University of Miskolc
Faculty of Law
The civil partnership is not a new legal institution in Hungary, but the regulation of it is quite modern. The marriage is the traditional form of relationships, but nowadays people do not need the traditional alternatives while working... more
A tanulmány lényege az EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00011 azonosító számú, „Fiatalodó és megújuló Egyetem Innovatív Tudásváros, A Miskolci Egyetem intelligens szakosodást szolgáló intézményfejlesztése” elnevezésű projektben végzett egyéni... more
- by Edit Kriston
A gazdasági válság rámutatott arra, hogy az európai bankok problémája az, hogy a felügyelet nem figyelmeztette a bankokat az esetleges pénzügyi következményekkel, krízisekkel kapcsolatban. Az EU pénzügyi felügyeleti struktúrája két... more
Zelenc Szandra ME-ÁJK Jogász I. évfolyam
Zelenc Szandra ME-ÁJK II. évf. Jogász
A személyi szabadsághoz való jog az Alkotmánybíróság és az Emberi Jogok Európai Bíróságának gyakorlatában
We have studied invasion processes in two-strategy evolutionary games on a square lattice for imitation rule when the players interact with their nearest neighbors. Monte Carlo simulations are performed for systems where the pair... more
- by Mátyás Szabó
Starting from the genealogical and philosophical meaning of the notion of sovereignty, in this paper we study its evolution and legal-political foundation through different periods in history. The aim of the paper is to bring the audience... more
The world of the workers is changing. In Europe, the national social protection systems have been developed basically to protect the workers in standard employment. But, this protecting system based on the old dogmatic framework of the... more
The present article is to examine the similarities and differences in the methods for regulating product liability issues within very differing countries, owing different legal culture and located in distant geographical areas, namely... more
The ethical guidelines for the manufacturers of the autonomous vehicles have a great importance, because the behaviour of the car and its future critical decisions will not be determined by the users but by ones who had programmed it. As... more
In the present article, we analyse the regulation of the topic of abuse of rights in general in the field of civil law, and in particular the possibility and consequences of such abuse during the unilateral termination of contractual... more