Institute for the History of Religions, Religion and Modernity, Principal Investigator, PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2309
My educational background, spanning environments as diverse as the Romanian, Italian, American and British ones, has provided me with the opportunity to experience and assimilate the benefits and downsides of various approaches to the methodology of research and teaching: for example, in Romania, quantitative methods (in both humanistic and the social sciences) took center stage; Italians employ comparative historical and philological methods as the best approach; lastly, in the Anglo-American context, I found an interesting mixture between the quantitative and comparative approach. The latter is arguably the environment most conducive to the best of results in both the teaching and research of early modern history - e.g. geographic history, history of early modern and Renaissance maps of Asia, international relations between Russia and China – which is fundamentally interdisciplinary in nature. Through my in-depth experience of such diversity of academic contexts, I have come to appreciate that interdisciplinarity yields the best results only when combined with the strictest rigor, and this is a principle that has guided my academic career ever since. Furthermore, through participating in conferences and other academic events in these environments, and through extensive interactions with scholars with equally various backgrounds, I learned to tailor the findings of my research to the needs of my audience.
Supervisors: Nicola Di Cosmo, Institute for Advanced Study, and Princeton
Supervisors: Nicola Di Cosmo, Institute for Advanced Study, and Princeton
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Papers by Daniela DUMBRAVA
Keywords: Ugo Bianchi; Ioan Petru Culianu; Mircea Eliade; historiography; Gnosticism; Himmelsreise der Seele
Keywords: Ugo Bianchi; Ioan Petru Culianu; Mircea Eliade; historiography; Gnosticism; Himmelsreise der Seele
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In-cognita: Ioan Petru Culianu’s Approaches to Religion
Ioan Petru Culianu’s scientific work unfortunately remained unfinished. His major contributions to the fields of Renaissance studies, ecstatic experiences, and Gnosticism, as well as to the historiography of the history of religions, delineate an itinerary from historical hermeneutics to a radical epistemological shift illustrated by his last books, and especially by the periodical he founded and directed: Incognita: International Journal for Cognitive Studies in the Humanities (1990–1991). Thirty years after his tragic death, this collective volume is meant to address Culianu’s intellectual legacy from different methodological perspectives. A thorough analysis of his various investigations in the history of religions is presented alongside a critical evaluation of his final cognitivist theory of religion as a system. Exploring Ioan Petru Culianu’s stimulating and innovative work is thus one way to honour his brilliant mind and his passionate quest for meaning.
Daniela Dumbravă, Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban, Introduction [OPEN ACCESS]
Giulia Sfameni Gasparro, Ricordo di Ioan Petru Culianu: tra Milano e Messina
Major Themes in the History of Religions
Moshe Idel, Ioan P. Coulianu, the American Phase, and “Ars combinatoria”
Giovanni Casadio, Ermeneutica del dualismo e logica binaria: Ioan Petru Culianu da Mircea Eliade e Ugo Bianchi a Raimondo Lullo
Maria Vittoria Cerutti, Il dualismo religioso, tra (e dopo) U. Bianchi e I. P. Culianu
Renaissance: Magic and Epistemology
Dana Jalobeanu, Emblems as Epistemic Tools and Heuristic Devices: Bruno, Bacon and Culianu. An Exercise on Perspectival Contextualism
Arianna Migliorini, L’acrobata dell’immaginario. Note sull’esegesi bruniana din Culianu
Pietro Daniel Omodeo, Sascha Freyberg, “Vinculum Amoris”: Renaissance Magic, Propaganda and Populist Reason from Culianu to Laclau
Juggling Notions of “Religion”: Ioan Petru Culianu’s Mind Games
Edward Kanterian, On the Use and Misuse of Science in the Humanities: The Case of Culianu’s Morphodynamics
Gregory Spinner, Configurations. Studying Divination with Ioan Culianu
Roberta Moretti, The Serious Play of Knowledge in Ioan P. Culianu.“Beyond the Combinatory Logic”
Laura Teodora David, Dorin David, Culianu’s Model and the Physics of Religion
ISBN: 978-606-8266-05-3 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-606-8266-06-0 (electronic)
[section connected with the grant PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2309, Uefiscdi, Romania]
Coordinators of the session: Dr. Daniela Dumbravă and Dr. Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban (Institute for the History of Religions, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania)
ISSN (online) 2601-7415
Indexed in ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, DOAJ databases.
Keywords: theological language, religious discourse, religions, Name of God, phenomenology, Castelli Colloquia, André Scrima.