In this paper for the first time the authors examined in detail the changes in the structure of t... more In this paper for the first time the authors examined in detail the changes in the structure of the Republic of Abkhazia population during 1989-2010, respectively. To this end the processes of emigration and immigration are analyzed concerning the ethnic groups which made up the bulk of Abkhazia population by the beginning of the study period based on field data, the information from the rural household books, statistical and civil status registration office, as well as on other sources. A brief description is provided in respect of the reasons that resulted in such a significant outflow of the republic residents. Separately, the directions of Abkhazia resident internal migration were determined. There was the attempt to substantiate the socio-political and cultural-domestic phenomena which served as a catalyst for their emergence and expansion. The examination of the close migration development prospects allowed to identify a number of socio-economic and cultural consequences of th...
In this paper for the first time the authors examined in detail the changes in the structure of t... more In this paper for the first time the authors examined in detail the changes in the structure of the Republic of Abkhazia population during 1989-2010, respectively. To this end the processes of emigration and immigration are analyzed concerning the ethnic groups which made up the bulk of Abkhazia population by the beginning of the study period based on field data, the information from the rural household books, statistical and civil status registration office, as well as on other sources. A brief description is provided in respect of the reasons that resulted in such a significant outflow of the republic residents. Separately, the directions of Abkhazia resident internal migration were determined. There was the attempt to substantiate the socio-political and cultural-domestic phenomena which served as a catalyst for their emergence and expansion. The examination of the close migration development prospects allowed to identify a number of socio-economic and cultural consequences of th...
The issues related to the political developments in the period of 1989-2000 of government entitie... more The issues related to the political developments in the period of 1989-2000 of government entities located in the Caucasus, is in the focus of today's historians, political scientists, sociologists, social scientists, and other scholars. The main objective of this study is to identify the general and particular features in the development of the political system of four Caucasian republics-Abkhazia, Adygea, Dagestan and Chechnya in the last decade of the XX century. The following material is based on an extensive review of the scientific literature, archival sources, legislation of the studied regions, periodicals, and the data from the Internet. Analysis of the data has enabled to give a general description and demonstrate the special features of both the political process, and the state structure in them. The revealed the reasons that contributed to the choice made by the studied regions in years 1989-2000 of the tactics and strategy of further political developments in the transformation of their social order. The study identified the main lines of development, and also shown the charactering features that emerged in each of the subjects, different ways of reaching an increase in public status and moved on to building a civil society based on democratic principles.
The article is an obituary devoted to the Life and the Work of an outstanding Scientist-historian... more The article is an obituary devoted to the Life and the Work of an outstanding Scientist-historian, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Osmanov Akhmed Ibragimovich. The particular Attention is focuses on elevate of the Akhmed Osmanov as well as the scientist, diplomat and public figure. His main achievements in all areas of life are noted.
Аннотация. Предметом исследования настоящей статьи являются трансформации дискурсивных практик в ... more Аннотация. Предметом исследования настоящей статьи являются трансформации дискурсивных практик в Адыгея в период с создания республики по 2014 год. Автор обращается как к институ-циональным трансформациям, служившим триггером актуализации этноцентрических дискурсов, так и к политическим кризисам. Особое внимание в статье уделено анализу дискурсов, используе-мых политическими акторами в период конфликта вокруг статуса Адыгеи в 2004-2005 годах. Это обусловлено тем, что данный политический конфликт привел к ключевой трансформации сущест-вовавших на тот момент дискурсивных практик, что в свою очередь оказало значимое влияние на последующие события. данной статье автор использует прежде всего методологию критического дискурс-анализа, в соответствии с которой выделяются артикулируемые политическими акто-рами дискурсы и исследуется их взаиморасположение. Особое внимание уделено дискурсу адыгских активистов, а также сторонников объединения Адыгеи и Краснодарского края. Научная новизна данной статьи заключается в рассмотрении политических кризисов регионального уровня с точки зрения противостояния дискурсов, артикулируемых политическими акторами. В ходе исследова-ния автор приходит к выводу о наличии двух политических групп активистов, которые использу-ют различные дискурсы, от экономических, до националистических, взаимно пытаясь установить гегемонию в отношении таких понятий как «историческая справедливость», «демократия» Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РГНФ в рамках проекта «Общее и особенное в социально-политическом развитии Абхазии, Адыгеи, Дагестана и Чечни постсоветского периода: сравнительно-исторический и документально-правовой анализ», проект № 15–21–12001 а(м).
In this paper, for the first time the authors examined comprehensively the influence of the polit... more In this paper, for the first time the authors examined comprehensively the influence of the political parties and public movements on the formation of internal and foreign policy of Abkhazia beginning of the XXI century. To this end are analyzed the historical events that have received the most wide resonance in the society in the research period based on the legislative acts, treaties and agreements, as well as the statements and speeches of leaders of social and political organizations in the country, messages in the periodical press and other sources. Brief descriptions are provided in respect of the problem of passportization the population of Abkhazia of Georgian nationality, of the issue of production and processing of hydrocarbons in the territory of the sea shelf, and of the process of reconstruction of the Abkhazian Railway. During the analysis of the activities of the political organizations of the Republic an attempt was made identify the reasons and likely consequences of investigated processes. Separately, the degree impact of the civil society institutes on the result of political life in the Abkhazia was determined. The examination of the close Abkhazian society development prospects allowed identifying a number of political, socioeconomic and ecologic causes, with influence on the development of modern socio-political and ethno-cultural landscape of the Republic of Abkhazia.
In this paper for the first time the authors examined in detail the changes in the structure of t... more In this paper for the first time the authors examined in detail the changes in the structure of the Republic of Abkhazia population during 1989-2010, respectively. To this end the processes of emigration and immigration are analyzed concerning the ethnic groups which made up the bulk of Abkhazia population by the beginning of the study period based on field data, the information from the rural household books, statistical and civil status registration office, as well as on other sources. A brief description is provided in respect of the reasons that resulted in such a significant outflow of the republic residents. Separately, the directions of Abkhazia resident internal migration were determined. There was the attempt to substantiate the socio-political and cultural-domestic phenomena which served as a catalyst for their emergence and expansion. The examination of the close migration development prospects allowed to identify a number of socioeconomic and cultural consequences of this process and the degree of its influence on the development of modern ethno-cultural landscape of the Republic of Abkhazia.
Настоящая коллективная монография стала результатом работы участников научного семинара, проведен... more Настоящая коллективная монография стала результатом работы участников научного семинара, проведенного в г. Махачкале 23 октября 2014 года в рамках юбилейных празднований, посвященных 90-летию ИИАЭ ДНЦ РАН. В ней представлены исследования по одной из актуальнейших проблем современности – изменению этнокультурного ландшафта территорий нашей страны и мира, а также роли и значения выходцев из Республики Дагестан в этом процессе. Авторами монографии не только прослеживаются изменения, произошедшие в этом направлении в постсоветский период, выявляются причины и особенности, приводящие к кризисным ситуациям, но и в ряде случаев, предлагаются научно-практические рекомендации и пути выхода из сложившихся условий. Монография рассчитана на ученых – историков, этнографов, социо логов, политологов, а также аспирантов и студентов, руководителей общественно-политических и национально-культурных движений, работников государственной и муниципальной службы и всех, кто интересуется проблемами развития Дагестана на современном этапе.
In this paper for the first time the authors examined in detail the changes in the structure of t... more In this paper for the first time the authors examined in detail the changes in the structure of the Republic of Abkhazia population during 1989-2010, respectively. To this end the processes of emigration and immigration are analyzed concerning the ethnic groups which made up the bulk of Abkhazia population by the beginning of the study period based on field data, the information from the rural household books, statistical and civil status registration office, as well as on other sources. A brief description is provided in respect of the reasons that resulted in such a significant outflow of the republic residents. Separately, the directions of Abkhazia resident internal migration were determined. There was the attempt to substantiate the socio-political and cultural-domestic phenomena which served as a catalyst for their emergence and expansion. The examination of the close migration development prospects allowed to identify a number of socio-economic and cultural consequences of th...
In this paper for the first time the authors examined in detail the changes in the structure of t... more In this paper for the first time the authors examined in detail the changes in the structure of the Republic of Abkhazia population during 1989-2010, respectively. To this end the processes of emigration and immigration are analyzed concerning the ethnic groups which made up the bulk of Abkhazia population by the beginning of the study period based on field data, the information from the rural household books, statistical and civil status registration office, as well as on other sources. A brief description is provided in respect of the reasons that resulted in such a significant outflow of the republic residents. Separately, the directions of Abkhazia resident internal migration were determined. There was the attempt to substantiate the socio-political and cultural-domestic phenomena which served as a catalyst for their emergence and expansion. The examination of the close migration development prospects allowed to identify a number of socio-economic and cultural consequences of th...
The issues related to the political developments in the period of 1989-2000 of government entitie... more The issues related to the political developments in the period of 1989-2000 of government entities located in the Caucasus, is in the focus of today's historians, political scientists, sociologists, social scientists, and other scholars. The main objective of this study is to identify the general and particular features in the development of the political system of four Caucasian republics-Abkhazia, Adygea, Dagestan and Chechnya in the last decade of the XX century. The following material is based on an extensive review of the scientific literature, archival sources, legislation of the studied regions, periodicals, and the data from the Internet. Analysis of the data has enabled to give a general description and demonstrate the special features of both the political process, and the state structure in them. The revealed the reasons that contributed to the choice made by the studied regions in years 1989-2000 of the tactics and strategy of further political developments in the transformation of their social order. The study identified the main lines of development, and also shown the charactering features that emerged in each of the subjects, different ways of reaching an increase in public status and moved on to building a civil society based on democratic principles.
The article is an obituary devoted to the Life and the Work of an outstanding Scientist-historian... more The article is an obituary devoted to the Life and the Work of an outstanding Scientist-historian, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Osmanov Akhmed Ibragimovich. The particular Attention is focuses on elevate of the Akhmed Osmanov as well as the scientist, diplomat and public figure. His main achievements in all areas of life are noted.
Аннотация. Предметом исследования настоящей статьи являются трансформации дискурсивных практик в ... more Аннотация. Предметом исследования настоящей статьи являются трансформации дискурсивных практик в Адыгея в период с создания республики по 2014 год. Автор обращается как к институ-циональным трансформациям, служившим триггером актуализации этноцентрических дискурсов, так и к политическим кризисам. Особое внимание в статье уделено анализу дискурсов, используе-мых политическими акторами в период конфликта вокруг статуса Адыгеи в 2004-2005 годах. Это обусловлено тем, что данный политический конфликт привел к ключевой трансформации сущест-вовавших на тот момент дискурсивных практик, что в свою очередь оказало значимое влияние на последующие события. данной статье автор использует прежде всего методологию критического дискурс-анализа, в соответствии с которой выделяются артикулируемые политическими акто-рами дискурсы и исследуется их взаиморасположение. Особое внимание уделено дискурсу адыгских активистов, а также сторонников объединения Адыгеи и Краснодарского края. Научная новизна данной статьи заключается в рассмотрении политических кризисов регионального уровня с точки зрения противостояния дискурсов, артикулируемых политическими акторами. В ходе исследова-ния автор приходит к выводу о наличии двух политических групп активистов, которые использу-ют различные дискурсы, от экономических, до националистических, взаимно пытаясь установить гегемонию в отношении таких понятий как «историческая справедливость», «демократия» Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РГНФ в рамках проекта «Общее и особенное в социально-политическом развитии Абхазии, Адыгеи, Дагестана и Чечни постсоветского периода: сравнительно-исторический и документально-правовой анализ», проект № 15–21–12001 а(м).
In this paper, for the first time the authors examined comprehensively the influence of the polit... more In this paper, for the first time the authors examined comprehensively the influence of the political parties and public movements on the formation of internal and foreign policy of Abkhazia beginning of the XXI century. To this end are analyzed the historical events that have received the most wide resonance in the society in the research period based on the legislative acts, treaties and agreements, as well as the statements and speeches of leaders of social and political organizations in the country, messages in the periodical press and other sources. Brief descriptions are provided in respect of the problem of passportization the population of Abkhazia of Georgian nationality, of the issue of production and processing of hydrocarbons in the territory of the sea shelf, and of the process of reconstruction of the Abkhazian Railway. During the analysis of the activities of the political organizations of the Republic an attempt was made identify the reasons and likely consequences of investigated processes. Separately, the degree impact of the civil society institutes on the result of political life in the Abkhazia was determined. The examination of the close Abkhazian society development prospects allowed identifying a number of political, socioeconomic and ecologic causes, with influence on the development of modern socio-political and ethno-cultural landscape of the Republic of Abkhazia.
In this paper for the first time the authors examined in detail the changes in the structure of t... more In this paper for the first time the authors examined in detail the changes in the structure of the Republic of Abkhazia population during 1989-2010, respectively. To this end the processes of emigration and immigration are analyzed concerning the ethnic groups which made up the bulk of Abkhazia population by the beginning of the study period based on field data, the information from the rural household books, statistical and civil status registration office, as well as on other sources. A brief description is provided in respect of the reasons that resulted in such a significant outflow of the republic residents. Separately, the directions of Abkhazia resident internal migration were determined. There was the attempt to substantiate the socio-political and cultural-domestic phenomena which served as a catalyst for their emergence and expansion. The examination of the close migration development prospects allowed to identify a number of socioeconomic and cultural consequences of this process and the degree of its influence on the development of modern ethno-cultural landscape of the Republic of Abkhazia.
Настоящая коллективная монография стала результатом работы участников научного семинара, проведен... more Настоящая коллективная монография стала результатом работы участников научного семинара, проведенного в г. Махачкале 23 октября 2014 года в рамках юбилейных празднований, посвященных 90-летию ИИАЭ ДНЦ РАН. В ней представлены исследования по одной из актуальнейших проблем современности – изменению этнокультурного ландшафта территорий нашей страны и мира, а также роли и значения выходцев из Республики Дагестан в этом процессе. Авторами монографии не только прослеживаются изменения, произошедшие в этом направлении в постсоветский период, выявляются причины и особенности, приводящие к кризисным ситуациям, но и в ряде случаев, предлагаются научно-практические рекомендации и пути выхода из сложившихся условий. Монография рассчитана на ученых – историков, этнографов, социо логов, политологов, а также аспирантов и студентов, руководителей общественно-политических и национально-культурных движений, работников государственной и муниципальной службы и всех, кто интересуется проблемами развития Дагестана на современном этапе.
Papers by Амина Халилова
Books by Амина Халилова
Монография рассчитана на ученых – историков, этнографов, социо
логов, политологов, а также аспирантов и студентов, руководителей общественно-политических и национально-культурных движений, работников государственной и муниципальной службы и всех, кто интересуется проблемами развития Дагестана на современном этапе.
Монография рассчитана на ученых – историков, этнографов, социо
логов, политологов, а также аспирантов и студентов, руководителей общественно-политических и национально-культурных движений, работников государственной и муниципальной службы и всех, кто интересуется проблемами развития Дагестана на современном этапе.