Papers by Nataly Moyseenko

Research Square (Research Square), Nov 15, 2023
Background: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a common condition that affects millions of people wo... more Background: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Despite its prevalence, the pathophysiology of CRS is not fully understood, and there is a lack of consensus on the de nition and diagnosis of this condition. Methods: patients (16 eyes) aged 18-32 were examined at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University with progressive optic nerve atrophy caused by secondary neuritis combined with sinusitis. We conducted a cross-sectional study of patients with CRS who underwent a comprehensive otolaryngological evaluation, including nasal endoscopy, computed tomography (CT) scan, and allergy testing. Patients were classi ed into two groups: those with and without secondary neuritis. Result. Eight patients with optic nerve atrophy caused by secondary neuritis combined with sinusitis examined by OCT. The optic nerve damage in the early period (up to half a year) characterized by the appearance retinal neural bers layer (RNFL)'s white sectors combined with red-yellow sectors on the side of the lesion. It could be evidence of edematous-degenerative processes. Later, after more than a year, RNFL's yellow-red sectors appeared on the side of the lesion and white on the opposite side. The nding characterizes the development of atrophy of the optic nerve and involvement of the opposite side. Conclusion Our study suggests that secondary neuritis is a common complication of CRS and is associated with more severe symptoms and CT scan abnormalities. Early recognition and treatment of secondary neuritis may help to prevent or slow down the progression of the disease.

Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, Mar 17, 2016
На підставі аналізу результатів морфологічного дослідження обгрунтувати вплив високих доз кортико... more На підставі аналізу результатів морфологічного дослідження обгрунтувати вплив високих доз кортикостероїдів на регенераторні процеси в зоровому нерві (ЗН) після його травматичного ушкодження в експерименті. Матеріали і методи. В експерименті у 12 статевозрілих кролів моделювали ушкодження ЗН. У 6 з них на 2-гу добу після травми внутрішньом'язово вводили метилпреднізолон. Результат. На 14-ту добу лікування у внутрішньочерепній частині ЗН відзначали покращення мікроциркуляцї, що супроводжувалося зменшенням набряку та активацією ремієлінізації нервових волокон. В аксоплазмі виявлені новоутворені мітохондрії, формування структурованих мікротрубочок і нейрофіламентів, що є ранніми ознаками регенеративних процесів ЗН. Висновок. При травматичному ушкодженні ЗН застосування високих доз кортикостероїдів на 14-ту добу сприяло покращенню мікроциркуляцї, зменшенню набряку, ремієлінізації та активації процесів регенерації. Ключові слова: травматичне ушкодження зорового нерва; регенераторні процеси; ремієлінізація; високі дози кортикостероїдів; експеримент.

ScienceRise, Mar 31, 2023
Cases of sinusogenic damage to the optic nerve are difficult to statistically process due to the ... more Cases of sinusogenic damage to the optic nerve are difficult to statistically process due to the variety of manifestations in the initial period and differences in the course, which does not make it possible to make a timely diagnosis, as well as standardize treatment. All this leads to the development of irreversible damage to the optic nerve, and therefore is relevant for study. The aim of the study was to investigate signs of optic nerve atrophy caused by secondary neuritis combined with sinusitis using optical coherence tomography (OCT). Research methods. 8 patients (16 eyes) aged 18-32 were examined at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University with progressive optic nerve atrophy caused by secondary neuritis combined with sinusitis. The visometry, ophthalmoscopy, computer perimetry and OCT were used. Result. Eight patients with optic nerve atrophy caused by secondary neuritis combined with sinusitis examined by OCT. The optic nerve damage in the early period (up to half a year) characterized by the appearance retinal neural fibers layer (RNFL)'s white sectors combined with red-yellow sectors on the side of the lesion. It could be evidence of edematous-degenerative processes. Later, after more than a year, RNFL's yellow-red sectors appeared on the side of the lesion and white on the opposite side. The finding characterizes the development of atrophy of the optic nerve and involvement of the opposite side. Conclusion. To improve the diagnosis of optic nerve atrophy caused by secondary neuritis combined with sinusitis, the use of OCT parameters will help to obtain a more complete picture of the condition of the optic nerve and determine the optimal treatment plan

Advances in Ophthalmology & Visual System, 2022
Oculomotor manifestations (nystagmus and diplopia) do not lead to blindness. But the loss of cogn... more Oculomotor manifestations (nystagmus and diplopia) do not lead to blindness. But the loss of cognitive properties in the background, such as ability recognition and reading, leads to irreparable social consequences. Therefore, improved methods of diagnostic oculomotor disorders will help reveal neurodegenerative disease in earlier stages. Moreover, their correction will prevent undesirable outcomes. Clinical case 1-Partial Parinaue's syndrome, confirmed by MRI revealed multiple small degenerations in the area of the brain bridge (according to the localization indicated by Parinaue's syndrome-in the dorsal-medial part). Clinical case 2-Pronounced vertical-rotational nystagmus of both eyes with greater amplitude in the lead positions. Viral encephalomyelitis. In their form and nature, oculomotor disorders are a good indicator of the topic of damage to deep brain structures such as the trunk and bridge. Therefore, a more thorough study will help diagnose neurodegenerative injury in the early stages, treatment and prevent unwanted social consequences.

ScienceRise, Jul 30, 2021
Optic neuropathy is a group of diseases of the optic nerve. Using diagnostic techniques such as o... more Optic neuropathy is a group of diseases of the optic nerve. Using diagnostic techniques such as ophthalmoscopy and perimetry diagnosis are insufficient, as the found abnormalities are not specific for either inflammation or ischemia. Establishing the predominant factor in the pathogenesis of neuropathy is crucial in determining the method of treatment. The aim of the study: to investigate the features of optic nerve damage using optical coherent tomography (OCT) in optic neuropathy in the acute period. Materials and methods: two patients with visual impairment were examined. Result. Patient G. had concomitant rheumatoid arthritis with unregulated Methotrexate therapy. OCT revealed edema of the nerve fibre layer convinced of the predominance of inflammatory neuropathy (atypical neuritis). Pulse therapy with corticosteroids was prescribed, which gave a positive functional effect. A patient O. with pneumonia on the background of Covid-19 with a history of OST showed a decrease in the thickness of the layer of nerve fibres in the lower segment, and in the angio modedrusen of the optic disc. Conclusions. Thus, the use of OCT for the diagnosis of optic neuropathies in the acute period showed that under conditions of inflammatory lesions is more characteristic of edema and an increase in the thickness of the layer of nerve fibres. In ischemic neuropathy, on the contrary, a decrease in the thickness of nerve fibres is more characteristic, which correlates in location with the localization of scotoma in the field of view. Therefore, the use of OCT of the optic nerve will help in understanding the pathogenesis of forms of optic neuropathy.
Oftalmologicheskiĭ zhurnal, Jun 5, 2019
Oftalmologicheskiĭ zhurnal, Apr 8, 2019

Journal of Medical – Clinical Research & Reviews, 2021
Aim: To study the retino-hypothalamic ultrastructural changes in traumatic optic neuropathy’s pat... more Aim: To study the retino-hypothalamic ultrastructural changes in traumatic optic neuropathy’s pathogenesis and treatment. Methods: Four groups of mature rabbits were included in this experiment, 30 in each group, 120 in total. The traumatic crush to the optic nerves was reproduced by surgical clips to 90 mature rabbits. The first group (I) included intact/control animals, the second (II) included animals with traumatic optic neuropathy and two other traumatized groups (III and IV) who were given two different doses of treatment. The animals in group III were given infusions of Methylprednisolone 30mg/kg/day for three days. The group IV animals received infusion of 15mg/kg/ day of Methylprednisolone for 3 days in combination with phosphine electric stimulation (PES), starting from the third until the 13th day of the experiment. The electrical pulse which was used on the affected side of the animal was 800 mÐ and 300 mÐ on the opposite side. The morphological analysis of the retina ...

World of Medicine and Biology, 2017
The neurohumoral properties's changes in the hypothalamus as a result of TON are unknown. The pur... more The neurohumoral properties's changes in the hypothalamus as a result of TON are unknown. The purpose of the study: to study neurohumoral dysfunction in the traumatic optical neuropathy's pathogenesis. Methods. The traumatic damage to the orbital part of the right optic nerve was reproduced in 60 sexually mature rabbits in the experiment. There were two groups of animals of 30 individuals: intact and experimental. Electronic microscopy of the hemithin and ultrathin sections and the morphometry of the cranial part of the right optic nerve and the suprachismic nucleus of the hypothalamus one month after the injury. It has been established that traumatic damage to the orbital part of the optic nerve causes reactive edema and destructive changes in the cranial part of the optic nerve and the suprachiasmic nucleus of the hypothalamus. The reducing the volumetric neurosecretory granules density and the pycnomorphic cells' number at the last stage of development increasing were detected. This reduces the corticosteroids production that cause inflammatory reactive damage to the optic nerve. Conclusion. Hence, neurohumoral dysfunction is an important mechanism for the pathogenesis of traumatic optical neuropathy, and its correction will have positive effects for treatment.
Oftalmologicheskii Zhurnal, 2014

ScienceRise: Medical Science
Випадки синусогенних пошкоджень зорового нерву складно піддаються статистичній обробці в силу різ... more Випадки синусогенних пошкоджень зорового нерву складно піддаються статистичній обробці в силу різноманітності проявів в початковий період та відмінностей перебігу, що не дає можливості своєчасно встановити діагноз, а також стандартизувати лікування. Мета дослідження полягала у вивченні ознак атрофії зорового нерву, спричиненої вторинними невритами, що поєднані з синуситами за допомогою оптико-когерентної томографії (ОКТ). Методи дослідження. В амбулаторних умовах, на базі Івано-Франківського національного медичного університету обстежено 8 пацієнтів (16 очей) віком 18-32 роки, які звернулися на консультацію у зв’язку із прогресуючою атрофією зорового нерву спричиненою вторинним невритом, поєднаною з синуситами. Проведено візометрію, офтальмоскопію і аналіз даних комп’ютерної периметрії та ОКТ. Результат. Дослідження 8 пацієнтів, із атрофією зорового нерву викликаною вторинним невритом поєднаним із синуситами, за даними ОКТ, показали пошкодження зорового нерву, які у ранній термін (д...

Advances in Ophthalmology & Visual System
Oculomotor manifestations (nystagmus and diplopia) do not lead to blindness. But the loss of cogn... more Oculomotor manifestations (nystagmus and diplopia) do not lead to blindness. But the loss of cognitive properties in the background, such as ability recognition and reading, leads to irreparable social consequences. Therefore, improved methods of diagnostic oculomotor disorders will help reveal neurodegenerative disease in earlier stages. Moreover, their correction will prevent undesirable outcomes. Clinical case 1- Partial Parinaue's syndrome, confirmed by MRI revealed multiple small degenerations in the area of the brain bridge (according to the localization indicated by Parinaue's syndrome - in the dorsal - medial part). Clinical case 2- Pronounced vertical-rotational nystagmus of both eyes with greater amplitude in the lead positions. Viral encephalomyelitis. In their form and nature, oculomotor disorders are a good indicator of the topic of damage to deep brain structures such as the trunk and bridge. Therefore, a more thorough study will help diagnose neurodegenerative...
The research on the possibilities of regeneration of the optic nerve turns attention by scientist... more The research on the possibilities of regeneration of the optic nerve turns attention by scientist for many decades. The aim was to activate regenerative processes in the optic nerve traumatic injury at high doses of corticosteroids

The aim was to activate regenerative processes in the optic nerve traumatic crush at high doses o... more The aim was to activate regenerative processes in the optic nerve traumatic crush at high doses of corticosteroids. It has been used 6 mature rabbits (Group injured), which made damage the optic nerve. 6 rabbits (treated group) on the second day after the injury were treated with the use administration of methyl prednisolone. At 14 days after treatment of intracranial optic nerve improves microcirculation observed, accompanied by a decrease in swelling. There was detected remielinisation regeneration of these fibers. There are young mitochondria in the axoplasma. There were formed microtubules and structured neuro filaments, which is an early sign of regenerative processes of the optic nerve. Conclusion: Consequently found that for traumatic optic nerve damage high doses of corticosteroids for 14 days results in improvement of microcirculation reduce swelling, remielinisation and activation of regeneration.

Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, 2016
На підставі аналізу результатів морфологічного дослідження обгрунтувати вплив високих доз кортико... more На підставі аналізу результатів морфологічного дослідження обгрунтувати вплив високих доз кортикостероїдів на регенераторні процеси в зоровому нерві (ЗН) після його травматичного ушкодження в експерименті. Матеріали і методи. В експерименті у 12 статевозрілих кролів моделювали ушкодження ЗН. У 6 з них на 2-гу добу після травми внутрішньом'язово вводили метилпреднізолон. Результат. На 14-ту добу лікування у внутрішньочерепній частині ЗН відзначали покращення мікроциркуляцї, що супроводжувалося зменшенням набряку та активацією ремієлінізації нервових волокон. В аксоплазмі виявлені новоутворені мітохондрії, формування структурованих мікротрубочок і нейрофіламентів, що є ранніми ознаками регенеративних процесів ЗН. Висновок. При травматичному ушкодженні ЗН застосування високих доз кортикостероїдів на 14-ту добу сприяло покращенню мікроциркуляцї, зменшенню набряку, ремієлінізації та активації процесів регенерації. Ключові слова: травматичне ушкодження зорового нерва; регенераторні процеси; ремієлінізація; високі дози кортикостероїдів; експеримент.
When injury to the optic nerve canal according Rajinikanth MG, 2003, causing compression of blood... more When injury to the optic nerve canal according Rajinikanth MG, 2003, causing compression of blood vessels, which leads to the cessation of nerve impulses, causing blindness. This explains the usefulness of decompression surgery with a combination of conservative and surgical methods. It is believed that decompressive surgery is most advisable to use up to 7 days from date of injury and methylprednisolone injection should be started as soon as was first diagnosed tone. Also showing dekompreyvnyh to endoscopic operations is the lack of a positive effect from the use of methylprednisolone over 72 hours, during the progressive reduction of corticosteroids or confirmed by CT or MRI signs of compression of the optic nerve blindnes

ScienceRise: Medical Science
Optic neuropathy is a group of diseases of the optic nerve. Using diagnostic techniques such as o... more Optic neuropathy is a group of diseases of the optic nerve. Using diagnostic techniques such as ophthalmoscopy and perimetry diagnosis are insufficient, as the found abnormalities are not specific for either inflammation or ischemia. Establishing the predominant factor in the pathogenesis of neuropathy is crucial in determining the method of treatment. The aim of the study: to investigate the features of optic nerve damage using optical coherent tomography (OCT) in optic neuropathy in the acute period. Materials and methods: two patients with visual impairment were examined. Result. Patient G. had concomitant rheumatoid arthritis with unregulated Methotrexate therapy. OCT revealed edema of the nerve fibre layer convinced of the predominance of inflammatory neuropathy (atypical neuritis). Pulse therapy with corticosteroids was prescribed, which gave a positive functional effect. A patient O. with pneumonia on the background of Covid-19 with a history of OST showed a decrease in the t...

Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, 2016
Objective: Morphologically justify the effect of high doses of corticosteroids
on regenerative pr... more Objective: Morphologically justify the effect of high doses of corticosteroids
on regenerative processes in the optic nerve (ON) after traumatic injury in
the experiment.
Materials and methods: It has been used 6 mature rabbits (Group
injured), which made damage the optic nerve. 6 rabbits (treated group) on
the second day after the injury were treated with the use administration of
Results: The microcirculation of intracranial ON improves observed,
accompanied by a decrease in swelling at 14 days after treatment. There
was detected remyelinisation regeneration of these fibers. There are young
mitochondria in the axoplasma. There were formed microtubules and
structured neurofilaments, which is an early sign of regenerative processes
of the ON.
Conclusion: Consequently found that for traumatic ON damage high doses of
corticosteroids for 14 days results in improvement of microcirculation reduce
swelling, remyelinisation and activation of regeneration.
Papers by Nataly Moyseenko
on regenerative processes in the optic nerve (ON) after traumatic injury in
the experiment.
Materials and methods: It has been used 6 mature rabbits (Group
injured), which made damage the optic nerve. 6 rabbits (treated group) on
the second day after the injury were treated with the use administration of
Results: The microcirculation of intracranial ON improves observed,
accompanied by a decrease in swelling at 14 days after treatment. There
was detected remyelinisation regeneration of these fibers. There are young
mitochondria in the axoplasma. There were formed microtubules and
structured neurofilaments, which is an early sign of regenerative processes
of the ON.
Conclusion: Consequently found that for traumatic ON damage high doses of
corticosteroids for 14 days results in improvement of microcirculation reduce
swelling, remyelinisation and activation of regeneration.
on regenerative processes in the optic nerve (ON) after traumatic injury in
the experiment.
Materials and methods: It has been used 6 mature rabbits (Group
injured), which made damage the optic nerve. 6 rabbits (treated group) on
the second day after the injury were treated with the use administration of
Results: The microcirculation of intracranial ON improves observed,
accompanied by a decrease in swelling at 14 days after treatment. There
was detected remyelinisation regeneration of these fibers. There are young
mitochondria in the axoplasma. There were formed microtubules and
structured neurofilaments, which is an early sign of regenerative processes
of the ON.
Conclusion: Consequently found that for traumatic ON damage high doses of
corticosteroids for 14 days results in improvement of microcirculation reduce
swelling, remyelinisation and activation of regeneration.