for it. Similarly, this research again takes the maqāṣid approach to offer the application of al-qarḍ al-ḥasan on temporary cash waqf. Content analysis and comparative analysis methods have been used in this research. By applying a maqāṣidic analogy between zakāh and cash waqf, the study concluded that al-qarḍ al-ḥasan is permissible to be granted through cash waqf based on the analogy of the permissibility of granting al-qarḍ al-ḥasan through zakāh. The study recommends that the proposed al-qarḍ al-ḥasan grants through zakāh and waqf be managed by governmental zakāh and waqf institutions as well as public Islamic banks for better governance.

Social movements have become an important topic within sociology in modern times. Even though it ... more Social movements have become an important topic within sociology in modern times. Even though it has not reached a consensus regarding its definition and typology, people define it as a collective action against a particular class to achieve a specific end. It has been articulated through various theories and perspectives. Sometimes, it is also compared with notions such as political parties, interest groups, civil society, and religious organisations. However, it has been presented both as a catalyst for social change and a result of social change and structure. The objective of this paper is to examine various social movement theories, especially concerning its relevance to social movement analysis of Muslim societies. This paper also investigates a Muslim perspective of social movement peculiar with Muslim societies, focussing on the Arab spring particularly the Egyptian case, to understand the scope and relevance of social movement theories in the Muslim world. The content analysis method are used to achieve the objectives. This paper finds that social movement is suitable as an analytical tool, not an empirical category, to understand Muslim societies. However, instead of any theory or paradigm, a multidisciplinary approach is more compatible to be used in the study of the Muslim world.

Journal of Islam in Asia, 2021
الاختلاف بين العلماء ليس شيئاً جديداً. وهو موجود في تاريخ التراث الإسلامي منذ البداية إلى الآن. ل... more الاختلاف بين العلماء ليس شيئاً جديداً. وهو موجود في تاريخ التراث الإسلامي منذ البداية إلى الآن. لكن يوجد جزء كبير من التراث مما اتفق عليه معظم العلماء، واْعْتُبِر رأيَ الجمهور، ونال هذا الجزء نوعا من القداسة وأصبح محجوراً على الباحث أن يختلف فيه. والجدير بالانتباه هنا أنه قد وجد بعض الأمثلة للاختلاف مع الجمهور في تاريخنا، لكن هذا كان مقصورا على عدد من الأفراد لا يتجاوز عددهم الأصابع. فالظاهرة التي نريدها هنا هي ظاهرة اختلاف العلماء المعاصرين مع الجمهور في رأي معين، بحيث شكَّل هؤلاء العلماء المعاصرون جمهورا آخر أو إجماعا آخر، وهذه ظاهرة لم توجد قبل العصر الراهن. ولإثبات هذه الظاهرة يمكن الإشارة إلى قضية الطلقات الثلاث، وقضية حد الرجم، وقضية حد الردة، وقضية القرشية في الإمامة، وقضية ولاية المرأة، وقضية سحر النبي، وقضية النسخ في القرآن وما إلى ذلك. وهذه الدراسة لها أهمية كبيرة حيث تقدم ظاهرة تتعلق بالتراث الإسلامي أو بالتحديد بتأويل النصوص القرآنية والحديثية، وهذه ظاهرة جديدة تماما، ولها تأثير شديد على الفهم المعاصر. فالهدف من هذه الدراسة هو إطلاع الناس على هذه الظاهرة الجديدة في تاريخنا التراثي من خلال دراسة القضايا المتعددة في كتابات العلماء المعاصرين. وتعتمد هذه الدراسة على المنهج التحليلي والاستقرائي. ومن النتائج المتوقعة من هذه الدراسة أنها ستؤدي إلى المرونة في قضية الاختلاف، وستقدم صورة الاختلافات العلمية ونوعيتها عند العلماء المعاصرين.

Afkar Journal of Islamic & Religious Studies, 2020
Women’s political rights have been a pressing issue in the
contemporary world especially after un... more Women’s political rights have been a pressing issue in the
contemporary world especially after universal suffrage became an
inevitable distinction of modern polity. In this paper political rights
are not peculiar to polity in its narrow sense, rather it discusses
women’s presence and role in public life as whole and more
particularly from Islamic perspective. This study is confined to legal
and sharī‘ah framework in terms of permissibility and
impermissibility of women to participate in public sphere. The study
investigates and examines the religious teachings from its original
scriptures and their historical and contextual interpretations
throughout the history including classical as well as modern
literature. The study reviews interpretations and explanations of the
Quranic verses and the Prophetic traditions. The differences are
highlighted between original and scriptural discourse and historical
and temporal thought. This paper employs qualitative study by
collecting primary sources through library research. Then content
analysis is applied to the interpretations from Islamic jurisprudence
literature and historical works to analyze views of scholars and to
identify those grounds and evidences of the opinions which belong to
the fundamental sources of sharī‘ah; the Qur‘an and the Sunnah.
Amongst the findings are, that there is a huge difference between
immutable teachings of Islam and its principles and historical and
human interpretations of the latter two. Historical and human
interpretations are subject to scrutiny. Islam opens up broad role for
women in public sphere in general as well as in politics in particular
which they should not be deprived of.
Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 2020

Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 2020
Malek Bennabi was a prominent social thinker and Muslim reformer post-world war II. His thoughts ... more Malek Bennabi was a prominent social thinker and Muslim reformer post-world war II. His thoughts on civilization and in particular, Islamic civilization stand remarkable and spectacular. Growing up in a colonial period and under the tyranny of colonizers, where not only the physical condition of his people was at stake, but also their identity and intellectual capacity were in jeopardy. He was, thus, prompted to analyze the root of the problem of colonization. After a long-deliberated analysis, he concluded that the problem of any people lies in things related to their civilization. Consequently, he extensively engaged with the discourses on civilization. He looked at civilization as an equation of three elements, which are man, soil, and time, where religious ideas, or any alternative ideology, act as a catalyst for constructing a civilization. The aim of this paper is, thus, to analyze Bennabi's thoughts in the light of new developments in the discourse on civilization, especially in the field of historical sociology and social anthropology. To achieve this goal, his works are consulted and analyzed alongside other significant works on civilization, modernity, and religion. This conceptual paper was developed based on qualitative research. It presents the idea of multiple civilizations as opposed to the dichotomy of Islamic and Western/Christian civilizations. The analysis of Bennabi's thought from a pluralistic perspective rejects the notion of any clash among civilizations, more specifically between modern and Islamic civilizations. It also challenges Bennabi's view on the genealogy of modern civilization in terms of religion. Moreover, the study gives appropriate theoretical foundations to analyze Muslim world/s spanning over more than a millennium. Bennabi is not viewing the whole Muslim history and the world as a single civilization and juxtaposing it with that of West. His main contention is that all civilizations have their genesis in religion or ideology for their existence.

IJOHS, 2019
Ali Shari'ati was an ideologue par excellence, who through his writings and fiery speeches, was a... more Ali Shari'ati was an ideologue par excellence, who through his writings and fiery speeches, was able to attract the young intelligentsia of Iran and prepare them for the cataclysmic movement that took place in 1979. The methodology adopted by Ali Shari'ati in his study of religion was different from two classical sociologists. The objective of this paper is to highlight how Ali Shari'ati differed in his sociology of religion from sociologists, such as Emilé Durkheim and Max Weber. Through thematic content analysis, the works of the authors were reviewed to understand their methodology. The findings of this paper outline the methodology adopted by Ali Shari'ati, which was different, both, in its approach and the tools used to analyze religion. Though there was a shift in methodology when compared to classical sociologists, this paper agrees that the methodology of Ali Shari'ati was the best suited to study a deeply religious Asian society such as Iran.

Al-Burhan, 2018
Imam Hamiduddin Farahi (d. 1930) is one of the legendary Islamic scholar, philosopher, theologian... more Imam Hamiduddin Farahi (d. 1930) is one of the legendary Islamic scholar, philosopher, theologian and exegetist of the Quran of the modern era. His works cover reconceptualization and reactivation of the idea of coherence in the Quran, redefining all Islamic sciences and disciplines which have been regarded as necessary to understand the Quran or which have originated from the Quran giving the centrality and discernment to the Quran. He challenged many of the prevailing discourses in the field of Quranic sciences, sciences of hadith, jurisprudence and its principles, logic, theology and philosophy, and field of Arabic grammar and rhetoric. This paper aims to study his thoughts on the role of reason in the Islam and how Islam nurtures and trains the reason in its own way. To achieve this aim, his book on the science of the argument of the Quran namely, Hijaj-ul-Quran in addition to few other books on the same topic is consulted by employing content analysis methodology. The findings show that the discussion of compatibility of reason with revelation is the result of misunderstanding the latter two. As a matter of fact, reason and revelation goes together complementing each other and there is no possibility of any kind of contradiction between the two. The Quran not only encourages the use of reason, rather it provides some rules and mechanism to further develop the ability of reasoning to a higher altitude which is not easily attainable without painstaking effort and long exercise.

Al-Shajarah, 2018
International migration has drawn much attention from social scientists in recent decades and lar... more International migration has drawn much attention from social scientists in recent decades and large-scale migration has become a permanent and substantive part of global socio-economic development. There are many kinds of migration, from refugees to skilled migrants. The migration of highly skilled people from developing to developed countries is known as the brain drain, a form of diaspora based on high education, skills and talents that has been a major point of discussion among different disciplines in the social sciences. India has a very long history of high-skilled migration, being one of the top three sources of migration today. This paper aims to reveal the Muslim brain drain among Indian Muslims since the abolition of 'License Raj' in 1990. To understand the patterns of brain drain among Indian Muslims, literature searches were conducted to obtain relevant data in two ways: (1) describing the nature and consequences of brain drain on both home and host countries; and (2) delineating the push-pull factors that lead high skilled individuals to migrate to developed countries. The findings revealed that many Muslims from India have migrated to UK and US over the last three decades. Indian Muslims constitute a very considerable proportion of population in the above-mentioned countries, with a net population of about 200,000 in the UK, and in the US 4% of the total Muslim population are Indian Muslims. Indian Muslim brain drain is driven more by push-factors in India, including religious discrimination and corruption in the public sector, alongside pull-factors in the West, like political stability, economic development, better career opportunity, high wages and balanced workload. Finally, the study indicates that data available on brain drain from various aspects are insufficient. More studies are needed to increase the understanding of migration, which is now becoming more complex among the Muslim communities.
Researching Islam in the Global Village, 2018
In an increasingly globalized world, pluralism occupies center stage and plays a vital role in mo... more In an increasingly globalized world, pluralism occupies center stage and plays a vital role in modern nation states, especially on the issues of identity formation and social conditioning in civil societies. From the viewpoint of Islamic political thought, pluralism raises a number of challenges relating to constitution, jurisdiction and citizenship vis-à-vis Islamic political system. The current development in the Muslim world necessitates urgent debate on these issues. This paper explores the relevance and scope of pluralism in Islamic political thought from the perspectives of political expediency as well as cognitive conditioning using Islamic sources, Islamic civilizational discourses and different political discourses and tries to structure a universal political framework within the broader framework of Maqasid al-Shari'ah.
Papers by Zulqernain Haider Subhani
contemporary world especially after universal suffrage became an
inevitable distinction of modern polity. In this paper political rights
are not peculiar to polity in its narrow sense, rather it discusses
women’s presence and role in public life as whole and more
particularly from Islamic perspective. This study is confined to legal
and sharī‘ah framework in terms of permissibility and
impermissibility of women to participate in public sphere. The study
investigates and examines the religious teachings from its original
scriptures and their historical and contextual interpretations
throughout the history including classical as well as modern
literature. The study reviews interpretations and explanations of the
Quranic verses and the Prophetic traditions. The differences are
highlighted between original and scriptural discourse and historical
and temporal thought. This paper employs qualitative study by
collecting primary sources through library research. Then content
analysis is applied to the interpretations from Islamic jurisprudence
literature and historical works to analyze views of scholars and to
identify those grounds and evidences of the opinions which belong to
the fundamental sources of sharī‘ah; the Qur‘an and the Sunnah.
Amongst the findings are, that there is a huge difference between
immutable teachings of Islam and its principles and historical and
human interpretations of the latter two. Historical and human
interpretations are subject to scrutiny. Islam opens up broad role for
women in public sphere in general as well as in politics in particular
which they should not be deprived of.
contemporary world especially after universal suffrage became an
inevitable distinction of modern polity. In this paper political rights
are not peculiar to polity in its narrow sense, rather it discusses
women’s presence and role in public life as whole and more
particularly from Islamic perspective. This study is confined to legal
and sharī‘ah framework in terms of permissibility and
impermissibility of women to participate in public sphere. The study
investigates and examines the religious teachings from its original
scriptures and their historical and contextual interpretations
throughout the history including classical as well as modern
literature. The study reviews interpretations and explanations of the
Quranic verses and the Prophetic traditions. The differences are
highlighted between original and scriptural discourse and historical
and temporal thought. This paper employs qualitative study by
collecting primary sources through library research. Then content
analysis is applied to the interpretations from Islamic jurisprudence
literature and historical works to analyze views of scholars and to
identify those grounds and evidences of the opinions which belong to
the fundamental sources of sharī‘ah; the Qur‘an and the Sunnah.
Amongst the findings are, that there is a huge difference between
immutable teachings of Islam and its principles and historical and
human interpretations of the latter two. Historical and human
interpretations are subject to scrutiny. Islam opens up broad role for
women in public sphere in general as well as in politics in particular
which they should not be deprived of.