Papers by Svetlana Kuptsova

Dual-task studies with traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients simultaneously performing motor and ... more Dual-task studies with traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients simultaneously performing motor and cognitive tasks, showed impairment in the performance one or both tasks while in everyday life healthy subjects could perform dual-tasks simultaneously. Brain mechanisms that might be responsible for alteration of dual-task processing in TBI patients remain unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate EEG features of cognitive and motor tasks performance isolated and simultaneously at TBI patients in comparison with healthy subjects. Seventeen TBI patients (26 ± 3.5) and 37 healthy persons (25.6 ± 2.3) participated in studies. Participants performed cognitive (C1 – calculation, C2 – auditory-verbal, C3 – mental visual-spatial) and two motor (static and dynamic postural) tasks on force platform isolated and simultaneously. Data analysis based on outcome estimated by psychological, EEG and stabilographic parameters. In healthy volunteers successfulness of dual-tasks performance correl...

International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2018
Introduction: It has been reported that a feeling of strangeness reflects that something is not r... more Introduction: It has been reported that a feeling of strangeness reflects that something is not right and could be related to an inconsistency between stimuli (Kawabata, 2006). This feeling causes stimuli to be observed and analyzed in more detail (Uchino et al., 2005). In this study, we investigated the cognitive processing of a strange feeling in a familiar face matching task by using eventrelated potentials (N2, P300 and N400). Method: University students (N = 20, 10 women and 10 men, mean age 21.7 ± 0.79 years) participated in this study. Participants judged and indicated whether two face pictures matched or not (S1 and S2) by a pressing a key. We measured the number of correct responses, reaction times (RTs) and the EEG during this task. The S2 pictures were classified by the degree of inconsistency and the feeling of strangeness, which were significantly and positively correlated (r = .99). Five conditions were tested; Match condition (S2 is consistent with S1), Mismatch-1 (mismatch-rate between S1 and S2 is 14.3 ± 4.9 %), Mismatch-2 (40.0 ± 6.5 %), Mismatch-3 (59.3 ± 11.0 %), and Mismatch-4 (82.9 ± 8.0%). S2 pictures were presented in a pseudorandom order. Result: Results indicated that the correct response rate increased in the larger mismatch-rate conditions. RTs in Mismatch-2 condition was slower than in Match, Mismatch-1, 3 and 4 conditions. Moreover, the correct response rates and RTs increased in Mismatch-2 than in Mismatch-1 (ps b .001). Furthermore, the P300 amplitude for S2 increased in Mismatch-1 than in Mismatch-2 (p b .05). On the other hand, N2 and N400 amplitudes increased in Mismatch-2 than in Mismatch-1 condition (ps b .001). Discussion: These suggested that the feeling of strangeness was induced in Mismatch-2 condition. The P300 and N2/N400 components might respectively reflect the ease of making a judgement and detecting inconsistencies, or the strange feeling between stimuli. However, it is not clear whether N2/N400 components reflected a feeling of strangeness or simply reflected the inconsistency between stimuli because the stimuli used in this study were positively correlated with inconsistency and strangeness. Future studies need to reinvestigate cognitive processing of the feeling of strangeness by using of stimuli that are negatively correlated with inconsistency and strangeness.

International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2018
volunteers were exposed to 5-minute action of controlled breathing. CBIFF frequency was equal to ... more volunteers were exposed to 5-minute action of controlled breathing. CBIFF frequency was equal to the frequency of maximum power peak localization in the low frequency range of heart rate spectrum. Members of the CBIFF group were instructed to change their breath rate following the image of inflating and deflating balloon appearing on the screen. Results: 50-day CBIFF course has led to changes in HRV of CBIFF group volunteers. The stress index (Si) has decreased by 29,3% (рb0,05), total power (TP), of heart rate has increased by 22,94% (рb0,05), HF power (ms 2) has increased by 35%, LF power-by12,94% (рb0,05). It indicates changes in volunteers' HRV associated with increase of vagal influences on heart rate. Moreover, CBIFF led to decrease in stress level and impacts of negative external factors on heart rate control system. Conclusion: Preliminary results of this study indicate a significant effect of CBIFF on volunteers' autonomic nervous system. CBIFF exposure reduces stress level and increases general nonspecific resistance of human organism. CBIFF can be recommended for increasing human stress resistance.
International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2018

Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 2019
Background: Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is one of the most common forms of cerebral pathol... more Background: Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is one of the most common forms of cerebral pathology in young people and disorders involve dysfunctions in cognitive and motor spheres. We would like to examine the structural and functional alterations of the brain in patients with mTBI while performing hand movements. Methods: Twenty healthy right-handed subjects (age 25.1 ± 3.9) and 10 patients (age 27.9 ± 7.3) with mTBI without hemiparesis participated in the study using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG). FMRI and EEG reactions were analysed during right-and left-hand movements. Results: It was shown that fMRI reactive changes have a larger inter-individual variability of activation during left-hand movements in comparison with right-hand ones in healthy subjects. The TBI patients demonstrated an increase of a diffuse component of fMRI reactive changes compared to healthy people. A greater number of the brain structures was involved, mainly at the subcortical level, mostly in the left hemisphere during right-hand movement. EEG study demonstrated coherence changes for the slow (delta) frequency bands in the left hemisphere, while performing both hand movements. In healthy persons, EEG coherence changes were observed in the fast (alhpa2) frequency band predominantly in contralateral hemispheres, while performing hand movements. Conclusion: So, fMRI and EEG studies revealed the most expressed pathological reactive changes in the left hemisphere and the brain cortical structures during right-hand movements in patients after mTBI. These data allowed us to propose that the younger brain structures were the most sensitive to mTBI.
International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2016

Aphasiology, 2016
Background: Overall, there is growing consensus that working memory (WM) should be routinely asse... more Background: Overall, there is growing consensus that working memory (WM) should be routinely assessed in individuals with aphasia as it can contribute significantly to their level of language impairment and be an important factor in treatment planning. However, there is still no consensus in the field as to which tasks should be used to assess WM in aphasia. The two main alternatives are adapted complex span tasks and N-back tasks. Both have been used interchangeably in previous studies of WM in aphasia, even though the correspondence between the two tasks has not been properly established. Aims: The current study investigates the relationship between two WM tasks-complex span and N-back tasks-in a large sample of individuals with aphasia. The relationships of these tasks to measures of language comprehension are also explored, as well as differences in performance patterns between individuals with nonfluent and fluent aphasia. Methods & Resources: Forty-four participants with aphasia (nonfluent: n = 27; fluent: n = 13; mixed: n = 4) were examined with a modified listening span task (Ivanova & Hallowell, 2014), an auditory verbal 2-back task, and a standardised Russian language comprehension test. Outcomes & Results: Results revealed a moderate relationship between the two WM measures, but demonstrated a divergence in terms of their relationship to language comprehension. Performance on the modified listening span task was related to language comprehension abilities, but performance on the 2-back task was not, suggesting that the two tasks primarily index different underlying cognitive mechanisms. Furthermore, the relationship between the modified listening span task and language comprehension was significant for individuals with non-fluent aphasia, but not for those with fluent aphasia. Conclusions: Overall, the data demonstrate that while performance of individuals with aphasia was related on the two tasks, the two tasks cannot be substituted for one another without further inquiries into their underlying differences.
![Research paper thumbnail of [FMRI study of visual task switching in healthy individuals]](
Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova
The present study was aimed, first, at developing a visual switching task for fMRI research and, ... more The present study was aimed, first, at developing a visual switching task for fMRI research and, second, at identification of the brain regions involved in task switching. Forty eight healthy individuals (from 21 to 56 years of age) participated in the study. The designed visual switching task was relatively short, it consisted of an easy stimulus set and involved a simple condition, in which participants had to shift their attention between two task conditions (classifying figures according to their form or number). Thus, this developed testing procedure can further be used to assess special populations, including patients with brain damage who cannot do monotonous tasks for a long period of time and have language impairments. The results of this testing technique revealed that task switching is carried out by an interconnected neuronal network, consisting of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, inferior parietal area, secondary visual area, supplementary motor area and cerebellum corte...

Features of focused attention in patients with fluent and non-fluent aphasia were investigated in... more Features of focused attention in patients with fluent and non-fluent aphasia were investigated in the study. Attention disorders in patients with aphasia were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed by making inter-comparison and comparing against the same disorders in healthy individuals. Forty seven patients with different forms of aphasia (aged 24–75) and thirty nine neurologically intact subjects of equivalent age (control group) took part in the study. The subjects were asked to monitor long strings of aurally presented digits and react to specific combination of two numbers. Overall, the number of correct responses was greater and reaction times were shorter in healthy subjects than in subjects with aphasia. The following differences in type of errors and reaction times between participants with fluent and non-fluent aphasia were demonstrated: subjects with fluent aphasia had lower reaction times in case of high-frequency target stimuli presentation, while subjects with non-...

Resting state fMRI (rs-fMRI) has several advantages over task-related fMRI in case of patients wi... more Resting state fMRI (rs-fMRI) has several advantages over task-related fMRI in case of patients with cognitive and motor deficits (Lee et al., 2013). In order to analyze the functional brain reorganization in patients with aphasia we used the right cerebellum as a seed in rs-fMRI analysis because this brain region: 1) is usually preserved in patients with aphasia; 2) considerable contributes to language processing, as demonstrated in many neuroimaging and brain lesion studies (Ackermann et al., 2007). We expected to find a strong relationship between the activation of the right hemisphere of the cerebellum and the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) in healthy participants and changes in functional connections of the right cerebellum in a participant with aphasia due to a lesion in the left IFG. There is a wide range of cortical areas that positively correlated with time-course of BOLD-signal in seeds both hemispheres of the cerebellum during resting state in healthy participants. Cont...
![Research paper thumbnail of [The comparative analysis of changes of short pieces of EEG at perception of music on the basis of the event-related synchronization/desynchronization and wavelet-synchrony]](
Fiziologiia cheloveka
The going of present pilot study is an analysis of features changes of EEG short pieces registere... more The going of present pilot study is an analysis of features changes of EEG short pieces registered from 32 sites, at perception of musical melodies healthy examinees depending on logic (cognizance) and emotional (it was pleasant it was not pleasant) melody estimations. For this purpose changes of event-related synchronization/desynchronization, and also wavelet-synchrony of EEG-responses at 31 healthy examinees at the age from 18 till 60 years were compared. It is shown that at a logic estimation of music the melody cognizance is accompanied the event-related desynchronization in the left fronto-parietal-temporal area. At an emotional estimation of a melody the event-related synchronization in left fronto - temporal area for the pleasant melodies, desynchronization in temporal area for not pleasant and desynchronization in occipital area for the melodies which are not causing the emotional response is typical. At the analysis of wavelet-synchrony of EEG characterizing jet changes of...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012

Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, 2013
Indisputable evidence that the effects of even small doses of radiation, with no acute radiation ... more Indisputable evidence that the effects of even small doses of radiation, with no acute radiation sickness, is unsafe for humans has accumulated in the years following the Chernobyl nuclear power station (CNPS) accident [12, 15, 16, 29]. Studies reported by a number of authors [2, 3, 12, 15, 16, 29] have shown that 3-4 years after exposure, CNPS clean-up workers developed persistent health impairments affecting various body systems-the cardiovascular, endocrine, immune , central nervous, and others, though these did not reach the level of forming a defined syndrome. This, along with the lack of experience in the diagnosis of post-radiation impairments, quite often led to denial of a relationship between deterioration in the state of health of clean-up workers and their work at Chernobyl. Application of contemporary clinical diagnostic methods have not only demonstrated this connection, but has also provided evidence for increases in impairments over time, which has been confirmed by results from neurophysiological studies [15, 28, 36]. Studies of the mechanism of post-radiation actions on the human body place a great emphasis on functional impairments to the vascular system, including the brain
International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2012

Human Physiology, 2010
ABSTRACT The amplitude and temporal parameters of the N1 component of the auditory cognitive evok... more ABSTRACT The amplitude and temporal parameters of the N1 component of the auditory cognitive evoked potential (EP) were analyzed in ten people who participated in the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident (the liquidators) and ten healthy subjects aged 47 ± 6.0 and 50.5 ± 4.0 years, respectively. In the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, the amplitudes of the N1 component of the auditory EP were decreased in all cortical areas. This decrease was the greatest in the central and frontal areas. The changes in response to stimuli of different significances in the liquidators were inverted as compared to the healthy subjects of the same age. The differences between the control group and the liquidators were the most pronounced in the temporal characteristics of the N1 component. The latent periods (LPs) for all stimuli presented under all experimental conditions were significantly shorter in the group of liquidators, and this effect was even stronger for the significant stimulus in the case of stimulus counting. In the liquidators, the maximum changes in the LPs of the N1 component were observed in the frontal area of the left hemisphere, and they were associated with an inversion of the LP asymmetry. Changes in this parameter were smaller in the central areas and were similar in the parietal areas in both groups studied. Changes in the amplitude and temporal characteristics of the N1 component of the auditory cognitive EP observed in the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident indicate the impairments of their involuntary attention and its capacity due to weakening of inhibition processes as compared to healthy subjects. This effect is similar to that found in elderly subjects. Our data support the hypothesis on the accelerated aging of the brain in the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident due to the effect of low doses of irradiation. The data also suggest that irradiation results in pathological aging. Key wordsChernobyl accident-auditory cognitive evoked potential-N1 component

Human Physiology, 2011
ABSTRACT Complex EEG and stabilography investigation with separate and simultaneous performance o... more ABSTRACT Complex EEG and stabilography investigation with separate and simultaneous performance of motor (voluntary postural control) and cognitive (calculation) tasks has been performed in 20 healthy subjects (22 +/- 0.7 yo.). Specific spatial and frequency reactive changes have been revealed during motor task performance. These included increase of coherence in alpha-band for long pair of channels in right hemisphere as well as in symmetric parietal-occipital regions in both hemispheres. Cognitive task performance has been accompanied by coherence increase for low bands (delta- and theta-) with higher activation in left hemisphere and frontal regions. In dual tasks where both components were performed worse comparing to control, performance led to reactive spatial and frequency changes of both--motor and cognitive--tasks, though these changes were less than during separate task performance. Decrease of coherence in alphal-band in frontal areas appeared as a zone of "conflict of interest - interferention". In dual tasks with better performance of each component comparing to control EEG coherence increased in each specific area as well as in areas of "conflict of interest".
Papers by Svetlana Kuptsova