Papers by Frederico Fonseca da Silva

Políticas Culturais em Revista, 2009
O trabalho trata da questao financiamento federal, da estrutura e das caracteristicas do Programa... more O trabalho trata da questao financiamento federal, da estrutura e das caracteristicas do Programa Nacional de Apoio a Cultura (PRONAC). Mostra que o Programa, que abrange uma parte orcamentaria e outra de gasto tributario indireto, foi exitoso no que se refere ao aumento global dos recursos para a cultura. Tambem defende a tese de que os dois mecanismos de financiamento tem distorcoes e estas envolvem questoes de gestao, estando seu aperfeicoamento ao alcance da administracao publica sem que seja necessaria a promocao de reformas em profundidade. Todavia, o aperfeicoamento do financiamento tambem envolve questoes politicas, estas relacionadas a democratizacao dos processos de decisao e a discussao do financiamento sob a moldura de politicas globais. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Financiamento a cultura; Politicas culturais; Incentivos Fiscais, Fundo Nacional de Cultura, Programa Nacional de Apoio a Cultura (PRONAC); Planejamento; Gestao na Cultura. Aspects of the cultural financing policy in the ...
Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional, Oct 27, 2015
Patios urbanos tienen un potencial considerable a la conservación de la biodiversidad. Sin embarg... more Patios urbanos tienen un potencial considerable a la conservación de la biodiversidad. Sin embargo, estos espacios no son planificados, y existe poca información sobre la diversidad de la flora presente en los patios de las diferentes clases sociales. Hemos cuantificado y comparado la diversidad vegetal de los patios de dos barrios de la región metropolitana de Maringá (Paraná, Brasil), mediante el cálculo de índices de diversidad, correlaciones bivariadas y del potencial de

O presente estudo tem como objetivo propor o uso de planilhas eletronicas na gestao agropecuaria ... more O presente estudo tem como objetivo propor o uso de planilhas eletronicas na gestao agropecuaria sendo o seu desenvolvimento realizado por meio de revisao bibliografica de literatura, a qual fundamentou a proposta de elaboracao de planilhas eletronicas como ferramentas na gestao agropecuaria, com o objetivo de proporcionar ao pequeno produtor, subsidios para uma melhor gestao de sua propriedade. O estudo possibilitou verificar que a agricultura brasileira se encontra em um momento bastante positivo, sendo responsavel por 22% do PIB do pais em 2012, 42% das exportacoes totais e 37% dos empregos brasileiros. Os produtos exportados de maior destaque sao a carne (US$ 1,14 bilhao); produtos florestais (US$ 702 milhoes); complexo soja - grao, farelo e oleo (US$ 685 milhoes); cafe (US$ 605 milhoes) e o complexo sucroalcooleiro - alcool e acucar (US$ 372 milhoes). As projecoes mostram que, ate 2022, a producao de graos aumentara 22%, sendo a soja o produto principal, com media de 2,3% ao an...

Anuário do Instituto de Geociências, 2010
The aim of this study was to identify possible zonation patterns and assess the environmental imp... more The aim of this study was to identify possible zonation patterns and assess the environmental impact on the Potengi River Estuary, Rio Grande do Norte State, through the distribution of benthic foraminifera associated to bacterial activity and abiotic parameters. Six sediment samples were collected from locations that presented clear signs of pollution. The environment was predominantly anaerobic and fermentation occurred at all sites. Forty-two species of foraminifera were identified. The dominant species were Ammonia tepida and Arenoparrella mexicana, which are known to be opportunistic, and able to adapt to rapidly changing conditions. CCA analyses showed that salinity and organic matter, followed by bacterial carbon, were more strongly linked to organism distribution in the Potengi River Estuary. Dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature and total organic matter were higher at the estuary mouth than at the other sites, creating favorable conditions for foraminiferal growth and...

Journal of Sedimentary Environments, 2017
This work intends to apply new ecological descriptors to a coastal marine area aiming to assess i... more This work intends to apply new ecological descriptors to a coastal marine area aiming to assess its environmental trophic status. This approach makes possible to identify relevant variables associated with eutrophication process applicable and valid worldwide. The aim of this work is to study the organic matter (OM) quality and quantity, in terms of biopolymers, in Saquarema Lagoonal System (SLS) located in Rio de Janeiro State (Brazil). Sediment samples collected in SLS were analyzed in this study for granulometric and geochemical data such as total organic carbon (TOC), total sulfur (TS) and biopolimeric carbon (BPC) concentrations, including proteins (PTN), carbohydrates (CHO) and lipids (LIP). These data were combined with additional environmental parameters measured in water of the four linked lagoons that compose SLS. Data analyses allowed the identification of four distinct regions in SLS: an inner and impacted zone characterized by sediment particularly enriched in TOC, with lowest quality of OM most probably provided by contaminated effluents and rivers runoff; an outer-less impacted lagoonal area with
Ciência e Natura, 2015
Urban backyards have considerable potential for biodiversity conservation and the enhancement of ... more Urban backyards have considerable potential for biodiversity conservation and the enhancement of food security. However, these spaces are poorly planned, there is little information on the diversity of flora present in the backyards of different social classes. We quantified and compared plant diversity of the backyards of two neighborhoods in the metropolitan area of Maringá (Paraná, Brazil), by calculating diversity indices, bivariate correlations and potential of plantations, and outline planning guidelines, with the goal of increasing the presence of woody vegetation strengthen food security and contribute to the conservation of biological diversity, including the preservation of endangered plant species.

Revista Internacional Interdisciplinar INTERthesis, 2015
La urbanización global y masiva de los territorios es el más importante fenómeno ecológico de la ... more La urbanización global y masiva de los territorios es el más importante fenómeno ecológico de la actualidad. Los estándares de crecimiento urbano son determinantes para la conservación de la diversidad biológica, y asimismo para el grado de calidad de vida de las poblaciones urbanas. Contrariamente a la percepción de los biólogos y de otros académicos, de las ciudades como ambientes estériles y opuestos a la naturaleza, el reciente desarrollo de la ecología urbana, ciencia necesariamente interdisciplinaria, nos demuestra que ciudades son ecosistemas heterotróficos que necesitan ser planeados para que sus impactos en la biosfera sean disminuidos, y que en paralelo su capacidad de sostener la biodiversidad sea incrementada. Palabras clave: Ecología urbana. Ecosistemas urbanos. Urbanización global. Biodiversidad. Patios urbanos. Vivimos, indudablemente, en el Planeta Ciudad: por primera vez en la historia de la humanidad la población global es predominantemente urbana. Por toda parte las ciudades crecen. Solamente en China, más de 300 millones de personas van a desplazarse hacia las ciudades, provocando un cambio paisajístico sin precedentes . La expresión urbanización, en un sentido amplio, significa la conversión del suelo en ambientes urbanos. Por ambiente urbano definimos no sólo el área de las ciudades per se, sino también las áreas externas a las ciudades, apropiadas por ellas, y que proveen energía, materiales, y además absorben sus desechos. Son, por lo tanto, prolongamientos, extensiones de las ciudades.

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2006
In the present work a qualitatively accurate low dimensional model is used to study the non-linea... more In the present work a qualitatively accurate low dimensional model is used to study the non-linear dynamic behavior of shallow cylindrical shells under axial loading. The dynamic version of the Donnell non-linear shallow shell equations are discretized by the Galerkin method. The shell is considered to be initially at rest, in a position corresponding to a pre-buckling configuration. Then, a harmonic excitation is applied and conditions to escape from this configuration are sought. By defining steady state and transient stability boundaries, frequency regimes of instability may be identified such that they may be avoided in design. Initially a steady state analysis is performed; resonance response curves in the forcing plane are presented and the main instabilities are identified. Finally, the global transient response of the system is investigated in order to quantify the degree of safety of the shell in the presence of small perturbations. Since the initial conditions, or even the shell parameters, may vary widely, and indeed are often unknown, attention is given to all possible transient motions. As parameters are varied, transient basins of attraction can undergo quantitative and qualitative changes; hence a stability analysis which only considers the steady-state and neglects this global transient behavior, may be seriously non-conservative.

Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2007
Wide biosurfactant application on biorremediation is limited by its high production cost. The sea... more Wide biosurfactant application on biorremediation is limited by its high production cost. The search for cheaper biossurfactant production alternatives has guided our study. The use of selective media containing sucrose (10 g.L-1) and Arabian Light oil (2 g.L-1) as carbon sources showed to be effective to screen and maintain biosurfactant-producing consortia isolated from mangrove hydrocarbon-contaminated sediment. The biosurfactant production was assayed by kerosene, gasoline and Arabian Light Emulsification activity and the bacterial growth curve was determined by bacterial quantification. The parameters analyzed for biosurfactant production were the growth curve, salinity concentration, flask shape and oxygenation. All bacteria consortia screened were able to emulsify the petroleum derivatives tested. Biosurfactant production increased according to the incubation time; however the type of emulsification (non-aqueous phase or aqueous phase) did not change with time but with the co...

Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2011
This study aimed to evaluate the environmental quality of surface water of the Maricá Lagoon Syst... more This study aimed to evaluate the environmental quality of surface water of the Maricá Lagoon System through physicochemical, biochemical and microbiological parameters, in order to assess its environmental quality. Marine influence over the system was evidenced by the salinity and temperature gradients, where the most distant point, in Maricá Lagoon, presented the largest protein, lipid and biopolymeric carbon concentrations. Biopolymers, with predominance of lipids, presented a pattern that differs from the literature for coastal sediments. The concentration of thermotolerant coliforms characterised Maricá Lagoon and Boqueirão Channel as unfit for bathing (60.0 and 66.3 cells.mL-1, respectively). The bacterioplankton in the system proved to be predominantly heterotrophic, a consumer of organic matter, with fermentative, denitrifying and sulfate-reducing metabolism. No esterase enzyme activity was detected, despite the presence of active metabolism, measured by the electron transpor...

PLOS ONE, 2015
This work analyses the distribution of living benthic foraminiferal assemblages of surface sedime... more This work analyses the distribution of living benthic foraminiferal assemblages of surface sediments in different intertidal areas of Ria de Aveiro (Portugal), a polihaline and anthropized coastal lagoon. The relationships among foraminiferal assemblages in association with environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, Eh and pH), grain size, the quantity and quality of organic matter (enrichment in carbohydrates, proteins and lipids), pollution caused by metals, and mineralogical data are studied in an attempt to identify indicators of adaptability to environmental stress. In particular, concentrations of selected metals in the surficial sediment are investigated to assess environmental pollution levels that are further synthetically parameterised by the Pollution Load Index (PLI). The PLI variations allowed the identification of five main polluted areas. Concentrations of metals were also analysed in three extracted phases to evaluate their possible mobility, bioavailability and toxicity in the surficial sediment. Polluted sediment in the form of both organic matter and metals can be found in the most confined zones. Whereas enrichment in organic matter and related biopolymers causes an increase in foraminifera density, pollution by metals leads to a decline in foraminiferal abundance and diversity in those zones. The first situation may be justified by the existence of opportunistic species (with high reproduction rate) that can live in low oxic conditions. The second is explained by the sensitivity of some species to pressure caused by metals. The quality of the organic matter found in these places and the option of

Journal of Coastal Research, 2013
The main goal of this work is to distinguish anthropic and climatic influences in sediments from ... more The main goal of this work is to distinguish anthropic and climatic influences in sediments from the lagoon of Aveiro (Portugal). This study is based on a core (240-cm long) collected in Murtosa Channel. Optical and X-radiographic images and high-resolution elemental profiles were acquired with ITRAX micro-X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanner. Samples collected at each ≈3 cm along the core were analysed for grain size and total organic carbon. Furthermore, the fine fraction of selected layers was subjected to geochemical analysis by ICP-MS, after total acid digestion of the sediments, and mineralogical analysis, by XRD techniques. A radiocarbon age was determined by AMS, using molluscs shells collected at a depth of 90 cm. Sediments along the core are composed by fine and medium sand, with several mud layers. Sediments composing the first 100-cm may have been deposited after 1950, as it is indicated by the radiocarbon data, the increasing trend of
Conferência Brasileira de Dinâmica, Controle e Aplicações, 2011
In this work, by using the Galerkin-iterative method, the non-linear free and forced vibrations o... more In this work, by using the Galerkin-iterative method, the non-linear free and forced vibrations of rectangular plates are investigated. This method gives the eigenfunctions for the lateral displacements of plates with different sets of boundary conditions. Special attention is given to the frequency-amplitude relations and to the parametric instability boundaries of rectangular plates in the force control space.
Publicação cujo objetivo é divulgar resultados de estudos direta ou indiretamente desenvolvidos p... more Publicação cujo objetivo é divulgar resultados de estudos direta ou indiretamente desenvolvidos pelo Ipea, os quais, por sua relevância, levam informações para profissionais especializados e estabelecem um espaço para sugestões. As opiniões emitidas nesta publicação são de exclusiva e inteira responsabilidade do(s) autor(es), não exprimindo, necessariamente, o ponto de vista do Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada ou da Secretaria de Assuntos Estratégicos da Presidência da República. É permitida a reprodução deste texto e dos dados nele contidos, desde que citada a fonte. Reproduções para fins comerciais são proibidas.

Bulletin of Geosciences, 2012
Data on lipids, carbohydrates and proteins of the most expressive black shale (s.l.) intervals of... more Data on lipids, carbohydrates and proteins of the most expressive black shale (s.l.) intervals of the Early-Late Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic, ~187 Ma) organic-rich hemipelagic series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) were determined using a method that has been successfully applied over the last two decades in the characterization of biomass and very immature sediments. The goal of this paper is to test the applicability of these techniques to the ancient geological record. To our knowledge, this is the first time that this type of biogeochemical data from sedimentary series older than Oligocene is reported and tentatively used for palaeoenvironmental/diagenetic inferences. Carbohydrates and proteins are present in low concentrations, reaching up to 385.13 and 451.13 µg/g rock, respectively. The main variations are observed in the lipid contents, ranging from 197.67 to 8446.36 µg/g rock. The samples with the highest amounts of lipids seem to correlate with low [O 2 ] time intervals determined by independent data, such as organic petrography, micropalaeontology and sedimentology. This was probably related with selective lipid preservation under oxygen and hydrogen sulfide-rich depleted environments. The good overall match between the determined lipid contents and specific depositional/early diagenetical conditions seem to favor the idea that the easy to perform and inexpensive method applied here has the potential to add useful information to the study of ancient organic-rich carbonate sedimentary series.

Blood, 2005
Kaposi sarcoma–associated herpesvirus (KSHV) latency-associated nuclear antigen-1 (LANA1) is esse... more Kaposi sarcoma–associated herpesvirus (KSHV) latency-associated nuclear antigen-1 (LANA1) is essential for the maintenance and segregation of viral episomes in KSHV latently infected B cells. We report development of intracellular, rabbit-derived antibodies generated by phage display technology, which bind to N-terminal LANA1 epitopes and neutralize the chromosome-binding activity of LANA1. Although these cloned single-chain variable fragments (scFvs) show relatively low binding affinities for the LANA1 viral antigen in in vitro assays, they nonetheless outcompete KSHV-seropositive human sera for LANA1 epitope binding. In heterologous cells, intracellular intrabody expression inhibits LANA1-dependent plasmid maintenance of both an artificial plasmid containing KSHV LANA1 binding sequences and a bacterial artificial chromosome containing the entire KSHV genome. In KSHV naturally infected primary effusion lymphoma cells, intracellular intrabody expression causes a reduction or loss of...

Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2012
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV‐1) integrase (IN) protein plays an important role du... more The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV‐1) integrase (IN) protein plays an important role during the early stages of the retroviral life cycle and therefore is an attractive target for therapeutic intervention. We immunized rabbits with HIV‐1 IN protein and developed a combinatorial single‐chain variable fragment (scFv) library against IN. Five different scFv antibodies with high binding activity and specificity for IN were identified. These scFvs recognize the catalytic and C‐terminal domains of IN and block the strand‐transfer process. Cells expressing anti‐IN–scFvs were highly resistant to HIV‐1 replication due to an inhibition of the integration process itself. These results provide proof‐of‐concept that rabbit anti‐IN–scFv intrabodies can be designed to block the early stages of HIV‐1 replication without causing cellular toxicity. Therefore, these anti‐IN–scFvs may be useful agents for “intracellular immunization”‐based gene therapy strategies. Furthermore, because of thei...

Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2007
In this paper recombinant single-chain fragments (scFv-4BL), and single domain antibodies (4BL-V(... more In this paper recombinant single-chain fragments (scFv-4BL), and single domain antibodies (4BL-V(H)) and (4BL-V(H)D) generated against HIV1 virion infectivity factor (Vif) are used to develop piezoimmunosensors for HIV1 recognition. Mixed self assembled monolayers were generated at the surface of gold coated crystal sensors to which scFv-4BL, 4BL-V(H), or 4BL-V(H)D were immobilized. Impedance analysis was used to discriminate interfering signals from frequency variation data and to increase the sensor sensitivity. The elimination of interfering signals enabled the quantification of the amount of immobilized protein and gave some indication on the viscoelasticity of immobilized biofilms. All the modified sensors were able to specifically recognize HIV1 Vif in liquid samples. The results indicate that lower sensitivities are obtained with 4BL-V(H) single domain antibodies, possibly due to its higher hydrophobic character. The sensitivity obtained when using scFv-4BL was reestablished when using the more hydrophilic 4BL-V(H)D single domain. 4BL-V(H)D piezoimunosensors were effective in recognizing HIV1 Vif from protein mixtures and from cell extracts of human embryonic kidney cells expressing HIV1 Vif. The results presented in this paper demonstrate the potential applicability of the developed piezoimmunosensors to monitor HIV1 infection evolution.

Acta Biomaterialia, 2013
The present study aimed to develop a pre-endothelialized chitosan (CH) porous hollowed scaffold f... more The present study aimed to develop a pre-endothelialized chitosan (CH) porous hollowed scaffold for application in spinal cord regenerative therapies. CH conduits with different degrees of acetylation (DA; 4% and 15%) were prepared, characterized (microstructure, porosity and water uptake) and functionalized with a recombinant fragment of human fibronectin (rhFNIII ). Immobilized rhFNIII 7-10 7-10 was characterized in terms of amount ( 125 I-radiolabelling), exposure of cell-binding domains (immunofluorescence) and ability to mediate endothelial cell (EC) adhesion and cytoskeletal rearrangement. Func-K e y w o r d s : Three-dimensional scaffolds tionalized conduits revealed a linear increase in immobilized rhFNIII 7-10 with rhFNIII 7-10 concentration, Surface grafting Protein radiolabelling Protein conformation Spinal cord injury and, for the same concentration, higher amounts of rhFNIII7-10 on DA 4% compared with DA 15%. Moreover, rhFNIII7-10 concentrations as low as 5 and 20 lg ml -1 in the coupling reaction were shown to provide DA 4% and 15% scaffolds, respectively, with levels of exposed cell-binding domains exceeding those observed on the control (DA 4% scaffolds incubated in a 20 lg ml -1 human fibronectin solution). These grafting conditions proved to be effective in mediating EC adhesion/cytoskeletal organization on CH with DA 4% and 15%, without affecting the endothelial angiogenic potential. rhFNIII7-10 grafting to CH could be a strategy of particular interest in tissue engineering applications requiring the use of endothelialized porous matrices with tunable degradation rates.

Terra Plural, Dec 31, 2022
Resumo: A arborização viária é negligenciada por muitas prefeituras brasileiras, ao não considera... more Resumo: A arborização viária é negligenciada por muitas prefeituras brasileiras, ao não considerarem árvores parte da infraestrutura urbana. Neste contexto, este estudo pretende analisar o planejamento da arborização de ruas da cidade de Maringá, localizada no Norte do Estado do Paraná. Como objetivos específicos tem-se: a) identificar a legislação municipal referente à arborização urbana no período de 1950 a 2022; b) analisar o Plano de Gestão de Arborização Urbana (PGAU) de Maringá, publicado em 2020.Os procedimentos metodológicos compreenderam três linhas de análise: histórico de ocupação urbana; histórico da arborização de ruas; e análise do PGAU, através de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Maringá teve seu planejamento da arborização inicialmente realizada pela Companhia de Melhoramentos Norte do Paraná entre 1947 e 1982 e, na sequência, pela Prefeitura Municipal. Conclui-se
Papers by Frederico Fonseca da Silva