Papers by Dr. Debayan Dhar

International Journal of Technology and Design Education, Nov 22, 2020
Evaluating novelty in design education is subjective and generally depends on expert's referentia... more Evaluating novelty in design education is subjective and generally depends on expert's referential metrics. Presently, practitioners in this field perform subjective evaluation of answers of prospective students, but many a time, humans are prone to errors when associated with repetitive tasks on large-scale. Therefore, this paper attempts to automate the process of evaluating novelty by a proposed computational model. The present study explores design aptitude to evaluate novelty in solutions provided by students in an examination. Mixed-methods research is conducted based on structured questionnaire and analysis to investigate features of subjective evaluation of novelty practiced for evaluation in design education. The survey resulted in features that closely resemble human evaluation strategies for evaluating novelty from descriptive solutions. Further, a computational model is proposed, designed, and implemented that evaluates novelty. Scores are generated for each feature by unsupervised learning techniques, eventually calculating novelty score by a scoring function. This model suggests unambiguous scores to solutions, which might help in a consistent selection of students aspiring admission to design schools. This study attempts to reduce pain points of educational practitioners by offering a voluntary automated technique for subjective evaluation and optimize trustworthiness of students in examination process. In future, this model can be extended for evaluating any other domain of interest.
Smart innovation, systems and technologies, 2023
Applied Soft Computing, Feb 1, 2023

Smart innovation, systems and technologies, 2019
News plays a significant role in society by affecting people’s consciousness. In the current scen... more News plays a significant role in society by affecting people’s consciousness. In the current scenario, news is circulated in a way utilizing multiple media and through different channels of communication. The study reported in this paper is a case study approach undertaken to analyze existing formats of news communication, identifying their pain points and frustrations. Literature in communication media highlights different frameworks and strategies for effective communication but hardly talks about customized news based on user profiles. The current study analyzes different medium of news delivery, establishes a format for assessment and proposes an approach of news communication by designing contextual and content-based features specific to news content and its readers. The new concept proposed has been prototyped and tested with end users. The results of user testing are significant as it establishes a new approach to content generation and circulation.
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering
Design for Tomorrow—Volume 1, 2021
Design for Tomorrow—Volume 1, 2021
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2021
Design for Tomorrow—Volume 3, 2021
Design for Tomorrow—Volume 3, 2021

Design for Tomorrow—Volume 1, 2021
The Indian e-commerce industry is rapidly growing. One of the major contributing factors toward t... more The Indian e-commerce industry is rapidly growing. One of the major contributing factors toward the success of these companies is the quality of user experience their platforms provide. The study reported in this paper primarily focuses on India’s top B2C organizations and the role of definitive user experience elements in shaping the success of these organizations. A heuristic-based comparative study was conducted among the top e-commerce Web applications in order to identify unique features that contribute to a sumptuous user experience. The analytical study was backed up by user studies that report the expectation of the customers and their frustrations. The collective insights were then correlated to each platform’s market ranking and share with an objective to identify and analyze features, design cues and elements that contribute to their standing in the Indian market. In a nutshell, the qualitative study explores connections between market ranking, usability heuristics, and u...

International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 2020
Evaluating novelty in design education is subjective and generally depends on expert's referentia... more Evaluating novelty in design education is subjective and generally depends on expert's referential metrics. Presently, practitioners in this field perform subjective evaluation of answers of prospective students, but many a time, humans are prone to errors when associated with repetitive tasks on large-scale. Therefore, this paper attempts to automate the process of evaluating novelty by a proposed computational model. The present study explores design aptitude to evaluate novelty in solutions provided by students in an examination. Mixed-methods research is conducted based on structured questionnaire and analysis to investigate features of subjective evaluation of novelty practiced for evaluation in design education. The survey resulted in features that closely resemble human evaluation strategies for evaluating novelty from descriptive solutions. Further, a computational model is proposed, designed, and implemented that evaluates novelty. Scores are generated for each feature by unsupervised learning techniques, eventually calculating novelty score by a scoring function. This model suggests unambiguous scores to solutions, which might help in a consistent selection of students aspiring admission to design schools. This study attempts to reduce pain points of educational practitioners by offering a voluntary automated technique for subjective evaluation and optimize trustworthiness of students in examination process. In future, this model can be extended for evaluating any other domain of interest.

Design for Tomorrow—Volume 2, 2021
Design entrance exams are common nowadays for securing admission to design schools in India, be i... more Design entrance exams are common nowadays for securing admission to design schools in India, be it private or public institutes. Students are often examined during these competitive exams to test their creative aptitude. Over the years, format of design entrance exams in India has gone through innumerable changes. In some formats, objective questions are preferred, in some subjective tests are conducted, while few prefer a combination of both lack of a standardized format of testing creativity across design schools in India, unlike engineering and medical colleges, raises questions like (1) Do these design entrance tests really capture creativity to its fullest? (2) Do they conform to any standardized format of creativity testing? The study reported in this paper intends to investigate these questions by conducting a detailed comparative study of existing entrance exam formats of Design Schools of India. A detailed analytical approach by using affinity mapping and generating open codes was used to classify and categorize question formats of different Indian Design entrance exams. The open codes were then mapped with the extracted factors of the literature review with an objective to identify the factors confirming to creativity evaluation. The results highlight that existing entrance exam, while capturing major factors for creativity evaluation, lacks in capturing a few essential factors that provide greater insight into the creative instincts of an individual assessed. A model for standardization of creativity assessment has also been suggested based on the study results. This study would provide new light into the nature of design-based entrance examinations in India and might lead the way toward a standardized Design entrance exam in the future.

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2015
Now-a-days consumers are using different social media (e.g. Facebook, WhatsApp etc.) to share the... more Now-a-days consumers are using different social media (e.g. Facebook, WhatsApp etc.) to share the product quality information to take feedback about the product from their friends, family members, colleagues etc. The aim of this study was to found out the feasibility of implementation of different media features in e-retailing platform for taking feedback about the product to enhance the consumers’ experience of online purchase. With this intention, user survey was conducted using a standardized questionnaire which includes items about the users’ demographic information, likeliness to share product information for getting online feedback, probable acceptance of future online purchase system having new media features, willingness to use proposed online purchase system with new media features, priority to use specific media features for sharing product choice information through online. Results of the present study suggest that users would like to share product quality information with others through the proposed system which has product comparison screen share, personalized reviews and share and voice chat options in e-commerce app/ website. Therefore, these preferred media features may be integrated to create a better user experience in online purchase platform which in turn helps in quick product decisions during online purchase.

2012 IEEE International Conference on Engineering Education: Innovative Practices and Future Trends (AICERA), 2012
ABSTRACT Culture is a critical influential factor in online learning environments. In the present... more ABSTRACT Culture is a critical influential factor in online learning environments. In the present scenario a designer from a particular cultural background conceptualizes a globalized educational product to be delivered across geographical boundaries through the online medium. Design of such products is influenced by the designer's pre-suppositions about how he / she visualizes the reality and conceptualizes the system. Similarly the end users visualize the system according to their own pre-suppositions. In this paper, we discuss the role played by culture in the design of cross cultural educational products and how it influences the acceptance and usability of a globalized online learning environment. For this study 17 publications have been selected based on how various layers of cultural meta-models can be related to design morphology, to understand whether levels of culture affects learning systems in the same way in which it influences other online systems and to analyze whether subjective cultural issues should be preferred more by user interface designers over the objective cultural issues or its the vice-versa, while designing cross-cultural online learning systems. In this paper a framework has been prepared which relates layers of cultural meta-models to various design morphologies. The review indicates that learning systems are complex due to various levels of communication and group behaviors between the students and their tutors which are influenced by cultural dimensions. Hence the authors suggest that although objective culture should be considered but subjective culture should be given prime importance. The review is intended to help user interface designers understand cultural dimensions that affect various levels of the learning system and identify variables that can be used while designing a cross cultural online learning system.

Applied Ergonomics, 2010
A cross-sectional study using a modified Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire asked 867 New Zeala... more A cross-sectional study using a modified Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire asked 867 New Zealand veterinarians about the presence or absence of musculoskeletal discomfort (MSD). Participants were asked if MSD affected their normal activities and if it required any period(s) of absence from work. Additional questions enquired about work activities, psychosocial factors and workload. A binary logistic regression analysis was used to quantify the association between identified risk factors and the presence of MSD requiring absence from work in the previous 12 months, controlling for the presence of known confounders. The overall period prevalence of MSD was 96%, 67% had normal activities being affected and 18% of participants reported that they had been absent from work due to MSD. The lower back was the body site most commonly reported for MSD (73%). Factors increasing the odds of MSD requiring time off work for clinical veterinarians were 10 year increases in age (OR 1.26, 95% CI 1.05-1.52), work involving awkward grip and hand movements 100% of time (OR 12.91, 95% CI 3.46-4.21) and those who were dissatisfied with the level and difficulty of their work (OR 2.27, 95% CI 1.11-6.56). These findings have implications for health, lifestyle and retention rates for veterinarians.
Papers by Dr. Debayan Dhar
How does a designer then decide the various parameters of intelligent buildings that will make it satisfy its customers’ needs? How do capture the market trends? The user centered approach in designing such installations holds the answer to these questions. Understanding our users, their behavior, their lifestyle, and their cognitive (mental) processes will help us understanding their needs and thereby addressing their concerns through design intervention. This lecture will address the issues which guide the designers to optimize the parameters that influence the design process of smart and intelligent buildings.