Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Humanities & Social Sciences
This paper examines the role of non-government organisations (NGOs) and the implications for democratisation in India. By analysing one such organisation, this paper argues that NGOs do not always contribute positively to the... more
Globalisation has had far-reaching implications for the dynamics of liberal democracy and governance in India. With the opening of the Indian economy in the 1990s, global market forces and private sector organisations have played an... more
Despite the long history of democratic transition, democracy in India has not been successful in including the excluded. A majority of the marginal populations are still confined to the vernacular arena and are deprived of their... more
Hans Joas, a German sociologist and social theorist, is Permanent Fellow at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany and a Professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago, where he also... more
Developing a distinctive theoretical framework on civil society, this book examines how Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) contribute towards democratization in India and what conditions facilitate or inhibit their contribution. It... more
This book, a part of a six-year research project on electoral integrity, “is the first of a planned trilogy on the challenges of electoral integrity around the world, including why it matters, why electoral integrity fails and what can... more
Rethinking secularism is an attempt to understand the complex and dynamic relationships between the secular and the religious in contemporary world. The central questions in this book are: are these categories constant and fixed or are... more
David Mosse’s The Saint in the Banyan Tree is a product of more than three decades research in south India. The book examines Christianity’s encounter with caste society and the way it has negotiated with Tamil ‘culture’ for its... more
Anastasia Piliavsky’s Patronage as Politics in South Asia, which grew out of a colloquium held in 2011 at Kings College, Cambridge, investigates the nature and importance of patronage in the socio-historical context of South Asia.
How has neo-liberalism transformed the economic structure and policies of India? And what are the politico-economic implications of such policies for marginalised populations? Following Karl Polanyi’s theory of “double movement”, this... more
The business of matchmaking, performed in open-market matrimonial negotiations, has not just helped brides and grooms find their ‘perfect match’, ‘soulmate’, ‘right person’, ‘life partner’, ‘true happiness’, and so on, they have also... more
The book provides innovative empirical and theoretical insights on the relationship between secularism, religion and the state.
'Evangelising the Nation' is an attempt to understand the role of the colonial/postcolonial state and the evangelical church in shaping the Naga
nationalist political movement in northeast India.
nationalist political movement in northeast India.
This book studies the politics of Pentecostal conversion and anti-Christian violence in India. It asks: why has India been experiencing increasing incidents of anti-Christian violence since the 1990s? Why are the Bhil Adivasis... more
This entry discusses the transformation of caste in the Indian context. The entry starts with a discussion of the Indological and anthropological accounts of caste and then examines whether “caste” is essentially unique to Hinduism.... more
Joanne Waghorne's Diaspora of the Gods is an important contribution that seeks to explain the resurgence of religion in the social life ofpeople, especially the mushrooming of Hindu temples in this hyper-modem and globalised world.
This article discusses the neo-liberal economic reforms of 1991 and its consequences for Indian society.
Why has India remained economically underdeveloped and politically ungovernable? This chapter argues that it is not the form of regime, but the form and nature of governance that matters for the economic and human development of a... more