Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici
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È possibile una “spontaneità malata”? È possibile, ovvero, pensare la malattia come una dinamica in continuità con il procedere spontaneo e armonico della natura? Félix Ravaisson, nel corso della sua produzione, sviluppata lungo il XIX... more
Il dibattito sui temi dell’abitudine e della follia ha attraversato l’intero arco del pensiero filosofico e psicologico. Nonostante la loro apparente marginalità o appartenenza ad ambiti di discussione specifici e specialistici, abitudine... more
Che cos'è l'abitudine? E quali sono i suoi ambiti di applicazione? Quando, nel suo articolo De l'habitude del 1876, Léon Dumont offre una risposta a simili quesiti, è ben consapevole della portata innovativa delle sue soluzioni. Se... more
Nel 1887, William James, all’epoca professore di psicologia e filosofia alla Harvard University, pubblica sulla rivista “The Popular Science Monthly” un articolo interamente dedicato alle leggi dell’abitudine. Il tema dell’abitudine... more
The integration of the 'experimental method' into the field of psychology in nineteenth-century France was fostered by the work of Théodule Ribot and his attempt to found a scientific, non-metaphysical psychology. In this respect, the... more
The notion of «madness», at least as far as nineteenth-century French intellectual history is concerned, has been taken into consideration by different disciplines and perspectives. Placed at the intersection of medicine, psychiatry and... more
In his Cours de psychologie, held at the École Normale Supérieure of Paris in 1865-66, Jules Lachelier devotes a lesson to the problem of dreams and madness. The choice to include this topic in a psychology course might seem surprising.... more
The paper aims to retrace the genealogy of the notion of involuntary memory in nineteenth-century philosophy, by pointing out its relationship with the concept of habit. During the 1850s, some spiritualist thinkers (Joseph Tissot, Antoine... more
This essay focuses on the meaning that the term "experimental" acquires within spiritualism during the second half of the nineteenth century. It builds upon Paul Janet's notions of "experience" and "experimentation" in psychology , by... more
This paper analyses Félix Ravaisson’s conception of habit by relying not only on his renowned text De l’habitude (1838) – entirely devoted to this topic –, but also on his first work on Aristotle’s Metaphysics (1837). The aim is to... more
The relationship between Henry and William James has fascinated the majority of readers and scholars. Although differentiated by different attitudes towards life and society, the two brothers seem to share most of their theoretical views.... more
This article examines the concept of "madness" in Ravaisson's philosophy, especially in his Rapport sur la philosophie en France au XIX e siècle (1867). The aim of this analysis is to highlight the influence of mid-nineteenth century... more
Storie di scienza Convegno SISS di giovani studiose e studiosi di storia della scienza I edizione 15-16 Ottobre 2021 (online)