Digestive disorders affect millions of people of all ages ā€“ from children and teens to young and mature adults. Whether you or someone you know suffers from a chronic digestive disorder, you know the affects the symptoms can have on daily life.

Making your voice heard to Government officials in Washington D.C is vitally important.Ā Although current times prevent us from doing so in-person, this video offers insight into what an advocate is, why advocating matters, and how to educate and inform law makers.Ā 

Helpful Information

The “Language of Washington” refers to a collection of terms and concepts commonly used within the U.S. Congress to describe legislative processes and roles. Key terms include “advocate,” someone who speaks out on behalf of others, and “amendment,” a proposed change to a bill. “Bill” refers to a proposed law, while “H.R.” and “S.” indicate bills in the House of Representatives and Senate, respectively. Other terms are used to describe groups or processes that shape legislation, key staff roles, and the structure and language of Congress.Ā  Click the button below to learn these key terms.

We do our best to spell out the agencies, acts, and offices that are often reduced to a string of letters that look like someone made up their names by taking a spoon into a bowl of alphabet soup.Ā  Click the button below to see our PDF of acronyms that are commonly used.

Ways to educate

  • Raise awareness and share your personal story
    • Your voice matters!
  • Talk with your Legislators
    • As constituents, make law makers aware of what diseases are having a significant impact on you and others you know.

Learn More Regarding Advocacy Education

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IFFGD is committed to improving the lives of those affected by digestive diseases. Your support helps us continue vital research, advocate for better healthcare policies,

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