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      International Water LawWater SecurityHydropoliticsNile River Basin
Upstream states of the Nile Basin have come a long way in the process of establishing a basin based on equitability and fairness. For long, despite the Nile is shared between eleven riparian states, the Basin was characterized by the... more
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      EthiopiaHydropoliticsNile River Basin
The Nile Basin has been experiencing process of dramatic changes since the middle of the 1990s which opens a new chapter in the hydropolitics of the Nile. Two most important features the signing and ratification of the CFA andEthiopiàs... more
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      DiplomacyIntegrated Water Resources ManagementHydropoliticsNile River Basin
The process of the EU budgeting well exemplifies the complexities of the organization. This paper presents a brief historical overview of European integration, acquaints the reader with the key EU institutions, and then analyzes the... more
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      Environmental LawSustainable DevelopmentEuropean Union
A short essay on Central and East European Countries (CEEC) and their roles as new EU members (in French).
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      European integrationCentral and Eastern EuropeBaltic States
In the European Union (EU), environmental regulations suffer from the higher rate of non-compliance than any other sector. And yet, the understanding of what factors and conditions facilitate or impede compliance and how these factors... more
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      European LawEnvironmental ManagementComplianceNon-state actors