Papers by Gilda Lucia Bakker Batista de Menezes
Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atrib... more Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais.
IX Congresso de Iniciação Científica do IFRN, Jun 23, 2013
Neste artigo é apresentada a plataforma BIM (building information modeling), tendo como pontos de... more Neste artigo é apresentada a plataforma BIM (building information modeling), tendo como pontos de análise a padronização nacional de componentes no exercício da prática profissional dos escritórios de arquitetura e empresas da construção civil. São identificadas as principais vantagens da sua utilização, assim como as maiores dificuldades de implantação.
Cadernos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, May 16, 2012
Resumo Neste artigo de revisão é apresentada uma breve evolução histórica da implantação da plata... more Resumo Neste artigo de revisão é apresentada uma breve evolução histórica da implantação da plataforma BIM (building information modeling) no exterior e no Brasil, tendo como pontos de análise as instituições acadêmicas e o exercício da prática profissional nos escritórios de arquitetura e empresas da construção civil. São identificadas as principais vantagens da sua utilização, assim como as maiores dificuldades de implantação. Palavras-chave: BIM; instituições acadêmicas; prática profissional; escritórios de arquitetura.
Diálogo Conceitual e Metodológico das Ciências Sociais Aplicadas com outras Áreas do Conhecimento 2, 2020
Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atrib... more Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais.

Vii Connepi Congresso Norte Nordeste De Pesquisa E Inovacao, Aug 15, 2012
A utilizacao do BIM atinge diretamente os cursos superiores de Arquitetura e Engenharias. Entreta... more A utilizacao do BIM atinge diretamente os cursos superiores de Arquitetura e Engenharias. Entretanto, a sua utilizacao plena ocasiona tamanhas mudancas nas relacoes entre as equipes de trabalho, que o assunto vai para alem das areas Tecnologica e das Ciencias Exatas, aportando nas Ciencias Humanas e despertando o interesse de pesquisadores de setores como a Educacao e a Psicologia. Neste artigo e apresentada a evolucao historica desta plataforma, tendo como pontos de analise as instituicoes academicas e o exercicio da pratica profissional. Sao identificadas as principais vantagens e dificuldades da sua utilizacao e implementacao. Em um estudo de caso no IFRN, sao analisados os primeiros passos da implantacao, no tocante as mudancas metodologicas/curriculares e as consequentes implicacoes no mundo do trabalho para os novos profissionais.
Ix Congresso De Iniciacao Cientifica Do Ifrn, Jun 23, 2013
Neste artigo é apresentada a plataforma BIM (building information modeling), tendo como pontos de... more Neste artigo é apresentada a plataforma BIM (building information modeling), tendo como pontos de análise a padronização nacional de componentes no exercício da prática profissional dos escritórios de arquitetura e empresas da construção civil. São identificadas as principais vantagens da sua utilização, assim como as maiores dificuldades de implantação.
Cadernos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2012
Resumo Neste artigo de revisão é apresentada uma breve evolução histórica da implantação da plata... more Resumo Neste artigo de revisão é apresentada uma breve evolução histórica da implantação da plataforma BIM (building information modeling) no exterior e no Brasil, tendo como pontos de análise as instituições acadêmicas e o exercício da prática profissional nos escritórios de arquitetura e empresas da construção civil. São identificadas as principais vantagens da sua utilização, assim como as maiores dificuldades de implantação. Palavras-chave: BIM; instituições acadêmicas; prática profissional; escritórios de arquitetura.
This article presents a research performed at IFRN about BIM 4D simulation, with a preview of pha... more This article presents a research performed at IFRN about BIM 4D simulation, with a preview of phases in a civil construction work, well as the previous clash detection among the project disciplines. The studies happened in a computers laboratory at the Campus Natal-Central of IFRN, Academic Department of Civil Construction, by the cooperative work of teachers and students. After analyzing the results, they realized these studies importance, not only because of the own utility of the developed knowledge, but also as a supporter tool for education, due to its clear and direct visualization.
Part of a BIM implementation project in the Institutos Federais, this paper presents an ongoing i... more Part of a BIM implementation project in the Institutos Federais, this paper presents an ongoing initiative, which has trained more than two dozen students in computer labs of their own educational institution. In this approach, focused to modeling components in electrical installations of building projects under the supervision of the DIACON research professors with feeding from a bank of virtual parts data, housed in the Campus Natal Central server. The results and conclusions were presented at the end of this work, showing the vanguard role that the IFRN occupies this field of knowledge.

This article concerns a research that is part of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodol... more This article concerns a research that is part of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodologies implementation study in the Institutos Federais. In this aspect, intend to generate 3D and 4D modeling which facilitate the teaching and learning in the disciplines Topografia, Construção Civil I e II, Instalações Hidráulicas I e II, Instalações Elétricas, Elementos de Projetos Arquitetônicos, Estabilidade e Orçamento, of the Academic Diretory of Building Construction (DIACON), technical course at Natal Central Campus (CNAT). Came from questions about the contents that had greater difficulty in teaching and / or learning and at the same time, would benefit from the use of electronic scale models that approached the theory of the construction site, aiming to have as a final product, a new type of teaching materials available to the academic community. The initiative was held at the Campus Natal Central, Diretoria Acadêmica de Construção Cvil, in a joint work of teachers and students. The part related to training and modeling was developed in computer lab, while the data collect was held in the rooms of DIACON. Although still in its infancy, some results could already be observed. Among them, they realized are several points where the use of BIM software can be used as a support tool for teaching / learning.
This article concerns the IFC interoperability format, used for collaboration in BIM based softwa... more This article concerns the IFC interoperability format, used for collaboration in BIM based software from different corporations. The research was developed at a computer laboratory from the Academic Department of Civil Construction, in IFRN – Câmpus Natal-Central, involving both students and teachers. Through some analysis, it was noticed that loss of data still occurs during conversion into IFC format; however, there has been a clearly improvement, comparing the last three years. The IFRN intends to work hard on creating IFC files so that they can be more interoperable among the academia.
This article describes a search held at IFRN about the calculation and the reinforced concrete st... more This article describes a search held at IFRN about the calculation and the reinforced concrete structural modeling made through interchange between two BIM software: the Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis and Autodesk Revit. The enterprise was produced on computational laboratory of Campus Natal Center, Civil Construction Academic Direction, at the set work the teachers and students. Looking up the results it’s realized the importance of these studies both in relation the big gain in the result produce, and also as teaching/ learning support tool.
This article describes a numerical simulation research with emphasis on natural illumination and ... more This article describes a numerical simulation research with emphasis on natural illumination and ventilation on building. The simulation was realized in a computer laboratory of the Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia (IFRN) Campus Natal Central (CNAT), by a research group of students and teachers of the civil construction area. The simulation model was a single family residence and the responsible device for the research's development was Revit, a BIM software produced by AutoDesk. Great advantages were observed due to the correct use of the software by both professionals in the market and researchers with academic purposes. The methodology sped up the process of design assumption and its validation, increasing its understanding and approaching it to reality.
This article presents a case study that proposes the implementation of Building Information Model... more This article presents a case study that proposes the implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) at secondary technician course. This experiment takes place in ‘Edificações’ course at Federal Institute of Education Science And Technology of RN. The analysis begins with some BIM academia initiatives, as well as some teaching trends in classes for teenagers, an age range today called digital natives. The paper concludes with a methodology that uses gamification
proposed for the secondary technical course and identify the successes and the difficulties encountered in this experiment.
This review article presents a brief historical overview of the
implementation of the BIM (buildi... more This review article presents a brief historical overview of the
implementation of the BIM (building information modeling) platform in Brazil and abroad. Its object of analysis comprises Academic Institutions, as well as the professional practice in architecture offices and building construction companies. The study identifies the main advantages and difficulties relating to the BIM application and utilization.
This paper presents BIM (building information modeling). Its object of analysis comprises the nat... more This paper presents BIM (building information modeling). Its object of analysis comprises the national standardization of components at the professional practice in architecture offices and building construction companies. The study identifies the main advantages and difficulties relating to the BIM application and utilization.
Conference Presentations by Gilda Lucia Bakker Batista de Menezes
This article presents the process of implementation of the Center for Research on BIM (Building I... more This article presents the process of implementation of the Center for Research on BIM (Building Information Modeling), the NP-BIM, in the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of State of Rio Grande do Norte – IFRN, in Campus Natal Central – CNAT. The deployment has been developed from research projects geared to the study of BIM, carried out with scholarship and volunteer students of IFRN and partner education institutions. The methodology for the teaching of BIM is through disciplines focused on the introduction to BIM and on trainings in BIM tools.
This article presents the process of implementation of the Center for Research on BIM (Building I... more This article presents the process of implementation of the Center for Research on BIM (Building Information Modeling), the NP-BIM, in the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of State of Rio Grande do Norte – IFRN, in Campus Natal Central – CNAT. The deployment has been developed from research projects geared to the study of BIM, carried out with scholarship and volunteer students of IFRN and partner education institutions. The methodology for the teaching of BIM is through disciplines focused on the introduction to BIM and on trainings in BIM tools.
Papers by Gilda Lucia Bakker Batista de Menezes
proposed for the secondary technical course and identify the successes and the difficulties encountered in this experiment.
implementation of the BIM (building information modeling) platform in Brazil and abroad. Its object of analysis comprises Academic Institutions, as well as the professional practice in architecture offices and building construction companies. The study identifies the main advantages and difficulties relating to the BIM application and utilization.
Conference Presentations by Gilda Lucia Bakker Batista de Menezes
proposed for the secondary technical course and identify the successes and the difficulties encountered in this experiment.
implementation of the BIM (building information modeling) platform in Brazil and abroad. Its object of analysis comprises Academic Institutions, as well as the professional practice in architecture offices and building construction companies. The study identifies the main advantages and difficulties relating to the BIM application and utilization.
de eficiência energética e verificações de interferências entre disciplinas. Os programas BIM 4D (fases de execução com geração automática de cronogramas e animações gráficas da construção) e 5D (automatização dos orçamentos), também têm chamado atenção de construtores e projetistas. Como filosofia integradora de disciplinas e buscando reunir conhecimentos das diferentes áreas/diretorias acadêmicas, este projeto propõe o primeiro estudo em 6D BIM (gerenciamento da manutenção do modelo construído) através de extensão no software, entre a DIACON (experiência no uso de softwares para modelagem 3D e 4D BIM) e a DIACIN (experiência no monitoramento do desgaste e manutenção de peças).