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Investigation was carried out to study the dyeing potential of Quercus robur L. and Salix alba L. of which fruit cups and wood extract were used as source of natural dye and mordant. Dyeing potential of the extracted material was tested... more
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      ChemistryNatural Products ChemistryNatural Dyes and their applications
Dyeing potential of a natural dye extracted from Quercus robur L. (fruit cups) with a combination of Salix alba L. and Populus deltoides Bartram ex marsh (wood ash) mordants was studied on wool, cotton, silk and pashmina fabrics.... more
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      ChemistryNatural Dyes and their applications
Study was conducted to investigate the dyeing potential of Quercus robur L. (fruit cups) dye and Salix alba L. (wood extract) mordant on wool and pashmina fabrics. The experiment was conducted keeping in view the environmental safety by... more
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      Natural Dyes and their applicationsNatural DyePulp and Paper Industry
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    • English Literature
Presentation on encouraging CT Skill in EFL Class
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Mobile is Strong Electronical device that Support to students and curious People to Learn language.
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It is one of attempt of Presenter Mr Hom Raj Khadka,develop language Proficiency and capacity through the Proper Application of Technology.It also refers to all the Teachers of English to be connected each other through Technology.
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This Presentation is attempted to clarify the Meaning of Learning.
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Definition: Listening is the act of hearing attentively. Research shows that 45% of our time is spent on listening. We listen more than speak. If this listening skill is used in a proper way we can master the tools of communicative... more
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Guidance and instruction to handle the Training as the Spirit of English Medium of Instruction to foster the Capacity of Teacher deliver the ideas through English while Teaching and Learning Process.
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Issues of teachers Professional development  that entirely focus on Teaching and learning process for enhancing the proficiency of teachers.
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using for Communication in every field just Business, Commerce and Educational field. Within ten Years Nepal is not isolated from this gadget. It has been increasing rapidly that is used for fulfilling desires, wants and necessity as well... more
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using for Communication in every field just Business, Commerce and Educational field. Within ten Years Nepal is not isolated from this gadget. It has been increasing rapidly that is used for fulfilling desires, wants and necessity as well... more
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Attempt of overcoming old and Traditional Teaching and learning and establish the Modern trend in Education  through Technololgy
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Good example of writing that focuses on writing academically.
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Learning through games
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Importance of ICT in Education in digital age
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Technological Leadership that attempts to relate the Technology in developing modern trend in leadership.How Technology supports in leading mass of Institution in this complicated age,as far as possible it is evidence to justify this... more
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