Essays and Papers by Prashant Bagad
Journal of Aesthetic Education, Vol. 53, No. 4, Winter, 2019
महाराष्ट्र टाइम्स, २ ऑक्टोबर २०१९ (Maharashtra Times, 2 October 2019)
लोकसत्ता, २९ सप्टेंबर २०१९ (Loksatta, 29 September 2019)
Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 2016
Like many other Platonic dialogues, the Ion is richly ambiguous. It may be read simultaneously as... more Like many other Platonic dialogues, the Ion is richly ambiguous. It may be read simultaneously as praise for poetry and as a scathing critique of it. However, I contend in this paper that it is neither entirely favourable nor entirely unfavourable to poetry. Rather, the Ion seems to propose, albeit obliquely and with a generous amount of Socratic irony, a new, un-rhapsodic, philosophical model for the interpretation and evaluation of poetry. This model of poetic interpretation is presented as an alternative to the model immanent in the well-established practice of rhapsody as presented or painted in the dialogue.

I propose in this paper an interpretation of Kant's fascinating notion of ''aesthetic ideas''. I ... more I propose in this paper an interpretation of Kant's fascinating notion of ''aesthetic ideas''. I contend that aesthetic ideas, in spite of Kant's way of expli-cating them in those terms, are not mirror images, sensible counterparts or translations of intellectual or rational ideas. Rather, they have independent life. They present what cannot be available by any other means and thereby make a poem (or an artwork in general) a unique, singular, insubstitutable individual. This reading of the notion can shed a different light on Kant's view that a poem should look like nature. If we focus on Kant's description of ''genius'' as a source of aesthetic ideas, this seemingly mysterious concept begins to make a nuanced sense: concepts of genius and aesthetic ideas are what I call ''medium-centric'' notions. To write a poem is to play upon the medium and discover aesthetic ideas; a poet who can achieve this is or has genius.
Journal of Contemporary Thought, 2014 (Winter), pp. 143-155
पद्मगंधा, दिवाळी २०१६ / Padmagandha, Diwali 2016, 2016
An interpretative essay on the theme of आदर्शाकाश in Bhalchandra Nemade's novel, 'Kosala' ('Cocoo... more An interpretative essay on the theme of आदर्शाकाश in Bhalchandra Nemade's novel, 'Kosala' ('Cocoon')
An interpretative essay on the theme of स्थळ/स्थल (lit. place) in Bhalchandra Nemade's novel, 'Ko... more An interpretative essay on the theme of स्थळ/स्थल (lit. place) in Bhalchandra Nemade's novel, 'Kosala' ('Cocoon')
Ago {d{dY gm{hË ¶àH$ma hmVmiV Ë ¶m § Zr 'mo OH$sM nU Añgc gm{hË ¶{Z{'© Vr Ho $cr. 'amR> r d B § J... more Ago {d{dY gm{hË ¶àH$ma hmVmiV Ë ¶m § Zr 'mo OH$sM nU Añgc gm{hË ¶{Z{'© Vr Ho $cr. 'amR> r d B § J« Or ¶m Xmo Ýhr ^mfo V Ë ¶m § Zr co IZ Ho $c § . ¶m gO© Zerc gm{hpË ¶H$mÀ ¶m gm{hË ¶H$V¥ © ËdmMm Ym § S> mo im Ko Umam co I. bmg gma § J 14 E{àb 2015 amo Or ho OJ gmo Sy > Z Jo bo . gma § J ho 1950 Z § VaÀ`m H$mbI § S> mVrb Aìdb A°ìhm± -JmS> © ^maVr` bo IH$m § À`m _m § {X`mirVbo Hw $emJ« à{V^o Mo EH$ bo IH$ hmo Vo . _amR> r d B § J« Or `m Xmo Z ^mfm § V Ë`m § Zr Anma § n[aH$ YmQ> UrÀ`m nU na § nao bm ZdrZ diU `m {~ZrÀ`m H$bmd § Vm § Zm d bo IH$m § Zm A°ìhm± -JmS> © åhQ> b § OmV § . åhUOo M g¡ Ý`mÀ`m n[a^mfo Vë`m `m eãXmbm dmL² > _`jo ÌmV EH$ ZdrZ n¡ by bm^Vmo . AmJi § do Ji § emo Yy -åhUy nmhUmè`m A°ìhm± -JmS> © bo IH$mbm àñWm{nV emo Ym § Mr d {dYmZm § Mr {M{H$Ëgm H$amdr bmJVo ; àg § Jr g~ § Y na § namM {Ii{Iir Pmbr nm{hOo , Agm AmJ« hhr Yamdm bmJVmo . `m AWu A°ìhm± -JmS> © {bImU {d
Short Fiction by Prashant Bagad
Essays and Papers by Prashant Bagad
Short Fiction by Prashant Bagad