Indian Institute of Technology Indore
Electrical Engineering
This paper utilizes best first search (BFS) algorithm to determine the optimal placement of phasor measurement units (PMUs) for complete observability of a power system under normal operating conditions. The additional redundancy offered... more
Synchronized phasor measurements placement problem is commonly solved by formulating it as a mathematical optimization problem, which is limited by huge computational burden especially for larger systems. This paper proposes a novel... more
This paper utilizes best first search (BFS) algorithm to determine the optimal placement of phasor measurement units (PMUs) for complete observability of a power system under normal operating conditions. The additional redundancy offered... more
This paper proposes a human intuition-based concept of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) for Static Security Assessment (SSA) of power systems. Prior to security assessment, a composite Security Index (SI) defined in terms of line overload and... more
Virtual Synchronous Generators (VSG), as an effective mean to improve the frequency and voltage regulation ability of the renewable power, had aroused wide concern. Researchers have proposed several VSG implementations, which can be... more
DESCRIPTION Typically electronics has been defined in terms of three fundamental elements such as resistors, capacitors and inductors. These three elements are used to define the four fundamental circuit variables which are electric... more
- by Mangal Das
The idea of reducing the gate length of the metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) has been the leading stimulus for the growth of the integrated circuit industry. This chapter presents the current CMOS technology and... more
Farmed poplar could meet the human demand for transparent wood-based composites to replace glass, avoiding the consumption of natural forest resources. We removed the lignin of poplar using a potassium hydroxide (KOH) and deionized water... more
- by Mangal Das
Cel-Celem artykułu jest analiza samooceny jako jednego z narzędzi systemu kontroli zarządczej i jej praktyczne wykorzystanie w zarządzaniu JST. Metodologia badania-Przeprowadzono analizę samooceny zarówno z punku widzenia formalnych zasad... more
This paper presents an application of Empirical Wavelet Transform (EWT) to the power signals for estimation of Power quality Indices (PQIs). This technique first estimates the frequency components present in the distorted signal, computes... more
This paper proposes a new tunable-Q wavelet transform (TQWT) based feature extraction for classification of power quality (PQ) disturbances. The filters are designed to extract the fundamental frequency component from the complete... more
This paper proposes a generalized empirical wavelet transform (GEWT) for the recognition of single and combined power quality (PQ) disturbances. The FFT-based frequency estimation is adaptive, requires no prior information and is also... more
Generator is an important component of power system which plays a vital role in the whole system for security and stability. The conventional protection systems will not detect inter turn faults. Longitudinal differential protection... more
Regarding the modern power smart grid, distribution consumers and prosumers are highly concerned about power quality (PQ). In fact, they would prefer to pay higher prices for a reliable and good quality power supply. Unfortunately,... more
As the local energy sources are mostly uncertain and fluctuating in nature, the ‘energy risk’ due to discrepancies between committed energy transactions and metered measurements is prominent in peer to peer (P2P) markets. We propose a P2P... more
Power system deregulation and shortage of transmission capacities have led to an increase interest in distributed Generation (DG) sources. The optimal location of DGs in power systems is very important for obtaining their maximum... more
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Tracking of instantaneous power quality (PQ) indices is very essential for better characterization of the time-varying voltage and current signals. This paper presents the estimation of time-varying PQ indices for accurate interpretation... more