Papers by Subbiah Arunachalam
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Section A, Physical Sciences, Mar 1, 1975

PubMed, Feb 12, 2000
Rich countries need education on resource conservation Editor-"Because rich countries remain the ... more Rich countries need education on resource conservation Editor-"Because rich countries remain the main source of new knowledge and new technologies, responsibility for finding paths to sustainability rests mainly with them." 1 Well said. Unfortunately, the rich countries, or at least the dominant sections in rich countries, have not yet learnt to view the world as a single whole. The world continues to be a space to be dominated. It used to be domination by conquering and colonising, now it is domination through unfair economic and trade agreements. National self interest takes precedence over global good. If corporations in the rich countries do things that exacerbate the divide between rich and poor and make sustainability increasingly difficult to attain, individuals in those countries add their bit by consuming scarce natural resources at an alarming rate. Development experts talk of the great importance of education in the poor countries. I think that educating the rich countries about the need to reduce consumption and conserve resources is equally, if not more, important. Without that it would be futile to expect the rich countries to find paths to sustainability.
Current Science, Aug 1, 2002
Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science, Jan 31, 2005
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 1, 2018
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Evaluating In... more Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Evaluating India's research performance in different fields View project Working on the status of energy research globally View project

Bulletin of The World Health Organization, Aug 1, 2009
Access to health research publications is an essential requirement in securing the chain of commu... more Access to health research publications is an essential requirement in securing the chain of communication from the researcher to the front-line health worker. As the diagram of the knowledge cycle from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research shows, health knowledge generated in the world's laboratories is passed down the information chain through publications, through its impact and application, its subsequent "translation" into appropriate contexts for different user communities, arriving finally with health workers and the general public. This article focuses on the first link in the chain, from research author to reader, and the free online access to peer-reviewed published articles that are the building blocks for future health innovation developments. Une traduction en français de ce résumé figure à la fin de l'article. Al final del artículo se facilita una traducción al español. املقالة. لهذه الكامل النص نهاية يف الخالصة لهذه العربية الرتجمة
PubMed, Apr 22, 2000
extract versus imipramine or placebo in patients with moderate depression: randomised multicentre... more extract versus imipramine or placebo in patients with moderate depression: randomised multicentre study of treatment for eight weeks [with commentary by K Linde and M Berner].
Sarukkai Krishnamachary Rangarajan, fondly called as SKR by students and friends, passed away on ... more Sarukkai Krishnamachary Rangarajan, fondly called as SKR by students and friends, passed away on 29 April 2008 at Bangalore, following a massive heart attack. To say that Rangarajan was an outstanding electrochemist is simply inadequate to describe the genius he was and the breadth of his polymathic talents and interests.
This brief communication argues about the criteria to be used in evaluating the trend of scientif... more This brief communication argues about the criteria to be used in evaluating the trend of scientific research, in India, and as presented by other authors on the subject
... Grâce à Internet, il est possible d'enregistrer, d'accéder, de chercher et ... more ... Grâce à Internet, il est possible d'enregistrer, d'accéder, de chercher et de trouver de l'information n'importe où dans le monde en un instant (Uhegbu 2000). ... Jensen, Mike 2002, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Africa A Status Report. ...
International Information & Library Review, Jun 1, 2003

Journal of Information Science, Apr 1, 1986
A scientometric analysis of papers published over a two-year period from the five ASEAN Countries... more A scientometric analysis of papers published over a two-year period from the five ASEAN Countries, viz. Indonesia (182), Malaysia (452), the Philippines (241), Singapore (258) and Thailand (447), and covered in Science Citation Index 1979 and 1980; and citations to them in the international literature of science as seen from SCI 1979-1983 reveals that despite the relative economic affluence, science in these countries is still on the periphery. Except in the Philippines, the thrust in these countries seems to be in medical research as is evident from the large number of papers published in medical journals. In the Philippines, medicine comes a close second to agriculture, which leads, largely thanks to the contributions of the Interna tional Rice Research Institute (IRRI). Prolific authors, and institutions and journals often used by ASEAN scientists, and the better-cited papers are identified, Most papers are pub lished in low-impact journals and are rarely cited.
Scientometrics, Nov 1, 1985
An analysis of 258 papers published from Singapore and covered in Science Citation lndex (SC1) 19... more An analysis of 258 papers published from Singapore and covered in Science Citation lndex (SC1) 1979 and 1980 indicates that (1) much of R&D in Singapore pertains to medical research, (2) almost all the papers are published in English language periodicals published from the western world, (3) nearly two-thirds of Singapore's publication output is accounted for by the University of Singapore, and (4) by and large papers from Singapore are rarely cited, even if many of them have appeared in journals having impact factor greater than one. It is with this background we wanted to examine how small countries fared in a word of big science. For example, in an earlier study, it was found that physics research in Isfael is an integral part of mainstream word physics, a *Author to whom correspondence may be addressed.
Current Science, Aug 1, 2002
... The already existing gulf in the levels of science and technology performed in the developed ... more ... The already existing gulf in the levels of science and technology performed in the developed and ... with like-minded societies to save scientists from being held to ransom by greedy private publishers. ... world as well as to let others know what they are doing, that information is key ...
Papers by Subbiah Arunachalam