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The Indian Retail Market is witnessing a revolution. The growth of internet has enabled the new retail format of the virtual retailer to emerge and forced the existing retailers to consider e-tailing model of retailing as well. A large... more
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      BusinessPsychologyComputer ScienceInformation Technology
Purpose: This study examines information processing during consumer decision making on online platforms as influenced by gender differences and psychological tendencies. Further exploration is ‘how much information is too much... more
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    • Psychology
According to the report of the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and GSM Association (GSMA), in India, there is a huge gender gap in mobile ownership. The report says (GSM Association) Forty two percent of women in India... more
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      PsychologyThe InternetMobile phoneAdvanced business & management research
The COVID-19 Pandemic, SARS-COV-2 virus-form transformations, and ensuing psychosocial stress stemming from environmental change and isolation, has led to the conjecture that there would be a surge in psychosis cases. Intuitively,... more
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      PsychologyPsychiatryMental HealthPublic Health
COVID-19 has recently caused an unprecedented change in the entire world. This paper aims to assess the impact of COVID-19 on the employees of the IT (Information Technology) sector and its related services by employing qualitative... more
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The Information Technology sector has become the backbone of the Indian economy, especially with the rise in digitalization, privatization, and globalization. Due to factors like rapid changes in technology, increase in competition,... more
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    • Medicine
The world has grown up to a significant changes with the emergence and development of social networking sites and India is no less active on these sites. Thus, my objective here is to study the impact of usage of social networking sites... more
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      AnthropologyMedia AnthropologySocial MediaSocial Media Its Impacts on Academic Performs of Students..
In the new growing balance relationship between India and Korea, the issue of cultural and historical connections of past would be brought back to strengthen the faith and understanding of each other as India and South Korea have both... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesAnthropologyIndian studies
In the context of India and South Korea, how media and society actively playing crucial role in the representation of women's ideal body image. Current beauty trends are strikingly resembled with westernized ideal body image. Media and... more
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      AnthropologyVisual AnthropologyMedia StudiesMedia Anthropology
Class Presentation on Work of Michel Foucault
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presentation on Masters Dissertation
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      AnthropologyMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesSocial Media
Analysis of Linguistic influence on Culture and Thought
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      Philosophy of MindLanguages and LinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyCognitive Linguistics
It's been a debatable question that language followed by thought and culture or the other way around. Famously quoted in celluloid, " Once you involve with new language you start dreaming in it " , surely this shows extreme view but fact... more
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      Philosophy of MindLinguistic AnthropologyCognitive LinguisticsLinguistics
The purpose of the study is to determine how family and marriage has effect on happiness among students of Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur. It is important to know the roles and extent of involvement of these social institutions... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyHappiness and Well BeingSocial Institutions
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      PsychologySocial SciencesResearch MethodologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
 Way of demonstrating that literature written in an imperialist framework does not subvert imperialism simply because it is written by women.
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      Gender StudiesLiteratureSocial and Cultural AnthropologyBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )
Research on broad occupational categories opted by gender has supported the enhancement in well-being to some extent, but it is unclear if benefits of involvement of occupation categories among gender present across all segments of the... more
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      Social PsychologyGender StudiesAnthropologyHappiness and Well Being
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      Evolutionary BiologyCultural StudiesBiologyGene-culture co-evolution