Papers by Victor Hugo Gomes Sales

Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 2014
O trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar atributos sensoriais e de aceitabilidade da formulacao de u... more O trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar atributos sensoriais e de aceitabilidade da formulacao de uma barra de cereal contendo amendoa de macauba, visando potencializar o aproveitamento tecnologico do fruto tipico do cerrado para maximizar a renda das pequenas comunidades rurais. Frutos da Macauba foram coletados em abril de 2011 na Vila de Santana, Distrito de Paraiso do Tocantins – TO, posteriormente foram encaminhados para o Laboratorio de Analises de Alimentos do Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Tocantins – IFTO, onde foram lavados, sanitizados e secos ao sol. As amendoas foram extraidas manualmente com auxilio de um martelo. Foram realizadas as analises fisicas e analises fisico-quimicas das amendoas de macauba. Amendoas foram entao adicionadas a formulacao de uma barra de cereal e estas foram avaliadas sensorialmente por 90 provadores selecionados aleatoriamente e nao treinados onde avaliaram os atributos aparencia, textura, sabor e aspecto global utilizand...

International Journal of Microbiology, 2021
The objective of this research was to perform screening of biosurfactant-producing bacteria from ... more The objective of this research was to perform screening of biosurfactant-producing bacteria from Amapaense Amazon soils. Floodplain- and upland-forest soils of three municipalities of the Amapá state were isolated and identified. The isolates were cultured in nutrient broth with olive oil, and their extracts were evaluated according to drop collapse, oil dispersion, emulsification, and surface tension tests. From three hundred and eighteen isolates, the 43 bacteria were selected and identified by 16S rDNA gene sequencing, indicating the presence of three different genera, Serratia, Paenibacillus, and Citrobacter. The extracellular biosurfactant production pointed out the 15 most efficient bacteria that presented high emulsification capacity (E24 > 48%) and stability (less than 10% of drop after 72 h) and great potential to reduce the surface tension (varying from 49.40 to 34.50 mN·m−1). Cluster analysis classified genetically related isolates in different groups, which can be con...
Journal of bioenergy and food science, 2016

The present workhadas objective the production ofsoft drinkfrom the integral juice ofpineapple (A... more The present workhadas objective the production ofsoft drinkfrom the integral juice ofpineapple (Ananás comosus), with physicochemicalandsensorialcharacteristics compatible with the traditionalones, respectingthe standards ofidentity and quality (PIQ) considered by the Brazilian legislation. The soft drinks had been produced in the hortifrutigranjeiro sector and in the Food Laboratory ofthe Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Tocantins – IFTO Campus Paraíso do Tocantins. The content ofthe extract was variable (8,6, 9,5 and12ºBrix). There were three treatments with two repetitions that resulted in six experimental parcels. The soft drink was compared sensorially by test ofhedonic scale (acceptance). The averages ofthe notes ofsensorial analysis had varied from 7,9 to 8,9 that corresponds in the hedonic scale to “I liked it moderately” and “I liked it a lot”, respectively. The global evaluation got average of 8,7 that

Brazil is a major producer of fruit in the world and the consumption of these in the form of juic... more Brazil is a major producer of fruit in the world and the consumption of these in the form of juice has shown increasing. Consumers are increasingly concerned about healthy eating and fruit juice can be a great ally for a diet with this characteristic. In order to meet the expectations of consumers, more demanding regarding the quality of the products they purchase, non-thermal technologies have been developed, such as the High Hydrostatic Pressure (APH). This work consisted of a literature review on the use of innovative technology to high hydrostatic pressure, focusing on its application in juice processing. It was found that APH has proved a promising technology, especially because it appears effective in the conservation and maintenance of sensory and nutritional characteristics of the product. The investment and operating costs associated with this technology are the most responsible for limiting its use, however, technological development and encouragement of consumers willing ...

The aim of this study was to build a drying curve of blood meal of bovine in balance of infrared ... more The aim of this study was to build a drying curve of blood meal of bovine in balance of infrared and therefore suggest parameters for the determination of its moisture. Blood meal samples were collected in slaughterhouse City Gurupi-TO and then subjected to moisture determination in balance of infrared was used in a split plot design in triplicate, treatments were time and temperature, keeping the sample weight constant at 5.000 ± 0.020 grams. As a reference to the same sample was subjected to moisture determination at 105 º C in triplicate, to compare the values found. It was observed that some of the treatments analyzed showed values close to those determined by the standard method with results obtained in graph construction proceeded and therefore the suggestions of best parameters. The method is quite advantageous because of lower response time, but no specific parameters binomial time / temperature for determining moisture blood meal. This method can be used in Quality Control ...

O presente trabalho tem por objetivo relacionar vantagens competitivas do Estado do Tocantins alé... more O presente trabalho tem por objetivo relacionar vantagens competitivas do Estado do Tocantins além de algumas características das culturas oleaginosas que já são utilizadas e aquelas com possibilidade de uso para a produção de biodiesel. Dentre as vantagens do Estado está a franca expansão agrícola, que se volta nos últimos anos para a produção de culturas passíveis de utilização para a obtenção de agrocombustíveis. A região oferece condições ideais para o desenvolvimento de culturas oleaginosas já cultivadas na região ao mesmo tempo que é possível a introdução de novas espécies. Porém são necessários mais estudos para confirmar seu potencial e iniciar a exploração comercial, contribuindo assim para consolidar o Estado do Tocantins no cenário energético nacional. INTRODUÇÃO: As crises históricas do petróleo impulsionaram investimentos em alternativas energéticas. No entanto, anteriormente, pesquisadores já se dedicavam em estudos que utilizavam óleos vegetais como combustível. A idé...

This study aimed to evaluate sensory two formulations of pepper jelly through acceptance testing,... more This study aimed to evaluate sensory two formulations of pepper jelly through acceptance testing, purchase intent and preferably aiming at implementing technology product in family farming. Were prepared two formulations of pepper jellies "lady finger" and coded as (COD.089) "without poignancy" and (COD.859) "with high pungency."Sensory evaluation was performed by 50 untrained panelists, applying the acceptance tests (hedonic scale), purchase intention (attitude scale) and preference. Jellies obtained showed good appearance, flavor and pleasant aroma, probably due to the maintenance of a large part of the natural characteristics of pepper. The jelly (COD.089) showed acceptability indexes equal to 72.67%, however in jelly (COD.859) was not well accepted by the judges for presenting pungency much higher, with acceptability index of 42.75%. The formulation (COD.089) showed greater acceptance, purchase intent and preference by most tasters. Avaliação sensor...

A natureza e as características da maioria dos constituintes é pouco conhecida por falta de pesqu... more A natureza e as características da maioria dos constituintes é pouco conhecida por falta de pesquisas de isolamento, identificação e caracterização destes componentes. O grão é uma semente oleaginosa constituída principalmente por lipídeos, proteínas, carboidratos, minerais, e água. Estes constituintes entram no grão pelo transporte de nutrientes solúveis, principalmente na forma de carboidratos e aminoácidos provenientes da folha e da haste da planta. Diversas pesquisas mostram que o acúmulo de óleo no grão é acompanhado de um decréscimo de carboidratos. Dentro deste contexto esse trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o teor carboidrato em diferentes posição na planta de diferentes cultivares sob sistema de manejo convencional. A metodologia utilizada para caracterização será de acordo com os métodos propostos pelo Instituto Adolf Lutz e submetidos a uma avaliação estatística, onde caso haja uma interação significativa, haverá o desdobramento para estudar o comportamento do cultivares...

A soja é constituída, principalmente, por lipídeos e proteínas, e esta última fração tem recebido... more A soja é constituída, principalmente, por lipídeos e proteínas, e esta última fração tem recebido cada vez mais atenção nas últimas décadas. É uma das mais importantes culturas produzidas no Brasil e responde por 40% do total de grãos produzidos no país, sendo atualmente considerada uma matéria-prima de suma importância para produção de biodiesel, devido toda sua cadeia produtiva ser madura. Dentro deste contexto esse trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o teor de óleo e proteína em diferentes posições na planta de diferentes cultivares sob sistema de manejo convencional. A metodologia utilizada para caracterização será de acordo com os métodos propostos pelo Instituto Adolf Lutz e submetidos a uma avaliação estatística, onde caso haja uma interação significativa, haverá o desdobramento para estudar o comportamento do cultivares dentro da posição da vagem na planta; e o comportamento da posição da vagem na planta dentro dos cultivares. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Soja. Altura da Vagem. Óleo. Prot...
Due to the growing demand for fuel and the increased emission of greenhouse gases, it’s necessary... more Due to the growing demand for fuel and the increased emission of greenhouse gases, it’s necessary
to increase the use of clean and renewable fuels. Among the renewable fuels there was two with
current use is in large scale, bioethanol and biodiesel. One of the main challenges for the production
chain of biofuels is the dependence of the product price in the market, the fluctuation of the same
can lead companies to have large losses. The term biorefineries is widely discussed and there are
several definitions for the same. The introduction of the concept of biorefineries in the plants
producing biofuels can lead to reduced costs, increased profitability and independence.

Brazil is a major producer of fruit in the world and the consumption of these in the form
of juic... more Brazil is a major producer of fruit in the world and the consumption of these in the form
of juice has shown increasing. Consumers are increasingly concerned about healthy eating and fruit
juice can be a great ally for a diet with this characteristic. In order to meet the expectations of
consumers, more demanding regarding the quality of the products they purchase, non-thermal
technologies have been developed, such as the High Hydrostatic Pressure (APH). This work
consisted of a literature review on the use of innovative technology to high hydrostatic pressure,
focusing on its application in juice processing. It was found that APH has proved a promising
technology, especially because it appears effective in the conservation and maintenance of sensory
and nutritional characteristics of the product. The investment and operating costs associated with this
technology are the most responsible for limiting its use, however, technological development and
encouragement of consumers willing to purchase higher quality products point to its main

This study aimed to evaluate sensory two formulations of pepper jelly through acceptance testing,... more This study aimed to evaluate sensory two formulations of pepper jelly through acceptance testing, purchase intent
and preferably aiming at implementing technology product in family farming. Were prepared two formulations of
pepper jellies "lady finger" and coded as (COD.089) "without poignancy" and (COD.859) "with high
pungency."Sensory evaluation was performed by 50 untrained panelists, applying the acceptance tests (hedonic
scale), purchase intention (attitude scale) and preference. Jellies obtained showed good appearance, flavor and
pleasant aroma, probably due to the maintenance of a large part of the natural characteristics of pepper. The jelly
(COD.089) showed acceptability indexes equal to 72.67%, however in jelly (COD.859) was not well accepted by the
judges for presenting pungency much higher, with acceptability index of 42.75%. The formulation (COD.089)
showed greater acceptance, purchase intent and preference by most tasters.

The aim of this study was to build a drying curve of blood meal of bovine in balance of infrared ... more The aim of this study was to build a drying curve of blood meal of bovine in balance of infrared and therefore
suggest parameters for the determination of its moisture. Blood meal samples were collected in slaughterhouse City
Gurupi-TO and then subjected to moisture determination in balance of infrared was used in a split plot design in
triplicate, treatments were time and temperature, keeping the sample weight constant at 5.000 ± 0.020 grams. As a
reference to the same sample was subjected to moisture determination at 105 º C in triplicate, to compare the values
found. It was observed that some of the treatments analyzed showed values close to those determined by the
standard method with results obtained in graph construction proceeded and therefore the suggestions of best
parameters. The method is quite advantageous because of lower response time, but no specific parameters binomial
time / temperature for determining moisture blood meal. This method can be used in Quality Control of blood meal
to expedite the release of lots

The present work had as objective the production ofsoft drink from the integral juice ofpineapple... more The present work had as objective the production ofsoft drink from the integral juice ofpineapple (Ananás comosus), with
physicochemical and sensorial characteristics compatible with the traditional ones, respecting the standards ofidentity and
quality (PIQ) considered by the Brazilian legislation. The soft drinks had been produced in the hortifrutigranjeiro sector
and in the Food Laboratory of the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Tocantins – IFTO Campus
Paraíso do Tocantins. The content ofthe extract was variable (8,6, 9,5 and 12ºBrix). There were three treatments with two
repetitions that resulted in six experimental parcels. The soft drink was compared sensorially by test of hedonic scale
(acceptance). The averages of the notes of sensorial analysis had varied from 7,9 to 8,9 that corresponds in the hedonic
scale to “I liked it moderately” and “I liked it a lot”, respectively. The global evaluation got average of 8,7 that corresponds to “I liked it a lot”. The pineapple soft drink produced from the pineapple juice had presented physicochemical
characteristics in agreement with the Standards of Identity and Quality of the Ministry of Agriculture. Physicochemical
analyses ofthe juice had been accomplished and the titratable acidity was 0.46% ofcitric acid, ph 4,6, total soluble solids
14,98 °Brix. The used methodology is in agreement with the norms ofthe Adolph Lutz Institute - 2004.
In order to study the effect of pod position concerning oil content of grains, we carried out an... more In order to study the effect of pod position concerning oil content of grains, we carried out an assay with soybean cultivars in the experimental area of the Federal University of Tocantins in Palmas, Tocantins state, in 2010/11. We used a completely randomized block experimental design with 30 treatments and three replications. Treatments were arranged in
split plots with allocation of ten soybean cultivars and sub-plots with position of plant pods (lower third, middle third, and upper third). The cultivars studied showed mean oil contents of 23.8, 21.5 and 19.4%, respectively, for the lower, medium and upper thirds. BRS Valiosa and P98Y51 presented the highest oil contents for all positions. We recommend the use of beans from pods of the same plant position in grain sampling to quantify oil content of cultivars.

O presente trabalho objetivou verificar a influencia da massa, temperatura e tempo na determinaçã... more O presente trabalho objetivou verificar a influencia da massa, temperatura e tempo na determinação de umidade em balança infravermelha visando identificar quais os parâmetros de massa, tempo e temperaturas apresentariam melhor resposta para a determinação da umidade em Farinha de Carne e Ossos por essa metodologia. Foi coletada uma amostra de farinha de carne e ossos em um abatedouro de bovinos na cidade de Gurupi a qual foi submetida à determinação de umidade em balança infravermelha, a amostra inicial foi divida para a realização de seis ensaios diferentes que foram previamente determinados anteriormente prefixando a temperatura e o tempo, variando a massa da amostra em 3g, 5g e 10g para cada ensaio. Foi constatado que a massa influenciou a determinação de umidade sendo a massa de 10g o parâmetro o qual as médias da umidade não apresentaram diferença significativa entre os seis ensaios realizados. Foi verificado também que o ensaio II apresentou médias de umidade as quais a massa não apresentou diferença significativa. Através do experimento sugerimos os parâmetros para a determinação de umidade em balança infravermelha sendo a massa de 10g, temperatura de 130ºC e tempo de 180 segundos. Entretanto faz-se necessário a validação do método, para que o mesmo possa ser utilizado nos laboratórios de controle de qualidade com confiabilidade.

The objective ofthis work was to determine the drying curve ofMeat and Bones Flour in infrared ba... more The objective ofthis work was to determine the drying curve ofMeat and Bones Flour in infrared balance and thus suggest
parameters for the determination ofits moisture. Samples ofmeat and bones flour were collected from slaughterhouse in the
city ofGurupi-TO and then submitted to moisture determination with infrared balance in six diferent treatments by varying
the temperature and time (110, 115, 120, 125, 130 and 135ºC) and (0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 600, 900 and 1200 seconds),
respectively, keeping the mass ofthe sample equal to 5.000±0.020 grams. As a benchmark the same sample was subjected to
moisture determination at 105 º C, to correlate the values found. It was observed that some ofthe treatments applied to the
samples showed similar values to those determined at 105 ° C constant weight. While drawing the graph, it was possible to
verify the best parameters for the method of determination of moisture in infrared balance, which proved to be an
advantageous method in terms of speed and also because it does not demand specific parameters for the binomial
time/temperature. This method can be used as a viable alternative for samples’ quality control in company laboratories

O conhecimento da composição do leite é essencial para a determinação de sua qualidade, sendo que... more O conhecimento da composição do leite é essencial para a determinação de sua qualidade, sendo que os parâmetros de qualidade são cada vez mais utilizados para detecção de falhas nas práticas de manejo, servindo como referência na valorização da matéria-prima. Neste sentido o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade físico-química de diferentes produtores de leite no entorno do município de Imperatriz-MA. Foi analisada a acidez titulável Dornic, densidade relativa à 15ºC, teor de gordura, teor de proteína, extrato seco total e desengordurado e realizado o teste de redução do azul de metileno para estimar a população bacteriana do leite. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por intermédio de estatística descritiva e após, comparados aos padrões oficiais estabelecidos pela legislação. Verificou- se que a maioria das propriedades apresentou resultados dentro do permitido da legislação. As propriedades D, F e H apresentaram as maiores médias de gordura, sendo que a propriedade H obteve a maior média de Extrato Seco Total e Extrato Seco Desengordurado. As propriedades A e B apresentaram maior grau de contaminação pelo teste de redutase e teores de proteína abaixo do permitido da legislação, no entanto apresentaram acidez Dornic satisfatório, indicando uma possível fraude por aguagem ou substancia alcalina.
Papers by Victor Hugo Gomes Sales
to increase the use of clean and renewable fuels. Among the renewable fuels there was two with
current use is in large scale, bioethanol and biodiesel. One of the main challenges for the production
chain of biofuels is the dependence of the product price in the market, the fluctuation of the same
can lead companies to have large losses. The term biorefineries is widely discussed and there are
several definitions for the same. The introduction of the concept of biorefineries in the plants
producing biofuels can lead to reduced costs, increased profitability and independence.
of juice has shown increasing. Consumers are increasingly concerned about healthy eating and fruit
juice can be a great ally for a diet with this characteristic. In order to meet the expectations of
consumers, more demanding regarding the quality of the products they purchase, non-thermal
technologies have been developed, such as the High Hydrostatic Pressure (APH). This work
consisted of a literature review on the use of innovative technology to high hydrostatic pressure,
focusing on its application in juice processing. It was found that APH has proved a promising
technology, especially because it appears effective in the conservation and maintenance of sensory
and nutritional characteristics of the product. The investment and operating costs associated with this
technology are the most responsible for limiting its use, however, technological development and
encouragement of consumers willing to purchase higher quality products point to its main
and preferably aiming at implementing technology product in family farming. Were prepared two formulations of
pepper jellies "lady finger" and coded as (COD.089) "without poignancy" and (COD.859) "with high
pungency."Sensory evaluation was performed by 50 untrained panelists, applying the acceptance tests (hedonic
scale), purchase intention (attitude scale) and preference. Jellies obtained showed good appearance, flavor and
pleasant aroma, probably due to the maintenance of a large part of the natural characteristics of pepper. The jelly
(COD.089) showed acceptability indexes equal to 72.67%, however in jelly (COD.859) was not well accepted by the
judges for presenting pungency much higher, with acceptability index of 42.75%. The formulation (COD.089)
showed greater acceptance, purchase intent and preference by most tasters.
suggest parameters for the determination of its moisture. Blood meal samples were collected in slaughterhouse City
Gurupi-TO and then subjected to moisture determination in balance of infrared was used in a split plot design in
triplicate, treatments were time and temperature, keeping the sample weight constant at 5.000 ± 0.020 grams. As a
reference to the same sample was subjected to moisture determination at 105 º C in triplicate, to compare the values
found. It was observed that some of the treatments analyzed showed values close to those determined by the
standard method with results obtained in graph construction proceeded and therefore the suggestions of best
parameters. The method is quite advantageous because of lower response time, but no specific parameters binomial
time / temperature for determining moisture blood meal. This method can be used in Quality Control of blood meal
to expedite the release of lots
physicochemical and sensorial characteristics compatible with the traditional ones, respecting the standards ofidentity and
quality (PIQ) considered by the Brazilian legislation. The soft drinks had been produced in the hortifrutigranjeiro sector
and in the Food Laboratory of the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Tocantins – IFTO Campus
Paraíso do Tocantins. The content ofthe extract was variable (8,6, 9,5 and 12ºBrix). There were three treatments with two
repetitions that resulted in six experimental parcels. The soft drink was compared sensorially by test of hedonic scale
(acceptance). The averages of the notes of sensorial analysis had varied from 7,9 to 8,9 that corresponds in the hedonic
scale to “I liked it moderately” and “I liked it a lot”, respectively. The global evaluation got average of 8,7 that corresponds to “I liked it a lot”. The pineapple soft drink produced from the pineapple juice had presented physicochemical
characteristics in agreement with the Standards of Identity and Quality of the Ministry of Agriculture. Physicochemical
analyses ofthe juice had been accomplished and the titratable acidity was 0.46% ofcitric acid, ph 4,6, total soluble solids
14,98 °Brix. The used methodology is in agreement with the norms ofthe Adolph Lutz Institute - 2004.
split plots with allocation of ten soybean cultivars and sub-plots with position of plant pods (lower third, middle third, and upper third). The cultivars studied showed mean oil contents of 23.8, 21.5 and 19.4%, respectively, for the lower, medium and upper thirds. BRS Valiosa and P98Y51 presented the highest oil contents for all positions. We recommend the use of beans from pods of the same plant position in grain sampling to quantify oil content of cultivars.
parameters for the determination ofits moisture. Samples ofmeat and bones flour were collected from slaughterhouse in the
city ofGurupi-TO and then submitted to moisture determination with infrared balance in six diferent treatments by varying
the temperature and time (110, 115, 120, 125, 130 and 135ºC) and (0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 600, 900 and 1200 seconds),
respectively, keeping the mass ofthe sample equal to 5.000±0.020 grams. As a benchmark the same sample was subjected to
moisture determination at 105 º C, to correlate the values found. It was observed that some ofthe treatments applied to the
samples showed similar values to those determined at 105 ° C constant weight. While drawing the graph, it was possible to
verify the best parameters for the method of determination of moisture in infrared balance, which proved to be an
advantageous method in terms of speed and also because it does not demand specific parameters for the binomial
time/temperature. This method can be used as a viable alternative for samples’ quality control in company laboratories
to increase the use of clean and renewable fuels. Among the renewable fuels there was two with
current use is in large scale, bioethanol and biodiesel. One of the main challenges for the production
chain of biofuels is the dependence of the product price in the market, the fluctuation of the same
can lead companies to have large losses. The term biorefineries is widely discussed and there are
several definitions for the same. The introduction of the concept of biorefineries in the plants
producing biofuels can lead to reduced costs, increased profitability and independence.
of juice has shown increasing. Consumers are increasingly concerned about healthy eating and fruit
juice can be a great ally for a diet with this characteristic. In order to meet the expectations of
consumers, more demanding regarding the quality of the products they purchase, non-thermal
technologies have been developed, such as the High Hydrostatic Pressure (APH). This work
consisted of a literature review on the use of innovative technology to high hydrostatic pressure,
focusing on its application in juice processing. It was found that APH has proved a promising
technology, especially because it appears effective in the conservation and maintenance of sensory
and nutritional characteristics of the product. The investment and operating costs associated with this
technology are the most responsible for limiting its use, however, technological development and
encouragement of consumers willing to purchase higher quality products point to its main
and preferably aiming at implementing technology product in family farming. Were prepared two formulations of
pepper jellies "lady finger" and coded as (COD.089) "without poignancy" and (COD.859) "with high
pungency."Sensory evaluation was performed by 50 untrained panelists, applying the acceptance tests (hedonic
scale), purchase intention (attitude scale) and preference. Jellies obtained showed good appearance, flavor and
pleasant aroma, probably due to the maintenance of a large part of the natural characteristics of pepper. The jelly
(COD.089) showed acceptability indexes equal to 72.67%, however in jelly (COD.859) was not well accepted by the
judges for presenting pungency much higher, with acceptability index of 42.75%. The formulation (COD.089)
showed greater acceptance, purchase intent and preference by most tasters.
suggest parameters for the determination of its moisture. Blood meal samples were collected in slaughterhouse City
Gurupi-TO and then subjected to moisture determination in balance of infrared was used in a split plot design in
triplicate, treatments were time and temperature, keeping the sample weight constant at 5.000 ± 0.020 grams. As a
reference to the same sample was subjected to moisture determination at 105 º C in triplicate, to compare the values
found. It was observed that some of the treatments analyzed showed values close to those determined by the
standard method with results obtained in graph construction proceeded and therefore the suggestions of best
parameters. The method is quite advantageous because of lower response time, but no specific parameters binomial
time / temperature for determining moisture blood meal. This method can be used in Quality Control of blood meal
to expedite the release of lots
physicochemical and sensorial characteristics compatible with the traditional ones, respecting the standards ofidentity and
quality (PIQ) considered by the Brazilian legislation. The soft drinks had been produced in the hortifrutigranjeiro sector
and in the Food Laboratory of the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Tocantins – IFTO Campus
Paraíso do Tocantins. The content ofthe extract was variable (8,6, 9,5 and 12ºBrix). There were three treatments with two
repetitions that resulted in six experimental parcels. The soft drink was compared sensorially by test of hedonic scale
(acceptance). The averages of the notes of sensorial analysis had varied from 7,9 to 8,9 that corresponds in the hedonic
scale to “I liked it moderately” and “I liked it a lot”, respectively. The global evaluation got average of 8,7 that corresponds to “I liked it a lot”. The pineapple soft drink produced from the pineapple juice had presented physicochemical
characteristics in agreement with the Standards of Identity and Quality of the Ministry of Agriculture. Physicochemical
analyses ofthe juice had been accomplished and the titratable acidity was 0.46% ofcitric acid, ph 4,6, total soluble solids
14,98 °Brix. The used methodology is in agreement with the norms ofthe Adolph Lutz Institute - 2004.
split plots with allocation of ten soybean cultivars and sub-plots with position of plant pods (lower third, middle third, and upper third). The cultivars studied showed mean oil contents of 23.8, 21.5 and 19.4%, respectively, for the lower, medium and upper thirds. BRS Valiosa and P98Y51 presented the highest oil contents for all positions. We recommend the use of beans from pods of the same plant position in grain sampling to quantify oil content of cultivars.
parameters for the determination ofits moisture. Samples ofmeat and bones flour were collected from slaughterhouse in the
city ofGurupi-TO and then submitted to moisture determination with infrared balance in six diferent treatments by varying
the temperature and time (110, 115, 120, 125, 130 and 135ºC) and (0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 600, 900 and 1200 seconds),
respectively, keeping the mass ofthe sample equal to 5.000±0.020 grams. As a benchmark the same sample was subjected to
moisture determination at 105 º C, to correlate the values found. It was observed that some ofthe treatments applied to the
samples showed similar values to those determined at 105 ° C constant weight. While drawing the graph, it was possible to
verify the best parameters for the method of determination of moisture in infrared balance, which proved to be an
advantageous method in terms of speed and also because it does not demand specific parameters for the binomial
time/temperature. This method can be used as a viable alternative for samples’ quality control in company laboratories