Papers by Dr. Hari Krishna Behera

Media is a big part of people's everyday lives. It influences both how we see ourselves and t... more Media is a big part of people's everyday lives. It influences both how we see ourselves and the world to some extent. There are many different types of media, for example: television shows, movies, the radio, newspapers, advertisements which are placed in random places and the internet. In these different forms of media, there are images of men and women, which are represented in different ways and with different characteristics. Research has been made on a lot of movies and television shows and this thesis will be adding to this vast amount of research by analysing gender representation in the movies Sex and the City 1 and 2. By using discourse analysis, the results show different types of gender representation and whether the characters in Sex and the City challenge the patriarchal privilege. Assuming social constructivism, we believe that these images of gender representation in movies affect our perception of what a man or a woman is. Our results suggest that the characters do still follow the patriarchal privilege but some characters do on occasion challenge them. However the outcome is rarely successful.
KEY WORDS: INTRODUCTION: ndian society is male dominated society and Is tatus of women is seconda... more KEY WORDS: INTRODUCTION: ndian society is male dominated society and Is tatus of women is secondary, but from the Vedic age of the times of the Ramayana women were important in family as well as in the society. They h a d a l w a y s b e e n c o workers to men and were treated as the better half of t h e i r h u s b a n d s . T h e women was tightened in the hand of the grip of man from birth to death and the despotic grip of man further tightened day by day which developed several abuses related to w o m a n 's l i fe . D o w r y system, purda systems, child marriage, sati system, D e v d a s i s y s t e m a n d prostitution were the results of subjugated conditions of women. Women and Political Empowerment , Major Odia Dailies , Indian society .
Mass media today are omnipresent and omnipotent, if not omniscient, in the form of television, ra... more Mass media today are omnipresent and omnipotent, if not omniscient, in the form of television, radio, newspapers, magazines and the internet. No longer restricted to traditional means of delivery they are now accessible anywhere, at any time through portable computers and cellular phones. They are so much a part of modern life that their presence and influence are not always noticeable. The media now constitute a central and powerful force in societies across the world, and certainly in India. They are increasingly playing the roles once played by family, community, religion and formal education: not only disseminating information and knowledge, but also shaping values and norms, attitudes and behavior and influencing the very process of living.
Indira Behera-EMPOWERING PEOPLE, EMPOWERING NATION: THE ROLE OF RTI 3549 AMERICAN RESEARCH THOUGH... more Indira Behera-EMPOWERING PEOPLE, EMPOWERING NATION: THE ROLE OF RTI 3549 AMERICAN RESEARCH THOUGHTS-Volume 2 │ Issue 4 │ 2016 legislation and judiciary enforcing rule of law, held that the holders of public interest alone and therefore, the office is held by them is trust for the people. Any deviation from the path of rectitude by any of them amounts to breach of trust and must be severely dealt with instead of being pushed under the carpet. With this in mind, Public Affairs Centre established in 2006 the 24 months ‚Right to Information Empowerment
Papers by Dr. Hari Krishna Behera
Dr. Hari Krishna Behera,* Lohita Raulo** & Indira Behera***
To comply with ever-growing and dynamic world, educational institutes need to adapt to the increasing pace of transformation. Educational institutes are committed to bring reform and development through the means and tools of public relations (PR). Public relations is all about influencing and building trust and relationship with its stakeholders across various platforms in order to frame a public perception about an organization and PR plays a very decisive role in educational institution as they help in gaining an enhanced reputation and maintain an excellent relation with the community and society. Their main objective is to ultimately establish themselves as institutes with great repute through PR techniques like media relations and communications with their stakeholders. PR also helps engage an institute in CSR activities to achieve a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives of their nearby areas while at the same time addressing the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders. The study is based on six educational institutes including two universities and four technical institutes. This study investigates the role of educational institute in and around Berhampur through an approach that involves interviewing different PR professionals of the educational institutes and analyzing their PR and communication tools and strategies. The study also shows results that in spite of the efforts deployed by universities and institutes, there is still a room for improvements. Recommendations for the same are put forward.
Keywords:Public Relations, Educational Institutes, Customer Relations, BrandManagement, Society & Community, CSR, Development.
*Dr. Hari Krishna Behera, Assistant Proessor, Dept of Journalism & Mass Communication, Berhampur University, Odisha-760007 [email protected]
**Lohita Raulo, Research Scholar, Dept of Mass Communication & Journalism, Tezpur Central University, Assam
*** Indira Behera, Research Scholar, Dept of Journalism & Mass Communication, Central University of Orissa