Papers by Bijay_Kumar Sharma

Emerging Materials Research, 2020
Graphene is a (2 + 1)-dimensional quantum electrodynamic system. The carriers have a vanishing ma... more Graphene is a (2 + 1)-dimensional quantum electrodynamic system. The carriers have a vanishing mass and a relativistic velocity of 106 m/s, obeying charge-conjugate parity time symmetry. Graphene exhibits the Klein paradox, due to which, through spatial confinement, a bandgap can be opened in zigzag graphene nanoribbons for logic applications. The high Debye temperature of 2800 K ensures that phonons are frozen out and lattice scattering is suppressed at 300 K. The perfect crystallinity ensures that defect/impurity scattering is suppressed. The two together give very high electrical conductivity and electric mobility. This permits a current density of 108 A/cm2, about 100 times greater than that in copper. Single-layer graphene has a thermal conductivity of 3000–5000 (W/m)/K at 300 K, but graphite has K = 2000 (W/m)/K. This may open up few-layer graphene applications in thermal management of nanoelectronics. The half-integer quantum Hall effect and non-zero Berry phase have been ver...
Microelectronics Journal, 2018
One sentence summary: Universal Hybrid-pi is the most comprehensive, realistic and accurate model... more One sentence summary: Universal Hybrid-pi is the most comprehensive, realistic and accurate model of CE BJT with a high degree of correlation between model and hardware.
Spie Proceedings Series, 2002
PSpice has definite limitations as accurate analog simulation software. This limitation arises be... more PSpice has definite limitations as accurate analog simulation software. This limitation arises because of the use of the conventional Hybrid-π model as small signal model of CE BJT. This paper establishes that the use of Universal Hybrid-π model in its place leads to an accurate simulation of Analog Circuits.
Using Advanced Kinematic Model (AKM), the unfolding of Earth’s eco-system under the influence of ... more Using Advanced Kinematic Model (AKM), the unfolding of Earth’s eco-system under the influence of the evolving tidally interacting Earth-Moon System (E-M system) is studied. E-M system is born 4.467...

Advances in Space Research, 2019
have proposed a new model for the birth and tidal evolution of our natural satellite Moon, born f... more have proposed a new model for the birth and tidal evolution of our natural satellite Moon, born from impact generated terrestrial debris in the equatorial plane of high obliquity, high angular momentum Earth. This paper examines their findings critically in the light of advanced kinematic model (AKM) which includes Earth"s obliquity(ɸ), Moon"s orbital plane inclination (α) , Moon"s obliquity (β) and lunar"s orbit eccentricity (e). For the real Earth-Moon (E-M) system, the history of evolution of ɸ, α, β, e and (length of month)/(length of day) or LOM/LOD is traced from 45R E to 60.33R E where R E is Earth Radius. It is shown that AKM"s valid range of application is from 45R E to 60.33R E . The evolution of α, β, e is in correspondence with the simulation results of Matija Cuk ( ) but evolution of Earth"s obliquity has a break at 45R E . According to AKM , earlier than 45R E Earth should achieve 0° obliquity in order to achieve the modern value of 23.44° obliquity. Cuk et al ( ) donot explain how this can be achieved. AKM stands vindicated because Applied Geo-physics manuscript submitted, AKM has successfully given near-precise theoretical formalism of LOD curve for the last 1.2Gy time span opening the way for early warning and forecasting methods for Earth-quake and sudden volcanic eruptions..

Data in Brief, 2018
The dataset provided in this article are related to the research article entitled "The Journey of... more The dataset provided in this article are related to the research article entitled "The Journey of Universal Hybrid-pi model-from its Inception to Experimental Validation and its impact on Analog Circuit Design" (Sharma, in press). While analyzing dataset of the incremental output impedances of the BJT Current Sources, Conventional Hybrid-pi model, and Unilateral Model grossly underestimate the output impedances whereas Universal Hybrid-pi Model gives a much larger range of output impedances from ro to 40ro. The quest for these enhanced prediction led to the discovery of "Variable Latching Effect" (Sharma, 1990). Furthermore the ascending order of the dataset of Break-over voltages of Device-under-Test (DUT) were obeyed by the dataset predictions of incremental output impedance by Universal Model but not obeyed by those made by Conventional Model and Unilateral model. Direct experimental measurement of output impedances of current sources using laboratory setup validated Universal Hybridpi Model (Sharma, 2003) [3] but the results were inconclusive. The experimental measurement of the incremental output impedances by a Professional setup was also done and verified by analytical results. All incremental analysis is carried out at a given Q-point and Q-point decides the incremental parameters of the Hybrid-pi model and T-model which are to be used in the analytic relations (2), (3) and (4) given in the main text (Sharma, in press). Q-points of the current sources at which the output impedance measurement have been made are given in this dataset (see Table 6). Model parameters at the given Q-points are derived from simple analytic relations given in the main text (Sharma, in press) and tabulated in Table 7 and Table 7A. The theoretical incremental output Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Protocol exchange, Aug 13, 2019

2016 IEEE 59th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2016
Sustained scaling for TerraHertz SiGe HBT has led to transit frequency = 315GHz at 300K but it ha... more Sustained scaling for TerraHertz SiGe HBT has led to transit frequency = 315GHz at 300K but it has simultaneously degraded BVceo to 1.63V. This has placed a high premium on UHF analog circuit design A theoretical formalism of the variable latching phenomena of CE BJT under various drive conditions, discovered by the Author in 1989, is one of the central problems in the design of high speed circuits. None of the industrial standards namely VBIC, HICUM and MEXTERM have been able to capture this feature. This paper takes a circuit plus device approach to develop a single analytic relation to model the variable latching phenomena of CE BJT current sources. This analytic relationship has been verified by experimental results using 2N3055 CE current sources with 90 percent confidence level. Proposed analytic relationship embedded in the compact model of HSPICE will enable exceptional model-to-hardware correlation in simulations of the variable latching phenomena and thereby lead to consid...

IETE Journal of Research, 1989
Certain inconsistencies in the results worked out by Millman and Halkias in his book “Integrated ... more Certain inconsistencies in the results worked out by Millman and Halkias in his book “Integrated Electronics” impelled the first author to introduce the Universal Hybrid-pi model which incorporates the current generator β0 ib in place ofgm vπ at midfrequencies. The physical reasoning for doing so was the simple argument that why should not the total base nodal current ib be the useful transistor instead ofiπ. The Universal Hybrid-pi model was found to predict more realistic and practically verifiable performance parameters such as the reverse transmission parameter and the output impedance R0 of CB configuration. By examining the data sheets of CE h parameters also, the trend in support of Universal Hybrid-pi model seems to be found. Some more accurate and sensitive measurements are in order before the Universal Hybrid-pi model can conclusively be validated.

Earth, Moon, and Planets, 2010
In this paper I present a new perspective of the birth and evolution of Planetary Systems. This n... more In this paper I present a new perspective of the birth and evolution of Planetary Systems. This new perspective presents an all encompassing and self consistent Paradigm of the birth and evolution of the solar systems. In doing so it redefines astronomy and rewrites astronomical principles. Kepler and Newton defined a stable and non-evolving elliptical orbits. While this perspective defines a collapsing or expanding spiral orbit of planets except for Brown Dwarfs. Brown Dwarfs are significant fraction of the central star. Hence they rapidly evolve from non-Keplerian state to the end point which is a Keplerian state where it is in stable elliptical orbits. On the basis of the Lunar Laser Ranging Data released by NASA on the Silver Jubilee Celebration of Man's Landing on Moon on 21st July 1969-1994, theoretical formulation of Earth-Moon tidal interaction was carried out and Planetary Satellite Dynamics was established. It was found that this mathematical analysis could as well be applied to Star and Planets system and since every star could potentially contain an extra-solar system, hence we have a large ensemble of exoplanets to test our new perspective on the birth and evolution of solar systems. Till date 403 exoplanets have been discovered in 390 extra-solar systems by radial velocity method, by transiting planet method, by gravitational lensing method, by direct imaging method and by timing method. I have taken 12 single planet systems , 4 Brown Dwarf-Star systems and 2 Brown Dwarf pairs. Following architectural design rules are corroborated through this study of exoplanets. All planets are born at inner Clarke's Orbit what we refer to as inner geo-synchronous orbit in case of Earth-Moon System. The inner Clarke's Orbit is an orbit of unstable equilibrium. By any perturbative force such as cosmic particles or radiation pressure, the planet gets tipped long of aG1 or short of aG1. Here aG1 is inner Clarke's Orbit. If planet is long of aG1 then it is said to be in extra-synchronous orbit. Here Gravitational Sling Shot effect is in play. In gravity assist planet fly-by maneuver in space flights, gravitational sling shot is routinely used to boost the space craft to its destination. The exoplanet can either be launched on death spiral as CLOSE HOT JUPITERS or can be launched on an expanding spiral path as the planets in our Solar System are. In death spiral, exoplanet less than 5 mJ will get pulverized and vaporized in close proximity to the host star. If the mass is between 5 mJ and 7.5 mJ then it will be partially vaporized and partially engulfed by the host star and if it is greater than 7.5 mJ , then it will be completely ingested by the host star. In the process the planet will deposit all its material and angular momentum in the Host Star. This will leave telltale imprints of ingestion: in such cases host Star will have higher 7Li, host star will become a rapidly rotating progenitor and the host star will have excess IR. All these have been confirmed by observations of Transiting Planets. It was also found that if the exo-planet are significant fraction of the host star then those exo-planets rapidly migrate from aG1 to aG2 and have very short Time Constant of Evolution as Brown Dwarfs have. But if exo-planets are

Matija Cuk (2016) have proposed a new model for the birth and tidal evolution of our natura... more Matija Cuk (2016) have proposed a new model for the birth and tidal evolution of our natural satellite Moon, born from lunar accretion of impact generated terrestrial debris in the equatorial plane of high obliquity, high angular momentum Earth. This paper examines their findings critically in the light of advanced kinematic model (AKM) which includes Earth's obliquity(ɸ), Moon's orbital plane inclination (α) , Moon's obliquity (β) and lunar's orbit eccentricity (e). For the real Earth-Moon (E-M) system, the history of evolution of ɸ, α, β, e and (length of month)/(length of day) or LOM/LOD is traced from 45RE to 60.33RE where RE is Earth Radius. It is shown that AKM's valid range of application is from 45RE to 60.33RE . The evolution of α, β, e is in correspondence with the simulation results of Matija Cuk ( ) but evolution of Earth's obliquity has a break at 45RE . According to AKM, earlier than 45RE Earth should achieve 0° obliquity in order to achieve the modern value of 23.44° obliquity. Cuk et al ( ) donot explain how this can be achieved. AKM stands vindicated because using protocol exchange algorithm (described in S6 SOM), AKM has successfully given precise theoretical formalism of Observed LOD curve for the last 1.2Gy time span opening the way for early warning and forecasting methods for Earth-quake and sudden volcanic eruptions(See S7 of SOM).
Advances in Space Research, 2009
... the Present (BP) the accretion of the slowly rotating Solar Nebula led to the formation of Su... more ... the Present (BP) the accretion of the slowly rotating Solar Nebula led to the formation of Sun and its eight planets in the plane of disc of accretion (Maddox, 1994). ... Most recent findings (Toubol et al., 2007) put the birth of Solar Nebula at 4.567 Ga and the birth of Moon at 4.467 Ga ...
arXiv: Astrophysics, 2008
Phobos is a moon of mars below the synchronous orbit. Because of tidal interaction it is losing i... more Phobos is a moon of mars below the synchronous orbit. Because of tidal interaction it is losing its altitude and is launched on a shrinking spiral path of total destruction. Based on planetary-satellite dynamics its rate of loss of altitude is calculated to be twenty meters per century and its doomsday is predicted to be at eleven mega years from now.

IETE Journal of Research, 1990
Early effect leads to the finite output impedance of CB BJT as well as CE BJT, the Universal Hybr... more Early effect leads to the finite output impedance of CB BJT as well as CE BJT, the Universal Hybrid-Pi model predicts that the output impedance of CE BJT is very sensitive to RS, the source resistance, and increases by more than an order of magnitude when the source drive is changed from constant current to constant voltage drive. This in effect means a much reduced overall early effect. Bat a reduced overall early effect means a such delayed sustaining voltage phenomena or a variable latching phenomena. The experimental study of the actual IC—VCC family of curves of different CE amplifier configurations does lead to the observation of wide variability of the latching voltage in CF. configuration. Observation of the variable latching phenomena on one band vindicates the Universal Hybrid-pi-model, though indirectly, and on the other creates the scope for exercising better economy in the design of linear power electronic system by a more effective exploitation of the variable latching property of CEBJT.

arXiv: Astrophysics, 2008
In1879 George Howard Darwin theoretically analyzed the outward spiraling orbit of Moon and the su... more In1879 George Howard Darwin theoretically analyzed the outward spiraling orbit of Moon and the subsequent lengthening of the Mean Solar Day. The author redid the same analysis based on the fact that Moon was receding at the rate of 3.8 cm per annum. Basic Mechanics of Earth-Moon is worked out and various system parameters are optimized to fit the given boundary condition obtained by Apollo Mission and other modern means of observations. Based on this theoretical formulation the theoretical graph of the lengthening of the Mean Solar Day with respect to time is drawn and is compared with the observational graph of the same based on pale ontological data, paleo tidal data and iron-banded formation. The observational data on Mean Solar Day is found to follow the theoretical smooth curve in post-Cambrian Era but is found to deviate in the remote past. This deviation is corrected by taking the evolving form of Moment of Inertia of Earth. The deviation of the observed data prompts the Auth...

Matija Cuk (2016) have proposed a new model for the birth and tidal evolution of our natura... more Matija Cuk (2016) have proposed a new model for the birth and tidal evolution of our natural satellite Moon, born from impact generated terrestrial debris in the equatorial plane of high obliquity, high angular momentum Earth. This paper examines their findings critically in the light of advanced kinematic model (AKM) which includes Earth's obliquity (ϕ), Moon's orbital plane inclination (α) , Moon's obliquity (β) and lunar's orbit eccentricity (e). For the real Earth-Moon (E-M) system, the history of evolution of ϕ, α, β, e and (length of month)/(length of day) or LOM/LOD is traced from 45R_E to 60.33R_E where R_E is Earth Radius. It is shown that AKM's valid range of application is from 45R_E to 60.33R_E . The evolution of α, β, e is in correspondence with the simulation results of Matija Cuk (2016) but evolution of Earth's obliquity has a break at 45R_E . According to AKM , earlier than 45RE Earth should achieve zero degree obliquity in order t...

Sustained scaling for TerraHertz SiGe HBT has led to transit frequency = 315GHz at 300K but it ha... more Sustained scaling for TerraHertz SiGe HBT has led to transit frequency = 315GHz at 300K but it has simultaneously degraded BVceo to 1.63V. This has placed a high premium on UHF analog circuit design A theoretical formalism of the variable latching phenomena of CE BJT under various drive conditions, discovered by the Author in 1989, is one of the central problems in the design of high speed circuits. None of the industrial standards namely VBIC, HICUM and MEXTERM have been able to capture this feature. This paper takes a circuit plus device approach to develop a single analytic relation to model the variable latching phenomena of CE BJT current sources. This analytic relationship has been verified by experimental results using 2N3055 CE current sources with 90 percent confidence level. Proposed analytic relationship embedded in the compact model of HSPICE will enable exceptional model-to-hardware correlation in simulations of the variable latching phenomena and thereby lead to considerable improvement in concept-to-design-to-industrial production. This in turn will vastly change the scale of economy of IC chips production. This study has also established tentatively that Universal Hybrid-pi model is the correct small signal model of CE BJT which has been reported in JSSC-July-16-0310.
arXiv: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics, 2020
Matija Cuk (2016) have proposed a new model for the birth and tidal evolution of our natura... more Matija Cuk (2016) have proposed a new model for the birth and tidal evolution of our natural satellite Moon, born from lunar accretion of impact generated terrestrial debris in the equatorial...
Paris, France, 2004
The Authors have done the Non-Keplerian analysis of Earth-Moon [1] and Keplerian analysis of Eart... more The Authors have done the Non-Keplerian analysis of Earth-Moon [1] and Keplerian analysis of Earth-Moon, Mars- Deimos-Phobos and Pluto-Charon [2]. In the present study lom/lod (length of month/length of day) equation for all the nine planets with respect to Sun has been set up and the present Planetary Semi-Major Axes of the nine Planets are substituted and omega /Omega was

Space Science, 2012
From ancient times there has been a quest to understand the position of human kind in the cosmic ... more From ancient times there has been a quest to understand the position of human kind in the cosmic order and to develop predictive system which could warn us of the impending natural calamity. In a continuing quest for an accurate predictive system, in Greek times Ptolemy kept our Planet at the center of the Universe and propagated the Geo-centric World View [Gale (2005-2006), Lawson (2004)]. In 16 th century at the height of Renaissance, in a paradigm shift work but which was very much in keeping with common-sense , Nicolaus Copernicus, mathematician, astronomer and catholic monk, presented his book "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (on the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres)" first printed in 1542 in Nuremberg, Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation[Hawking (2005), Kuhn (1957), Windleband (1958), Crowe (1990)]. It offered a new framework for calculating the positions of the planets and this computational framework was tied to a Helio-centric World View [Hawking (2005)]. This Helio-centric Model was a natural consequence of common sense logic because the Sun was the heaviest object. The mass of Sun had been established during the renaissance by Sir Issac Newton [Hawking (2005)].This simple model at one stroke removed all the anomalies observed in the motion of the planets till then. But still it stood against a wall. The concept of helio-centrism was very much there in Greek Times [ Gomez 2011] but the religious dogma and over-possessiveness of the idea of superiority of humankind over all living kinds compelled geo-centric world view as the correct and the official tenant of the Greek times. This dogma persisted. Such were the dogmatism of the Dark Mediaeval Period that in 1553 Michael Servetus [Goldstone & Goldstone(2002), Janz (1953)] was burnt at stake for advancing new ideas contrary to those of the Church. New ideas were considered heretical ideas. In 1584 a young theologioan and naturalist by the name of Giordano Bruno [Singer (1950), Yates (1964), Brix (1998)] came on the European Scene. He boldly proclaimed the correctness of Helio-centric Model and he went a step forward saying that all stars were like our Sun, that there may be many more extra terrestrial solar systems , many more exo-planets and many more extra terrestrial intelligence. There was nothing sacrosanct about Man and his Earth just as there is nothing special about Chinese Civilization and their Middle Kingdom. This was the final nail in his coffin.
Papers by Bijay_Kumar Sharma