Papers by Eleonora Selvatico

Thèse de doctorat Université Paris 8, Università di Macerata, 2021
This thesis aims to develop an analysis in Political Philosophy on the sexual violence inflected ... more This thesis aims to develop an analysis in Political Philosophy on the sexual violence inflected against female activists of the political-military organization named Montoneros that were detained- disappeared by the 3.3.2’s Special Group officers. These officers used to operate as captors-educators within the circuit of clandestine captivity that worked around the School of Mechanics of the Navy during the last Argentinian military dictatorship (1976-1983). This research begins with a first part where I analyse, through a review of the Recent Argentinean History’s Literature, the emergence of the sexual violence issue within the Memory’s familist structure and within the crimes against humanity trials. In the second part of the thesis I study the activist’s political trajectories: particularly on one side the Montoneros’ political history and in the other, the political, military, and moral formations acquired by these women engaging entirely their own lives for the realisation of a Peronist-Socialist revolution. The third part discusses the “perverted” character of sexual violence witnessed by the women detained-disappeared freed form captivity. These women have had access to a captivity regime structured by the GT3.3.2’s officers on privileges –not benefits- named process of recuperation, which was tightly bounded to the political project of the Navy’s Commandant in Chief, Emilio Eduardo Massera. This study considers the difficulties generated by some analytic instruments - which have been historically fundamental to fight and to structure the Memory, Truth and Justice like the concepts of State terrorism and desaparecidos – at the moment of giving account of the sexual violence experienced by the detained-disappeared women in this specific regime of captivity.

Politics. Rivista di Studi Politici, 2018
Testimonies of sexual violence relate to the different paths leading to its discussion as much as... more Testimonies of sexual violence relate to the different paths leading to its discussion as much as the possibilities and the forms of narrating it, the angle from which the narrative comes from and how it is perceived by the audience; in others words, the probability of the victims being listened to and/or believed. On the one hand, the victim's voice-fitted with testimonial value and the role of mediation-can be metamorphosed in message bearer as well as evidence of the crime. The act of becoming witness can generate remedial effects: motivated by the idea of pursuing and generating justice, the testimony is intended as a communication act of the experience and the value awarded to it. On the other hand, sexual violence testimony conforms to the formal rules governing the acceptable evidence that (de)limit expression of suffering in order to corroborate them with other cases. The need for comparison to establish the suffering veracity (as credibility) and make justice overshadows the victim's personal emotions and survival practices.

Carla Lonzi participe en 1970 au débat sur la crise de la Raison qui, en Italie, a mobilisé les p... more Carla Lonzi participe en 1970 au débat sur la crise de la Raison qui, en Italie, a mobilisé les philosophes pour sauver la raison du spectre de l’irrationnel davantage que pour l’habiter comme expérience catastrophique. Mythe fondateur du féminisme de la différence, Lonzi incite à aller au-delà de son symbole. Cet article cherche à faire dialoguer Lonzi avec la pensée faible de Pier Aldo Rovatti. Cette mise en relation permet de faire du féminisme de Rivolta Femminile une forme d’utopie concrète, capable de transformer le concept de différence en un lieu spatio-temporel vital de rupture avec la tradition de la reductio ad unum. Unité et continuité du sujet sont vécues comme des modèles de rapports patriarcaux, nationalistes et capitalistes qui se reproduisent à l’intérieur de la famille. En habitant, et plus précisément en incarnant, la distance entre sujet et réalité – un lieu paradoxal à la fois de rationalisation et d’aliénation, qui implique des expériences de décorporalisation –, Lonzi se sépare de l’attitude prédatrice du pouvoir et s’affirme dans la vie comme « sujet imprévu ». L’utopie lonzienne est à la fois expérience et attitude, une forme d’orientation devenue exercice : la pratique de l’autoconscience.
Introduction à Carla LONZI, Crachons sur Hegel, Paris, Editions Eterotopia France, 2017.
Drafts by Eleonora Selvatico

Revenir sur les pertes liées aux disparitions forcées en Argentine pour questionner le rapport en... more Revenir sur les pertes liées aux disparitions forcées en Argentine pour questionner le rapport entre pouvoir et sujet humain. Sous la direction de Elsa Dorlin Année 2014-2015 2 3 4 A Polina, para nuestro viaje por Argentina. A Elsa Dorlin, pour m'avoir donné cette opportunité et ses encouragements. Alle mie famiglie per essere sempre presenti nella mia assenza. A Antoine, Camille, Florent et Robin pour m'avoir permis de mettre un point final à mon mémoire de recherche. 8 9 Sommaire Introduction a. Le desaparecido en Argentine (1976-1983). b. La disparition forcée de personnes. c. Le desaparecido comme une « catastrophe » sociale et linguistique. d. Témoigner le desaparecido comme un vide ou/et comme un invisible ? e. L'ambiguïté entre « être » et « avoir » disparu. f. « Faire » desaparecido un corps. g. Comment penser le desaparecido ? h. Le desaparecido comme une forclusion. i. Annonce du plan.
Papers by Eleonora Selvatico
Drafts by Eleonora Selvatico