Papers by Paulo Roberto Janissek
Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, 2008

Mostra IFTec em Resumos, 2016
O aquecimento do mercurio (Hg) produz vapores toxicos, corrosivos e mais densos que o ar. Quando ... more O aquecimento do mercurio (Hg) produz vapores toxicos, corrosivos e mais densos que o ar. Quando inalado, ingerido ou em contato, pode causar irritacao na pele, olhos e vias respiratorias, alem de comprometer o sistema nervoso central, os pulmoes e a tireoide. O mercurio possui diversas utilizacoes, como em lâmpadas fluorescentes, que se nao forem descartadas corretamente, podem provocar danos ambientais. Um dos objetivos desse trabalho e divulgar o quanto o mercurio e util, mas tambem toxico em contrapartida, exigindo uma normativa na esfera nacional para recicla-lo, o que evitaria diversas doencas e problemas ambientais. Observacoes iniciais indicaram nao haver locais de coleta adequados para lâmpadas com mercurio, e que estas lâmpadas podem contaminar o lixo comum se nao forem adequadamente segregadas. A metodologia de pesquisa envolve uma revisao teorica sobre lâmpadas fluorescentes e os riscos de contaminacao de mercurio no ambiente, alem da identificacao dos pontos de coleta, tanto proximo a nossa cidade quanto em todo o Brasil. Tambem sera feita uma pesquisa de campo por meio de entrevistas com a comunidade, em locais que utilizam ou efetuam o recolhimento destas lâmpadas em Caxias do Sul para identificar o que e feito com as lâmpadas fluorescentes que chegaram ao fim da sua vida util. Os resultados deste trabalho serao divulgados, de forma mais adequada, a ser identificados no decorrer do trabalho, dando enfase aos pontos de coleta em Caxias do Sul.
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, Oct 1, 2007

Mostra IFTec em Resumos, May 18, 2018
Em 2014 a industria dos cosmeticos faturou um bilhao de reais, e empregou cerca de 4,8 milhoes de... more Em 2014 a industria dos cosmeticos faturou um bilhao de reais, e empregou cerca de 4,8 milhoes de pessoas. Vivemos em uma sociedade onde a busca pela beleza e constante. Os cosmeticos surgiram ha anos, mas realmente invadiram a sociedade quando as mulheres ingressaram no mercado de trabalho, esse foi o estopim dos cosmeticos porque as mulheres conquistaram sua independencia financeira. A internet e um grande aliado das mulheres no momento da compra, ou em descobrir novos produtos e achar receitas caseiras. Porem ha pesquisas relatando que alguns produtos usados na composicao desses cosmeticos sao prejudiciais a saude. Este projeto visa comparar produtos caseiros e comerciais, com relacao a composicao, maneiras de atuacao, informacoes relevantes e preco. Alem disso, serao pesquisados os possiveis danos a saude, visando alertar quanto aos riscos que alguns produtos usados na formulacao de cosmeticos podem trazer a saude. Tendo em vista a grande variedade de produtos cosmeticos, o trabalho sera realizado somente com produtos para a pele. Para realizacao deste trabalho serao realizadas pesquisas bibliograficas, consultando produtos comerciais disponiveis e aplicando questionarios visando identificar se as pessoas usam receitas caseiras e se ja tiveram problemas relacionados a utilizacao de produtos para a pele. Assim, poderemos ter mais informacoes sobre o assunto, e trazer evidencias que ajudem a esclarecer e alertar sobre o uso de cosmeticos.
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais, Dec 1, 2018
Palavras-chave: poluição atmosférica; qualidade do ar; métodos; particulado total em suspensão; p... more Palavras-chave: poluição atmosférica; qualidade do ar; métodos; particulado total em suspensão; partículas totais em suspensão; ABNT NBR 9.547; amostrador de grande volume; amostrador de pequeno volume.
Journal of the Chemical Society, 1987
Thermochimica Acta, 2002
ABSTRACT The time–temperature dependence of the thermo-oxidative aging of polychloroprene rubber ... more ABSTRACT The time–temperature dependence of the thermo-oxidative aging of polychloroprene rubber (CR) was studied using the time–temperature-transformation (TTT) superposition method and the IEC-216 norm. Aging of the material was performed inside temperature-controlled oven under circulated air temperature. The samples were characterized by gravimetry (G), thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and Shore A hardness before and after aging. It was demonstrated that the basic idea of Wisanrrakkit and Gilham for the TTT treatment of DSC thermal analysis data can be applied in the studies of CR aging processes. A quantitative relation between aging temperature, aging time, Shore A hardness and mass loss variation was demonstrated, which permits the prediction of lifetime under thermo-oxidative condition of CR.
Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, Apr 28, 2023
ChemInform, Nov 3, 1987
ChemInform Abstract Electrochemical oxidation of the diaryl ethers (Ib)-(Ii) yields the bisacetal... more ChemInform Abstract Electrochemical oxidation of the diaryl ethers (Ib)-(Ii) yields the bisacetals (IIb)-(IIi) as the main products. Diphenyl ether (Ia) does not undergo cleavage. (Electrochemical oxidation potentials).

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Oct 12, 2017
In preliminary pre-formulation studies, the evaluation of solid-state interactions between an act... more In preliminary pre-formulation studies, the evaluation of solid-state interactions between an active pharmaceutical ingredient and different excipients is essential to guarantee the quality of the final product. Studies of drug-excipient compatibility represent an important phase in the development of all dosage forms. In this study, to evaluate the possible solid-state interaction from thermal events other than the usual melting point, physical mixtures (1:1, w/w) of a model drug without melting point (omeprazole sodium) and a number of pharmaceutical excipients were investigated. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods were used. The properties of the pure drug were compared with those of a binary drug-excipient mixture (1:1; w/w). Evidence of solid-solid incompatibility of omeprazole sodium and Acryl-Eze Ò , stearic acid and citric acid was observed from the first decomposition step in the DSC curve and subsequently confirmed by DRIFT and HPLC analyses.
Polymer Testing, 2002
Important experimental parameters for FTIR spectra acquisition were studied: apodization, beam ap... more Important experimental parameters for FTIR spectra acquisition were studied: apodization, beam aperture, number of scans and spectral resolution, using polyethylene samples. The optimum conditions for the analyses were established and permitted unequivocally to identify the three most important commercially available grades: low density, high density and linear low density products (LDPE, HDPE and LLDPE respectively).

ABSTRACT The study reported herein considered three questionnaires available for assessing learni... more ABSTRACT The study reported herein considered three questionnaires available for assessing learning styles, viz., Kolb, Honey-Alonso, and Felder-Soloman. The questionnaires were implemented in a spreadsheet with automated results, and distributed to subjects of both genders, and varying age, and academic background. The aim of the work was to determine which questionnaire, if any, would be preferred by respondents. The respondents were asked to answer all three questionnaires, examine the results and indicate their satisfaction by grading each result, using a scale between 0 and 10. While the results given by each questionnaire do not allow a complete comparison, partial agreement was possible to identify. Answers provided by 52 respondents have been processed, which show that, while there is no statistically significant difference among the preference of respondents regarding the three options, a slight preference for the Felder-Soloman questionnaire is discernible.

Polymer Degradation and Stability, Mar 1, 2003
Elucidation of the chemical changes that take place during the aging of polyethylene sheared elec... more Elucidation of the chemical changes that take place during the aging of polyethylene sheared electrical cables, and the correlation of these changes with physical properties need experiments with accelerated aging assays. These were carried out using the most representative polyethylene grades found in today's market: low density (LDPE), linear low density (LLDPE) and high density (HDPE). The samples were exposed to UV-and xenon arc radiation using a varying exposure time and different temperature cycles. The changes in the material structure and properties were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), FTIR-spectroscopy, density and hardness measurements. During degradation polar groups in the polyethylene are generated, as well as chain scission and cross-linking. As net effects of these processes respective increases in crystallinity, density and hardness and surface cracking at late stages of degradation are observed. By varying the angle of incidence in attenuated total reflection (ATR) experiments using FTIR-spectroscopy it was possible to detect variations in composition of distinct layers from the surface down to a depth of 1.2 mm. Deeper layers were reached by microtoming the samples in layers down to 60 mm. The main chemical modifications were carbonyl formation of various kinds which were identified in the FTIR-ATR spectra of degraded polyethylene samples.
SAE Technical Paper Series, Dec 31, 1997

Jornal Brasileiro De Patologia E Medicina Laboratorial, Feb 1, 2012
Introdução: O aumento de tecnologia e equipamentos automatizados em laboratórios de análises clín... more Introdução: O aumento de tecnologia e equipamentos automatizados em laboratórios de análises clínicas permitiu ampliar significativamente a capacidade de análises e processamento de informações. Entretanto, aumentou também na mesma proporção a utilização de reagentes químicos nas análises, gerando resíduos que, se descartados de forma incorreta, causam sérios danos ao meio ambiente. Objetivo: avaliar a informação e a conscientização dos profissionais de laboratórios de análises clínicas em relação a possíveis danos ambientais causados pelos resíduos químicos produzidos, forma de descarte adotada e interesse em receber informações relacionadas. Material e métodos: Foram realizadas entrevistas, estruturadas em questionário, para obter a quantidade de análises hematológicas realizadas na cidade de Curitiba/PR, o modo de descarte dos resíduos gerados pelos equipamentos automatizados e, também, para inferir sobre o conhecimento dos profissionais quanto à formulação das soluções, à forma recomendada de descarte e ao potencial para causar danos ao meio ambiente. Resultados e conclusão: A maioria (80%) dos profissionais de laboratórios de análises clínicas acredita ser responsável pelo resíduo produzido, no entanto não possui conhecimento sobre a questão. Esse desconhecimento propicia práticas inadequadas em 47% dos laboratórios pesquisados, que descartam o resíduo diretamente na rede coletora de esgotos. Para evitar a contaminação biológica, 20% dos laboratórios tratam os resíduos com hipoclorito antes de descartá-los na rede coletora de esgoto, e apenas 12% deles possuem tratamento para efluentes, porém esse tipo de procedimento realizado é desconhecido.

Environment pollution, more specifically water pollution, has been the topic of debates, meetings... more Environment pollution, more specifically water pollution, has been the topic of debates, meetings and much concern worldwide showing that there is a lot yet to be done. Releasing sewage water (even if treated and further disinfected) into the environment can also cause serious damage, especially if such disinfection is not carried out under strict control. Aiming at providing some collaboration to the issue, in this paper we assessed the production of trihalomethanes at different chloride concentrations (recommended in literature) for disinfection of sanitary sewage, using samples from the effluents of the Water Treatment Unit ETE Colombo-Sede. Run by Sanepar, the Unit is located in the city of Colombo, part of the Metropolitan Area of Curitiba, in Paraná, and the treatment process consists of Fluidized Bed Anaerobic Reactor (FBAR) and an Anaerobic Biological Filter (ABF). Chloroform, bromoform, bromoiodinechloromethane, and dibromochloromethate contents were analyzed through gas chromatography. We observed that among the THMs analyzed, there was os elevados resultados obtidos na dosagem do clorofórmio podem ser justificados pelas características do efluente pesquisado
Compressed gaseous sulphur hexafluoride is commonly used as an insulating medium in high-voltage ... more Compressed gaseous sulphur hexafluoride is commonly used as an insulating medium in high-voltage equipment. In the presence of traces of oxygen and moisture, SF6 can undergo decomposition under electrical stress. FT-IR-spectroscopic methods provide the possibility for a multicomponent trace gas analysis in the SF6-matrix with the option of on-line measurements. Decomposition compounds, produced by partial discharges, can be determined by multivariate spectral data analysis. Time-dependent concentration changes of the SF6 impurities in different infrared gas cells have been evaluated.
Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias, 1982

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2017
In preliminary pre-formulation studies, the evaluation of solid-state interactions between an act... more In preliminary pre-formulation studies, the evaluation of solid-state interactions between an active pharmaceutical ingredient and different excipients is essential to guarantee the quality of the final product. Studies of drug-excipient compatibility represent an important phase in the development of all dosage forms. In this study, to evaluate the possible solid-state interaction from thermal events other than the usual melting point, physical mixtures (1:1, w/w) of a model drug without melting point (omeprazole sodium) and a number of pharmaceutical excipients were investigated. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods were used. The properties of the pure drug were compared with those of a binary drug-excipient mixture (1:1; w/w). Evidence of solid-solid incompatibility of omeprazole sodium and Acryl-Eze Ò , stearic acid and citric acid was observed from the first decomposition step in the DSC curve and subsequently confirmed by DRIFT and HPLC analyses.
Papers by Paulo Roberto Janissek