Papers by Oluwagbenga Orimoogunje

Springer climate, 2023
In the past few decades, mining has recently become important in the southwestern Nigeria. Existi... more In the past few decades, mining has recently become important in the southwestern Nigeria. Existing studies on the implications of mining activities in the region have mostly overlooked the capacity of activities around the sites to impact significant changes in the microclimate of neighbouring communities. The present study is thus an attempt to evaluate daytime changes in thermal conditions (in terms of air temperature and relative humidity, heat index and dew point temperature) and perceptions of 15 key respondents at the mining communities in Atakunmosa West Local Government in Osun State, Nigeria. Data were obtained at daytime (between 0900 and 1800 Nigerian Local Standard Time). Heat index and dew point temperature were computed for selected locations and the data were analyzed using geo-statistical and qualitative techniques. Results showed higher values of temperature and increased tendency for thermal stress at the mine sites than at locations far away from the site. Majority of residents (>60%) explained that heat-related illness (including dry skin, heat rash) has increased since the mining activities began in the area. The study concluded that temperature increase, and thermal and associated stress would be compounded in communities around the mine sites. Mine sites restoration, increased awareness on coping strategies to heat stress and inclusion of propensity for heat concerns in Environmental Impact Assessment for mining activities are therefore recommended.

International Journal of Digital Earth, 2008
People are now using geoinformation for many different purposes and consequently one can confiden... more People are now using geoinformation for many different purposes and consequently one can confidently say that the need for geospatial data infrastructure (GDI) cannot be overstated in sub-Saharan Africa. Geospatial information (GI) is essential to socioeconomic planning and development of sub-Sahara African countries. This paper therefore examines: GI during the last centuries in sub-Sahara Africa; recent paradigms in GDI in sub-Sahara Africa; the benefit of GDI to the African economy and the future of GDI in sub-Sahara Africa. This study discovered that most countries in sub-Saharan Africa did not have timely access to accurate geospatial data throughout the last centuries. This significantly hindered meaningful social and economic development. Development of GDI nonetheless, will enhance search and retrieval of geospatial data in Africa. This is one of the benefits that can be derived from implementing GDI in sub-Sahara Africa. Therefore, it is necessary to review cadastral survey laws and regulations so as to incorporate the use of recent geospatial equipment.
World geomorphological landscapes, 2023
Lagos notes and records, 2015
Nsukka Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, Sep 1, 2014

This paper focuses on ofo and its sub-types, the verbal art used in the Yoruba indigenous healthc... more This paper focuses on ofo and its sub-types, the verbal art used in the Yoruba indigenous healthcare system. The issue of the utilitarian nature of indigenous literature (orature), and art in general, is relevant to this work. In African Literature and art, the aesthetic function and other utilitarian functions are inseparable. The issue of art for art’s sake as in Western formalist and new criticisms, structuralism, etc. are not applicable (Ogundeji 1997 and 1998). By verbal art, we mean the various literary genres used in reflecting and expressing the belief, religion, worldview and values of the society. Specifically, the verbal art under study are the genres used among the Yoruba people to manage their physical, mental and social well-being in pre and post-colonial era. Therefore, it could be assumed by the Africans that the Western healthcare delivery system is regarded as complementary to the indigenous system of healing. The verbal arts discussed under study are ofo and...

Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 2003
This article will give an overview about the social context of Yoruba verbal arts connected with ... more This article will give an overview about the social context of Yoruba verbal arts connected with healthcare practices (see The "context" is described as a state or fact of being advantageous to the purpose to which a thing can be applied, and its manner of "using" or power of "using". Furthermore, it could be regarded as a phenomenon that describes how, when, where, to whom and by whom the verbal arts under question are rendered. Therefore, we shall attempt to discuss the social contexts the verbal arts are used in the Yoruba indigenous healthcare system. The social uses of folklore in healthcare are discussed at three distinct levels: domestic, communal and intercommunal levels. SOCIAL CONTEXTS OF YORUBA HEALTH-RELATED VERBAL ARTS The social contexts of verbal arts in the Yoruba indigenous healthcare delivery system explains where performances of the genres under study are found. This part of the study discusses who performs the verbal arts, and to whom the verbal arts are addressed. We endeavour to give a detailed account of how the verbal arts are utilised among the users. It is pertinent to note that there is no specific spot (venue) set aside for the rendition of the said genres when applied for healthcare practices. Various places that could be used for the performances are individuals' compounds, palaces, groves of divinities, markets, consulting rooms, health centres/hospitals, thick forests/savannah or any convenient public gatherings in a given community. The social contexts of the verbal arts in the Yoruba indigenous health management are discussed at three distinct levels-the domestic, communal and inter-communal.

Sustainability, 2019
Research on Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) dynamics, and an understanding of the drivers responsi... more Research on Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) dynamics, and an understanding of the drivers responsible for these changes, are very crucial for modelling future LULC changes and the formulation of sustainable and robust land-management strategies and policy decisions. This study adopted a mixed method consisting of remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS)-based analysis, focus-group discussions, key informant interviews, and semi-structured interviews covering 586 households to assess LULC dynamics and associated LULC change drivers across the Dedza district, a central region of Malawi. GIS-based analysis of remotely sensed data revealed that barren land and built-up areas extensively increased at the expense of agricultural and forest land between 1991 and 2015. Analysis of the household-survey results revealed that the perceptions of respondents tended to validate the observed patterns during the remotely sensed data-analysis phase of the research, with 57.3% (n = 586) ...

African Journal of Biotechnology, 2007
The scientific evidence on rainfall variability with its significant impacts on crop yield is now... more The scientific evidence on rainfall variability with its significant impacts on crop yield is now stronger than ever. It is even more so on maize that serves as staple food in most parts of Sub-Sahara Africa. Hence, this study aim at examines and map spatio-temporal impacts of rainfall variability on water availability for maize yield using Geographic Information System (GIS). Major regions where maize is highly produced in Nigeria were selected and rainfall data for 30 years (1970 to 2000) were used for the Geospatial analysis. GIS Interpolation and other geospatial Analysis techniques were carried out to map the impacts of rainfall variability on maize yield. The results of the analysis and the maps produced show that inter-annual rainfall variability brings about the differences in water availability consequently affect the rate of maize yield in Nigeria.

Interdisciplinary Environmental Review
Mining has recently (since 2000) become an important economic activity in southwestern Nigeria bu... more Mining has recently (since 2000) become an important economic activity in southwestern Nigeria but existing studies on their implications have mostly overlooked their capacity to impact the microclimate of neighbouring communities. This study is focused on the evaluation of daytime changes in thermal conditions using field (along N-S and WE directions) records of air temperature and relative humidity, computed values of heat index and dew point temperature as well as responses of 15 key informants among the residents of the mining community. Warmer air and greater values of heat index and dew point temperatures were obtained at the mine sites than at locations away from them. More than 60% of the respondents argued that heat-related illness (including dry skin and heat rash) has increased since the mining activities began in the area. The study concluded that increase in thermal stress, heat island and associated heat stress are evident in the study area and recommends restoration of mine sites and awareness on heat stress and improved infrastructure for coping strategies in mining communities.

Journal of Geography and Regional Planning, Nov 30, 2009
ABSTRACT This paper investigates how human activities have influenced and altered land cover. It ... more ABSTRACT This paper investigates how human activities have influenced and altered land cover. It also indicates that the nature of cultural substitution of the indigenous forest species have significance for the functioning of the earth system. It therefore attempts to quantify the ecological implication of land cover change consequent upon land use. The paper integrated a topographical map of 1969 and satellite imageries from Landsat MSS 1972, and Landsat TM 1991 and 2000 with ground truthing and socio-economic surveys to assess changes in forest resource use and land cover in south-western Nigeria. The study argues that land cover modification and conversion is directly related to loss of biodiversity and has negative effect on the ecological setting and that there is need to develop more environmentally and socially equitable approaches to forest management.

This study documents the extent of resource use and the level of degradation consequent upon land... more This study documents the extent of resource use and the level of degradation consequent upon land use with the aid of remote sensing and GIS technology. The study integrated a topographical map of 1969 and satellite imageries from Landsat MSS 1972, and Landsat TM 1991 and 2000 with ground truthing, fauna inventory and socio-economic surveys to assess changes in forest resource use and land cover in Oluwa Forest reserve, South-western Nigeria. The study area was demarcated on the map through gridding techniques which led to the selection of hundred quadrants were by adopting the table of random numbers. Digital image processing was carried out for satellite imageries. Land uses were identified and classified from the satellites imageries using ILWIS 3.4 software. Supervised classification was adopted and the maximum probability algorithm was used to classify the land covers in to the arable crop, tree crop, exotic tree plantation, dense forest and settlement/open space. Result shows...
Tropical Agriculture, 2010
This paper examines the extent of resource use and the level of degradation consequent upon land ... more This paper examines the extent of resource use and the level of degradation consequent upon land use. Three distinctive trends were observed in terms of forest and land cover dynamics. These are forest degradation, deforestation and regeneration. The paper integrated a topographical map of 1969 and satellite imageries from Landsat MSS 1972, and Landsat TM 1991 and 2000 with ground truthing and socio-economic surveys to assess changes in forest resource use and land cover in Southwestern Nigeria. Results from this study suggest that human induced conversions and modifications of land cover are directly related to loss of biodiversity and this will have negative impact on the ecological setting. The paper therefore stresses the need for conservation and sustainable management of forest resources.

This study measured the areal extent of wetland sites; analyzed the spatial pattern of the ecosys... more This study measured the areal extent of wetland sites; analyzed the spatial pattern of the ecosystem between 1986 and 2007 and identified the factors that are responsible for the changes in the size of wetlands in the study area. Topographical map of the study area was used as a guide to locate the wetland areas. A set of remotely sensed data (Landsat TM 1986, Landsat ETM+ 2001, Landsat ETM+ 2005 with 30m spatial resolution and SPOT-5, 2007 with 10m spatial resolution) were used to map and measure the areal extent and pattern of wetland areas. The images were enhanced, geo-referenced, re-sampled and classified using supervised classification method. Ten communities withinthe study area were randomly selected for the survey. Questionnaires were administered to the head of household residing around the wetland areas. Various human activities on and around the wetland areas were examined to be able to establish the factors that are responsible for the changing pattern of the ecosystem....

Tropical Plant Research, 2020
This study assessed the forest cover change and species distribution in Ago-Owu Forest Reserve, O... more This study assessed the forest cover change and species distribution in Ago-Owu Forest Reserve, Osun State, Southwestern Nigeria. Both primary and secondary data sources were used. The primary data source included the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) to take coordinates of the sampled plots of 10 m 10 m where enumeration and classification into families of woody trees were carried out. The secondary data were maps of the study area on a scale of 1:50,000. ArcGIS software version 10.1 was utilized. The results show that the undisturbed forest land in 1986 declined from 234.98 km 2 to 233.66 km 2 in 1996, to 220.76 km 2 in 2006 and decreased to about 194.86 km 2 in 2016. The disturbed land area was 53.29 km 2 in 1986 and decreased to 42.16 km 2 in 1996. The disturbed land area increased from 42.16 km 2 in 1996 to 44.69 km 2 in 2006 and receded to 14.23 km 2 in 2016. The built-up in 1986 increased from 17.16 km 2 to 29.62 km 2 in 1996 and further increased from (39.95 km 2) to 96.32 km 2 in 2016. The major woody trees species were Gmelina arborea and Tectona grandis. The result showed that natural and anthropogenic processes such as farming, demand for industrial soft wood and settlements expansions were responsible for the forest cover changes. The study concluded that conversion of natural forest into monoculture plantations should be discouraged while forestry laws and regulations should be enforced in order to reduce human activities that negatively impacted the forest reserves.

Scientific Reports, 2020
To investigate the optimal cultivation conditions for cassava cultivar (TMS98/0505) in Nigeria, w... more To investigate the optimal cultivation conditions for cassava cultivar (TMS98/0505) in Nigeria, we employed agro-ecological zoning to delineate the cultivated lands. Using GIS-based multi-criteria analysis, we researched the influence of some meteorological and soil parameters on the clone cultivation. From the multiple-parameter climato-edaphic zoning map, an average yield of 26 t ha−1 was estimated. The dry Rainforest and southern Guinea Savanna account for 80% of the favorable zones. However, with irrigation, the cultivar would yield optimally in the northern marginal zones. Further, the significant climatic parameters are sunshine hour (t = 3.292, α = 0.0064) and rainfall (t = 2.100, α = 0.0575). Thus, the potentials of a location for cassava cultivation in Nigeria largely depend on the soil conditions, sunshine hour, and rainfall. Generally, the cassava yield correlates strongly (+0.88) with the suitability map. Considering future climate variability based on the annual rainfal...

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2018
The moderate resolution imaging spectro-radiometer (MODIS, Terra and Aqua) and ozone monitoring i... more The moderate resolution imaging spectro-radiometer (MODIS, Terra and Aqua) and ozone monitoring instruments (OMI) were used to investigate the spatio-temporal variations of aerosols over Nigeria. The cloud aerosol lidar and Infared Pathfinder satelite observations (CALIPSO) were used for cloud aerosol classification in order to show aerosol concentration within the planetary boundary layer (PBL). 4 years data were selected so as to be able to observe seasonal variation on the aerosol loading and to identify the year(s) and month(s) that experienced highest aerosol plume. Aerosol optical depth (AOD) of 2.30 µg/m 3 occurred in March, 2012 at the shoreline of South-South, Nigeria while 1.25 µg/m 3 was recorded in June, 2011 in Plateau State, North-Central, Nigeria. Dominant aerosols found around the shore line of the country were rich in sulfate as it shows hygroscopic characteristics and exhibited seasonal variation for the 4 years experimented. It was observed that petroleum refinery operations and gas flaring significantly contributes to the major sources of sulfate aerosol which would likely increase aerosol optical depth over the region. Strong outbreak of dust experienced over Nigeria from 500 to 1500 m originated from the continental sources in the Saharan desert, Mediterranean sea and other biomass burning in the Niger Delta.
Papers by Oluwagbenga Orimoogunje