Geo-spatial Information Science, 2010
Resumo: A dificuldade financeira está presente em diversos estudos na literatura, porém notam-se ... more Resumo: A dificuldade financeira está presente em diversos estudos na literatura, porém notam-se maiores discussões em torno de seus determinantes, como o indicador, sem constatar seu efeito para o mercado. Em virtude da importância de poder ser utilizado para verificar a continuidade da organização, o objetivo deste trabalho é identificar as influências da dificuldade financeira sobre o desempenho de mercado em empresas latino-americanas negociadas na bolsa de valores. De acordo com a hipótese do mercado eficiente e da sinalização, a dificuldade financeira anuncia ao mercado uma perspectiva negativa que afeta o desempenho de mercado. Assim, para a análise, utilizou-se de dados referentes às empresas listadas nas bolsas da Argentina, do Brasil, do Chile, do México e do Peru, de forma trimestral entre 2013 e 2017. Os resultados demonstram que, nos contextos brasileiro, chileno e mexicano, a dificuldade financeira influencia negativamente o desempenho de mercado das companhias. Este estudo contribui para a literatura com a utilização da dificuldade financeira além de um indicador preditor, pois apresenta uma informação que pode ser trabalhada por stakeholders no momento de negociar ou realizar a manutenção de seu portfólio de ações.

ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2014
3D city model is a digital representation of the Earth’s surface and it’s related objects such as... more 3D city model is a digital representation of the Earth’s surface and it’s related objects such as building, tree, vegetation, and some manmade feature belonging to urban area. The demand of 3D city modeling is increasing rapidly for various engineering and non-engineering applications. Generally four main image based approaches were used for virtual 3D city models generation. In first approach, researchers were used Sketch based modeling, second method is Procedural grammar based modeling, third approach is Close range photogrammetry based modeling and fourth approach is mainly based on Computer Vision techniques. SketchUp, CityEngine, Photomodeler and Agisoft Photoscan are the main softwares to represent these approaches respectively. These softwares have different approaches & methods suitable for image based 3D city modeling. Literature study shows that till date, there is no complete such type of comparative study available to create complete 3D city model by using images. <b...

The main purpose of this study is to explore the potential of normal digital video camera for vir... more The main purpose of this study is to explore the potential of normal digital video camera for virtual 3D City modeling. For any photogrammetric project work, image acquisition is the main issue. Cost, time, and success of any close range photogrammetric project is mainly dependent on image acquisition method. Video recording is an easy way to capture the large city area in less time. In the present study a simple method for 3D scene reconstruction by using digital video camera is developed for virtual 3D City modeling. The digital video camera used was Sony DSC HX7V camera for video recording. From this video data, image frames created and identified for suitable image frames for image based modeling. After processing some intermediate products were obtained and finally textured 3D model of area was created. Study area was Civil engineering department, IIT-Roorkee, India. Agisoft Photoscan software was used for this work. This paper covers the methodology, result, discussion, conclu...

Demand of Virtual 3D City models is increasing day by day for various engineering and non-enginee... more Demand of Virtual 3D City models is increasing day by day for various engineering and non-engineering fields. Now a day, various methods are available to create Virtual 3D City models. Photogrammetric method is one of the main method to create virtual 3D City model, because of many advantages. In Photogrammetric method, data acquisition is a main and important step for 3D City modeling. So Video recording is an easy way to capture the large city area in less time. From this video data image frame creates and identified the suitable image frames for close range photogrammetric processing. Thus a good multi camera setup is a very efficient tool for city data capture. In this work, we developed a multi camera setup for capture the video of a city or any area. After capturing the data, Camera calibration is also a important issue. So we also develop a simple method for multi camera setup calibration by using video data.

American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2013
Virtual 3D modeling is a very important and hot topic for researchers of Geomatics. Many scientis... more Virtual 3D modeling is a very important and hot topic for researchers of Geomatics. Many scientists are working in this direction. All over the world, so many educational institutes are available with its own campus. Campus is the land on which Institute; College or University buildings are situated. In the modern digital era, the demand of 3D Campus is increasing. Virtual 3D model of campus gives a good and photo-realistic appearance. In Geomatics market, So many image based techniques are available for 3D modeling. Photogrammetry and Laser scanning are the main Geomatics techniques. Satellite Photogrammetry and Aerial Photogrammetry is not easy to use by every person, because the images are not easily available for everybody. Due to this a new approach is possible to make virtual 3D Campus. Close Range Photogrammetry is very easy to use. Images are easy to obtain by any handheld digital camera. Cost and Time is main key issue for this. In this paper, we are giving a simple and cheapest solution to create virtual 3D campus of any educational institute by using simple photographs based on Close range Photogrammetry. In this study, we used simple digital images obtained by a Hand held digital camera. This paper will describe the introduction, methodology, advantages, drawbacks and limitations of this method. In this study, we used the study area, Campus

ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2014
3D city model is a digital representation of the Earth's surface and it’s related objects suc... more 3D city model is a digital representation of the Earth's surface and it’s related objects such as building, tree, vegetation, and some manmade feature belonging to urban area. The demand of 3D city modeling is increasing day to day for various engineering and non-engineering applications. Generally three main image based approaches are using for virtual 3D city models generation. In first approach, researchers used Sketch based modeling, second method is Procedural grammar based modeling and third approach is Close range photogrammetry based modeling. Literature study shows that till date, there is no complete solution available to create complete 3D city model by using images. These image based methods also have limitations <br><br> This paper gives a new approach towards image based virtual 3D city modeling by using close range photogrammetry. This…
“Virtual 3D City Modeling : Techniques and Applications”, (2013), Surendra Pal Singh, Kamal Jain, V. Ravibabu Mandla, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences,Volume XL-2/W2, ISPRS 8th 3DGeoInfo Conference & WG II/2 Workshop, 27 – 29 November, ...

3D city model is a digital representation of the Earth"s surface and it"s related objects such as... more 3D city model is a digital representation of the Earth"s surface and it"s related objects such as Building, Tree, Vegetation, and some manmade feature belonging to urban area. There are various terms used for 3D city models such as "Cybertown", "Cybercity", "Virtual City", or "Digital City". 3D city models are basically a computerized or digital model of a city contains the graphic representation of buildings and other objects in 2.5 or 3D. Generally three main Geomatics approach are using for Virtual 3-D City models generation , in first approach , researcher are using Conventional techniques such as Vector Map data, DEM, Aerial images , second approach are based on High resolution satellite images with LASER scanning, In third method , many researcher are using Terrestrial images by using Close Range Photogrammetry with DSM & Texture mapping. We start this paper from the introduction of various Geomatics techniques for 3D City modeling. These techniques divided in to two main categories: one is based on Automation (Automatic, Semi-automatic and Manual methods), and another is Based on Data input techniques (one is Photogrammetry, another is Laser Techniques). After details study of this, finally in short, we are trying to give the conclusions of this study. In the last, we are trying to give the conclusions of this research paper and also giving a short view for justification and analysis, and present trend for 3D City modeling. This paper gives an overview about the Techniques related with "Generation of Virtual 3-D City models using Geomatics Techniques" and the Applications of Virtual 3D City models. Photogrammetry, (Close range, Aerial, Satellite), Lasergrammetry, GPS, or combination of these modern Geomatics techniques play a major role to create a virtual 3-D City model. Each and every techniques and method has some advantages and some drawbacks. Point cloud model is a modern trend for virtual 3-D city model. Photo-realistic, Scalable, Geo-referenced virtual 3-D City model is a very useful for various kinds of applications such as for planning in Navigation, Tourism, Disasters Management, Transportations, Municipality, Urban Environmental Managements and Real-estate industry. So the Construction of Virtual 3-D city models is a most interesting research topic in recent years.
Dr Surendra Pal Singh
M.Tech (Geomatics), PhD (IIT-Roorkee)
Assistant Professor,
Institute of E... more Dr Surendra Pal Singh
M.Tech (Geomatics), PhD (IIT-Roorkee)
Assistant Professor,
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department of Geomatics & Civil Engineering
Wachemo University,
Hosana City, Ethiopia, (East Africa).
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +251-968654235 (For Ethiopia)
+91-9452858301 (For India & WhatsApp only)

3D city model is a digital representation of the Earth's surface and it's related objects such as... more 3D city model is a digital representation of the Earth's surface and it's related objects such as building, tree, vegetation, and some manmade feature belonging to urban area. The demand of 3D city modeling is increasing day to day for various engineering and non-engineering applications. Generally three main image based approaches are using for virtual 3D city models generation. In first approach, researchers used Sketch based modeling, second method is Procedural grammar based modeling and third approach is Close range photogrammetry based modeling. Literature study shows that till date, there is no complete solution available to create complete 3D city model by using images. These image based methods also have limitations This paper gives a new approach towards image based virtual 3D city modeling by using close range photogrammetry. This approach is divided into three sections. First, data acquisition process, second is 3D data processing, and third is data combination process. In data acquisition process, a multi-camera setup developed and used for video recording of an area. Image frames created from video data. Minimum required and suitable video image frame selected for 3D processing. In second section, based on close range photogrammetric principles and computer vision techniques, 3D model of area created. In third section, this 3D model exported to adding and merging of other pieces of large area. Scaling and alignment of 3D model was done. After applying the texturing and rendering on this model, a final photo-realistic textured 3D model created. This 3D model transferred into walk-through model or in movie form. Most of the processing steps are automatic. So this method is cost effective and less laborious. Accuracy of this model is good. For this research work, study area is the campus of department of civil engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. This campus acts as a prototype for city. Aerial photography is restricted in many country and high resolution satellite images are costly. In this study, proposed method is based on only simple video recording of area. Thus this proposed method is suitable for 3D city modeling. Photo-realistic, scalable, geo-referenced virtual 3D city model is useful for various kinds of applications such as for planning in navigation, tourism, disasters management, transportations, municipality, urban and environmental managements, real-estate industry. Thus this study will provide a good roadmap for geomatics community to create photo-realistic virtual 3D city model by using close range photogrammetry.

The main purpose of this study is to explore the potential of normal digital video camera for vir... more The main purpose of this study is to explore the potential of normal digital video camera for virtual 3D City modeling. For any photogrammetric project work, image acquisition is the main issue. Cost, time, and success of any close range photogrammetric project is mainly dependent on image acquisition method. Video recording is an easy way to capture the large city area in less time. In the present study a simple method for 3D scene reconstruction by using digital video camera is developed for virtual 3D City modeling. The digital video camera used was Sony DSC HX7V camera for video recording. From this video data, image frames created and identified for suitable image frames for image based modeling. After processing some intermediate products were obtained and finally textured 3D model of area was created. Study area was Civil engineering department, IIT-Roorkee, India. Agisoft Photoscan software was used for this work. This paper covers the methodology, result, discussion, conclusion, advantages and limitations of the method.

3D city model is a digital representation of the Earth's surface and it's related objects such as... more 3D city model is a digital representation of the Earth's surface and it's related objects such as building, tree, vegetation, and some manmade feature belonging to urban area. The demand of 3D city modeling is increasing rapidly for various engineering and non-engineering applications. Generally four main image based approaches were used for virtual 3D city models generation. In first approach, researchers were used Sketch based modeling, second method is Procedural grammar based modeling, third approach is Close range photogrammetry based modeling and fourth approach is mainly based on Computer Vision techniques. SketchUp, CityEngine, Photomodeler and Agisoft Photoscan are the main softwares to represent these approaches respectively. These softwares have different approaches & methods suitable for image based 3D city modeling. Literature study shows that till date, there is no complete such type of comparative study available to create complete 3D city model by using images. This paper gives a comparative assessment of these four image based 3D modeling approaches. This comparative study is mainly based on data acquisition methods, data processing techniques and output 3D model products. For this research work, study area is the campus of civil engineering department, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (India). This 3D campus acts as a prototype for city. This study also explains various governing parameters, factors and work experiences. This research work also gives a brief introduction, strengths and weakness of these four image based techniques. Some personal comment is also given as what can do or what can't do from these softwares. At the last, this study shows; it concluded that, each and every software has some advantages and limitations. Choice of software depends on user requirements of 3D project. For normal visualization project, SketchUp software is a good option. For 3D documentation record, Photomodeler gives good result. For Large city reconstruction; CityEngine is a good product. Agisoft Photoscan software creates much better 3D model with good texture quality and automatic processing. So this image based comparative study is useful for 3D city user community. Thus this study will provide a good roadmap for geomatics user community to create photo-realistic virtual 3D city model by using image based techniques.

Demand of Virtual 3D City models is increasing day by day for various engineering and non-enginee... more Demand of Virtual 3D City models is increasing day by day for various engineering and non-engineering fields. Now a day, various methods are available to create Virtual 3D City models. Photogrammetric method is one of the main method to create virtual 3D City model, because of many advantages. In Photogrammetric method, data acquisition is a main and important step for 3D City modeling. So Video recording is an easy way to capture the large city area in less time. From this video data image frame creates and identified the suitable image frames for close range photogrammetric processing. Thus a good multi camera setup is a very efficient tool for city data capture. In this work, we developed a multi camera setup for capture the video of a city or any area. After capturing the data, Camera calibration is also a important issue. So we also develop a simple method for multi camera setup calibration by using video data.

Virtual 3D modeling is a very important and hot topic for researchers of Geomatics. For all over ... more Virtual 3D modeling is a very important and hot topic for researchers of Geomatics. For all over the world, so many educational institutes are available with its own campus. Campus is the land on which Institute; College or University buildings are situated. In the modern digital era, the demand of 3D Campus is increasing. Virtual 3D model of campus gives a good and photo-realistic appearance. In Geomatics market, So many image based techniques are available for 3D modeling. Photogrammetry and Laser scanning are the main Geomatics techniques. But due to many drawbacks in these techniques, a new approach is possible to make virtual 3D Campus. Time and Cost main key issue for this. In this paper, we are giving a simple and cheapest solution to create virtual 3D campus of any educational institute. This 3D campus model can be exported in various other formats for various applications. These 3D models can be exported to Google Earth. These 3D campus models can also be published on the website of that Institute or University. In this study, we used simple digital images and very cost effective software. This paper will describe the introduction, methodology, advantages, drawbacks and limitations of this method. In this study, we used the study area, Campus

Virtual 3D modeling is a very important and hot topic for researchers of Geomatics. Many scientis... more Virtual 3D modeling is a very important and hot topic for researchers of Geomatics. Many scientists are working in this direction. All over the world, so many educational institutes are available with its own campus. Campus is the land on which Institute; College or University buildings are situated. In the modern digital era, the demand of 3D Campus is increasing. Virtual 3D model of campus gives a good and photo-realistic appearance. In Geomatics market, So many image based techniques are available for 3D modeling. Photogrammetry and Laser scanning are the main Geomatics techniques. Satellite Photogrammetry and Aerial Photogrammetry is not easy to use by every person, because the images are not easily available for everybody. Due to this a new approach is possible to make virtual 3D Campus. Close Range Photogrammetry is very easy to use. Images are easy to obtain by any handheld digital camera. Cost and Time is main key issue for this. In this paper, we are giving a simple and cheapest solution to create virtual 3D campus of any educational institute by using simple photographs based on Close range Photogrammetry. In this study, we used simple digital images obtained by a Hand held digital camera. Cite This Article: Surendra Pal Singh, Kamal Jain, and V.Ravibabu Mandla, " Virtual 3D Campus Modeling by Using Close Range Photogrammetry.
M.Tech (Geomatics), PhD (IIT-Roorkee)
Assistant Professor,
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department of Geomatics & Civil Engineering
Wachemo University,
Hosana City, Ethiopia, (East Africa).
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +251-968654235 (For Ethiopia)
+91-9452858301 (For India & WhatsApp only)
M.Tech (Geomatics), PhD (IIT-Roorkee)
Assistant Professor,
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department of Geomatics & Civil Engineering
Wachemo University,
Hosana City, Ethiopia, (East Africa).
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +251-968654235 (For Ethiopia)
+91-9452858301 (For India & WhatsApp only)