Papers by Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin
International Conference: Exploring the Impact of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) on Women and Motherhood, 2025
The intersection of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and religious discourse presents a com... more The intersection of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and religious discourse presents a complex yet significant area of ethical and theological inquiry. This study explores the interplay between faith and the necessity of ART from an Islamic perspective, addressing how religious principles shape and guide reproductive choices. Given the vast diversity of religious narratives, this discussion focuses on two critical case studies that illustrate the intersection of faith, need, and biomedical advancement: (1) In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) for a Muslim couple facing infertility and (2) social egg freezing for career aspirations.
Islamonweb, 2024
Is cleanliness (ṭahārah) a cornerstone in Islam? Why does a Muslim need to repeat wuḍū’ multiple ... more Is cleanliness (ṭahārah) a cornerstone in Islam? Why does a Muslim need to repeat wuḍū’ multiple times every day? How does one purify themselves from a seminally defiled state through bathing? What is the purpose behind the stringent rulings related to ṭahārah? These are among the questions that may arise for anyone who reflects on the extensive rulings of Islamic hygienical jurisprudence (fiqh al-Ṭahārah). After explaining the rulings related to wuḍū’ and tayammum (dry ablution) in the verse al-Mā’idah: 6, Allah says: “God does not want to impose any hardship on you, but wants to make you pure, and to bestow upon you the full measure of His blessings, so that you might have cause to be grateful.” Hints of answers to these questions can be found in this verse.

Islamonweb, 2024
The integration of knowledge in Muslim minority contexts is crucial; it involves nurturing holist... more The integration of knowledge in Muslim minority contexts is crucial; it involves nurturing holistic leadership, intellectual empowerment, and, most importantly, a strong Islamic identity. In Muslim minority settings, survival often relies on economic tools, political instruments, or scientific achievements. However, without preserving a distinct identity, communities risk assimilation into the majority culture, leading to the erosion of their rights and values. Integrating knowledge is a vital means of reinforcing Islamic identity without disrupting the harmony of coexistence with the majority. Muslim minorities must strive to live peacefully while maintaining their identity, establishing educational institutions, and nurturing Islamic consciousness. This consciousness strengthens the community spiritually, intellectually, and scientifically, enabling it to contribute meaningfully to society and present a positive image of Islam to the majority. Debates, discussions, and critical thinking are among the most effective ways to engage with the evolving needs and demands of society. The goal is not merely to address these issues in isolation but to adopt a holistic approach that ensures inclusivity, where everyone can express their voices and enjoy their freedom. Guided by the principle of Rahmatan lil Alamin (mercy to all worlds), the focus remains on seeking justice and upholding human dignity through educational empowerment, which forms the core of this dialogue.

Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law [MJSL], 2024
مسألة النّسب في الفقه الإسلامي مِن المسائل التي حَظيت باهتمام كبير مِن العلماء؛ نظرًا لارتب... more ملخص
مسألة النّسب في الفقه الإسلامي مِن المسائل التي حَظيت باهتمام كبير مِن العلماء؛ نظرًا لارتباطها بالعديد مِن أبواب الفقه. وتجدد الاهتمام بها مع تطور العلوم الوراثية، خاصة مع اكتشاف الحمض النووي (DNA) وقدرته على تحديد النسب، الأمر الذي يتطلب بحثًا عن مدى اعتبار مثل هذه الوسائل المعاصرة في إثبات النسب، أو إظهاره، أو نفيه؛ وهذا بدوره يتطلب دراسة للأدلة الشرعية للنسب ومعرفة إمكانية القياس عليها مِن عدمه، وبهذا تظهر أهمية هذه الدراسة. ولعل مِن أهم الزوايا التي يُنظَر إلى هذا الموضوع مِن خلالها -والتي لم تحظَ ببحث ودراسة كافيَين- النّظر في نصوص الشارع المتعلقة بالنسب، وإدراك مدى تعبديتها من تعليلها، وبالتالي إمكان القياس عليها مِن عدمه، وهنا تَكْمُن مشكلة هذا البحث؛ إذ إنّه لا تتوفر -بحسب اطلاع الباحثَين- دراسة مستقلة تتناول الموضوع مِن هذه الزاوية وتحيط به وتزيل الغبار عنه. وعليه فقد قام الباحثان بجمع ما استطاعا الوصول إليه مِن أقوال للعلماء حول أدلة النسب، وتكييفها في ضوء مباحث التعبد والتعليل عبر منهج استقرائي، ثم عَمَدا إلى ما جمعاه مِن أقوال ودلائل وقاما بتحليلها والتأصيل لها، ثم أعادا تركيبها في صورة واضحة المعالم، مكتملة البناء؛ توصلا مِن خلالها إلى أنَّ للنسب دليل واحد يثبت به وهو دليل الفراش -على اختلاف بين العلماء في معناه-. وما عداه مِن أدلة فإنما هي لإظهار النسب. كذلك دليل نفي النسب واحد وهو دليل اللعان. وقد ذهب الحنفية إلى تعبدية دليل إثبات النسب، بينما ذهب جمهور العلماء إلى تعليله، ثم اختلف الجمهور في هذه العلة فجعلها أكثرهم مقتصرة على الفراش الشرعي، بينما ذهب البعض إلى تعديتها إلى كل حالة توفرت فيها العلة ما لم يعارضها فراش شرعي ثابت. وبنفس الطريقة اختلفت آراء العلماء في أدلة إظهار النسب. وأخيرًا فقد تَبيَّن للباحثَين أنّ دليل نفي النسب -اللعان- تعبدي على رأي بعض العلماء، بينما هو معلل بعلة قاصرة على رأي فريق آخر، وهو في كلا الحالتين لا يمكن تعديته ولا القياس عليه. وبناء على ما سبق فإنّ هذا البحث يسهم في ضبط كافة الوسائل المعاصرة المستخدمة في التعرف على النسب ويؤصل لها. وعليه فإنّ الباحثَين يوصيان بإعادة النظر في كافة المسائل المبنية على تحديد النسب مِن خلال الوسائل المعاصرة، وبنائها على ما توصل إليه هذا البحث من نتائج.
新加坡眼, 2024
由于晚婚和高龄生育的趋势不断增加,新加坡不孕症的发病率不断上升。女性的生育能力在三十五岁后急剧下降,因为随着更年期的临近,卵巢内的活卵子迅速减少。此外,众所周知,随着产妇年龄的增加,遗传异常出生... more 由于晚婚和高龄生育的趋势不断增加,新加坡不孕症的发病率不断上升。女性的生育能力在三十五岁后急剧下降,因为随着更年期的临近,卵巢内的活卵子迅速减少。此外,众所周知,随着产妇年龄的增加,遗传异常出生的发生率不断上升,特别是唐氏综合症。 在华人文化中,唐氏综合症等先天性残疾或许会被视为家庭、社会和国家的负担。因此,接受辅助生殖治疗的焦虑夫妇对基因检测的需求很高,以避免唐氏综合症等基因异常的出生。受孕后的无创产前检测(NIPT)并不能令人满意,因为这可能需要流产基因异常的胎儿,从而带来情感创伤和医疗风险。 因此,世界各地的许多辅助生殖诊所提供第三代试管婴儿治疗,包括在移植到子宫之前对胚胎进行基因检测。该程序称为植入前非整倍体基因检测 (PGT-A) 或胚胎植入前基因筛检 (PGS). 一个相当有说服力的推销说法是,在基因检测上进行少量额外投资可能是更明智的做法,以避免终止基因异常胎儿的潜在创伤,或者更糟糕的是,花更多的钱满足唐氏综合症儿童的教育和医疗保健需求。
个人图书馆, 2024
作为学者,我们最重要的受益者无疑是我们所服务的学生。为了确保提供最高质量的教育,了解他们的观点——包括挑战和潜在的解决方案是至关重要的。此外,教育工作者必须不断提高自己的能力,适应学生不断变化的... more 作为学者,我们最重要的受益者无疑是我们所服务的学生。为了确保提供最高质量的教育,了解他们的观点——包括挑战和潜在的解决方案是至关重要的。此外,教育工作者必须不断提高自己的能力,适应学生不断变化的期望,同时又不固守过时的方法。
Islamonweb, 2024
For a believer, true independence lies in complete dependence on Allah. Faith in Him is the ultim... more For a believer, true independence lies in complete dependence on Allah. Faith in Him is the ultimate source of relief. When you have a shoulder to lean on, why carry the burden alone?
For many, life today feels overwhelmingly busy, often super difficult and complicated. People feel drained, hopeless, and disconnected.
As a powerful affirmation of divine power, why not try reading selected Qur'anic verses aloud every morning? Consider printing these ayat from the Qur'an and placing them on your desk, so you can read and reflect on them repeatedly. This practice can help you internalize their meanings, strengthen your confidence, and deepen your trust in Allah.
It will uplift your spirits and reconnect you with your Real Helper—the One who can do anything, at any time. This approach is truly the best, for He is the Most-Knowledgeable and Most-Wise.
Cambridge University Press, 2024
ABOUT CHAPTER: This chapter examines Islamic legal interpretation through fatwas in South India, ... more ABOUT CHAPTER: This chapter examines Islamic legal interpretation through fatwas in South India, delving into how the "past" is utilized to interpret rulings for the "present." In justifying the validity of a fatwa, the juristic "past" serves as the most prominent basis, whether from the immediate past (e.g., a decade ago) or the distant past (e.g., half a millennium ago). The chapter clarifies the formal and informal procedures involved in the formation of fatwas, the methodology of iftā’, societal responses, and the long-term impact of these rulings.
ABOUT THE BOOK: The book will enable all researchers of Islamic law –
established academics, undergraduate students and general readers –
to understand the tremendous and sometimes bewildering diversity
of Islamic law, as well as the continuities and common features that
bind it together.

TAFHIM: IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World, 2024
Malaysia faces a critical shortage of organ donors, with Muslims participating at lower rates com... more Malaysia faces a critical shortage of organ donors, with Muslims participating at lower rates compared to other ethnoreligious groups. This study investigates the sociocultural and religious factors shaping Muslim attitudes towards organ donation. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, a survey conducted in Kuala Lumpur assessed Muslims’ willingness to donate organs, while an interview with the Head of the National Transplant Resource Centre explored cultural and religious influences. Findings reveal significant barriers, including misconceptions that organ donation is self-harm, concerns about missing organs on Judgement Day, and beliefs regarding the sanctity of the human body in Islam. The study suggests that raising awareness through culturally sensitive campaigns, aligned with Sharīʿah principles, could address these concerns. This could potentially increase the number of Muslim organ donors, thus supporting the Sharīʿah goal of preserving life.

OVA Galen, 2024
In Malaysia, IVF patients are frequently encouraged to add costly preimplantation genetic testing... more In Malaysia, IVF patients are frequently encouraged to add costly preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) to their IVF treatment, intended to screen for chromosomal abnormalities. However, evidence on PGT-A’s effectiveness in increasing live birth rates is limited, particularly in certain age groups. Despite this, many IVF patients are unaware that PGT-A has received a "red light" rating in the UK due to concerns over its impact on IVF success rates. Critics argue that some companies have misled patients to profit from their vulnerability, violating core healthcare principles like "non-maleficence." Legal actions are being pursued, with plaintiffs seeking financial and punitive damages for the emotional distress caused by misleading marketing. Berger Montague LLC and co-counsels plan additional lawsuits against companies like Ovation Fertility and Igenomix. Globally, this issue has raised ethical and financial concerns, with calls for transparency and accountability within reproductive health. Recent lawsuits, such as a A$56 million payout by Monash IVF in Australia, underscore the devastating consequences of flawed genetic testing practices. It is hoped that Malaysia's Ministry of Health will adopt stricter regulations to protect patients, emphasizing transparency and full disclosure of the risks and limitations of PGT-A. This awareness is particularly crucial as PGT-A faces scrutiny in the United States, where it has been flagged as a significant concern within the IVF sector. Evidence suggests PGT-A testing can be inaccurate and sometimes misrepresents its effectiveness, with insufficient disclosure of risks like misdiagnosis and potential embryo damage during cell biopsy. While studies show biopsies may not harm high-quality embryos, embryos from older women, who often produce fewer, lower-quality embryos, may be more susceptible to biopsy-related damage.

Islamonweb, 2024
The global halal market represents a rapidly growing multi-billion dollar industry, with the hala... more The global halal market represents a rapidly growing multi-billion dollar industry, with the halal pharmaceutical sector projected to reach an estimated USD 105 billion by 2024. Currently, most conventional medicines—except for some herbal and organic health supplements—are not halal-compliant, leaving a substantial gap in the market. This presents a unique opportunity both economically and ethically for developing halal-certified pharmaceuticals that meet the demands of Muslim consumers.
One significant challenge is misrepresentation and lack of transparency in labeling. Many pharmaceutical products contain ingredients like gelatin without clear identification of whether it is sourced from permissible (halal) or impermissible (haram) sources. Gelatin used in medicine is categorized as either Type A, derived from pigs or non-halal sources and processed with acid, or Type B, from cows or buffaloes and processed with alkaline. From a fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) perspective, the absence of transparency can mislead consumers into unknowingly consuming haram substances, which is considered gharar (deception) and prohibited in Islam. Ethical responsibility requires that ingredients are fully disclosed, aligning with Quranic guidance against exploitation through unjust trade: “And do not consume one another's wealth unjustly” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:188).
Contamination during production is another ethical and legal issue. Many pharmaceuticals are produced in facilities shared with non-halal products, creating risks of contamination with haram substances such as alcohol or animal derivatives from non-halal sources. Fiqh dictates that any contamination with najas (impurities) renders a product impermissible, thus requiring companies to maintain halal integrity by avoiding cross-contamination.
Islamic law also allows for exceptions in cases of extreme necessity (darurah) when no halal alternatives are available, particularly with life-saving medications. However, tadawi/darurah (treatment/necessity) should not be an excuse for bypassing the search for permissible solutions. Fiqh principles mandate that halal alternatives be actively sought to avoid reliance on prohibited materials. This ethical balance is vital, as Islam places emphasis on preserving life without compromising religious integrity.
The global halal pharmaceutical industry also faces challenges due to inconsistent certification standards across different regions. This inconsistency can lead to confusion among consumers regarding the halal status of products. Harmonizing halal standards internationally is essential for fostering trust in the certification process, as certification bodies bear an ethical obligation to uphold rigorous Shari'ah compliance.
Finally, environmental and ethical sourcing considerations are vital as the demand for halal-certified materials rises. Islam teaches stewardship of the earth and mandates ethical treatment of animals, requiring manufacturers to source materials sustainably. For example, gelatin sources should ensure that animals are slaughtered as guided with principle of ihsan, and production practices should aim for environmental sustainability in line with Islamic principles.
Islamonweb, 2024
Dr. AbdulHamid AbuSulayman, former IIUM Rector, was instrumental in shaping the university's stra... more Dr. AbdulHamid AbuSulayman, former IIUM Rector, was instrumental in shaping the university's strategic direction in both academia and administration. He emphasized that Sayed Ismail Shihabuddeen, founder and visionary of the Zahra Foundation, has similarly contributed to intellectual and educational revitalization by advocating for the integration of Islamic knowledge with contemporary disciplines. Both figures share a commitment to advancing the Muslim community, reviving education, promoting Islam’s intellectual heritage, and integrating traditional and modern knowledge paradigms.

Islamonweb, 2024
Ethical challenges in the halal pharmaceutical industry were also discussed, particularly concern... more Ethical challenges in the halal pharmaceutical industry were also discussed, particularly concerning the transparency of ingredients and the necessity of ensuring products are halal and tayyiban (clean and pure). Issues such as the use of gelatin derived from pigs and alcohol in medical products were debated, with scholars emphasizing the need for alternatives when faced with non-halal ingredients. The principle of necessity (darurat) was highlighted, allowing for the use of prohibited substances only in life-threatening situations, but the event also stressed the importance of research to find halal substitutes.
The session concluded by addressing the challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry in producing halal-certified products. Scholars emphasized the need for continuous research to find replacements for non-halal ingredients and stressed the importance of students in the religious field contributing to the development of halal pharmaceuticals.
Both speakers highlighted the significance of incorporating the values of ihsan (excellence), taqwa (piety), and ikhlas (sincerity), as well as pioneering efforts in research and innovation within the pharmaceutical industry. These principles ensure that advancements are not only ethically sound and beneficial but also rewardable, promising, and focused on serving the well-being of all humanity.

IIUM Today, 2024
To boost citations, scholars should focus on the following key steps: Publishing in High-Impact J... more To boost citations, scholars should focus on the following key steps: Publishing in High-Impact Journals: Choosing to publish in high-impact journals increases the visibility and reach of your work, making it more likely to be cited and recognised by the academic community. Collaborating with International Scholars: Working with international scholars can expand your research’s scope, increase exposure, and enhance the potential for interdisciplinary breakthroughs. Optimising Paper Visibility: Ensure that your paper’s title, keywords, and abstract are clear, concise, and searchable to improve discoverability in academic databases. Ethical Self-Promotion: Engage in ethical self-promotion by utilising social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and ResearchGate. Use academic platforms such as Google Scholar and, and consider publishing preprints to gain early visibility for your research. Citing Strategically: Be mindful of citing relevant and impactful works, which not only improves the quality of your paper but also increases the likelihood of reciprocal citations. Presenting at Conferences: Presenting your research at conferences helps disseminate your work to a broader audience and develops professional relationships within your field. Consistency in Publishing: Maintaining a regular publishing schedule is crucial for sustained academic growth and visibility, helping to build a strong academic profile over time. Timeliness and Global Relevance: Enhance the relevance of your research by addressing timely issues that have global or policy significance. Engaging with the Global South and focusing on research topics of widespread concern increases the impact of your work. Tracking and Measuring Impact: Keep track of your research’s impact through metrics such as citations, downloads, and social media engagement to understand how your work is influencing the academic community and beyond. Embrace Coopetition: Collaborating with competitors fosters shared value creation, leading to collective growth and innovation through diversity. This strategic collaboration can significantly increase citations by expanding research reach and enhancing visibility across academic networks. How to Embrace Coopetition: To effectively embrace coopetition, scholars should collaborate with competitors, engage in cross-institutional projects, and leverage open-access platforms. This approach represents a new frontier for strategic collaboration, fostering an environment of mutual growth and academic advancement.
Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh form a unique blend of theory and practice, with the former representing ap... more Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh form a unique blend of theory and practice, with the former representing application and the latter principles. This combination opens the door to potential interdisciplinary research and collaborations.
The Department of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh at IIUM stands at the forefront of interdisciplinary research, spanning fields as diverse as sociology, economics, medicine, family studies, and more. The unique nature of fiqh ensures that our research is not merely theoretical but is deeply connected to practical applications and field studies. The SAP Seminar series showcases this diversity of topics and methodologies, providing fresh insights and perspectives that enrich our collective academic efforts.
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Online, 2024
A major breakthrough in developmental biology is the ex vivo generation of synthetic human embryo... more A major breakthrough in developmental biology is the ex vivo generation of synthetic human embryos from stem cells. A comprehensive, in-depth bioethical analysis from a Sunni Islamic perspective reveals that the reproductive applications of synthetic human embryos contravene Islamic precepts of preserving lineage integrity (Hifz al-Nasl) due to disruption and confusion of kinship and familial relationships, similar to human cloning with somatic cell nuclear transfer. However, their non-reproductive applications in generating replacement tissues/organs, serving as in vitro experimental models of human development and disease, and testing platforms for evaluating pharmaceuticals and biomedical devices appear to align with Islamic principles.

Archives of sexual behavior, Feb 21, 2024 The traditional gender binary consti... more The traditional gender binary constitutes an integral aspect of Islamic social ethics, which has a pivotal role in shaping religious obligations, legal proceedings, and interpersonal judgments within Muslim communities. Within the familial sphere, this gender binary underscores fundamental responsibilities encompassing parenthood, filial duties, and inheritance rights. Recent years have witnessed a growing challenge to the traditional concept of the gender binary within Islamic societies. This shift is driven by increasing social libertarianism that emphasizes gender fluidity and individual choice. Hence, this article aims to critically scrutinize evolving discussions and controversies about the rights of intersex and transgender individuals, particularly issues relating to sex reassignment or gender-affirming surgery, marriage, and reproduction, from the perspective of the Sunni tradition of Islam. To support the various interpretations and insights presented here, a comprehensive and rigorous analysis is carried out on various religious texts and scholarly sources to elucidate the theological and jurisprudential positions on gender issues. It is thus concluded that Shariah offers greater flexibility in the treatment of intersex individuals compared to those with gender dysphoria because the intersex condition is viewed as a physical impairment that is not the choice of the afflicted individual. By contrast, in the case of individuals with gender dysphoria, they are willfully attempting to change their recognized biological sex, that God had naturally given to them at birth. Therefore, it is recommended that such transgender individuals deserve respectful psychological and social rehabilitation with help and guidance from religious authorities, their families, and communities.

During a lengthy interview conducted at his office in ISTAC, Kuala Lumpur, on June 6, 2014, I inq... more During a lengthy interview conducted at his office in ISTAC, Kuala Lumpur, on June 6, 2014, I inquired of Prof. Kamal about the driving forces behind his steadfast dedication to advancing the Islamic philosophy of education and his profound commitment to Islam. In response, Prof. Kamal elucidated three pivotal factors. Firstly, he emphasized Islam's all-encompassing nature as a comprehensive way of life that inherently prioritizes education. Regrettably, during the colonial era, many Muslim-majority regions underwent a process of Westernization in their educational paradigms, resulting in a divisive schism between religious and secular systems. This schism was perpetuated by leaders largely drawn from Westernized and secularized elites, who exerted significant influence on the direction of Muslim societies. Recognizing this disparity, Prof. Kamal endeavored to address it. Secondly, Prof. Kamal's expertise lies in Islamic thought within Southeast Asia. As a devout student of Islam, he harbors deep concerns about the secular modernization sweeping through Muslim nations. His active involvement in Muslim students' associations during his tenure at the University of Malaya and later in the United States underscores the urgent need for reform not only in the educational system but also in other societal structures, including politics, economics, culture, and media. His academic journey in the field of Islamic Revealed Knowledge further ignites his dedication to this cause. Thirdly, the establishment of the International Islamic University in 1983 represented a significant milestone aimed at bridging the gap between religious and secular education. Founded on the principle of integrating worldly and religious knowledge (ʿUlūm al-Dunyā and ʿUlūm al-Dīn), IIUM embodies Prof. Kamal’s vision for harmonizing various disciplines while imbuing them with Islamic principles. His active involvement in the university's mission of integration, internationalization, and Islamization, as encapsulated in the IIUM mission statement, reflects his unwavering commitment to advancing the Islamization of human knowledge and fostering comprehensive excellence.
OVA Galen Centre, 2024
Penyuntingan genom embrio IVF manusia bukanlah bertujuan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa tetapi lebih k... more Penyuntingan genom embrio IVF manusia bukanlah bertujuan untuk menyelamatkan nyawa tetapi lebih kepada untuk menyelamatkan nyawa atau kesihatan anak yang masih belum dilahirkan, maka terdapat kurang keperluan dan kepentingan berbanding dengan mengubati pesakit yang terjejas oleh penyakit genetik yang serius. Satu lagi soalan ialah sama ada etika bagi ibu bapa dengan penyakit genetik untuk mempunyai anak yang sihat, terutamanya jika mereka tidak mempunyai keupayaan untuk membesarkan anak dengan baik kerana penyakit mereka dan kemungkinan penyakit itu membawa kepada kematian mereka?

Journal of Medical Ethics [BMJ], 2024
Singapore, a highly affluent island city-state located in Southeast Asia, has increasingly levera... more Singapore, a highly affluent island city-state located in Southeast Asia, has increasingly leveraged new assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to overcome its dismal fertility rates in recent years. A new frontier in ART is preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) for polygenic risk scores (PRS) to predict complex multifactorial traits in IVF (in vitro fertilisation) embryos, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and various other characteristics like height, intelligence quotient (IQ), hair and eye colour. Unlike well-known safety risks with human genome editing, there are negligible risks with PGT-P, because there are no man-made genetic modifications that can be transmitted to future generations. Nevertheless, the current efficacy of using PGT-P to select IVF embryos for either increased or decreased probability of developing specific polygenic traits is still far from certain. Hence, the regulatory safeguards proposed here will be based on the assumption that the efficacy of this new technology platform has already been validated. These include: (1) restricting the application of PGT-P only for prevention of clinically relevant polygenic disease traits, (2) securely blocking patients' access to the raw genomic DNA sequencing data of their IVF embryos, (3) validating diagnosis of polygenic disease traits in the prospective parents/grandparents of IVF embryos, and restricting PGT-P only for preventing specifically diagnosed polygenic disease traits and (4) mandating rigorous and comprehensive genetic counselling for IVF patients considering PGT-P. There is an urgent and dire need to prevent abuse of the PGT-P technique, as well as protect the interests and welfare of patients if its clinical application is to be permitted in the country. Data availability statement No data are available.
Papers by Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin
مسألة النّسب في الفقه الإسلامي مِن المسائل التي حَظيت باهتمام كبير مِن العلماء؛ نظرًا لارتباطها بالعديد مِن أبواب الفقه. وتجدد الاهتمام بها مع تطور العلوم الوراثية، خاصة مع اكتشاف الحمض النووي (DNA) وقدرته على تحديد النسب، الأمر الذي يتطلب بحثًا عن مدى اعتبار مثل هذه الوسائل المعاصرة في إثبات النسب، أو إظهاره، أو نفيه؛ وهذا بدوره يتطلب دراسة للأدلة الشرعية للنسب ومعرفة إمكانية القياس عليها مِن عدمه، وبهذا تظهر أهمية هذه الدراسة. ولعل مِن أهم الزوايا التي يُنظَر إلى هذا الموضوع مِن خلالها -والتي لم تحظَ ببحث ودراسة كافيَين- النّظر في نصوص الشارع المتعلقة بالنسب، وإدراك مدى تعبديتها من تعليلها، وبالتالي إمكان القياس عليها مِن عدمه، وهنا تَكْمُن مشكلة هذا البحث؛ إذ إنّه لا تتوفر -بحسب اطلاع الباحثَين- دراسة مستقلة تتناول الموضوع مِن هذه الزاوية وتحيط به وتزيل الغبار عنه. وعليه فقد قام الباحثان بجمع ما استطاعا الوصول إليه مِن أقوال للعلماء حول أدلة النسب، وتكييفها في ضوء مباحث التعبد والتعليل عبر منهج استقرائي، ثم عَمَدا إلى ما جمعاه مِن أقوال ودلائل وقاما بتحليلها والتأصيل لها، ثم أعادا تركيبها في صورة واضحة المعالم، مكتملة البناء؛ توصلا مِن خلالها إلى أنَّ للنسب دليل واحد يثبت به وهو دليل الفراش -على اختلاف بين العلماء في معناه-. وما عداه مِن أدلة فإنما هي لإظهار النسب. كذلك دليل نفي النسب واحد وهو دليل اللعان. وقد ذهب الحنفية إلى تعبدية دليل إثبات النسب، بينما ذهب جمهور العلماء إلى تعليله، ثم اختلف الجمهور في هذه العلة فجعلها أكثرهم مقتصرة على الفراش الشرعي، بينما ذهب البعض إلى تعديتها إلى كل حالة توفرت فيها العلة ما لم يعارضها فراش شرعي ثابت. وبنفس الطريقة اختلفت آراء العلماء في أدلة إظهار النسب. وأخيرًا فقد تَبيَّن للباحثَين أنّ دليل نفي النسب -اللعان- تعبدي على رأي بعض العلماء، بينما هو معلل بعلة قاصرة على رأي فريق آخر، وهو في كلا الحالتين لا يمكن تعديته ولا القياس عليه. وبناء على ما سبق فإنّ هذا البحث يسهم في ضبط كافة الوسائل المعاصرة المستخدمة في التعرف على النسب ويؤصل لها. وعليه فإنّ الباحثَين يوصيان بإعادة النظر في كافة المسائل المبنية على تحديد النسب مِن خلال الوسائل المعاصرة، وبنائها على ما توصل إليه هذا البحث من نتائج.
For many, life today feels overwhelmingly busy, often super difficult and complicated. People feel drained, hopeless, and disconnected.
As a powerful affirmation of divine power, why not try reading selected Qur'anic verses aloud every morning? Consider printing these ayat from the Qur'an and placing them on your desk, so you can read and reflect on them repeatedly. This practice can help you internalize their meanings, strengthen your confidence, and deepen your trust in Allah.
It will uplift your spirits and reconnect you with your Real Helper—the One who can do anything, at any time. This approach is truly the best, for He is the Most-Knowledgeable and Most-Wise.
ABOUT THE BOOK: The book will enable all researchers of Islamic law –
established academics, undergraduate students and general readers –
to understand the tremendous and sometimes bewildering diversity
of Islamic law, as well as the continuities and common features that
bind it together.
One significant challenge is misrepresentation and lack of transparency in labeling. Many pharmaceutical products contain ingredients like gelatin without clear identification of whether it is sourced from permissible (halal) or impermissible (haram) sources. Gelatin used in medicine is categorized as either Type A, derived from pigs or non-halal sources and processed with acid, or Type B, from cows or buffaloes and processed with alkaline. From a fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) perspective, the absence of transparency can mislead consumers into unknowingly consuming haram substances, which is considered gharar (deception) and prohibited in Islam. Ethical responsibility requires that ingredients are fully disclosed, aligning with Quranic guidance against exploitation through unjust trade: “And do not consume one another's wealth unjustly” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:188).
Contamination during production is another ethical and legal issue. Many pharmaceuticals are produced in facilities shared with non-halal products, creating risks of contamination with haram substances such as alcohol or animal derivatives from non-halal sources. Fiqh dictates that any contamination with najas (impurities) renders a product impermissible, thus requiring companies to maintain halal integrity by avoiding cross-contamination.
Islamic law also allows for exceptions in cases of extreme necessity (darurah) when no halal alternatives are available, particularly with life-saving medications. However, tadawi/darurah (treatment/necessity) should not be an excuse for bypassing the search for permissible solutions. Fiqh principles mandate that halal alternatives be actively sought to avoid reliance on prohibited materials. This ethical balance is vital, as Islam places emphasis on preserving life without compromising religious integrity.
The global halal pharmaceutical industry also faces challenges due to inconsistent certification standards across different regions. This inconsistency can lead to confusion among consumers regarding the halal status of products. Harmonizing halal standards internationally is essential for fostering trust in the certification process, as certification bodies bear an ethical obligation to uphold rigorous Shari'ah compliance.
Finally, environmental and ethical sourcing considerations are vital as the demand for halal-certified materials rises. Islam teaches stewardship of the earth and mandates ethical treatment of animals, requiring manufacturers to source materials sustainably. For example, gelatin sources should ensure that animals are slaughtered as guided with principle of ihsan, and production practices should aim for environmental sustainability in line with Islamic principles.
The session concluded by addressing the challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry in producing halal-certified products. Scholars emphasized the need for continuous research to find replacements for non-halal ingredients and stressed the importance of students in the religious field contributing to the development of halal pharmaceuticals.
Both speakers highlighted the significance of incorporating the values of ihsan (excellence), taqwa (piety), and ikhlas (sincerity), as well as pioneering efforts in research and innovation within the pharmaceutical industry. These principles ensure that advancements are not only ethically sound and beneficial but also rewardable, promising, and focused on serving the well-being of all humanity.
The Department of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh at IIUM stands at the forefront of interdisciplinary research, spanning fields as diverse as sociology, economics, medicine, family studies, and more. The unique nature of fiqh ensures that our research is not merely theoretical but is deeply connected to practical applications and field studies. The SAP Seminar series showcases this diversity of topics and methodologies, providing fresh insights and perspectives that enrich our collective academic efforts.
مسألة النّسب في الفقه الإسلامي مِن المسائل التي حَظيت باهتمام كبير مِن العلماء؛ نظرًا لارتباطها بالعديد مِن أبواب الفقه. وتجدد الاهتمام بها مع تطور العلوم الوراثية، خاصة مع اكتشاف الحمض النووي (DNA) وقدرته على تحديد النسب، الأمر الذي يتطلب بحثًا عن مدى اعتبار مثل هذه الوسائل المعاصرة في إثبات النسب، أو إظهاره، أو نفيه؛ وهذا بدوره يتطلب دراسة للأدلة الشرعية للنسب ومعرفة إمكانية القياس عليها مِن عدمه، وبهذا تظهر أهمية هذه الدراسة. ولعل مِن أهم الزوايا التي يُنظَر إلى هذا الموضوع مِن خلالها -والتي لم تحظَ ببحث ودراسة كافيَين- النّظر في نصوص الشارع المتعلقة بالنسب، وإدراك مدى تعبديتها من تعليلها، وبالتالي إمكان القياس عليها مِن عدمه، وهنا تَكْمُن مشكلة هذا البحث؛ إذ إنّه لا تتوفر -بحسب اطلاع الباحثَين- دراسة مستقلة تتناول الموضوع مِن هذه الزاوية وتحيط به وتزيل الغبار عنه. وعليه فقد قام الباحثان بجمع ما استطاعا الوصول إليه مِن أقوال للعلماء حول أدلة النسب، وتكييفها في ضوء مباحث التعبد والتعليل عبر منهج استقرائي، ثم عَمَدا إلى ما جمعاه مِن أقوال ودلائل وقاما بتحليلها والتأصيل لها، ثم أعادا تركيبها في صورة واضحة المعالم، مكتملة البناء؛ توصلا مِن خلالها إلى أنَّ للنسب دليل واحد يثبت به وهو دليل الفراش -على اختلاف بين العلماء في معناه-. وما عداه مِن أدلة فإنما هي لإظهار النسب. كذلك دليل نفي النسب واحد وهو دليل اللعان. وقد ذهب الحنفية إلى تعبدية دليل إثبات النسب، بينما ذهب جمهور العلماء إلى تعليله، ثم اختلف الجمهور في هذه العلة فجعلها أكثرهم مقتصرة على الفراش الشرعي، بينما ذهب البعض إلى تعديتها إلى كل حالة توفرت فيها العلة ما لم يعارضها فراش شرعي ثابت. وبنفس الطريقة اختلفت آراء العلماء في أدلة إظهار النسب. وأخيرًا فقد تَبيَّن للباحثَين أنّ دليل نفي النسب -اللعان- تعبدي على رأي بعض العلماء، بينما هو معلل بعلة قاصرة على رأي فريق آخر، وهو في كلا الحالتين لا يمكن تعديته ولا القياس عليه. وبناء على ما سبق فإنّ هذا البحث يسهم في ضبط كافة الوسائل المعاصرة المستخدمة في التعرف على النسب ويؤصل لها. وعليه فإنّ الباحثَين يوصيان بإعادة النظر في كافة المسائل المبنية على تحديد النسب مِن خلال الوسائل المعاصرة، وبنائها على ما توصل إليه هذا البحث من نتائج.
For many, life today feels overwhelmingly busy, often super difficult and complicated. People feel drained, hopeless, and disconnected.
As a powerful affirmation of divine power, why not try reading selected Qur'anic verses aloud every morning? Consider printing these ayat from the Qur'an and placing them on your desk, so you can read and reflect on them repeatedly. This practice can help you internalize their meanings, strengthen your confidence, and deepen your trust in Allah.
It will uplift your spirits and reconnect you with your Real Helper—the One who can do anything, at any time. This approach is truly the best, for He is the Most-Knowledgeable and Most-Wise.
ABOUT THE BOOK: The book will enable all researchers of Islamic law –
established academics, undergraduate students and general readers –
to understand the tremendous and sometimes bewildering diversity
of Islamic law, as well as the continuities and common features that
bind it together.
One significant challenge is misrepresentation and lack of transparency in labeling. Many pharmaceutical products contain ingredients like gelatin without clear identification of whether it is sourced from permissible (halal) or impermissible (haram) sources. Gelatin used in medicine is categorized as either Type A, derived from pigs or non-halal sources and processed with acid, or Type B, from cows or buffaloes and processed with alkaline. From a fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) perspective, the absence of transparency can mislead consumers into unknowingly consuming haram substances, which is considered gharar (deception) and prohibited in Islam. Ethical responsibility requires that ingredients are fully disclosed, aligning with Quranic guidance against exploitation through unjust trade: “And do not consume one another's wealth unjustly” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:188).
Contamination during production is another ethical and legal issue. Many pharmaceuticals are produced in facilities shared with non-halal products, creating risks of contamination with haram substances such as alcohol or animal derivatives from non-halal sources. Fiqh dictates that any contamination with najas (impurities) renders a product impermissible, thus requiring companies to maintain halal integrity by avoiding cross-contamination.
Islamic law also allows for exceptions in cases of extreme necessity (darurah) when no halal alternatives are available, particularly with life-saving medications. However, tadawi/darurah (treatment/necessity) should not be an excuse for bypassing the search for permissible solutions. Fiqh principles mandate that halal alternatives be actively sought to avoid reliance on prohibited materials. This ethical balance is vital, as Islam places emphasis on preserving life without compromising religious integrity.
The global halal pharmaceutical industry also faces challenges due to inconsistent certification standards across different regions. This inconsistency can lead to confusion among consumers regarding the halal status of products. Harmonizing halal standards internationally is essential for fostering trust in the certification process, as certification bodies bear an ethical obligation to uphold rigorous Shari'ah compliance.
Finally, environmental and ethical sourcing considerations are vital as the demand for halal-certified materials rises. Islam teaches stewardship of the earth and mandates ethical treatment of animals, requiring manufacturers to source materials sustainably. For example, gelatin sources should ensure that animals are slaughtered as guided with principle of ihsan, and production practices should aim for environmental sustainability in line with Islamic principles.
The session concluded by addressing the challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry in producing halal-certified products. Scholars emphasized the need for continuous research to find replacements for non-halal ingredients and stressed the importance of students in the religious field contributing to the development of halal pharmaceuticals.
Both speakers highlighted the significance of incorporating the values of ihsan (excellence), taqwa (piety), and ikhlas (sincerity), as well as pioneering efforts in research and innovation within the pharmaceutical industry. These principles ensure that advancements are not only ethically sound and beneficial but also rewardable, promising, and focused on serving the well-being of all humanity.
The Department of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh at IIUM stands at the forefront of interdisciplinary research, spanning fields as diverse as sociology, economics, medicine, family studies, and more. The unique nature of fiqh ensures that our research is not merely theoretical but is deeply connected to practical applications and field studies. The SAP Seminar series showcases this diversity of topics and methodologies, providing fresh insights and perspectives that enrich our collective academic efforts.
ویحتوي ھذا الموضوع على خمسة مباحث وخاتمة. وسأتناول فیھ ما
- التعریف بمفردات الموضوع وما یتعلق بھا
- فضائل كتمان السر
- نبذة تاریخیة عن السر الطبي
- عقوبة إفشاء أسرار المریض
مسوغات أسرار المریض وتطبیقاتھا
Dr.Qais bin Mohammed Al Mubarak
Trans by: Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin
In this book, Medical Contract: Sharīʿah Rulings on Medical Consent, the author Qais bin Mohammed Al Mubarak – a professor of Islamic jurisprudence in King Faisal University and member of Council of Senior Scholars in Saudi Arabia – meticulously formulates a discourse on medical contract in the light of Sharīʿahand delves into the definition, types and sources of Islamic legal rulings on medical consent. This work examines the nature of the contract in doctor-patient relationship and demonstrates the various ways through which valid consent is granted in health-care. In the deliberations on the legal capacities of the consent-giver, the author explores the elemental aspects and obstacles within active legal capacity followed by analysis of the guardianship of incompetent patients. In the last part of the book, he effectively analyses the obligations of the consent-taker and the causes of termination of medical contract.
(Language: Malayalam)