Papers by José Arnaldo Ribeiro Junior

Terra Brasilis, 2024
The aim is to analyse the (self)criticism of the French-Moroccan geographer Yves Lacoste in relat... more The aim is to analyse the (self)criticism of the French-Moroccan geographer Yves Lacoste in relation to his book Geography of Underdevelopment, originally published in 1965, present in the third edition in 1976 – both by Presses Universitaires de France. This writing is linked to intellectual history. In the terms of François Dosse (2006 [2003]), it is a project to elucidate the works of thinkers in their historicity. This article takes as its basis – in addition to the work itself in its respective aforementioned editions – the geographer’s articles published in the newspaper Le Monde (Lacoste 1972a; 1972b); his (self-)critical reflections (Lacoste 1977); the various reviews by Hubert Beguin (1966), Marc Côte (1966), Paul Veyret (1966), Jean Robert (1966), Paul Claval (1966; 1977), Jean-François Dupon (1977) and Maurice Poncelet (1977); as well as the geographer’s memoirs and interviews (Lacoste 2010; 2018). At first, one of the main results of the research is that Yves Lacoste's participation as a member of the international commission of enquiry into US war crimes is the catalysing event for his self-criticism.

Geografia em questão, 2023
It analyses the trajectory of the geographer Yves Lacoste up to the moment of his discovery of th... more It analyses the trajectory of the geographer Yves Lacoste up to the moment of his discovery of the work of the Maghreb historian Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406). We understand that the existential situations through which Lacoste crossed deeply marked the constitution of his works. Because of this, we chose to analyze a part of Lacostean trajectory through the prism of elective affinities (SOUSA NETO, 2021). In this sense, the historical geography of capitalism – especially that of French decolonization in Africa – imprints in the geographical trajectory of Yves Lacoste an anti-colonial character. Such anti-coloniality was not only due to the capitalist territorial formation in the Maghreb, but also to those [class] affinities subjectively chosen by the geographer in question: J. Dresch (1905-1994), P. George (1909-2006) and Sadek Hadjeres – all were at some point members of the Communist Party, whether French or Algerian. At first, one of the main results that our research has allowed us to point out is that the discovery of the Khaldunian work diverts Lacoste's geomorphological vocation towards the problems of the Third World. Moreover, when Khaldun clarifies the Maghreb situation in the 14th century, it helps the geographer to understand the dramatic problem of the 20th century: underdevelopment.

Il s’agit de discuter la méthode du géographe franco-marocain Yves Lacoste à partir de l’ouvrage ... more Il s’agit de discuter la méthode du géographe franco-marocain Yves Lacoste à partir de l’ouvrage intitulé Unité et diversité du tiers monde (1980), à l’origine sa thèse d’État soutenue en 1979. Pour atteindre cet objectif, il se limite à la discussion du premier tome de son thèse - en particulier la deuxième partie, éminemment méthodologique – intitulé Les différents niveaux de l’analyse de la diversité. En termes de méthode, l’enquête s’appuie – en plus de l’oeuvre sur toile elle-même – les mémoires du géographe en question (LACOSTE, 2018) ; les observations réalisées par Bernard Kayser (1981) ; et les leçons de Jean Tricart (1965). Il convient de souligner que Tricart et Kayser font partie des affinités électives (SOUSA NETO, 2021) de Lacoste. Ces affinités [de classe] ont été élues subjectivement par le géographe en question. En 1946, il a rencontré Kayser à l’Institut de géographie - où il a également été élève de Tricart. Au début, l’un des principaux résultats que la recherche a permis de souligner est que la méthode lacostéenne a, comme l’une de ses sources d’inspiration, les enseignements de Tricart publiés dans son livre Principes et méthodes de la géomorphologie (1965) ainsi que comme révélateur d’un positionnement par rapport à la démarche de l’École française de géographie.
Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa, 2013
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship between the Brazilian State and the
Econ... more The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship between the Brazilian State and the
Economy of Vale especially in the Maranhão’s amazon, the main area of operation of the Network rail
justice. At first, is investigated how Vale was developing its activities based on the development policy
of the Brazilian State led by BNDES. Next is presented and discussed the formation of such Network
in the geographic space of the Maranhão’s amazon. The choice of this methodological approach serves
to promote an analysis that allows the understanding the social and political struggles that are fought by
Network rail justice in various geographical scales.

Revista Percurso - NEMO, 2014
This paper, from a critical point of view, identified with the marxian political
economy, aims to... more This paper, from a critical point of view, identified with the marxian political
economy, aims to discuss and address the central ideas that permeate the work Uneven
Development of the Scottish geographer Neil Smith. Based on marxian dialectical method, is
proposed to analyze and, at the same time, establish a dialogue with the author in order to show
the spatial character of the uneven development of capitalism. It starts with the hypothesis that
the work in question has enormous theoretical and conceptual richness, and therefore, it is
necessary a geographical reading with the purpose to understand the process of capitalist
production of space from the scales analytical resource in order to spatialize political economy.
From the empirical point of view, it was selected as the object of reflection the company Suzano
Pulp and Paper because of their intense influence materialized in its territorialization in
Maranhao. Thus, we aim to contribute to the geographical study of the uneven development

Geografia em Questão, 2013
it proposes to discuss the concept of thinking about space as abstraction. The theory of spatial ... more it proposes to discuss the concept of thinking about space as abstraction. The theory of spatial abstraction is defended by intellectuals (Vitte; Silveira, 2011; ALFREDO, 2010a, 2010b) who judge erroneous the assimilation of space whilst materiality. Seeking to establish a dialogue with the intellectuals who defend the thesis above, retrieves the construction of onto-epistemological Critical Geography with the aim of showing how this current thinkers (Lacoste, Harvey, Milton Santos, Quaini) attested the ontological primacy of the materiality of space. Thus, critical geographers were based on Marxian materialism. To understand the incorporation of Marxian materialism in geography, we stepped back in history with the purpose to understand what the differences between Marx's materialism in relation to Feuerbach. Thus, we chose the Engels' work "Ludwig Feuerbach and the end of Classical German Philosophy" because she presents a history of materialist worldview more evolved than "The German Ideology", especially because Engels had knowledge of the chemistry of Justus Liebig and the Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Thus, we return to the confrontation between idealism and materialism to support our thesis that spatial abstraction objectively represents a return to idealism, especially to the philosophers Kant and Hegel.

Revista Percurso - NEMO, 2022
It investigates the historical path that led the Moroccan geographer Yves Lacoste
to address issu... more It investigates the historical path that led the Moroccan geographer Yves Lacoste
to address issues related to economic development during the fall and rise of systemic cycles of
British and American accumulation. As for the methodological perspective, we have chosen elective affinities - which rest on the association between the history of geography with a
historical geography of capitalism. Anchored in this proposition, we think that the historical
geography of capitalism - especially that of French decolonisation in Africa - imprints an anticolonial
character on Yves Lacoste's geographical trajectory. Such anti-coloniality was not only
due to the capitalist territorial formation in the Maghreb, but also to those [class] affinities
subjectively elected by the geographer in question: R. Guglielmo, B. Kayser, J. Dresch and P.
George - all were at some point members of the French Communist Party. They are political,
institutional and intellectual ties that crystallize, for example, in the perspective of active
geography. It is noted that the post-Second World War world is the historical landmark that leads
Lacoste to reflect on underdeveloped countries, in particular, and the geography of
underdevelopment in general - thus paving the way for the author to discuss a posteriori the Third
World, Geography and Geopolitics.

Revista Percurso - NEMO, 2013
This work, from a critical point of view, identified with the Marxian political
economy, aims to ... more This work, from a critical point of view, identified with the Marxian political
economy, aims to discuss and address the central ideas that permeate the work Frontier of the
Brazilian sociologist José de Souza Martins. Based on Marxian dialectical method, it proposes to
analyze and, at the same time, establish a dialogue with the author in order to show that the
frontier is the place of conflict, of otherness, of inhuman, of liminarity. It starts with the hypothesis that the work in question has enormous theoretical and conceptual richness, and
therefore, it is necessary a reading with the purpose to understand how the capitalist process
reappears, for example, in forms of labor analogous to slavery, and clarify the differences
between expansion front and pioneer front. Thus, we aim to contribute to the study of frontier
considering the need to understand the actions of certain particular agents (peasants, indigenous
capitalists, workers) in the socioeconomic field.
Percurso: Sociedade, Natureza e Cultura, 2010
This article discusses the naturalization of the globalization process. There
is a focus on the h... more This article discusses the naturalization of the globalization process. There
is a focus on the historical background, the expansion and the updating of
globalization. There is also a discussion about the justification and the
methods presented and used to naturalize the globalization process from
the historical, social and mainly geographical points of view
In this work, from a critical point of view, identified with political ecology, the objective is ... more In this work, from a critical point of view, identified with political ecology, the objective is to analyze the relationships between development, crisis/environmental issue and public policies, focusing the space occupied by babassu under the National Biodiesel Production and Use Program. The work, that is presented here, takes part of the "Industrialization and rationalization: the public policy development around the babassu extraction in a critical review (1950-2010)" held by the Rural and Urban Studies Group (GERUR) from UFMA, that has a financial support from CNPq.

Geographia Opportuno Tempore, 2014
This article aims to understand the process of territorialization of Suzano Pulp and Paper in the... more This article aims to understand the process of territorialization of Suzano Pulp and Paper in the
mesoregion Leste Maranhense, as well as conflicts and environmental impacts originated from the
development of their activities on peasant territories in Anapurus, Milagres do Maranhão, Santana do
Maranhão, Santa Quitéria do Maranhão and Urbano Santos. Based on field work and theoretical discussion in focus understands Suzano as a powerful monopoly economic agent which transforms territory starting from capitalist social relations of production with the purpose of achieve their objectives. Thus, the Suzano's territorialization process is analyzed so as multiscale producer conflicts within the scope of capitalism uneven geographical development. The selection of the empirical universe, the choice of villages, took into consideration the clash of logics of appropriation of territory. In other words, it operates with the assumption that there is, on the one hand, the territorial logic of social groups affected and, on the other the logic of those who manage development projects. Thus, the conflict, which sets the context of territorial disputes involving different forms of signification of the way of life and material reproduction from social agents embedded in them, is understood contradictorily once we conceive the development of capitalism so dialectical, historical and materialist. In this sense, the book Conflitos no Campo - Brasil 2012, published by the Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT) records in the municipalities previously mentioned a total of 702 squatters and 50 settlers. This article is qualitative and adopted as instruments: survey of bibliographic material, images, and identification and selection of areas for fieldwork

This paper, from a critical point of view, identified with the marxian political economy, aims to... more This paper, from a critical point of view, identified with the marxian political economy, aims to realize a reading of the uneven geographical development of the Marxist geographer David Harvey. Based on Marxian dialectical method, is proposed to analyze and, at the same time, establish a dialogue with the author in order to show the spatial character of the uneven development of capitalism. It starts with the hypothesis that the discussion of spatial character of the uneven development of capitalism requires a geographical reading that allows to understandthe process of capitalist production of space from the scales analytical resource in order to spatialize political economy. From the empirical point of view, it was selected as the object of the company reflection Suzano Pulp and Paper, because of their intense influence, materialized in its territorialization, in Maranhão. Thus, we aim to contribute to the geographical study of the development question

Rev. Tamoios, 2020
It investigates some determinant theoretical influences of the concept of development in Josué de... more It investigates some determinant theoretical influences of the concept of development in Josué de Castro (1908-1973), characterizing its historical origin, its main theoretical influences, basic hypotheses and fundamental propositions. Particularly, it seeks to reconstruct historically and dialectically the theoretical trajectory of writing: Social crisis and economic development of the world. The aspects of underdevelopment in Joshua were first studied by Giuseppe Di Taranto (1993 [1978]) who pointed to the double influence of economic dualism - through the work of economist William Arthur Lewis (1915-1991) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) - and the neo-Marxism of the economist Andre Gunder Frank (1929-2005) in Castro's work. Although Di Taranto knows the text Social crisis and economic development of the world, he does not lean under it. This gap in Giuseppe's important work avoids the remarkable theoretical contributions of the economist Ragnar Nurkse (1907-1959), Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin (1870-1924) and Karl Marx (1818-1883). Therefore, points out the contradiction between the aforementioned theoretical influences that will result in an outcome in unexpected least: Josué de Castro - defender of peasants and workers, critic of colonialism / imperialism - ends up withholding capitalism as a way out of the problems of underdeveloped countries.
Rev. Tamoios, 2014
This paper seeks to introduce a geographical reading of contemporary political economy
emphasizin... more This paper seeks to introduce a geographical reading of contemporary political economy
emphasizing the relationship between primitive accumulation, the fictitious capital and
accumulation by dispossession. First returns to the Marxian concept of primitive accumulation.
Then, basing on F. Chesnais, establishes the relationship of primitive accumulation with
fictitious capital. Finally, points to the dialectic between the two phenomena and the D.
Harvey's concept of accumulation by dispossession.

Revista Percurso - NEMO, 2015
Aims to understand the production of nature as accumulation strategy analyzing
the acquisition of... more Aims to understand the production of nature as accumulation strategy analyzing
the acquisition of biotech company FuturaGene by Suzano Pulp and Paper. It starts with the
hypothesis that such acquisition has the mark of the production of nature as an accumulation
strategy, as supports us the Marxist geographer Neil Smith. It proposes a geographical reading of
this movement of capital in order to establish a critical reflection about how Suzano has used new mechanisms of accumulation, as the development of biotechnology, to enlarge their profits and
convert the discourse of sustainability in commodification of nature. The text is divided into four
parts, plus the introduction: the first part is promoted a historical overview of Suzano; then it is
analyzed critically the acquisition of FuturaGene; the third part explores the concept of
production of nature as a response to the need to understand the case studied, as well as it
presents the geographical reading of the production of nature as accumulation strategy in order to
show how the acquisition of FuturaGene is in line with the current Suzano growth strategy;
Finally, in the conclusions, it promotes a summary of the observations considered pointing out
that the raised elements allows the assumption that the acquisition of FuturaGene by Suzano
Papel e Celulose indicates for new capitalist accumulation mechanisms.
Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa, 2011
This work, from a critical point of view, identified with political ecology, aims to contribute t... more This work, from a critical point of view, identified with political ecology, aims to contribute to
the theme of environmental conflicts considering the necessity to understand the actions of certain
particular agents that interfere in the socioeconomic
and politicalenvironment
fields. As the object of this
study, were selected the Valley of the Rio Doce Company (CVRD), currently Valley SA, for its action in over
30 countries which has caused many environmental impacts. Thus, we analyzed the document entitled
"Sustainable Development Policy", decomposing the elements that constitute it and seeking, when it is
possible, to reprove the present affirmations in the document with concrete cases.

Uma das maiores mineradoras do mundo, a Vale (até 2009, denominada Companhia Vale do Rio Doce), q... more Uma das maiores mineradoras do mundo, a Vale (até 2009, denominada Companhia Vale do Rio Doce), qualifica-se como uma empresa que transforma recursos minerais em utensílios necessários para o cotidiano das pessoas. Reflexo da internacionalização do capital é uma empresa multinacional sediada no Brasil que conta com mais de 100 mil empregados, entre terceirizados e próprios. Desde 1976, ano em que o decreto nº 77.608 outorgou à, então, Cia Vale do Rio Doce a concessão para a construção, uso e exploração da Estrada de Ferro Carajás, que liga grandes minas de ferro no sudeste do Pará e a capital do Maranhão, a Vale tem atuado diretamente e indiretamente no espaço maranhense, fato esse que tem contribuído decisivamente para a promoção de impactos socioambientais (desde poluição atmosférica até deslocamento de populações). Em 1986, a Vale inicia as operações no Porto de Ponta da Madeira, em São Luís, como forma de auferir lucros e vantagens com o escoamento de sua produção de minério de ferro, principalmente. Esse pequeno histórico da Vale em território maranhense nos permite compreender a importância da cidade de São Luís para a Vale (p. ex. escoamento da produção), bem como a importância da Vale para o crescimento econômico do Maranhão que, como bem mostrou Holanda (2008, p.15), adveio "da indústria extrativa mineral (15,9% a.a.) e da construção civil (14,6% a.a.), refletindo a forte concentração de investimentos públicos e privados". No entanto, quando um grande projeto de desenvolvimento (indústrias principalmente) se instala

Revista Percurso- NEMO, 2011
This work, from a critical point of view, identified with the political ecology, aims
to contribu... more This work, from a critical point of view, identified with the political ecology, aims
to contribute to the theme of environmental conflicts, considering the necessity to understand the
actions of certain particular acting agents that interfere in the socio-economic and politicalenvironment
fields, allowing, in this way, to understand altogether how the various
spatializations, the relation between antagonistic /co-existing forces and the resulting conflicts are
processed. As the object of this study, were selected the Valley of the Rio Doce Company
(CVRD), currently Valley SA, due to its heavy influence, reflected in its territorial, in the state of
Maranhão, which has caused many social impacts and environmental injustices because of its
political-economic planning that promotes social and environmental (geographical)
transformations inadequately, like the displacement of populations and the appropriation of the
land, respectively. Within this perspective, it was realized the distribution study of environmental
conflicts in Maranhão, through the discourse contained in the document entitled Sustainability
Report by Valley 2009, and seeking, when it is possible, to reprove the present affirmations in the
document with concrete cases.
This work seeks to promote a geographical reading of Vale’s political economy since it considers ... more This work seeks to promote a geographical reading of Vale’s political economy since it considers necessary to understand certain private agents that interfere in the economic and political fields. According to the Marxist dialectic, it proposes a multiscale analysis because economic processes (production, distribution, circulation and consumption) cross several scales. Thus, basing on uneven geographical development theory, underpinned by Marxist geographer David Harvey, was selected as the study object Vale’s Investment Budget for 2012.
Book Reviews by José Arnaldo Ribeiro Junior
Rev. Tamoios, 2015
Nesta resenha, iremos destacar a análise que o geógrafo Antônio José de Araújo
Ferreira faz do pr... more Nesta resenha, iremos destacar a análise que o geógrafo Antônio José de Araújo
Ferreira faz do processo de produção do espaço urbano em São Luís do Maranhão. O livro
em questão é fruto de mais de 25 anos de pesquisa sobre o espaço urbano da capital
maranhense no qual o autor mostra o desenvolvimento histórico e contraditório da cidade de
São Luís, desde o período colonial (o passado) até a expansão urbana hodierna (o presente).
Rico em ilustrações, dados estatísticos e, principalmente, pela análise geográfica presente, o
livro demonstra como o espaço urbano de São Luís foi produzido a partir de seus principais
agentes, a saber: o Estado e o capital. Trata-se, de fato, de uma verdadeira exploração
geográfica sobre a produção do espaço urbano de São Luís do Maranhão.
Papers by José Arnaldo Ribeiro Junior
Economy of Vale especially in the Maranhão’s amazon, the main area of operation of the Network rail
justice. At first, is investigated how Vale was developing its activities based on the development policy
of the Brazilian State led by BNDES. Next is presented and discussed the formation of such Network
in the geographic space of the Maranhão’s amazon. The choice of this methodological approach serves
to promote an analysis that allows the understanding the social and political struggles that are fought by
Network rail justice in various geographical scales.
economy, aims to discuss and address the central ideas that permeate the work Uneven
Development of the Scottish geographer Neil Smith. Based on marxian dialectical method, is
proposed to analyze and, at the same time, establish a dialogue with the author in order to show
the spatial character of the uneven development of capitalism. It starts with the hypothesis that
the work in question has enormous theoretical and conceptual richness, and therefore, it is
necessary a geographical reading with the purpose to understand the process of capitalist
production of space from the scales analytical resource in order to spatialize political economy.
From the empirical point of view, it was selected as the object of reflection the company Suzano
Pulp and Paper because of their intense influence materialized in its territorialization in
Maranhao. Thus, we aim to contribute to the geographical study of the uneven development
to address issues related to economic development during the fall and rise of systemic cycles of
British and American accumulation. As for the methodological perspective, we have chosen elective affinities - which rest on the association between the history of geography with a
historical geography of capitalism. Anchored in this proposition, we think that the historical
geography of capitalism - especially that of French decolonisation in Africa - imprints an anticolonial
character on Yves Lacoste's geographical trajectory. Such anti-coloniality was not only
due to the capitalist territorial formation in the Maghreb, but also to those [class] affinities
subjectively elected by the geographer in question: R. Guglielmo, B. Kayser, J. Dresch and P.
George - all were at some point members of the French Communist Party. They are political,
institutional and intellectual ties that crystallize, for example, in the perspective of active
geography. It is noted that the post-Second World War world is the historical landmark that leads
Lacoste to reflect on underdeveloped countries, in particular, and the geography of
underdevelopment in general - thus paving the way for the author to discuss a posteriori the Third
World, Geography and Geopolitics.
economy, aims to discuss and address the central ideas that permeate the work Frontier of the
Brazilian sociologist José de Souza Martins. Based on Marxian dialectical method, it proposes to
analyze and, at the same time, establish a dialogue with the author in order to show that the
frontier is the place of conflict, of otherness, of inhuman, of liminarity. It starts with the hypothesis that the work in question has enormous theoretical and conceptual richness, and
therefore, it is necessary a reading with the purpose to understand how the capitalist process
reappears, for example, in forms of labor analogous to slavery, and clarify the differences
between expansion front and pioneer front. Thus, we aim to contribute to the study of frontier
considering the need to understand the actions of certain particular agents (peasants, indigenous
capitalists, workers) in the socioeconomic field.
is a focus on the historical background, the expansion and the updating of
globalization. There is also a discussion about the justification and the
methods presented and used to naturalize the globalization process from
the historical, social and mainly geographical points of view
mesoregion Leste Maranhense, as well as conflicts and environmental impacts originated from the
development of their activities on peasant territories in Anapurus, Milagres do Maranhão, Santana do
Maranhão, Santa Quitéria do Maranhão and Urbano Santos. Based on field work and theoretical discussion in focus understands Suzano as a powerful monopoly economic agent which transforms territory starting from capitalist social relations of production with the purpose of achieve their objectives. Thus, the Suzano's territorialization process is analyzed so as multiscale producer conflicts within the scope of capitalism uneven geographical development. The selection of the empirical universe, the choice of villages, took into consideration the clash of logics of appropriation of territory. In other words, it operates with the assumption that there is, on the one hand, the territorial logic of social groups affected and, on the other the logic of those who manage development projects. Thus, the conflict, which sets the context of territorial disputes involving different forms of signification of the way of life and material reproduction from social agents embedded in them, is understood contradictorily once we conceive the development of capitalism so dialectical, historical and materialist. In this sense, the book Conflitos no Campo - Brasil 2012, published by the Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT) records in the municipalities previously mentioned a total of 702 squatters and 50 settlers. This article is qualitative and adopted as instruments: survey of bibliographic material, images, and identification and selection of areas for fieldwork
emphasizing the relationship between primitive accumulation, the fictitious capital and
accumulation by dispossession. First returns to the Marxian concept of primitive accumulation.
Then, basing on F. Chesnais, establishes the relationship of primitive accumulation with
fictitious capital. Finally, points to the dialectic between the two phenomena and the D.
Harvey's concept of accumulation by dispossession.
the acquisition of biotech company FuturaGene by Suzano Pulp and Paper. It starts with the
hypothesis that such acquisition has the mark of the production of nature as an accumulation
strategy, as supports us the Marxist geographer Neil Smith. It proposes a geographical reading of
this movement of capital in order to establish a critical reflection about how Suzano has used new mechanisms of accumulation, as the development of biotechnology, to enlarge their profits and
convert the discourse of sustainability in commodification of nature. The text is divided into four
parts, plus the introduction: the first part is promoted a historical overview of Suzano; then it is
analyzed critically the acquisition of FuturaGene; the third part explores the concept of
production of nature as a response to the need to understand the case studied, as well as it
presents the geographical reading of the production of nature as accumulation strategy in order to
show how the acquisition of FuturaGene is in line with the current Suzano growth strategy;
Finally, in the conclusions, it promotes a summary of the observations considered pointing out
that the raised elements allows the assumption that the acquisition of FuturaGene by Suzano
Papel e Celulose indicates for new capitalist accumulation mechanisms.
the theme of environmental conflicts considering the necessity to understand the actions of certain
particular agents that interfere in the socioeconomic
and politicalenvironment
fields. As the object of this
study, were selected the Valley of the Rio Doce Company (CVRD), currently Valley SA, for its action in over
30 countries which has caused many environmental impacts. Thus, we analyzed the document entitled
"Sustainable Development Policy", decomposing the elements that constitute it and seeking, when it is
possible, to reprove the present affirmations in the document with concrete cases.
to contribute to the theme of environmental conflicts, considering the necessity to understand the
actions of certain particular acting agents that interfere in the socio-economic and politicalenvironment
fields, allowing, in this way, to understand altogether how the various
spatializations, the relation between antagonistic /co-existing forces and the resulting conflicts are
processed. As the object of this study, were selected the Valley of the Rio Doce Company
(CVRD), currently Valley SA, due to its heavy influence, reflected in its territorial, in the state of
Maranhão, which has caused many social impacts and environmental injustices because of its
political-economic planning that promotes social and environmental (geographical)
transformations inadequately, like the displacement of populations and the appropriation of the
land, respectively. Within this perspective, it was realized the distribution study of environmental
conflicts in Maranhão, through the discourse contained in the document entitled Sustainability
Report by Valley 2009, and seeking, when it is possible, to reprove the present affirmations in the
document with concrete cases.
Book Reviews by José Arnaldo Ribeiro Junior
Ferreira faz do processo de produção do espaço urbano em São Luís do Maranhão. O livro
em questão é fruto de mais de 25 anos de pesquisa sobre o espaço urbano da capital
maranhense no qual o autor mostra o desenvolvimento histórico e contraditório da cidade de
São Luís, desde o período colonial (o passado) até a expansão urbana hodierna (o presente).
Rico em ilustrações, dados estatísticos e, principalmente, pela análise geográfica presente, o
livro demonstra como o espaço urbano de São Luís foi produzido a partir de seus principais
agentes, a saber: o Estado e o capital. Trata-se, de fato, de uma verdadeira exploração
geográfica sobre a produção do espaço urbano de São Luís do Maranhão.
Economy of Vale especially in the Maranhão’s amazon, the main area of operation of the Network rail
justice. At first, is investigated how Vale was developing its activities based on the development policy
of the Brazilian State led by BNDES. Next is presented and discussed the formation of such Network
in the geographic space of the Maranhão’s amazon. The choice of this methodological approach serves
to promote an analysis that allows the understanding the social and political struggles that are fought by
Network rail justice in various geographical scales.
economy, aims to discuss and address the central ideas that permeate the work Uneven
Development of the Scottish geographer Neil Smith. Based on marxian dialectical method, is
proposed to analyze and, at the same time, establish a dialogue with the author in order to show
the spatial character of the uneven development of capitalism. It starts with the hypothesis that
the work in question has enormous theoretical and conceptual richness, and therefore, it is
necessary a geographical reading with the purpose to understand the process of capitalist
production of space from the scales analytical resource in order to spatialize political economy.
From the empirical point of view, it was selected as the object of reflection the company Suzano
Pulp and Paper because of their intense influence materialized in its territorialization in
Maranhao. Thus, we aim to contribute to the geographical study of the uneven development
to address issues related to economic development during the fall and rise of systemic cycles of
British and American accumulation. As for the methodological perspective, we have chosen elective affinities - which rest on the association between the history of geography with a
historical geography of capitalism. Anchored in this proposition, we think that the historical
geography of capitalism - especially that of French decolonisation in Africa - imprints an anticolonial
character on Yves Lacoste's geographical trajectory. Such anti-coloniality was not only
due to the capitalist territorial formation in the Maghreb, but also to those [class] affinities
subjectively elected by the geographer in question: R. Guglielmo, B. Kayser, J. Dresch and P.
George - all were at some point members of the French Communist Party. They are political,
institutional and intellectual ties that crystallize, for example, in the perspective of active
geography. It is noted that the post-Second World War world is the historical landmark that leads
Lacoste to reflect on underdeveloped countries, in particular, and the geography of
underdevelopment in general - thus paving the way for the author to discuss a posteriori the Third
World, Geography and Geopolitics.
economy, aims to discuss and address the central ideas that permeate the work Frontier of the
Brazilian sociologist José de Souza Martins. Based on Marxian dialectical method, it proposes to
analyze and, at the same time, establish a dialogue with the author in order to show that the
frontier is the place of conflict, of otherness, of inhuman, of liminarity. It starts with the hypothesis that the work in question has enormous theoretical and conceptual richness, and
therefore, it is necessary a reading with the purpose to understand how the capitalist process
reappears, for example, in forms of labor analogous to slavery, and clarify the differences
between expansion front and pioneer front. Thus, we aim to contribute to the study of frontier
considering the need to understand the actions of certain particular agents (peasants, indigenous
capitalists, workers) in the socioeconomic field.
is a focus on the historical background, the expansion and the updating of
globalization. There is also a discussion about the justification and the
methods presented and used to naturalize the globalization process from
the historical, social and mainly geographical points of view
mesoregion Leste Maranhense, as well as conflicts and environmental impacts originated from the
development of their activities on peasant territories in Anapurus, Milagres do Maranhão, Santana do
Maranhão, Santa Quitéria do Maranhão and Urbano Santos. Based on field work and theoretical discussion in focus understands Suzano as a powerful monopoly economic agent which transforms territory starting from capitalist social relations of production with the purpose of achieve their objectives. Thus, the Suzano's territorialization process is analyzed so as multiscale producer conflicts within the scope of capitalism uneven geographical development. The selection of the empirical universe, the choice of villages, took into consideration the clash of logics of appropriation of territory. In other words, it operates with the assumption that there is, on the one hand, the territorial logic of social groups affected and, on the other the logic of those who manage development projects. Thus, the conflict, which sets the context of territorial disputes involving different forms of signification of the way of life and material reproduction from social agents embedded in them, is understood contradictorily once we conceive the development of capitalism so dialectical, historical and materialist. In this sense, the book Conflitos no Campo - Brasil 2012, published by the Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT) records in the municipalities previously mentioned a total of 702 squatters and 50 settlers. This article is qualitative and adopted as instruments: survey of bibliographic material, images, and identification and selection of areas for fieldwork
emphasizing the relationship between primitive accumulation, the fictitious capital and
accumulation by dispossession. First returns to the Marxian concept of primitive accumulation.
Then, basing on F. Chesnais, establishes the relationship of primitive accumulation with
fictitious capital. Finally, points to the dialectic between the two phenomena and the D.
Harvey's concept of accumulation by dispossession.
the acquisition of biotech company FuturaGene by Suzano Pulp and Paper. It starts with the
hypothesis that such acquisition has the mark of the production of nature as an accumulation
strategy, as supports us the Marxist geographer Neil Smith. It proposes a geographical reading of
this movement of capital in order to establish a critical reflection about how Suzano has used new mechanisms of accumulation, as the development of biotechnology, to enlarge their profits and
convert the discourse of sustainability in commodification of nature. The text is divided into four
parts, plus the introduction: the first part is promoted a historical overview of Suzano; then it is
analyzed critically the acquisition of FuturaGene; the third part explores the concept of
production of nature as a response to the need to understand the case studied, as well as it
presents the geographical reading of the production of nature as accumulation strategy in order to
show how the acquisition of FuturaGene is in line with the current Suzano growth strategy;
Finally, in the conclusions, it promotes a summary of the observations considered pointing out
that the raised elements allows the assumption that the acquisition of FuturaGene by Suzano
Papel e Celulose indicates for new capitalist accumulation mechanisms.
the theme of environmental conflicts considering the necessity to understand the actions of certain
particular agents that interfere in the socioeconomic
and politicalenvironment
fields. As the object of this
study, were selected the Valley of the Rio Doce Company (CVRD), currently Valley SA, for its action in over
30 countries which has caused many environmental impacts. Thus, we analyzed the document entitled
"Sustainable Development Policy", decomposing the elements that constitute it and seeking, when it is
possible, to reprove the present affirmations in the document with concrete cases.
to contribute to the theme of environmental conflicts, considering the necessity to understand the
actions of certain particular acting agents that interfere in the socio-economic and politicalenvironment
fields, allowing, in this way, to understand altogether how the various
spatializations, the relation between antagonistic /co-existing forces and the resulting conflicts are
processed. As the object of this study, were selected the Valley of the Rio Doce Company
(CVRD), currently Valley SA, due to its heavy influence, reflected in its territorial, in the state of
Maranhão, which has caused many social impacts and environmental injustices because of its
political-economic planning that promotes social and environmental (geographical)
transformations inadequately, like the displacement of populations and the appropriation of the
land, respectively. Within this perspective, it was realized the distribution study of environmental
conflicts in Maranhão, through the discourse contained in the document entitled Sustainability
Report by Valley 2009, and seeking, when it is possible, to reprove the present affirmations in the
document with concrete cases.
Ferreira faz do processo de produção do espaço urbano em São Luís do Maranhão. O livro
em questão é fruto de mais de 25 anos de pesquisa sobre o espaço urbano da capital
maranhense no qual o autor mostra o desenvolvimento histórico e contraditório da cidade de
São Luís, desde o período colonial (o passado) até a expansão urbana hodierna (o presente).
Rico em ilustrações, dados estatísticos e, principalmente, pela análise geográfica presente, o
livro demonstra como o espaço urbano de São Luís foi produzido a partir de seus principais
agentes, a saber: o Estado e o capital. Trata-se, de fato, de uma verdadeira exploração
geográfica sobre a produção do espaço urbano de São Luís do Maranhão.
do capital, de David Harvey. Nela, o autor apresenta uma leitura geográfica (empírica)
das crises e do movimento do capital em busca de sua reprodução e evidencia questões
relevantes como o papel da natureza e do espaço na dinâmica capitalista à luz da teoria
do desenvolvimento geográfico desigual.