Videos by Bharat Jhunjhunwala
The origins of the Jews before the Exodus has been shrouded in mystery. The consensus is that the... more The origins of the Jews before the Exodus has been shrouded in mystery. The consensus is that the modern humans evolved in Africa around 160,000 years ago. Professor Stephen Oppenheimer of Oxford University has provided some details of the migration of humans from Africa to Asia. He concurs that the modern humans evolved around 160,000 years ago in Africa. Then, he says, that around 70,000 years ago they moved around the Indian Ocean from Africa and the reached South Asia. The Biblical narrative of Abraham and Ramayana narrative of Rama are parallel. The differences ar... more The Biblical narrative of Abraham and Ramayana narrative of Rama are parallel. The differences arise mainly because the Bible is silent on events narrated in the Bible. The small numbers of differences are superficial and do not destabilize either narrative if interchanged. 8 views
Living traditions at six places hold that Adam lived there, at two places hold that Abraham lived... more Living traditions at six places hold that Adam lived there, at two places hold that Abraham lived there and at six places hold that Sita lived there. We have to look at geographical, archaeological, etymological and other evidences to determine which of these traditions may be genuine. 1 views
Geological scientists tell that at some point the Yamuna descended from the Himalayas and flowed ... more Geological scientists tell that at some point the Yamuna descended from the Himalayas and flowed west through the present Ghaggar river and fall in the Rann of Kutch. After this some changes took place and it started flowing east instead of west. Therefore, the Indus Valley Civilization should be known as either the “Sindhu-Yamuna” Civilization or as “Sindhu-Sarayu” Civilization but it cannot be known as a “Sindhu-Sarasvati” Civilization because the Sarasvati River was not flowing through the Ghaggar at that time. 1 views
God wanted Adam to eat of the Tree of Knowledge. He placed the Tree in the middle of the Garden; ... more God wanted Adam to eat of the Tree of Knowledge. He placed the Tree in the middle of the Garden; then he gave a “negative suggestion” to prompt him to eat of the Tree; and lastly incited his unconscious in the form of the serpent. The Vayu Purana likewise says that people ate of the “wish-fulfilling” tree. 1 views
All Universe including mountains and earth has consciousness. This consciousness of the constitue... more All Universe including mountains and earth has consciousness. This consciousness of the constituent parts fuses to make a Universal Consciousness which told of Allah in the Quran. Allah is within us and permeates and encompasses the entire Universe. Al-Noor 24:35 and Sura Al-Ikhlas are consistent with this understanding of Allah. 3 views
The exclusion of Muslims from CAA is based on a misunderstanding that they are unwilling to inter... more The exclusion of Muslims from CAA is based on a misunderstanding that they are unwilling to interpret the Quran to promote harmony between religions as specified in Article 51A.e of the Constitution of India. 3 views
Papers by Bharat Jhunjhunwala

Journal of World Religions and Interfaith Harmony, 2024
The article provides a comparative study of the Holy Quran and Hindu texts to highlight both thei... more The article provides a comparative study of the Holy Quran and Hindu texts to highlight both their concordances and differences. Notable similarities include: the portrayal of the universe as initially unified before becoming separated; the omnipresence of Allah or Brahman in all existence; the concepts of rewards and punishments in the afterlife; the notion of a timeless beginning; and the view of the material world as a purposeful journey towards Allah/Brahman. The numerous angels in Islam can be compared to the 33 types of Devtas in Hinduism, with both traditions affirming that these celestial beings do not consume food or drink. Both traditions acknowledge the existence of malevolent entities that challenge divine authority and disrupt human life. Both traditions also attribute specific functions to certain angels or devtas. However, Hinduism describes the separation of cosmic entities Purusha and Viraj as an inherent, self-initiated process rather than the action of an external force.
The Islamic concept tells of permanence of Jannat (Heaven) versus the Hindu concept telling of temporariness of Swarga (Heaven). However, if we consider the term “unless your Lord may will otherwise” in Al-Qur’an (11:106-108), then the common understanding becomes that the souls go to heaven (or hell) until their time is exhausted as decided by Allah. Additionally, unlike Islam, where Satan i.e. Iblees is a singular figure, Hinduism encompasses Rakshasas as a broader category of malevolent spirits.
The study concludes that a deeper exploration of the similarities between these religious traditions is crucial.
Indian journal of agricultural economics, 1972

International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science, May 11, 2023
The conventional view is that God had prohibited Adam from eating of the Tree of Eternity. Howeve... more The conventional view is that God had prohibited Adam from eating of the Tree of Eternity. However, he forgot the promise and, prodded by the Satan, he ate. He thus fell and then repented his wrongdoing. In this view, Ayat 20:115: "And We had already taken a promise from Adam before, but he forgot; and We found not in him determination," draws attention of Prophet Mohammad to the wrongdoing of eating of the Tree mentioned in 7:22 and 20:121. This view leaves unexplained why would God, being beneficent and merciful, prohibit Adam from eating of the Tree of Eternity. We provide an alternative exegesis to resolve this issue. We suggest that the earlier promise mentioned in 20:115 was that of eating of the Tree. However, Adam forgot and did not eat of it. Then, God gave him a "negative order" to prompt him to eat of it. Adam still did not eat. Then, Satan assured Eve that God actually wanted them to eat of the Tree. Thereupon Adam and Eve ate of it and their wrongdoing of not eating of the Tree earlier became apparent to them. They repented for their mistake of not-eating of the Tree and God chose Adam and guided him. Both alternatives are fraught with difficulties. The conventional alternative does not explain why Merciful God would prohibit eating of the Tree of Eternity. Our alternative is challenged by interpreting the words of God as a "negative order." There is a need to consider both alternatives dispassionately.
International journal of religion, Nov 30, 2023
We compare the descriptions of the Garden of Eden in Genesis 1-3 with the geographical, archaeolo... more We compare the descriptions of the Garden of Eden in Genesis 1-3 with the geographical, archaeological and etymological evidences and textual parallels from Lake Van in Turkey, Qurnah in Iraq, and Pushkar in India. We develop a method of simultaneously considering the information from above four parameters to arrive at an overall level of parallel with the Biblical descriptions. We find that the descriptions find 15 percent parallels with Lake Van, 53 percent parallels with Qurnah and 72 percent parallels with Pushkar. This leads us to suggest that a strong case exists for the location of the Garden at Pushkar in India. In particular, we find four rivers coming out of Pushkar as described in the Bible. The historicity of the Bible would be strengthened if the suggestion is found acceptable by the scholars.

Journal of ArchaeologicalStudies in India
The first five books of the Bible give the narratives of Five Persons namely, Adam, Cain, Noah, A... more The first five books of the Bible give the narratives of Five Persons namely, Adam, Cain, Noah, Abraham and Moses. It is believed that these Five Persons lived in West Asia. The preferred locations are Lake Van in Turkey for Adam; no specific location for Cain; Mesopotamia for Noah; Mesopotamia and Palestine for Abraham; and Egypt for Moses. The Bible says that Moses led the Hebrews from a place named Mitsrayim-identified with Egypt-to the Promised Land of Yisrael. However, geographical details and the archaeological evidence available at these sites often does not match with the descriptions given in the Bible. We explore whether these Five Persons may have lived in the Indus Valley and Moses may have led the Exodus from here to Yisrael. Further, we find remarkable parallels between the Biblical narratives of the Five Persons and the narratives of particular Five Persons in the Hindu texts, namely, Swayambhu Manu, Indra, Vaivaswat Manu, Rama and Krishna. It is believed that these Five Persons lived in larger Indian Subcontinent. The preferred locations are Mount Kailash for Swayambhu Manu; no specific location for Indra; Gujarat-Rajasthan for Vaivaswat Manu; and the Ganges Basin from Rama and Krishna. However, geographical details and the archaeological evidence available at these sites often does not match with the descriptions given in the Hindu texts. We explore whether these Five Persons may have lived in the Indus Valley and Krishna may have led the Yadavas from there to Yisrael. Lastly, a question for further study is posed: If the geographical descriptions of the Five Persons in the two traditions coalesce in the Indus Valley and their narratives are parallel, might it be that the Five Persons described in the Bible were the same Five Persons described in the Hindu texts.
We compare the descriptions of the Garden of Eden in Genesis 1-3 with the geographical, archaeolo... more We compare the descriptions of the Garden of Eden in Genesis 1-3 with the geographical, archaeological and etymological evidences and textual parallels from Lake Van in Turkey, Qurnah in Iraq, and Pushkar in India. We develop a method of simultaneously considering the information from above four parameters to arrive at an overall level of parallel with the Biblical descriptions. We find that the descriptions find 15 percent parallels with Lake Van, 53 percent parallels with Qurnah and 72 percent parallels with Pushkar. This leads us to suggest that a strong case exists for the location of the Garden at Pushkar in India. In particular, we find four rivers coming out of Pushkar as described in the Bible. The historicity of the Bible would be strengthened if the suggestion is found acceptable by the scholars.
A Treasure House of History,Culture and Archaeological Studies
The Indian civilization has had an unparalleled record of material prosperity along with spiritua... more The Indian civilization has had an unparalleled record of material prosperity along with spiritual excellence. Whole towns were made of burnt bricks in the Indus civilization at a time when only the palaces were made with stone in the Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations. Alexander of Macedon found a prosperous civilization that matched his prowess when he reached India. He retreated from Punjab. Traders from the Mauryan Empire are said by Pliny to have been the cause of the downfall of the Roman Empire. The Gupta Empire prospered in India when the Hellenic civilization was going through its ‘Dark Ages’. At this same time, India excelled spiritually. e Vedas and Upanishads and the Puranas and epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata were composed in this same period.
Central India Journal of Historical And Archaeological Research,
The southward travel of Rama from Panchvati at Nashik to Lanka at Sri
Lanka matches with the geog... more The southward travel of Rama from Panchvati at Nashik to Lanka at Sri
Lanka matches with the geographical descriptions given in the Ramayana and is
also supported by deep living traditions. We provide and alternative hypothesis
that Rama may have travelled northwestward from Nashik to Lanka at Dholavira.

International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science
The conventional view is that God had prohibited Adam from eating of the Tree of Eternity. Howeve... more The conventional view is that God had prohibited Adam from eating of the Tree of Eternity. However, he forgot the promise and, prodded by the Satan, he ate. He thus fell and then repented his wrongdoing. In this view, Ayat 20:115: "And We had already taken a promise from Adam before, but he forgot; and We found not in him determination," draws attention of Prophet Mohammad to the wrongdoing of eating of the Tree mentioned in 7:22 and 20:121. This view leaves unexplained why would God, being beneficent and merciful, prohibit Adam from eating of the Tree of Eternity. We provide an alternative exegesis to resolve this issue. We suggest that the earlier promise mentioned in 20:115 was that of eating of the Tree. However, Adam forgot and did not eat of it. Then, God gave him a "negative order" to prompt him to eat of it. Adam still did not eat. Then, Satan assured Eve that God actually wanted them to eat of the Tree. Thereupon Adam and Eve ate of it and their wrongdoing of not eating of the Tree earlier became apparent to them. They repented for their mistake of not-eating of the Tree and God chose Adam and guided him. Both alternatives are fraught with difficulties. The conventional alternative does not explain why Merciful God would prohibit eating of the Tree of Eternity. Our alternative is challenged by interpreting the words of God as a "negative order." There is a need to consider both alternatives dispassionately.

Concordance Between Quranic Narrative of Adam and Hindu Narrative of Swayambhuva Manu
Adam was the first Prophet in Islamic tradition while Swayambhuva Manu was the progenitor of the ... more Adam was the first Prophet in Islamic tradition while Swayambhuva Manu was the progenitor of the human race in the Hindu tradition. We trace the parallels between the Islamic narrative of Adam and the Hindu narrative of Swayambhuva Manu on four narrations. (1) Beginnings in a situation of a primitive stupor; (2) The negative qualities of black mud or darkness were introduced to break the primitive stupor; (3) The beginning of marriage took place at their time; and (4) Adam was a Prophet while Swayambhuva was venerated as the first progenitor of humankind. These parallel narrations suggest that they may have been the same person sometime in the distant past and their details are available to us differently due to the modifications during the long time of transmission. Their life narratives concord with each other. This concordance means that the underlying theological concepts in their lives may also be parallel. We find that the theological concepts relating to these two persons in the two religions are non-contradictory also largely concord with each other though certain silences make them appear to be different. This concordance in the narratives and theological concepts can help develop a understanding between the two religions
Videos by Bharat Jhunjhunwala
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My article to this effect is published in the Journal of Indo-Judaic Studies which you can see here-
#mayavaad #brahman #upanishads
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My article to this effect is published in the Journal of Indo-Judaic Studies which you can see here-
Papers by Bharat Jhunjhunwala
The Islamic concept tells of permanence of Jannat (Heaven) versus the Hindu concept telling of temporariness of Swarga (Heaven). However, if we consider the term “unless your Lord may will otherwise” in Al-Qur’an (11:106-108), then the common understanding becomes that the souls go to heaven (or hell) until their time is exhausted as decided by Allah. Additionally, unlike Islam, where Satan i.e. Iblees is a singular figure, Hinduism encompasses Rakshasas as a broader category of malevolent spirits.
The study concludes that a deeper exploration of the similarities between these religious traditions is crucial.
Lanka matches with the geographical descriptions given in the Ramayana and is
also supported by deep living traditions. We provide and alternative hypothesis
that Rama may have travelled northwestward from Nashik to Lanka at Dholavira.
Read Story-
My article to this effect is published in the Journal of Indo-Judaic Studies which you can see here-
#mayavaad #brahman #upanishads
Podcast -
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Hindi Video-
My article to this effect is published in the Journal of Indo-Judaic Studies which you can see here-
The Islamic concept tells of permanence of Jannat (Heaven) versus the Hindu concept telling of temporariness of Swarga (Heaven). However, if we consider the term “unless your Lord may will otherwise” in Al-Qur’an (11:106-108), then the common understanding becomes that the souls go to heaven (or hell) until their time is exhausted as decided by Allah. Additionally, unlike Islam, where Satan i.e. Iblees is a singular figure, Hinduism encompasses Rakshasas as a broader category of malevolent spirits.
The study concludes that a deeper exploration of the similarities between these religious traditions is crucial.
Lanka matches with the geographical descriptions given in the Ramayana and is
also supported by deep living traditions. We provide and alternative hypothesis
that Rama may have travelled northwestward from Nashik to Lanka at Dholavira.
snakes displayed in the Caduceus. The snake has been used as a symbolof healing over the last four millennia. The Caduceus with two snakesintertwining on a staff is used today by a number of medical practitionersand associations as their symbol. However, no credible
explanation of theuse of this symbol is forthcoming.We aim to provide an explanation for the use of this symbol relying onHindu psychology.
Our study design was to read the Western- and Hindu anatomical-,physiological- and psychological understandings of the spinal cord andganglia side by side and lay out the similarities and differences.
Then weexamine how the understandings of the two systems concord
with each otherand to extract a possible understanding of the Caduceus from thecommon understanding.
We find that the physical dimension of the two ganglia of the Western
system concord with two
of the Hindu system. The Western
systemconsiders the spinal cord to be a tube which concords with the
sparse mentionof the spinal cord in the Hindu system. Western system
sparsely mentions thepsychic dimension of the two ganglia and the
spinal cord while the Hindusystem mentions the same prominently as the three
Thus, while both thesystems recognize the existence
of the three pathways, the Western system isfocused on the physical
dimension while the Hindu system is focused on thepsychic dimension.
It holds that the cleaning of these pathways leads togood health.
The Hindu system visualizes the psychic dimension of the three pathwaystogether as a snake. Especially, it considers two nadis on the side to criss-cross and intertwine around the central nadi which
concords with theCaduceus. The recognition of the psychic dimension
of the three pathways asdepicted in the Hindu system can provide a
psychic method of treatmentof various diseases.
We conclude that the Caduceus is correctly used as a symbol of
healingor good health. The snake symbolizes the psychic dimension of
the threepathways of the spinal cord and ganglion. Recognition of
the psychicdimension and its symbolism embedded in the snake can
provide a newmeaning to the Caduceus and also a new line of treatment.
the creation of Adam from “dust” was the beginning of “spiritual mortality.”
However, Adam transgressed and did not follow spiritual morality. We rely on the far
eastern narrative of creation and propose that “dust” m
may refer to the implanting of
negative qualities by God to break the primitive bliss and take the first steps to “draw all people to myself” (John 12:32).
The conventional understanding is that God prohibited Adam and Eve from eating the Tree of Knowledge. We note that God had placed the Tree in the middle of the Garden. We suggest that God did this so that Adam would see and partake of it. Also, Adam had not eaten of the Tree till the alleged prohibition was pronounced. There was no occasion to prohibit him from doing what he was not doing anyway. We propose that God wanted them to eat of the Tree. Their error was in making a delay in eating it and then of trying to devour the Tree. The conventional understanding is that the speaking serpent is correlated with near eastern-depiction of serpents as adversaries. The role of the serpent, however, was also positive since it led Adam and Eve to eat the Tree and to the opening of their eyes. We propose that the serpent was the Far Eastern symbolism of the unconscious impulses
emanating from one’s spinal cord.
We find that these interpretations make the Biblical narrative sync with science and also give it a positive ambiance. These interpretations are consistent with the majesty of Jesus Christ in helping establish a conscious connection between man and God. The process by which these far eastern narratives may have entered the Bible requires further investigations
according to modern psychology. The collective consciousness of individuals having their consciousness at the Vishuddhi, Manipur, and Anahata chakras is known as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. These concord with the collective consciousness of individuals who have evolved to the needs of cognition, belonging, and esteem according to Abraham Maslow. The devatas can descend into a living person who is then called an avatara. This concords with the descent of the libido into the unconscious as said by Carl G. Jung. Inconclusion, Hindu Brahman is modern God. Hindu devatas are modern gods. Hinduavataras are modern individuals from whom the gods have descended. In this way we can make Hindu cosmology understandable to the modern mind and vice versa
understanding is that Allah is “outside” the universe; the“inside” understanding is consistent with the Qur’ān as well
as the writings of Carl Gustav Jung, Emile Durkheim, Abraham Maslow, and Philip Goff can explain the concept and the writ of Allah to the modern mind. We hypothesize that Allah is the name given to the consciousness of every particle in the universe fused into one and called Universal Consciousness. The consciousness is not prior- or after matter but exists in parallel. There is a 2- way give-and-take between Allah and the Universe. The believers have a more direct communication with Allah. Allah rules upon the universe and, at the same time, Allah is constituted of the Collective Consciousness of the same universe. This approach can be the foundation on which we can build a concordance between the understand
ings of Qur’ā
nic Allah and modern science, thus explain the majesty of Allah to the science-oriented modern mind including the atheists without diluting the
spiritual content of the Holy Qur’ān.