Papers by Lorina P Repina

Dialog so vremenem, Jun 15, 2024
И. В. НАРСКИЙ Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет П. П. ШКАРЕНКОВ... more И. В. НАРСКИЙ Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет П. П. ШКАРЕНКОВ Российский государственный гуманитарный университет ББК 63.3 ГЛАВНЫЙ РЕДАКТОР доктор исторических наук, профессор, член-корреспондент РАН Лорина Петровна РЕПИНА РЕДАКЦИОННАЯ КОЛЛЕГИЯ ВЕДЕШКИН М. А., кандидат исторических наук (отв. секретарь) ВИШЛЕНКОВА Е. А., доктор исторических наук, профессор ВОРОБЬЕВА О. В., кандидат исторических наук, доцент ГОРЕЛОВ М. М., кандидат исторических наук ИОНОВ И. Н., кандидат исторических наук КИСЕЛЕВА М. С., доктор философских наук, профессор КОРЧИНСКИЙ А. В., кандидат филологических наук, доцент НЕДАШКОВСКАЯ Н. И., кандидат филологических наук, доцент ПЕТРОВА М. С., доктор исторических наук, доцент (зам. гл. редактора) РУМЯНЦЕВА М. Ф., кандидат исторических наук, доцент СЕЛУНСКАЯ Н. А., кандидат исторических наук СЕРЕГИНА А. Ю., доктор исторических наук СТОГОВА А. В., кандидат исторических наук, доцент ШАБУНИНА А. К., кандидат исторических наук ЭКШТУТ С. А., доктор философских наук ДИАЛОГ СО ВРЕМЕНЕМ 87:

В статье, посвященной столетию проф. Е.В. Гутновой, рассматривается ее вклад в изучение историогр... more В статье, посвященной столетию проф. Е.В. Гутновой, рассматривается ее вклад в изучение историографии истории Средних веков в свете работ ее предшественников, а также тех изменений, которые произошли в современной исторической науке. Автор выделяет некоторые общие моменты, разделяемые историей историографии с постулатами историографии науки (history of science). В предметное поле включаются формы и результаты творческой деятельности как «великих ученых», так и менее известных исследователей; особое внимание, наряду с анализом исторических идей, концепций и методов, уделяется анализу текстов, языка историков, типов дискурса и т.п.; важная роль отводится раскрытию контекстов, задающих условия научной деятельности. Автор статьи обращает внимание на особенности подхода Е.В. Гутновой, отмечая ряд новаций, имевших целью комплексное изучение истории исторической науки, несводимое ни к описанию работ, концепций, исследовательских методов или творческих биографий, ни к эволюции господствовав...
Quaestio Rossica, Dec 28, 2022

Преподаватель ХХI век, 2014
The paper is focused on the theoretical and terminological problems which appeared in the making ... more The paper is focused on the theoretical and terminological problems which appeared in the making of a cluster of macro-historical models described as global history and by such terms similar in trend and content as new international history, transnational history, new world history, new comparative history etc. Debates on terminology embrace a complex of theoretical and methodological problems and demonstrate the variety of research approaches. The author analyses various versions of global and "new world history"-those aimed on the study of human interactions in the large-scale historical processes as well as those that deal with circulations of goods, capitals, ideas and prefer comparative approaches of new type discovering the structural logic of similar phenomena, processes and social conflicts remote on space and in time. The comparative analysis of regional processes has as its final object to come nearer to comprehension of the whole system. This approach is supported by the idea of structural coherence of the world historical process-with highest possible regard for a variety of local contexts and cultural traditions. In this connection it worth to pay attention to the term histoire croisée called up to designate a new paradigm, that in contrast to traditional historical sociology working in regime of synchronization gives priority to dynamics of intercultural interactions. New comparative history, histoire des transferts and histoire croisée (and in certain other versions-"new international history", or "transnational history") might be successfully employed as complementary ones.

Russian social science review, Sep 3, 2017
Postmodernist criticism has focused sharply on the epistemological problems that accumulated in h... more Postmodernist criticism has focused sharply on the epistemological problems that accumulated in historical scholarship during the last third of the twentieth century, leading to a new understanding of the tasks at hand and to qualitative changes in the choice of subjects, conceptual apparatus, and methodological underpinnings of historical research. Although devising a new paradigm for history proved to be a complex and contradictory process, the one thing that was certain at the beginning of the new century was that the more encouraging prospects emphasized the category of culture. This trend indicates the emergence of a new direction in historical scholarship, which has been called either the new cultural history or historical culture studies. The shift toward culture studies at the turn of both a century and a millennium is linked to the cultural turn in intellectual history, earlier defined solely as historiography. As a result, the sphere of interest of

Uralʹskij istoričeskij vestnik, 2021
Рубеж XX-XXI вв. был отмечен появлением в современной историографии «мемориальной парадигмы», исс... more Рубеж XX-XXI вв. был отмечен появлением в современной историографии «мемориальной парадигмы», исследующей образы прошлого как интерпретационные модели, позволяющие индивидам и социальным группам ориентироваться в жизненных ситуациях настоящего. В результате в фокусе внимания представителей профессионального сообщества оказались вопросы, связанные с соотношением истории, памяти и идентичности, с использованием культурного наследия, с инструментами исторической политики и трансформацией исторического сознания и исторической культуры постиндустриального общества. В российском социальногуманитарном пространстве интердисциплинарные мемориально-исторические исследования, ориентированные на описание и анализ социально и культурно дифференцированных символических образов прошлого, механизмов формирования индивидуальных и коллективных идентичностей или эффективных инструментов исторической политики, приобрели в последнее десятилетие большую популярность. В статье представлены и про анализированы различные позиции ведущих теоретиков по поводу ситуации, сложившейся в результате «мемориального бума» в пространстве современного гуманитарного знания. Констатируя преимущества и достижения "memory studies", автор отмечает ряд упущенных возможностей, в частности необходимость расширенной социально-исторической контек стуализации конкретных исследований и более четкого определения собственных познавательных установок в отношениях с публичной историей и коммеморативными практиками. Рассматриваются концептуальные проблемы "memory studies", возникшие в связи с включением в их предметные поля практики межкультурных коммуникаций в их историческом измерении. В статье показано, что значимый эвристический потенциал «парадигмы памяти» может быть реализован с использованием теоретических моделей перекрестной и связанной истории.
Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana, 2019
В течение многих десятилетий историки так или иначе пытались найти ответы на вопросы о природе ис... more В течение многих десятилетий историки так или иначе пытались найти ответы на вопросы о природе исторического знания. Начиная с 1980-х гг., под воздействием радикальной критики, вера историков в «прозрачность» источников существенно пошатнулась, а в конце XX столетия историческая наука уже переживала глубокую внутреннюю трансформацию, которая ярко проявлялась в смене теоретических установок, исследовательских подходов, научного статуса и самого языка истории. Историографическая ситуация этого периода, нередко обозначаемая как «постмодернистская», характеризовалась принципиальными расхождениями и даже расколом в профессиональном
Историческая экспертиза, 2021
Lorina Repina, known not only as a specialist in British history, but also as a founder and perma... more Lorina Repina, known not only as a specialist in British history, but also as a founder and permanent leader of the Russian Society for Intellectual History, talks about her path to historical studies, projects in the field of studying intellectual history, and shares her creative ideas.
Ученые записки Казанского государственного университета, 2019
Репина Лорина Петровна, член-корреспондент РАН, доктор исторических наук, профессор, заведующий О... more Репина Лорина Петровна, член-корреспондент РАН, доктор исторических наук, профессор, заведующий Отделом историко-теоретических исследований; заведующий кафедрой теории и истории гуманитарного знания Институт всеобщей истории РАН Ленинский пр-т, д. 32а, г. Москва,

Intellectual History Review, Jan 2, 2016
Late twentieth-early twenty-first centuries witnessed radical shifts in structure and methodology... more Late twentieth-early twenty-first centuries witnessed radical shifts in structure and methodology of historical discipline. The so-called "cultural turn" was an important qualitative leap that problematized the shape and contents of the views of the past. These problems attract attention of the scholars from various fields of social studies and humanities, and although concepts of "historical memory", "historical consciousness", and the "images of the past" are still being debated, the scale of studies that had used these concepts, and the results acquired through their use, are impressive indeed. The studies of historical (cultural) memory first emerged in the 1980s, and at the turn of the twenty-first century, they became an established field of research. 1 Theoretical interpretation of the problems of historical conscience, its structure, forms, and functions was initiated at a later stage and was connected to the problems of historical memory. The studies of a more complex phenomenon of historical culture also develop, 2 although not so fast. Historical culture does not function only as an articulation of historical consciousness of a society, or an aggregate of personal and group cultural practices in connection with the pastthe manner of thinking, reading, and speaking about the pastbut also includes all the cases when the past is "present" in everyday life. 3 This branch of historical discipline that was directly influenced by the studies of world views within the framework of the history of mentalities has steadily consolidated its methodological foundations. 4 The categories of historical consciousness and historical culture were developed by an influential Russian historian of the last century, Michael A. Barg (1915-1991), his articles and monographs published in 1970-1980s provided the theoretical basis for these concepts and implemented them in research practice (using the Renaissance material). 5 For years, these categories remained at the centre of the scholar's attention and provided the core of his original conception of the emergence of historicism. Unfortunately, the contribution by Michael Barg to the field that grew in importance at the turn of the century remains unappreciated. Michael Barg was a historian whose research had a wide scope: it ranged from the agrarian history of medieval England to the theory of historical knowledge. After 1970s, he was mostly preoccupied with the problems of the history of ideas and views of the past adopted at various historical periods. Michael Barg viewed the history of historical ideas and history writing in the wide context of intellectual history, and it was within this research field that he demonstrated his originality, depth of thought, high professionalism, as well as his belief that philosophical abstractions and sociological tools could not simply be transplanted into historical studies, and
De Gruyter eBooks, Jun 26, 2015
Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana, 2022
На рубеже ХХ-XXI вв. стали очевидны серьезные перемены в общественном сознании, в сфере социально... more На рубеже ХХ-XXI вв. стали очевидны серьезные перемены в общественном сознании, в сфере социально-гуманитарного знания и в историографической практике, включая отступление парадигмы национальной истории с доминирующих позиций, которые она занимала с XIX в. Национальная /национально-государственная история в современной критике отождествляется с «мастер-нарративом» и, как правило, связывается с решением политической задачи закрепить идею нации, поместив ее в долговременную историческую перспективу, с целенаправленной «культивацией национальной
Istoriâ, 2015
The paper analyzes the main trends and special features of theoretical and concrete historical me... more The paper analyzes the main trends and special features of theoretical and concrete historical memory studies in the current Russian historiography. The formation of the transdisciplinary memorial paradigm and history of memory in Russia is considered in the context of methodological turns and epistemological innovations of the late 20th – early 21st cc. Special attention is paid to the studies of cultural mechanisms of formation, translation and actualization of the images of the past, problems of symbolical and discourse representation of social and historical experience, historical myths of national memory and history of historical culture.

The Past in the Matrix of Memory and Traditions of Historical Writing / ПРОШЛОЕ В МАТРИЦЕ ПАМЯТИ И ТРАДИЦИЯХ ИСТОРИОПИСАНИЯ / , 2021
The "cultural turn" in social and humanitarian knowledge has led to an inten-sive development of ... more The "cultural turn" in social and humanitarian knowledge has led to an inten-sive development of various aspects of the problem of collective representa-tions of the past. Today historians are actively interested in how people per-ceived events of which they were contemporaries or participants, how they stored and broadcast information about these events. Historical memory is an integral part of the culture of any human society. The idea of a common past, being an embodiment of a system of values shared by the community, repre-sented by historical events, heroes, memorable places, act as one of the most important means of creating and maintaining internal unity. The article dis-cusses various interpretations of the phenomenon of memory and historical consciousness. The main attention is paid to the concept of images of the past, with the help of which society forms and maintains its identity through various mechanisms of memorialization and historization of events in public con-sciousness and reconstruction of the “common past”, each time proceeding from the needs of the present in the relevant perspective. In recent decades, re-search has made significant progress on the complex phenomenon of historical culture, which acts not only as an articulation of the historical consciousness of society or a set of cultural practices of individuals and groups in relation to the past but includes all cases of the presence of the past in everyday life. Chang-ing ideas about the past is inextricably linked with the processes of accumula-tion and comprehension of new social experience, the experience of experienc-ing events that are constantly happening in history. The idea of which event is historical has changed significantly, also because historians have paid attention to the question of the relationship between social memory and the traditions of historical writing, as well as to the place of collective memory in the historian's subjectivity. Speaking equally against the identification of history and memory, and against the absolutization of their differences, the author propos-es to turn to a comprehensive analysis of the rational, mental and emotional components of this or that "image of the past" and their correlation at different levels of its formation.

Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana / Петербургские славянские и балканские исследования, 2022
Over the past half century, historical science has experienced a series of “turns”, enriched with... more Over the past half century, historical science has experienced a series of “turns”, enriched with new approaches, which has led to qualitative changes in the subject field and research issues, in the structure of historical knowledge, in the practices of historical writing and professional self-awareness of historians. In this context, actual historiographic studies acquires a new status. At the heart of professional historical culture, a special type of collective memory is found, with characteristic values (primarily the requirement of reliability) and means of communication, both within one's own community and with society as a whole and with representatives of another culture. We are talking about an attempt to analyze and comprehend the specific features of historiographic texts created in different chronotopes in the conditions of intense contacts and confrontation between emerging and mutually affirmed national and cultural identities. On the other hand, as a result of the so-called spatial turn, the most striking manifestation of which was the formation of interdisciplinary research fields of global, new world and new regional history, the focus of researchers was communication processes covering the development of relationships in the world over the past half millennium. Such a history appears today not only as a set of empirical studies that overcome the limited horizons of individual national-state histories, but also as a fan of differently defined macrohistorical approaches – as transnational history, histoire croisée, connected history, etc. The focus of transnational research is complex multicultural formations or various forms of other cultural communities that are in more or less close relationships. The main thing in this strategy of studying two or more related objects belonging to different cultures is to take into account the subjectivity and activity of all aspects of interaction. It also raises the question of overcoming latent exclusivity in the current intercultural discourse and the possibility of a new integrating conception, capable of covering the history of mankind, taking into account the differences in cultural traditions and ways of historical thinking.
Papers by Lorina P Repina
both the history of ideas and intellectual culture, and socio-political history. Many of the major social conflicts at every fork in the history of different countries would not have been possible without the critical, creative and social activity of intellectuals. The authors of the monograph focused their efforts on the problems of interaction between intellectuals and authorities (both cooperation and confrontation). The book presents the results of developing important aspects of the topic based on the history of Russia (in different periods) and individual European countries with different trajectories of development, the formation of public consciousness and political culture, in the context of competition between projects for the future and different forms of identity (regional, ethnic, confessional, party, etc.).
strategies of prominent British and Russian intellectuals in a situation of systemic crisis during the “Transition Era” and the formation of cultural/national/Imperial identities in Britain and Russia in the 17th and the 18th c. On the base of the historical and comparative analysis of the cultural code of the emerging British and Russian identities basing on historical materials — polemical texts, texts of sermons and travelogues of the 17th and the 18th c.—deals with the common and specific in the practices and mechanisms of impact of various groups of intellectuals
on power and society in Britain and Russia in the situation of the disintegration of the Universalist image of the world and the formation of new ideas on the human, the society and the state.
В книге рассмотрены условия и последствия методологических поворотов в историографии второй половины XX – начала XXI века, породивших новые варианты изучения прошлого, призванные преодолеть противопоставление индивидуального и социального, микро- и макроистории. Показано становление и развитие новейших версий макроистории, современных концепций всеобщей, всемирной, глобальной истории, региональной и локальной истории. Анализ смены парадигм в исторической биографии, социальной, гендерной, культурной и интеллектуальной истории, истории памяти и исторического сознания позволил продемонстрировать эвристический потенциал предложенных моделей междисциплинарного синтеза в историческом исследовании.