Papers by debatri chattopadhyay

arXiv (Cornell University), Jul 11, 2024
We investigate the effects of prior selection on the inferred mass and spin parameters of the neu... more We investigate the effects of prior selection on the inferred mass and spin parameters of the neutron star-black hole merger GW230529_181500. Specifically, we explore models motivated by astrophysical considerations, including massive binary and pulsar evolution. We examine mass and spin distributions of neutron stars constrained by radio pulsar observations, alongside black hole spin observations from previous gravitational wave detections. We show that the inferred mass distribution highly depends upon the spin prior. Specifically, under the most restrictive, binary stellar evolution models, we obtain narrower distributions of masses with a black hole mass of 4.3 +0.1 -0.1 𝑀 ⊙ and neutron star mass of 1.3 +0.03 -0.03 𝑀 ⊙ where, somewhat surprisingly, it is the prior on component spins which has the greatest impact on the inferred mass distributions. Re-weighting using neutron star mass and spin priors from observations of radio pulsars, with black hole spins from observations of gravitational waves, yields the black hole and the neutron star masses to be 3.8 +0.5 -0.6 𝑀 ⊙ and 1.4 +0.2 -0.1 𝑀 ⊙ respectively. The sequence of compact object formation -whether the neutron star or the black hole formed first -cannot be determined at the observed signal-to-noise ratio. However, there is no evidence that the black hole was tidally spun up.

arXiv (Cornell University), Jun 10, 2024
We propose a Bayesian inference framework to predict the merger history of LIGO-Virgo binary blac... more We propose a Bayesian inference framework to predict the merger history of LIGO-Virgo binary black holes (BHs), whose binary components may have undergone hierarchical mergers in the past. The framework relies on numerical relativity predictions for the mass, spin, and kick velocity of the remnant BHs. This proposed framework computes the masses, spins, and kicks imparted to the remnant of the parent binaries, given the initial masses and spin magnitudes of the binary constituents. We validate our approach by performing an "injection study" based on a constructed sequence of hierarchically formed binaries. Noise is added to the final binary in the sequence, and the parameters of the 'parent' and 'grandparent' binaries in the merger chain are then reconstructed. This method is then applied to three GWTC-3 events: GW190521, GW200220 061928, and GW190426 190642. These events were selected because at least one of the binary companions lies in the putative pair-instability supernova mass gap, in which stellar processes alone cannot produce BHs. Hierarchical mergers offer a natural explanation for the formation of BHs in the pair-instability mass gap. We use the backward evolution framework to predict the parameters of the parents of the primary companion of these three binaries. For instance, the parent binary of GW190521 has masses 72 +32 -22 M ⊙ and 31 +24 -23 M ⊙ within the 90% credible interval. Astrophysical environments with escape speeds ≥ 100 km s -1 are preferred sites to host these events. Our approach can be readily applied to future high-mass gravitational wave events to predict their formation history under the hierarchical merger assumption.

arXiv (Cornell University), May 6, 2024
This study investigates the origins of GW230529, delving into its formation from massive stars wi... more This study investigates the origins of GW230529, delving into its formation from massive stars within isolated binary systems. Utilizing population synthesis models, we present compelling evidence that the neutron star component forms second. However, the event's low signal-to-noise ratio introduces complexities in identifying the underlying physical mechanisms driving its formation. Augmenting our analysis with insights from numerical relativity, we estimate the final black hole mass and spin to be approximately 5.3 M ⊙ and 0.53, respectively. Furthermore, we employ the obtained posterior samples to calculate the ejecta mass and kilonova light curves resulting from r-process nucleosynthesis. We find the ejecta mass to range within 0-0.06 M ⊙ , contingent on the neutron star equation of state. The peak brightness of the kilonovae light curves indicates that targeted follow-up observations with a Rubin-like observatory may have detected this emission.

arXiv (Cornell University), Oct 2, 2023
Dense stellar clusters are expected to house the ideal conditions for binary black hole (BBH) for... more Dense stellar clusters are expected to house the ideal conditions for binary black hole (BBH) formation, both through binary stellar evolution and through dynamical encounters. We use theoretical arguments as well as 𝑁-body simulations to make predictions for the evolution of BBHs formed through stellar evolution inside clusters from the cluster birth (which we term primordial binaries), and for the sub-population of merging BBHs. We identify three key populations: (i) BBHs that form in the cluster, and merge before experiencing any strong dynamical interaction; (ii) binaries that are ejected from the cluster after only one dynamical interaction; and, (iii) BBHs that experience more than one strong interaction inside the cluster. We find that population (i) and (ii) are the dominant source of all BBH mergers formed in clusters with escape velocity 𝑣 esc ≤ 30 km s -1 . At higher escape velocities, dynamics are predicted to play a major role both for the formation and subsequent evolution of BBHs. Finally, we argue that for sub-Solar metallicity clusters with 𝑣 esc ≲ 100 km s -1 , the dominant form of interaction experienced by primordial BBHs (BBHs formed from primordial binaries) within the cluster is with other BBHs. The complexity of these binary-binary interactions will complicate the future evolution of the BBH and influence the total number of mergers produced.
Upload_1: COMPAS data for all simultions used in the paper

The Astrophysical Journal, Aug 1, 2022
The LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) Collaboration has reported nearly 100 double black hole (BH-BH) merger... more The LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) Collaboration has reported nearly 100 double black hole (BH-BH) mergers to date. The LVK provides estimates of rates, masses, effective spins, and redshifts for these mergers. Yet, the formation channel(s) of the mergers remains uncertain. One way to search for a formation site is to contrast properties of detected BH-BH mergers with different models of BH-BH merger formation. Here, we assess the usefulness of the average total mass of BH-BH mergers and its change with redshift to help identify the formation site of BH-BH mergers. We use several models of BH-BH formation: the globular cluster and open cluster dynamical formation channels, the common envelope (CE) isolated binary evolution channel, and the stable Roche-lobe overflow (RLOF) isolated binary evolution channel. We find that the average intrinsic BH-BH total merger mass shows exceptionally different behavior for the models that we adopt for our analysis. In the local universe (redshift: z = 0) the average intrinsic total mass changes from M tot ∼ 25 M for CE binary evolution and open clusters channels, to M tot ∼ 30 M for the RLOF binary channel, to M tot ∼ 45 M for the globular cluster channel. These differences are even more pronounced at larger redshifts and could be possibly exploited the by next generation of gravitational-wave instruments, like Einstein Telescope or Cosmic Explorer. However, these differences are diminished when considering LVK O3 detector sensitivity. Comparison with LVK O3 data shows that none of our adopted models can match the data despite large errors on BH-BH masses and redshifts. We emphasize that our conclusions are derived from a small set of 5 specific models that are subject to numerous known uncertainties. We also note that BH-BH mergers may originate from a mix of several channels and that other (than those adopted here) BH-BH formation channels may exist. Our study was designed to investigate the usefulness of the total BH-BH merger mass in establishing the origin of gravitational-wave sources.

Physical Review D
Observations by the current generation of gravitational-wave detectors have been pivotal in expan... more Observations by the current generation of gravitational-wave detectors have been pivotal in expanding our understanding of the universe. Although tens of exciting compact binary mergers have been observed, neutron star-black hole (NSBH) mergers remained elusive until they were first confidently detected in 2020. The number of NSBH detections is expected to increase with sensitivity improvements of the current detectors and the proposed construction of new observatories over the next decade. In this work, we explore the NSBH detection and measurement capabilities of these upgraded detectors and new observatories using the following metrics: network detection efficiency and detection rate as a function of redshift, distributions of the signal-to-noise ratios, the measurement accuracy of intrinsic and extrinsic parameters, the accuracy of sky position measurement, and the number of early-warning alerts that can be sent to facilitate the electromagnetic follow-up. Additionally, we evaluate the prospects of performing multi-messenger observations of NSBH systems by reporting the number of expected kilonova detections with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. We find that as many as O(10) kilonovae can be detected by these two telescopes every year, depending on the population of the NSBH systems and the equation of state of neutron stars.
Data associated with candidates in GWTC-2.1. These are gravitational-wave candidates from the fir... more Data associated with candidates in GWTC-2.1. These are gravitational-wave candidates from the first half of the third observing run (O3a) of the Advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors that pass a false alarm rate threshold of 2/day. We upload a tar file (search_data_GWTC2p1.tar.gz) containing all the data and a python notebook (search_data.ipynb) which provides description on how to use the files contained in the dataset.

Physical review, Jul 12, 2022
The majority of massive stars are found in close binaries which: (i) are prone to merge and (ii) ... more The majority of massive stars are found in close binaries which: (i) are prone to merge and (ii) are accompanied by another distant tertiary star (triples). Here, we study the evolution of the stellar postmerger binaries composed of the merger product and the tertiary companion. We find that postmerger binaries originating from compact stellar triples with outer semimajor axes aout,init 10 1 -10 2 AU provide a new way to form binary black hole mergers in the galactic field. By means of a population synthesis, we estimate their contribution to the total black hole merger rate to be R(z = 0) = 0.3 -25.2 Gpc -3 yr -1 . Merging binary black holes that form from stellar postmerger binaries have exceptionally low mass ratios. We identify a critical mass ratio q 0.5 below which they dominate the total black hole merger rate in the field. We show that after including their additional contribution, the mass ratio distribution of binary black hole mergers in the galactic field scenario is in better agreement with that inferred from gravitational wave detections.

The two neutron star-black hole mergers (GW200105 and GW200115) observed in gravitational waves b... more The two neutron star-black hole mergers (GW200105 and GW200115) observed in gravitational waves by advanced LIGO and Virgo, mark the first ever discovery of such binaries in nature. We study these two neutron star-black hole systems through isolated binary evolution, using a grid of population synthesis models. Using both mass and spin observations (chirp mass, effective spin and remnant spin) of the binaries, we probe their different possible formation channels in different metallicity environments. Our models only support LIGO data when assuming the black hole is non spinning. Our results show a strong preference that GW200105 and GW200115 formed from stars with sub-solar metallicities $Z\lesssim 0.005$. Only two metal-rich ($Z=0.02$) models are in agreement with GW200115. We also find that chirp mass and remnant spins jointly aid in constraining the models, whilst the effective spin parameter does not add any further information. We also present the observable (i.e. post selection effects) median values of spin and mass distribution from all our models, which maybe used as a reference for future mergers. Further, we show that the remnant spin parameter distribution exhibits distinguishable features in different neutron star-black hole sub-populations. We find that non-spinning, first born black holes dominate significantly the merging neutron star-black hole population, ensuring electromagnetic counterparts to such mergers a rare affair.

This data set is used to produce Figure 16 of the COMPAS Paper (Team COMPAS et al. 2021). The fil... more This data set is used to produce Figure 16 of the COMPAS Paper (Team COMPAS et al. 2021). The file contains the output of 10,000,000 binaries evolved using COMPAS v02.21.00, using adaptive importance sampling (STROOPWAFEL) , sampling from a metallicity uniform in \(\log(Z) \in [10^{-4},0.03]\). More details can be found in the `Run_Details` group. *****************************<br> Contents<br> ***************************** COMPAS simulation output:<br> The hdf5 file Includes necessary information about the simulated binaries in the following groups:<br> <br> <strong>BSE_Double_Compact_Objects<br> BSE_Common_Envelopes<br> BSE_RLOF<br> BSE_Supernovae<br> BSE_System_Parameters<br> Run_</strong><strong>Details</strong><br> <br> We point the reader to the documentation at, for information and instructions regarding the contained data.<br> <strong>Rate Da...

We investigate the relationship between the global properties of star clusters and their double b... more We investigate the relationship between the global properties of star clusters and their double black hole (DBH) populations. We use the code NBODY6 to evolve a suite of star cluster models with an initial mass of O(104)M and varying initial parameters. We conclude that cluster metallicity plays the most significant role in determining the lifespan of a cluster, while the initial half-mass radius is dominant in setting the rate of BH exchange interactions in the central cluster regions. We find that the mass of interacting BHs, rather than how frequently their interactions with other BHs occur, is more crucial in the thermal expansion and eventual evaporation of the cluster. We formulate a novel approach to easily quantify the degree of BH-BH dynamical activity in each model. We report 12 in-cluster and three out-of-cluster (after ejection from the cluster) DBH mergers, of different types (inspiral, eccentric, hierarchical) across the ten N-body models presented. Our DBH merger effi...

We have implemented prescriptions for modelling pulsars in the rapid binary population synthesis ... more We have implemented prescriptions for modelling pulsars in the rapid binary population synthesis code COMPAS. We perform a detailed analysis of the double neutron star (DNS) population, accounting for radio survey selection effects. The surface magnetic field decay timescale (∼1000 Myr) and mass scale (∼0.02 M_) are the dominant uncertainties in our model. Mass accretion during common envelope evolution plays a non-trivial role in recycling pulsars. We find a best-fit model that is in broad agreement with the observed Galactic DNS population. Though the pulsar parameters (period and period derivative) are strongly biased by radio selection effects, the observed orbital parameters (orbital period and eccentricity) closely represent the intrinsic distributions. The number of radio observable DNSs in the Milky Way at present is about 2500 in our model, corresponding to approximately 10% of the predicted total number of DNSs in the galaxy. Using our model calibrated to the Galactic DNS ...

Supernova remnants (SNRs) have a variety of overall morphology as well as rich structures over a ... more Supernova remnants (SNRs) have a variety of overall morphology as well as rich structures over a wide range of scales. Quantitative study of these structures can potentially reveal fluctuations of density and magnetic field originating from the interaction with ambient medium and turbulence in the expanding ejecta. We have used 1.5GHz (L band) and 5GHz (C band) VLA data to estimate the angular power spectrum C_ℓ of the synchrotron emission fluctuations of the Kepler SNR. This is done using the novel, visibility based, Tapered Gridded Estimator of C_ℓ. We have found that, for ℓ = (1.9 - 6.9) × 10^4, the power spectrum is a broken power law with a break at ℓ = 3.3 × 10^4, and power law index of -2.84± 0.07 and -4.39± 0.04 before and after the break respectively. The slope -2.84 is consistent with 2D Kolmogorov turbulence and earlier measurements for the Tycho SNR. We interpret the break to be related to the shell thickness of the SNR (0.35 pc) which approximately matches ℓ = 3.3 × 10^...

The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2022
Compact Object Mergers: Population Astrophysics and Statistics (COMPAS; i... more Compact Object Mergers: Population Astrophysics and Statistics (COMPAS; is a public rapid binary population synthesis code. COMPAS generates populations of isolated stellar binaries under a set of parameterized assumptions in order to allow comparisons against observational data sets, such as those coming from gravitational-wave observations of merging compact remnants. It includes a number of tools for population processing in addition to the core binary evolution components. COMPAS is publicly available via the GitHub repository, and is designed to allow for flexible modifications as evolutionary models improve. This paper describes the methodology and implementation of COMPAS. It is a living document that will be updated as new features are added to COMPAS; the current document describes COMPAS v02.21.00.

The Astrophysical Journal, 2022
The LIGO/Virgo gravitational-wave observatories have detected at least 50 double black hole (BH) ... more The LIGO/Virgo gravitational-wave observatories have detected at least 50 double black hole (BH) coalescences. This sample is large enough to have allowed several recent studies to draw conclusions about the implied branching ratios between isolated binaries versus dense stellar clusters as the origin of double BHs. It has also led to the exciting suggestion that the population is highly likely to contain primordial BHs. Here we demonstrate that such conclusions cannot yet be robust because of the large current uncertainties in several key aspects of binary stellar evolution. These include the development and survival of a common envelope, the mass and angular-momentum loss during binary interactions, mixing in stellar interiors, pair-instability mass loss, and supernova outbursts. Using standard tools such as the rapid population synthesis codes StarTrack and COMPAS and the detailed stellar evolution code MESA, we examine as a case study the possible future evolution of Melnick 34,...

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021
Binaries comprised of a neutron star (NS) and a black hole (BH) have so far eluded observations a... more Binaries comprised of a neutron star (NS) and a black hole (BH) have so far eluded observations as pulsars and with gravitational waves (GWs). We model the formation and evolution of these NS+BH binaries – including pulsar evolution – using the binary population synthesis code COMPAS. We predict the presence of a total of 50–2000 binaries containing a pulsar and a BH (PSR+BHs) in the Galactic field. We find the population observable by the next generation of radio telescopes, represented by the SKA and MeerKAT, current (LIGO/Virgo) and future (LISA) GW detectors. We conclude that the SKA will observe 1–80 PSR+BHs, with 0–4 binaries containing millisecond pulsars. MeerKAT is expected to observe 0–40 PSR+BH systems. Future radio detections of NS+BHs will constrain uncertain binary evolution processes such as BH natal kicks. We show that systems in which the NS formed first (NSBH) can be distinguished from those where the BH formed first (BHNS) by their pulsar and binary properties. We...

Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 2020
Gravitational waves from coalescing neutron stars encode information about nuclear matter at extr... more Gravitational waves from coalescing neutron stars encode information about nuclear matter at extreme densities, inaccessible by laboratory experiments. The late inspiral is influenced by the presence of tides, which depend on the neutron star equation of state. Neutron star mergers are expected to often produce rapidly rotating remnant neutron stars that emit gravitational waves. These will provide clues to the extremely hot post-merger environment. This signature of nuclear matter in gravitational waves contains most information in the 2–4 kHz frequency band, which is outside of the most sensitive band of current detectors. We present the design concept and science case for a Neutron Star Extreme Matter Observatory (NEMO): a gravitational-wave interferometer optimised to study nuclear physics with merging neutron stars. The concept uses high-circulating laser power, quantum squeezing, and a detector topology specifically designed to achieve the high-frequency sensitivity necessary ...
Papers by debatri chattopadhyay